Xinfeng County

County under Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province
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synonym Xinfeng (Xinfeng County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province) generally refers to Xinfeng County
Xinfeng County, Guangdong Province Shaoguan City Located at Guangdong Province Central by north Shaoguan City South end, southeast Dongyuan County , adjacent to the northeast Lianping County , south Conghua District Longmen County , north Wengyuan County , Northwest Company Yingde , west Fogang County With a total area of 2015.2 square kilometers. [2] In 2022, the registered population of Xinfeng County will be 266600. [2] As of June 2023, Xinfeng County has jurisdiction over 1 street and 6 towns. [5] The county people's government is located in Fengcheng Street.
Before the establishment of Xinfeng County, it belonged to Nanhai County Longchuan County Land. In the first year of Yongming in the Southern Qi Dynasty (483), it was analyzed that Longchuan County was located in Xinfeng County, meaning "rich in resources", so it was called "Xinfeng". [2]
In 2022, the gross regional product of Xinfeng County will be 8.297 billion yuan, 0.7% lower than the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry is 1.816 billion yuan, and the added value of the secondary industry is 2.304 billion yuan; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4.177 billion yuan, and the proportion of the tertiary industrial structure was 21.9:27.8:50.3. [3]
Chinese name
Xinfeng County
area number
four hundred and forty thousand two hundred and thirty-three
Administrative Region Category
Guangdong Province Shaoguan City
geographical position
By the north of central Guangdong Shaoguan City south end
2015.2 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 street, 6 towns
Government residence
Fengcheng Street
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and eleven thousand and one hundred
climatic conditions
South subtropical monsoon climate
population size
266600 (2022)
License plate code
Yue F
8.297 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

Before the establishment of Xinfeng County, it belonged to Nanhai County Longchuan County Land.
In the first year of Yongming in the Southern Qi Dynasty (483), it was analyzed that Longchuan County was located in Xinfeng County, meaning "abundant resources", so it was called "Xinfeng" Nanhai County
In the sixth year of Liang Tianjian's reign (507), it was changed to Dongguan County. In the second year of Chen Zhenming (588), Dongguan County was changed to Dongguan County , Xinfeng is subordinate to.
In the tenth year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (590), Dongguan County was abolished and Xinfeng was Xuzhou In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (598), Xinfeng County was changed into Xiuji County. In the third year of Daye (607), the state was changed into Longchuan County The abolished Xiuji County was incorporated into Heyuan County, which belongs to Longchuan County.
In the third year of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty (1569), Heyuan County was analyzed Britain and Germany Wengyuan County In the southeast corner, Changning County is set up, meaning "long-term peace" Huizhou Prefecture
Changning County in the Qing Dynasty Huizhou Prefecture
At the beginning of the Republic of China, the government system was abolished. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), because of avoiding Changning County, Jiangxi Province( Xunwu County )Sichuan Province Changning County It has the same name as Xinfeng County. From 1912 to 1920 Tidal circulation From the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921) to the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), it belonged to the Fourth Administrative Supervision District of Guangdong Province. On June 13, the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), Xinfeng was liberated.
In January 1951, Dongjiang District of Guangdong Province was established, and Xinfeng was subordinate to Dongjiang District
On November 9, 1952, Xinfeng was renamed North Guangdong Administrative Region
On March 1, 1956, the administrative region of northern Guangdong was changed to Shaoguan District Xinfeng belongs to Shaoguan District.
In January 1975, Xinfeng County was incorporated Guangzhou City have jurisdiction over.
In January 1988, Xinfeng County transferred back Shaoguan City have jurisdiction over. [2]

administrative division

Administrative map
As of June 2023, Xinfeng County has jurisdiction over 1 street and 6 towns: Fengcheng Street Huangca Town Horseheads Meikeng Town Shatian Yaotian Town Huilong Town [5] 141 administrative villages and 16 neighborhood committees. [2] The county people's government is located in Fengcheng Street.

geographical environment


Location context

Xinfeng County, located in Guangdong Province Central by north Shaoguan City South end, southeast and Dongyuan County Bordering, Northeast and Lianping County Adjacent to Guangzhou in the south Conghua District and Longmen County , north Wengyuan County , Northwest and Yingde Connected to the west Fogang County Adjacent. It is 113 ° 42 'to 114 ° 36' east longitude, 23 ° 53 'to 24 ° 17' north latitude, 98.4km from east to west, 45km from north to south, with a total area of 2015.2km2. [2]
Xinfeng County

topographic features

Xinfeng County is a typical mountainous county. The Jiulian Mountains in the east and Qingyun Mountains in the west run diagonally from northeast to southwest. The terrain is higher in the north central part and lower in the east and west part, forming long and narrow valleys and small basins. There are 1109 mountains and peaks, 65 of which are more than 1000 meters long. [2]


Xinfeng County, located in the north of the Tropic of Cancer, has a mild climate, abundant rainfall, sufficient sunlight, a long frost free period, four distinct seasons, and belongs to the south subtropical monsoon climate zone. [2]


In Xinfeng County, the water system is affected by the mountain trend and fault structure, forming a Xinfeng grid like water system. The whole water system is bounded by the Qingyun Mountains, and to the east belongs to the Dongjiang River system. The main stream of Xinfeng River originates from the foot of Yunji Mountain; To the west belongs to Beijiang River system. Each branch flows into Wengjiang River in parallel to the northwest and flows into Beijiang River in the south of Yingde City. There are 568 large and small rivers in the county, with a total length of 293.2 kilometers, including one main stream and eight tributaries of the main rivers with an area of more than 100 square kilometers in Jixi.

natural resources


water resource

Xinfeng County is located in the north of the central part of Guangdong Province, with mountains stretching and rolling. The overall terrain is slightly higher in the middle and lower in the east and west, forming a natural watershed of the East and North Rivers. The main rivers (county-level rivers) with a catchment area of more than 100 square kilometers have one main stream and eight tributaries. The Dongjiang River basin is the Xinfeng section of the main stream of the Xinfeng River, Meikeng River, Shuangliang River, Qiangkeng River, Daxi River, and Tiekeng River. The Beijiang River basin is the Huilong River, Shatian River, and Yaotian River. The reserve of water resources (theoretical data) is 149000 kW, and the exploitable capacity (theoretical data) is 142000 kW.
As of December 2022, 292 small hydropower stations have been built in the county, with a total installed capacity of 134500 kilowatts and an annual generating capacity of 386 million kilowatt hours. Xinfeng County is one of the first batch of 100 rural hydropower primary electrification counties in China, and also one of the hydropower rural electrification counties in the "Tenth Five Year Plan" and the "Eleventh Five Year Plan". The main water conservancy projects in Xinfeng County include 35 water storage engineering reservoirs (including 13 special power generation reservoirs). Among them, there is one medium-sized reservoir (Lugu River Reservoir) with a total capacity of 12.5 million cubic meters; There are 14 small (I) reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 48.49 million cubic meters; there are 20 small (II) reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 7.1 million cubic meters. In 2022, the total water consumption of Xinfeng County will be 145.1 million cubic meters. Among them, agricultural water consumption is 116.69 million cubic meters, industrial water consumption is 40.2 million cubic meters, and domestic water consumption is 23.03 million cubic meters; The amount of artificial ecological environment water supplement is 013.6 million cubic meters. [2]

land resource

Xinfeng County has a total land area of 196745 hectares, with a per capita area of 0.79 hectares. Among them, the forest land is 170827 hectares, accounting for 86.83% of the total area; 95606100 hectares of cultivated land, accounting for 4.86% of the total area; The garden area is 3793.53 hectares, accounting for 1.93% of the total area; Grassland is 1044.83 hectares, accounting for 0.53% of the total area; 5811.71 hectares of urban, rural, industrial and mining land, accounting for 2.95% of the total area; 1389.94 hectares of land for transportation, accounting for 0.71% of the total area; The land for water area and water conservancy facilities is 2873.33 hectares, accounting for 1.46% of the total area; Other land is 1369.54 hectares, accounting for 0.69% of the total area; The wetland is 74.88 hectares, accounting for 0.04% of the total area. [2]

Biological resources

Xinfeng County
There are 261 species of wild vertebrates in Xinfeng County, belonging to 29 orders and 95 families, including 30 species of fish and 231 species of terrestrial wild vertebrates. There are 31 species of wild vertebrates under national key protection, including 1 species of wild vertebrates under national level I protection and 30 species of wild vertebrates under national level II protection. National Class I protected wild vertebrates: small civet; National Class II protected wild vertebrates: silver pheasant, brown winged crow cuckoo, small crow cuckoo, snake eagle, black crowned cuckoo falcon, yellow billed horned osprey, red horned osprey, collar horned osprey, collar bird, blue throat hummingtiger, thrush bird, red billed acacia bird, leopard cat, crested eagle, fairy eight color thrush, king cobra, tiger frog, white fronted mountain partridge, songbird eagle, black winged kite, common bird, short eared owl, red throated songbird Chinese scrofula salamander, flat breasted turtle, red bellied eagle, black kite, spotted pygmy azalea, brown forest osprey, red headed biting azalea. There are 15 species of terrestrial wildlife under key protection in Guangdong Province: brown bellied hawk cuckoo, white throated spot crake, black water fowl, heron, green egret, night heron, yellow spotted reed crow, Sambo bird, yellow billed chestnut woodpecker, Hainan blue fairy snipe, small gull, yellow browed gull, chestnut gull, grey headed gull, Chinese porcupine.
There are many kinds of plants in Xinfeng County. There are 1482 species of wild vascular plants belonging to 211 families, 720 genera in the county, of which 19 species are listed as national second level key protected plants, including golden haired dog, spinulosa spinulosa, cycad fern, elegans roxburghiana, huperzia serrata, manglietia crassifolia, kiwifruit, tangerine, etc. [2]

mineral resources

Xinfeng County
Xinfeng is located in the middle of the Nanling giant latitudinal structural belt. It has been invaded by magmatic rocks for many times and has excellent metallogenic geological conditions. There are seven categories of mineral resources in the county area, including energy minerals, ferrous metal minerals, nonferrous metal minerals, rare metal minerals, chemical raw materials non-metallic minerals, water vapor minerals, building materials and other non-metallic minerals. There are 48 mineral deposits identified in the county, including 8 energy minerals, 4 metal minerals, 35 non-metallic minerals, and 1 water vapor mineral. There are 26 kinds of minerals. Among them, iron ore reserves are more than 12 million tons, with an average grade of 46.2%; The reserves of ion adsorption type rare earth ore are more than 500000 tons, with an average grade of 0.096%; The reserve of porcelain clay ore is more than 20 million tons; The reserves of limestone for cement are more than 200 million tons, and the ore grade is 41.94% 55.64%. There are also marble, granite, quartz, fluorite and other minerals. [2]


In 2022, the registered population of Xinfeng County will be 266600, a decrease of 1100 over the previous year. Among them, the urban population was 91900, down 6100 from the previous year; The rural population was 174700, a decrease of 5000 over the previous year. The main composition of the registered population: 139500 men, accounting for 52.3%; 127100 women, accounting for 47.7%. 2185 people were born, 560 fewer than the previous year, including 1156 boys, accounting for 52.9%; 1029 girls, accounting for 47.1%. [2]
As of December 2022, Xinfeng County has more than 900 people from 24 ethnic groups, including Hui, Miao, Bai, Zhuang, Buyi, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Mongolian, Li, Korean and Tujia. In addition, there are about 500 floating ethnic minority people doing business, working and going to school in Xinfeng County. [2]




In 2022, the gross regional product of Xinfeng County will be 8.297 billion yuan, 0.7% lower than the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 1.816 billion yuan, up 6.7%; The added value of the secondary industry was 2.304 billion yuan, down 9.1%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4.177 billion yuan, up 0.9%. The proportion of the three industrial structures is adjusted from 19.8:31.2:49.0 in 2021 to 21.9:27.8:50.3. [3]
In 2022, the local general public budget revenue of Xinfeng County will be 520 million yuan, up 8.0%, of which the tax revenue will be 232 million yuan, down 16.7%. Local general public budget expenditure was 2.547 billion yuan, down 1.9%. The livelihood expenditure was 2.092 billion yuan, accounting for 82.1% of the general public budget expenditure, a decrease of 55 million yuan or 2.6% compared with the previous year. [3]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Xinfeng County will be 32700 yuan, an increase of 3.0%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 20200 yuan, up 6.1%. The income ratio of urban and rural residents is 1.62:1. [3]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets of Xinfeng County will decline by 25.8%. By investor: State owned and state holding economic investment decreased by 60.1%; Foreign investment and economic investment of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan declined by 33.5%; Investment in private economy increased by 3.9%. Investment completed by industry: the primary industry increased by 55.4%; The secondary industry declined by 13.1%; The tertiary industry declined by 32.8%, of which the investment in real estate development fell by 20.6%. 60 of the 78 key construction projects have started in the year, with a total investment of 4.156 billion yuan, accounting for 78.1% of the annual planned investment target (5.32 billion yuan). 20 key projects led by 22 cities have been started and put into storage, with a cumulative investment of 2.307 billion yuan and a completion progress of 83.9%. The accumulated annual investment of key projects in 7 provinces is 1.277 billion yuan, accounting for 82.7% of the annual planned investment plan. The sales area of commercial housing was 168900 square meters, down 22.5%, of which the sales area of commercial housing was 164900 square meters, down 21.7%. The sales volume of commercial housing was 965 million yuan, down 28.1%, of which the sales volume of commercial housing was 829 million yuan, down 34.8%; The area of commercial housing for sale was 188600 square meters, up 10.6%. [3]

primary industry

In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Xinfeng County will be 3.003 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4%. Among them, agriculture decreased by 0.8%, forestry increased by 13%, animal husbandry increased by 26.8%, and fishery decreased by 3.7%.
The grain sown area was 137200 mu, up 0.7%; The grain output was 54700 tons, up 0.5%; The planting area of sugarcane was 17000 mu, down 15.7%; The oil planting area was 52300 mu, up 2.2%; The fruit planting area was 71100 mu, down 8.4%; The vegetable planting area was 132800 mu, up 2.7%. [3]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the industrial added value of Xinfeng County will be 1.815 billion yuan, down 10.3%. There were 42 industrial enterprises above designated size, and the added value of industries above designated size was 1.338 billion yuan, down 14.1%. Among industries above designated size, the added value of state-owned and state-controlled industries was 210 million yuan, down 18.2%; The joint-stock industry was 1.237 billion yuan, down 11.9%; Private industry reached 1.05 billion yuan, down 13.1%; The industry of foreign businessmen, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan was 109 million yuan, down 16.6%. The added value of light industry was 111 million yuan, down 0.2%; The added value of heavy industry was 1.257 billion yuan, down 15.0%. There were 27 industrial enterprises above designated size in the industrial transfer park, and the added value of industries above designated size was 1.042 billion yuan, up 17.1%.
Industrial added value of main industries: non-metallic mineral products industry decreased by 14.5%, power and heat production and supply industry decreased by 19.1%, special equipment manufacturing industry decreased by 81.1%, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry decreased by 20.5%, wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm and grass products industry increased by 4.3%, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry decreased by 2.4%, and metal products industry increased by 53.8%. [3]
construction business
In 2022, the added value of Xinfeng County's construction industry will be 489 million yuan, down 4.8%. 15 qualified construction enterprises, with a total output value of 418 million yuan, down 17.9%. [3]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Xinfeng County will be 2.695 billion yuan, an increase of 0.5%. The sales volume of wholesale industry was 1.923 billion yuan, down 3.1%, of which the sales volume of wholesale industry above designated size was 1.503 billion yuan, down 5.5%. Retail sales were 1.431 billion yuan, up 0.8%, of which retail sales above designated size were 139 million yuan, up 0.4%. The turnover of the accommodation industry was 98 million yuan, up 8.7%, of which the revenue of the accommodation industry above the designated size was 77 million yuan, up 10.2%. The turnover of catering industry was 257 million yuan, down 1.6%, of which the revenue of catering industry above designated size was 31 million yuan, up 10.2%. [3]
foreign trade
In 2022, the actually utilized foreign capital of Xinfeng County will be 1.03 million US dollars, down 95.5%; The total import and export volume is 423.119 million yuan. [3]
post and telecommunications
In 2022, the operating revenue of telecom enterprises in Xinfeng County will be 184.78 million yuan, an increase of 16.9% over last year, and the total revenue of postal services will be 43.68 million yuan, an increase of 11.1% over last year. The number of mobile phone users was 171600, an increase of 2.7% over last year; 19700 fixed telephone subscribers, down 8.1% over the previous year; 165300 Internet users, up 3.3% over last year; 66924 Internet broadband access users (excluding mobile Internet access such as mobile phones), up 4.4%. [3]
In 2022, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Xinfeng County will be 11.511 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9%, including 9.224 billion yuan of resident savings deposits, an increase of 11.0%. The balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 9.872 billion yuan, up 9.1%, including 1.294 billion yuan of short-term working capital loans, up 19.2%.
The total premium income was 183 million yuan, down 5.9%. Among them, the premium income of life insurance was 151 million yuan, down 9.2%; The premium income of property insurance was 32 million yuan, up 13.7%. Total compensation expenditure was 43 million yuan, up 15.2%. Among them, life insurance compensation expense was 29 million yuan, up 11.0%; The payment for property insurance claims was 14 million yuan, up 25.7%. [3]


Traffic Overview of Xinfeng County
Shaoguan Xinjiang Expressway, National Highway 105, National Highway 220, Daguang Expressway, Provincial Highway 347, Provincial Highway 245, County Highway 262 [7] , Xinbo Expressway [4] Throughout Xinfeng County.
In 2022, Xinfeng Highway Affairs Center will manage and maintain 47.278 kilometers of 105 Beijing Zhuhai National Highway, including 24.272 kilometers of first-class highway and 23.006 kilometers of second-class highway; The national highway 220 Dongshen Line (the original provincial highway 244) is 47.259 km, including 13.243 km of Class II highway, 34.016 km of Class III highway, and 53.184 km of the provincial highway 347 new yang line, including 6 km of Class I highway and 47.184 km of Class II highway, totaling 147.721 km. There are 48 national and provincial highway bridges (including the left and right) with a length of 2536m, and a tunnel with a length of 623m. The maintenance center has a batch of maintenance machinery such as loaders, excavators, rollers, marking machines, watering trucks, maintenance locomotives, etc. [2]
In 2022, the added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services in Xinfeng County will be 250 million yuan, down 0.01%. The highway freight turnover was 127.6514 million ton kilometers, down 11.3%, and the passenger turnover was 28.3086 million person kilometers, down 64.1%. The highway mileage is 1739.79 kilometers, and 141 administrative villages in the county are all open to traffic. The highway density is 86.33 kilometers/100 square kilometers. According to the technical grade, 1739.76km of classified roads, including 78.78km of expressways, 30.27km of first-class roads and 102.91km of second-class roads. The number of small cars was 35508, up 6.6%, and the number of large cars was 716, up 1.12%. [3]


secretary of the county Party committee: Zheng Weiping
county magistrate: Hou Xinxiang
As of February 2024 [8-9]

social undertakings



In 2022, Xinfeng County will have a total of students at all levels of education (including technical schools, excluding adult higher education and non academic training), down by 0.5%. There are 11 middle schools, 1 secondary vocational school and 21 primary schools. [3]

Cultural undertakings

National secondary cultural center: Xinfeng County Cultural Center. [6] National level libraries: Xinfeng County Library. [10]
In 2022, Xinfeng County will have 1 public library, 165300 books in total, 1 museum, 1 cultural center, and 7 town (street) cultural stations (centers).
We successfully planned 10 activities, including the "Drunken Beauty Show Field" Lighting Ceremony and Rural Garden Concert, "Drunken Beauty Xinfeng 'Cherry for You", "519 China Tourism Day and the 10th Tourism Culture Festival", "Grape Harvesting Festival in Summer", the first Top Ten Famous Dishes in Xinfeng County ", and the selection of" The 16th Maple Leaf Festival in 2022 with Cloud Knot and Passion ", which reached more than 300000 person times. [3]

medical and health work

In 2022, there will be 16 medical and health institutions in Xinfeng County, including 1 disease prevention and control center and 1 maternal and child health hospital. There are 1052 beds in total, with 5.4 beds per thousand people. 1531 health technicians. Among them, there are 532 licensed (assistant) doctors and 689 registered nurses. There are 9 township hospitals, 214 beds, 298 health technicians and 146 rural medical points (village clinics). [3]

social security

In 2022, 38123 people in Xinfeng County will participate in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees (including retired and retired people), an increase of 3.8%. 80955 people participated in basic endowment insurance for urban and rural residents. 25947 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees, down 2.6%; The number of urban and rural residents actually participating in and paying for basic medical insurance was 185313, down 7.8%. 20790 people participated in industrial injury insurance, up 5.5%. 13304 people participated in unemployment insurance, up 3.9%. The pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance funds were collected and paid 33.106 million yuan (excluding basic pension and basic medical care for urban and rural residents), an increase of 9.8% over the previous year. The medical insurance fund collected 297.6636 million yuan, an increase of 5.7% over the previous year. (Since maternity insurance and employee medical insurance are collected together, the number of people participating in maternity insurance cannot be counted);
In 2022, there will be 7 nursing homes with 516 beds and 77 people in Xinfeng County. There is one social welfare home (relief and resettlement center for vagrants and beggars in the county) with 118 beds and 17 people in the hospital. 5174 urban and rural residents enjoy the minimum living security, including 561 urban residents. The minimum living security fund was 24.9639 million yuan, including 4.2256 million yuan for cities and towns. [3]

Historical culture


Origin of geographical names

Xinfeng got its name because of its rich resources.

Folk customs

Xinfeng Paper Horse Dance
Paper horse dance, popular in Xinfeng County Huangca Town Gaoqun Village, Sankeng Village, Liangba Village, Huangshakeng Village and Huilong Town Gutang Village and other areas were introduced from Wengyuan in the 16th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1836), which has a history of more than 100 years. The formation of paper horse dance can be single horse and double horse, and the roles generally include more than ten people, such as horse boy, rider, carrying flower basket, playing umbrella, etc. The movements are flexible and changeable, reflecting the characteristics of agility and dexterity. In 2011, Xinfeng paper horse dance was included in the third batch of intangible cultural heritage list of Shaoguan City. [11]


Xinfeng dialect includes Hakka dialect and Shuiyuan dialect, the latter is also called snake sound. According to statistics, Hakka speakers in the county account for about 70% of the total population of the county, and are distributed in Fengcheng, Matou, Shatian, Yaotian, Huilong and other towns. About 30% of the county's population uses Shuiyuan dialect, which is distributed in Shijiao and Daxi.

famous scenery

Xinfeng Wild Goose Pagoda
Xinfeng Wild Goose Pagoda is located on the top of the left wing peak of Laowei Mountain (formerly called Shuangfeng Mountain) in the eastern suburb of Xinfeng County. It was built in the fourth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1739) and is a cultural relics protection unit in Guangdong Province. The plane is hexagonal, and the appearance is seven floors, and the interior is divided into 13 floors of wooden floor, leading to the top floor. The structure is unique, with the style and features of ancient buildings in mountain areas and the style of Ming Tower, which has certain reference value for the study of ancient buildings. [12]
Yunji mountain
Yunji Mountain, located in the middle of Xinfeng County, 8 kilometers northwest of the county seat, is a provincial nature reserve with a total area of 2700 hectares. The main peak is 1438.8 meters above sea level. It is the source of the Xinfeng River. [13]
Cherry Valley
Cherry Valley
Cherry Valley is located 5 kilometers north of Huangca Town, with a total area of more than 800 mu. Cherry Blossom Valley has become the largest cherry blossom viewing place with the most varieties in Guangdong and the first comprehensive agricultural tourism area with cherry blossom as the theme in Guangdong. There are more than 20 cherry varieties in the area, most of which are Bazhong Cherry and Hanfei Cherry. Bazhong Cherry, also called Guanshan, has white to dark pink flowers and blooms late. It is called Bazhong Cherry because of its eight petals.

Local specialty

Xinfeng citron
Xinfeng citron , a specialty of Xinfeng County, Guangdong Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
Chayote, a plant of the genus Chayote in the gourd family, originated from Mexico , Central America and West Indies It was introduced to China in 1915. Crisp, rich in nutrition. Each kilogram of fresh melon contains 5 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 30 grams of cellulose, 77 grams of carbohydrates, as well as 20 mg of vitamin C220, 0.1 mg of riboflavin, 500 mg of calcium, 320 mg of phosphorus, and 40 mg of iron. [17]
On December 10, 2010, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China approved the protection of geographical indication products for "Xinfeng bergamot melon". [18]

Famous people

Zhang Songwen
Zhang Songwen , Hakka people. Born on May 10, 1976 in Xinfeng County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province Huilong Town Tang Village. At the age of 16, he began to work. In 2000, admitted Beijing Film Academy Higher vocational class of performance department. [14]

Honorary title

In December 2018, Xinfeng County was selected as an advanced county in Guangdong Province to promote education modernization. [16]
In June 2020, Xinfeng County was selected into the second batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization areas and counties. [1]
In September 2022, Xinfeng County was selected into the fifth batch of Guangdong Provincial Tourism Demonstration Zone. [15]