
Images in Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Western Asian Mythology
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Sphinx originated from Egyptian mythology , also common in west Asia Myth and MYTHOS However, the image and meaning of Sphinx are different in the myths of different civilizations. [1]
The Fourth Dynasty of Egypt Pharaoh of Hafra He built a stone statue in the image of Sphinx, which was later called Sphinx [2]
Ancient Egypt and ancient Greek Sphinx in different periods of Western Asia is different, but its image is a combination of human, lion, cow and eagle [3]
Chinese name
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Ancient Egyptian mythology
Legendary category
Egypt, West Asia, Greece desert Four
Riddle of Sphinx

Image origin

Sphinx originated from Egyptian mythology , described as a winged monster, usually male. There were three kinds of sphinx in the legend at that time - Androsphinx with human face and lion body, and Criossphinx with sheep head and lion body( Oman And Hieracosphinx with eagle head and lion body. Assyria People and Persians describe Sphinx as a winged bull with human face Whiskers Son, wearing a crown. here we are MYTHOS Sphinx has become a female evil, representing the punishment of God. "Sphinx" comes from Greek "Sphiggein" means "tighten", because the Greeks imagined Sphinx as a monster that would strangle people to death.
In Greek mythology, Hera Paisphinx sat on the cliff near the city of Tebai, stopped the passers-by, and asked them the riddle taught by the Muse. He would eat the one who did not answer the riddle. The riddle was: "What animal walks with four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night? When it has the most legs, it is also when it is the slowest and weakest." Oedipus guessed the correct answer, and the answer was "people". Sphinx was so ashamed that he jumped off the cliff and died (it was said that he was killed by Oedipus). according to Apollodoros According to the records, Sphinx is Ekadna With her son Orthrus Otto Hughes Born. The human face of Sphinx symbolizes wisdom and knowledge.
In Europe decorative art Here, Sphinx follows The Renaissance And has received great attention. Later, the image of Sphinx, similar to Egypt, spread to other cultures, although the image was different due to different descriptions and Cultural tradition It has developed differently.

Myth and legend


Egyptian mythology

Sphinx originated from Ancient Egypt It is described as a monster with wings, usually male, and is the symbol of "kindness" and "nobility". At that time, there were three kinds of sphinx in the legend - Androsphinx with human face and Criossphinx with sheep head and lion body( Oman And Hierocosphinx with eagle head and lion body.
The famous sphinx Sphinx Located today Egypt Cairo Giza District in the west of the city, in Hafula Pyramid To the east of, from Khufu Pyramid About 350 meters, it is the largest and most famous one in the world, with a length of about 73 meters, a height of 21 meters, and a face width of 5 meters. It is said that the head of the Sphinx is in accordance with the pharaoh Hafra It is carved as the guardian god of the Hafula Pyramid, the place where his figurines live. After years of weathering, the Sphinx was excavated again from the sand. It gazes ahead with solemn and magnificent expression. Allegedly, Mamluk A military force in medieval Egypt Ruling class When the members of target , the nose and beard that were knocked off are extant in London Of British Museum
Sphinx (Sphinx)
"The riddle of Sphinx makes us conform to nature. When the fog disappears, we will pay more attention to the current needs."
The riddle of Sphinx construction
In addition to the pyramids, the Sphinx, the sphinx guarding the three pyramids, is the best symbol of Egypt. The legend of Sphinx has long been widely known, but it is unclear who the Sphinx was built by. According to the traditional view, the Sphinx was created by the pharaoh 4500 years ago Hafra It was built according to its own appearance, because the name of the pharaoh was engraved on the stone tablet between the two claws of the statue. However, also according to the stone tablet records, around 1400 BC, Prince Tuttamus was entrusted by the god Hul Umo Uhat in his dream and dug out the statue of the god Hul from the yellow sand. From this point of view, this statue should be the statue of God Hur. Other legends also mention that Khufu The Sphinx already existed during the reign of Pharaoh.
Scholars have studied the Sphinx from various aspects. An American geologist It is found that the erosion of the Sphinx shows that its history is much longer than people think. French scholars also pointed out that the Sphinx's whole body was submerged by the flood, and only its head was exposed. According to meteorologists' research on the climate history of the Sahara region precipitation Only 10000 years ago. Other researchers found that the tail of the Sphinx was not built in the same age as the main body Hafra The pharaoh only trimmed it, not its builder. The Sphinx was actually built more than 7000 to 9000 years ago. Of course, some people think that the water that erodes the Sphinx is caused by the Nile If this statue had existed for a long time, why was it not mentioned in ancient Egyptian books?
British geologist Reid found that the Sphinx's body and head are very disproportionate, which indicates that the statue was not carved by the original Egyptian pharaoh [4] The head and body proportions of the Sphinx are seriously out of balance. This is probably because the head of the Sphinx before was not the pharaoh, but the authentic lion head matching the Sphinx [4]
Egyptian paleogeologists have never stopped studying the origin of Sphinx in the past two hundred years. Most people believe that the Sphinx was built after the first pyramid, about 4500 years ago. However, Reed found through research that the special weathering on the Sphinx and the surrounding Water erosion According to the traces, its construction time may be the same as that of the Zuma Plateau Great Pyramid During the same period. It is reported that the last heavy rainfall in ancient Egypt occurred in the two river basins more than 2000 years ago. So Reed concluded that the Sphinx was only a few hundred years older than people had previously thought [4]
The Mystery of the Great Sphinx
Sphinx riddle
Mention the civilization of ancient Egypt, people will immediately associate with the Sphinx monster - Sphinx.
stay Ancient Egyptian Civilization There are many Sphinx, the oldest and most famous of which is Giza The recumbent statue of the Great Sphinx in the area. The date of the construction of the Great Sphinx is still uncertain.
According to the inscription of King Tutus IV standing between his two claws, before he ascended the throne, the king was sleepy on the hunt and dozed off in the desert. Unexpectedly, there was Sphinx buried in sand beside him.
It is said that Sphinx appeared in a dream and said to him, "If you dig me out of the sand, you will become the king of a country.
Call Egyptology British scholar who studies the ancestors Petrie It is pointed out that "no earlier than The Fourth Dynasty The second generation of King Khufu, but not later than the third generation of King Kavle. " It is based on the fact that there are many tombs on both sides of the corridor of the second pyramid of King Kavle, but there is nothing on the corridor.
French scholar Maspero initially said that the construction can be traced back to Prehistoric era (about 3000 BC), but later he said that it was built by King Kavle, and the appearance of the Great Sphinx was a copy of the portrait of King Kavle. He also believed that the Great Sphinx was the patron saint of the king's pyramid tomb and temple.
Salim Hassan, an Egyptian scholar, began to excavate the Giza area for four years in 1935, and he finally believed that it was built by King Kavle. His reasons are: First, there are ditches on both sides of the Great Sphinx corridor, which indicates that it was built after King Khufu; Second, far away from the third pyramid, it was obviously not built by King Menkola; Third, the layout of King Kavle's pyramid and temple, in contrast to the Great Sphinx, is a whole design.
Japan Waseda University Since 1966, the archaeological team has gone through 20 years of investigation. As the main member of the archaeological team, Jicun holds another view on these theories.
After long-term careful observation, Yoshimura found that, judging from the stone materials of the building, most of the Kavlar Temple is granite, and the Great Sphinx is limestone; From the architectural style, the Kavle Temple follows Old Kingdom However, in the part connected with the corridor, the corridor not only deviates from the original pattern, but also forms an acute angle towards the pyramid instead of the center of Kavle Temple.
All this makes Ji Village have a question. If two temples are built at the same time, it is obvious that this configuration is very unnatural. Why is this so? The only possibility is that the Great Sphinx Temple already exists on the north side of the temple, so the designer must take it into consideration when designing and has to make such a change. From this, Yoshimura concluded that the Great Sphinx existed before King Khufu built the pyramid.

West Asian mythology

According to research, works of art about Sphinx were first seen in Egypt, such as the Sphinx in front of the pyramid. Then came Sphinx west Asia Asia Sphinx added wings, and then came the female Sphinx [3]
Assyria People and Persians describe Sphinx as a winged bull with a human face, whiskers and a crown.


In Greek mythology, Sphinx is a female monster with a sphinx face and wings, and the giant Typhon and Snake monster Ekatena One of the daughters born [3] Although ancient Egypt and ancient Greek Sphinx patterns of various periods Expression They are different, but they are a combination of human, lion, cow and eagle [3]
In Greek mythology, Sphinx became a female evil, representing the punishment of God. "Sphinx" comes from the Greek word "Sphiggein", meaning "tense", because the Greeks imagined Sphinx as a monster that would strangle people to death.
Legendary Queen Hera Pi Sphinx sat on the cliff road near the city of Tebai Crossing the road A pedestrian asks a riddle. The content of the riddle is: What animal walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs at night? The answer to the riddle is "people". Morning, noon and evening are respectively used to describe people's childhood, middle age and old age. Legend has it that this puzzle later Be young When Oedipus, a Greek, answered correctly, Sphinx committed suicide by jumping off a cliff (it was said that Oedipus killed him). According to Apollodoros, Sphinx is a double headed dog with her son Otto Hughes Born. The human face of Sphinx symbolizes wisdom and knowledge.
The riddle of Sphinx is further expressed as "fear and temptation", that is, "real life".

Related riddles

Riddle of Sphinx Sphinx is a winged monster with a lion's body and a woman's head in Greek mythology. Sitting thebes On the cliff near the city, a riddle was given to passers-by: "What walks with four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?" If passers-by guessed wrong, they would be killed. Oedipus guessed the answer to the riddle. Sphinx jumped off the cliff and died of shame. Sphinx was later compared to a riddle like person and riddle.