
Russian cities
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synonym Stalingrad (Old name of Volgograd, Russia) Generally refers to Volgograd
Volgograd (Russian: волгоград, English: Volgograd) (48 ° 41 ′ 57 ″ N, 44 ° 28 ′ 24 ″ E) is a Eastern Europe Volga River Riverside Russia City, founded in 1589, formerly known as tsaritsyn Stalingrad , 1961 and Soviet Union Other buildings in the period Stalin Named Big City: Stalinsk Stalino Stalinabad Staliniri was renamed Volgograd New Kuznetsk Donetsk Dushanbe and Tskhinvali [1] suffer Volga River With pleasant climate, beautiful scenery and rich products, Volgograd has always been known as Russia's "southern granary". At the same time, due to its superior geographical position Volgograd or connection Eurasian A large land and water area between two continents Transport hub
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities 417 on the list. [2]
City flag from Volgograd [8]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Russian: волгоград English: Volgograd
Administrative Region Category
Municipal level
geographical position
565 km²
Area Code
seventy-eight thousand four hundred and forty-two
Postal Code
climatic conditions
temperate continental climate
population size
Famous scenic spot
Memorial Hall of Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad
Volgograd International Airport
train station
Volgograd Railway Station
License plate code
Evgeny Ishchenko [3]
Time zone

geographical environment

Volgograd (Russian: Волгоград, English: Volgograd) is Russia federal Volgograd The capital governs 8 districts, Geographical coordinates : (48 ° 41 ′ N, 44 ° 28 ′ E), located at Moscow About 1000 kilometers southeast Eurasia Internal Humid continental climate [4] The city is located on the plains at the lower reaches of the Volga River, where the Tsarizin River flows into Volga River , not far to the west Don River Watershed.

Name evolution

From 1589 to 1925, it was named as Charizyn (Φ арий фын).
In 1925, in order to commemorate the contribution of Stalin, Tsarizin was renamed Stalingrad (Сталингражд).
In 1961, out of opposition hero-worship Needs, Khrushchev According to its location on the Volga River geographical position , Stalingrad is changed to Volgograd (Волгогражд).
In 2004, Putin signed an order to Moscow The name of the hero city of the Tomb of the Unknown Martyrs was restored to Stalingrad.
On January 31, 2013, Duma of Volgograd passed a resolution on August 23 every year( Battle of Stalingrad Urban battle start date), February 2( Battle of Stalingrad Victory Day )May 9( Nazi Germany Capitulation day and European Victory Day )September 2( Japan Surrender day), June 22( Eastern Front Of Operation Barbarossa Start Date) and November 19( Battle of Stalingrad On the first day of the Battle of Uranus) Stalingrad [5]

Historical evolution

Volgograd is Volga River Basin One of the oldest cities, built on the Volga River on the grassland of South Russia, is located in the transition zone between Europe and Asia, which is a natural land and water city Transport hub , which also doomed it to play an important role. No matter what Moscow Principality Russian Empire , front Soviet Union , or to today's Russia This city is of great significance to the Federation.
Volgograd was founded in 1589. It was originally named Charizine and was built at the junction of Charizine River and Volga River Alluvial island On. It was originally designed as a fortress to protect Russia The southeast border and the Great Volga journey were spared nomadic people The invasion of. It was destroyed by fire in the early 17th century, rebuilt on the right bank of the Volga River in 1615, became a military fortress since the 18th century, and built a railway in the late 19th century. The city developed rapidly, becoming an important industry and Commercial trade Center.
Soviet Russian Civil War Stalin led the famous Qarizin Campaign , defeated the coming menacing Cossacks The White Army, to consolidate October Revolution Achievements, defending the newly built Soviet regime It is of great significance.
In 1925, it was renamed Stalingrad in memory of Stalin (grad, Russian: град, meaning city, often used as suffix)
From Stalin's reign to Patriotic War Before, the city has been further developed Soviet Union important heavy industry Center, major grain, oil and coal producing areas, and railway and Volga River transportation entrepot North Caucasus Food Baku Oil Central Asia Of cotton through this industry Railway junction And the ports on the Volga River provide central areas of the Soviet Union.
July 1942 Germany fascist More than 1.5 million troops have been deployed in an attempt to capture Stalingrad, cut off the Volga River and control it Caucasus And then attack Moscow in the north. Stalingrad fought bloody battles for more than 200 days and nights, annihilating all German troops and finally forcing German fascism to stop Strategic attack And began to collapse.
The great victory in Stalingrad on February 2, 1943 became the Second World War The turning point of Fascism The decline has been very obvious. Battle of Stalingrad The victory of Soviet Patriotic War And the foundation for the victory of the Second World War. Chile poet Neruda On the patriotic war: "The rule of courage rewards this land".
The war is over After that, the city had to be rebuilt almost completely. The whole country supported Stalingrad during the war, and the whole country helped it heal the wounds of the war and help it recover. The reconstruction of the destroyed city Volga Don Canal Construction of ship channel (drilled in 1952) and Volgograd Hydropower Station The construction of The people of the Soviet Union The attention and efforts paid to the development and construction of Stalingrad.
After the 22nd National Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1961, the city was renamed Volgograd by Khrushchev.

economic construction


agricultural production

Volgograd It grows hard stem wheat, vegetables, melons and fruits. For both meat and milk Animal Husbandry The direction of development is still developing poultry Feeding Beekeeping And goat breeding.

Industrial manufacturing

Volgograd Of Basic industry The fields are Machinery manufacturing And metal processing industry (production tractors, ships, Tower crane , bearing and petroleum industry , electronic technology industry food industry Special instruments and equipment, production Drilling equipment , warehousing type Transportation equipment , Medical mechanical equipment And commercial equipment), fuel industry (oil and gas extraction), oil reprocessing industry, chemical industry , Oil Chemical industry (including Caustic alkali Chemical fibre ), black metallurgy And non-ferrous metallurgy. State building material processing industry and textile industry , wood processing industry and Food Processing They all developed very well.
In Volgograd in 1993 industrial structure Among them, electric energy accounts for 3.8%, raw material processing accounts for 22.4%, automotive machinery manufacturing accounts for 17%, and chemical industry accounts for 15.7%, light industry And food processing industry account for 20%.
major industrial center Volgograd Volgaski And Kameshen City.
Volgograd has many industrial enterprises, about 130 factories textile and other light industries and Scientific research and production consortium Etc.
Large enterprises include: "tractor" in Volgograd manufacturer limited company , with 19500 employees; The "Red October" metallurgical plant has 12000 employees; The "barricade" factory has 12500 employees; "Volgograd CC" joint-stock company, with 5500 employees; The cotton textile complex in Kameshen has 1100 employees; The state-owned bearing factory in Volgaski has 159000 employees, and the Volgaski pipe factory has 9000 employees.


Volgograd is also an important Transportation Center , connecting central Russia Caucasus Mountains In the western and eastern regions, this is very beneficial to industrial and agricultural transportation and personnel exchanges. The city is connected with the railways of major cities, and has air lines, which extend in all directions, especially to Caspian Sea , Ural, Sochi And other tourist attractions, which are both cheap and convenient. From Volgograd to Italy , Germany arab , Kuwait Greece turkey India Sri Lanka Lebanon And before Soviet Union various aligned republic Regular non-stop flights. Moscow There are 5-6 round-trip flights to and from Volgograd every day, and the journey time is about one hour. In addition, there are three trains from Moscow every day, which travel 18 hours to Volgograd.

social undertakings



Volgograd is a large science and education center in southern Russia. The city has 22 higher education institutions and more than 60000 students, dozens of scientific research institution , there are more than 100 public library , 3 museums and 4 theaters.
Volgograd is also one of southern Russia Tourist Center Every year, more than 100000 foreign tourists visit Volgograd. Volgograd is clean and beautiful, with many historic sites, museums, theaters Concert Hall , restaurants, etc.

Foreign exchange

Volgograd also established ties with 18 cities from 15 countries around the world Sister city , they are:

famous scenery

Volgograd is the Second World War Post reconstruction, clean and beautiful. Tall buildings on both sides of Lenin Street are lined up, Volga Riverside Street and Trekov Marshal Street Between them are green lawns, Hero Avenue There are poplar Pine and cypress Birch and clove Roadside flower bed In full bloom tulips
Monuments and statues
Volgograd has nearly 100 monuments and statues as well as dozens of Memorial Most of them are related to revolutionary historical events and historical figures, such as the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers on the Martyrs Square in the center of the city, the "Pavlov Building" located between Lenin Street and Soviet Road, Battle of Stalingrad Panorama Memorial Hall, Mamayev Highland Monuments, Cha Lijin security battle Monument and lenin square On Lenin statue Etc. Among them, the Stalingrad Defense Panorama Memorial Hall is famous far and wide. The Memorial Hall is a tall and novel white building located in the city center.
Panorama hanging in the memorial hall Central Hall Medium. Along the center of the hall Spiral Climb up the stairs and climb to the top floor, and the fierce battle scene that shocked the world will reappear. The picture is spread out in all directions with the main battlefield of the year - Mamayev Hill, the commanding height of the city as the center. Panoramic painting skillfully integrates the picture with models, objects and terrain, with a strong sense of reality and Stereoscopic feeling The panorama is 5 meters long and 3 meters high. It took 8 people two years to create it Russia The largest panorama. "Katyusha" is on display outside the memorial hall rocket gun , aircraft, tanks. In the basement of the memorial hall, there are some relics of martyrs and weapons used in those years on display. Beside the memorial hall, there is a five storey building with broken walls. During the war, the whole city was destroyed, which was deliberately preserved.
Mamayev Kurgan
Another famous monument is the Mamayev Hill. This is the main battlefield in the defense of Stalingrad, Soviet Red Army And Germany fascist The place where the army will fight in the final battle. At the entrance, there is a huge relief sculpture on the left and on the right, called "Generation Forever". Step up, towering trees on both sides, war relief and Hero Statue Alternate. In the middle of the highland, there is a square to defend to the death. In the fountain in the middle, there is a man with a gun in one hand and a thunder in the other Shirtless Hero statue. Further up, there are reliefs on the left and right, called "Broken Walls", on which there are many heroic images and wartime slogans. When people approach these reliefs, they hear the live recording of the year: the sound of enemy bombing, Air-to-air shooting The sound of machine guns and the shouts of soldiers rushing to kill the enemy. And that year Radio Moscow Famous announcer Leviathan A loud voice. He's reading Good News , calling on people to shed the last drop of blood for victory
Heroic Statue
Passing through the Hero Square with numerous statues is the Mourning Square. Beside the square, there is a circular building surrounded by steles, which is the Memorial Hall for the fallen soldiers. In the middle of the hall is a huge hand holding an ever bright torch, guarded by four guards. On the surrounding walls are dozens of red flags, with more than 7000 dead officers and soldiers' names. At the top of the hill stands a majestic statue of "Motherland Calling", 85 meters high, with a base weight of 8000 tons. She holds a sword in her right hand and points to the direction of the enemy's invasion in her left hand, calling out her children to rise up and kill the enemy bravely. This statue seems to be a towering goddess, and is regarded as the symbol of Volgograd and the whole Russia.
Motherland - Mother
From Kazan to Volgograd by boat via Ulyanovsk, Volgograd is located in Volga River Downstream right bank, distance from Moscow 1000 kilometers away. Volgograd October Revolution Formerly known as Tsarizin, it was awarded the honorable title of Heroic City and renamed Stalingrad because of the bloody battle of the army and the people of Stalingrad who wiped out the enemy. In 1961, Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd. It is widely known as the starting point of the famous canal connecting the Volga River and the Don River.
On the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the center of the city stands a tall steeple with an ever burning torch. On Gogoli Street, there is the Museum of the Patriotic War. Volgograd has nearly 100 monuments and statues throughout the city, most of which are related to revolutionary historical events and figures, such as Battle of Stalingrad The Panorama Memorial Hall is famous far and wide. The whole territory reproduces the scene of the big battle, which is lifelike, heroic and moving.
Museum of the Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad
(Музей-Панорама“Сталинградская Битва”)
Museum of the Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad Built on the ground where only a part of the periphery was left due to bombing Flour mill side. There is a wealth of information about the defense of Stalingrad.
Museum of the Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad
The 1942 Stalingrad model, the weapons used at that time military supplies And many other displays together serve as testimony to this glorious history.
In addition, there are portraits of generals and schools at that time, including the portraits of Stalin. Now in the whole original Soviet Union On the land, the image of Stalin, which has disappeared, has been preserved here. Perhaps Stalin did not direct the battle, but his achievements in this defense battle are indelible!
The upper part of the museum is painted with a giant panorama of the battle situation of Stalingrad, which has a strong three-dimensional sense.
State Rural Museum
(Областной Краеведческий Музей)
It is a company related to Volgograd (Волгоград) Comprehensive Museum It mainly displays unearthed articles and folk custom materials, and even displays in detail the materials, industries and other modern cultures related to the establishment of the city.
State Rural Museum
MiG fighter The exhibition is located in another building. What is most worth visiting beluga In November 1976 in Volgograd Hydropower station Captured nearby, 2.4m long and 150kg in weight.
Volgograd History Museum
(Волгоградский Гос.Мемориально-Исторический Музей)
It is a museum founded by the rich merchant's museum at the end of the 19th century. The main contents of the exhibition include the First World War to Russian Revolution Volga's local history after the Civil War. Among them, the white army flag, the red army uniform, and the map showing the change of the situation on the front line are all worth seeing. In addition, there are also armored vehicle models used by the revolutionary army in the museum. You can also sit on them and experience them.
Volgograd History Museum
The construction of the museum itself is a vivid evidence of the history of the battle of Stalingrad.

City Honor

In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 World Famous Summer Cities". [6]