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Dousu VI

A double star system
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Dousuliu is one binary star , from A2 spectral type, apparent star magnitude of+3.26 SuperStar And A4 spectral type Apparent magnitude Is+3.37 Subgiant form. The binary system has a period of 21 years, an average distance of 12.4 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.205. It has a dim companion star Zeta Centauri C of 10 magnitude, 75 from the main star second
Chinese name
Dousu VI
Common name
Sagittarius The third bright star of
Dousu VI ( ζ Sgr / Sagittarius ζ )Yes Sagittarius The third bright star of Ascella , from the later Latin, meaning "armpit".
Douzuliu star system is 90 from the earth Light year , the combined apparent magnitude is+2.60.
In ancient China Astronomy In the middle, it is the star official fight or ' Nandou '.