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ferdinand de lesseps

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French diplomat and industrialist
France diplomat Suez Canal The chiseler. Born Versailles He started diplomatic work in 1825 and was sent to Tunisia in 1828. In 1832 Alexander As a diplomat, Riya became very interested in digging the Suez Canal. During his consulship in Cairo from 1833 to 1837, he worked with the Egyptian Governor Muhammad Ali of Egypt And his son Said. After 1839 Rotterdam Malaga and Barcelona As a diplomat, he served as a resident from 1848 to 1849 Madrid minister. In 1849, he went to Rome to mediate between the Pope and The Republic of Rome He withdrew from the diplomatic circle without the support of the French Parliament. In 1854, when Said was appointed governor of Egypt, he obtained Suez Canal The contract was signed with a lease term of 99 years. In 1858, the Canal Company was organized. The construction was started in 1859, and the navigation was officially opened on November 17, 1869. It is famous for this and is praised as a national hero of France. In 1879, he served as the chairman of the Panama Canal Company. In 1881, the project was started. In 1888, he was forced to stop work because of lack of funds, which led to the famous“ Panama scandal ”, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for the crime of misappropriation of property, but the Supreme Court held that it was only dereliction of duty and rescinded the sentence [1]
Chinese name
Ferdinand Marie Vicomte de Lesseps
Foreign name
Ferdinand Marie Vicomte de Lesseps
date of birth
November 9, 1805
Date of death
December 7, 1894
Key achievements
Chisel Suez Canal
one's native heath
Marseille, France

brief account of the author's life

ferdinand de lesseps
Ferdinand Marie Vicomte de Lesseps (November 9, 1805 to December 7, 1894) is a French diplomat , industrialists. He presided over the excavation of the famous Suez Canal. Born in an official family. In 1825, he served as assistant vice consul in Lisbon. In 1828, he was sent to Tunisia and in 1832, he was sent to Alexandria. In Alexandria, he saw the survey report of Napoleon's chief engineer, J. - M. Le Pere, on the Isthmus of Suez, and established friendly relations with the Turkish governor in Egypt, Muhammad Ali, and his son, Said Pasha. He hoped that one day he would personally complete the canal project initiated by Pere. From 1833 to 1837, he served as consul in Cairo and gained reputation for preventing the spread of plague. Two years later, he was transferred to Rotterdam. Later, he worked in Malaga and Barcelona and was promoted to Consul General in Barcelona. From 1848 to 1849, he served as French Minister in Madrid. In 1849, he was called back to China. In 1854, Saeed Pasha, the new governor of Egypt, authorized Lesser to dig the Isthmus of Suez. Under the guidance of Rexay, a preliminary plan for opening a direct channel between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea was soon worked out. Rexay immediately raised the funds needed by the Canal Company, formed the Canal Company in 1858, and broke ground in Port Said on April 25, 1859. The Suez Canal was officially opened to navigation on November 17, 1869. Lesser is an academician of the French Academy of Sciences, an academician of the French Academy of Sciences, and a member of many societies. He has won the Grand Cross and the Indian Star Medal of Honor, and was awarded the honorary citizen title of London by the United Kingdom.

Early years and diplomatic career

Born Marseille , whose mother Katrina is Spanish. He was a teenager Italy Spent. Since 1825, young Lessep has been working as a vice consul in Lisbon, thus entering the diplomatic service. In 1828, Rezab served as the vice consul of Tunisia. In 1832, he became a vice consul in Alexandria, from which he became attached to Egypt.
In 1833, Lessep came to Cairo to hold a post, during which he served as Mohammed Ali His son was the tutor of later Egyptian Governor Said Bacha. Said Bacha was deeply influenced by Lessab, and the idea of Lessab digging the Suez Canal also germinated during this period.
In 1837, Lessep returned to France to get married. Since then, he has served in Rotterdam, Malaga and Barcelona. Ambassador to Madrid from 1846 to 1849. In 1849, he participated in the mediation of the Pope Pius IX Return safely to work at the Vatican. Soon he resigned as a diplomat and his first marriage ended.

Success of Suez Canal

In 1854, at the invitation of Bacha, Lessep returned to Egypt. Bacha agreed that Lessep would preside over the construction of the Suez Canal. However, the UK tried to obstruct the project out of its own interests. In Queen Eugenie (cousin of Lessep) and napoleon iii With the support of, Lessep founded the International Suez Canal Co., Ltd. at the end of 1858 to obtain funds, and finally completed the project in 1869. From this, Lessep gained both fame and fortune. In 1884, he was elected College de France academician.

Hate the Panama Canal

Since Lessep became famous for Suez Canal, other projects have been considered. At a meeting of the Geographical Society in 1879, 135 members of the Society, including him, chose to dig the Panama Canal as their goal. Lessep was still appointed as the general manager of the Panama Canal Company after he was old. Unfortunately, it was also doomed that Lessep could not keep the evening.
The project was beset with difficulties from the very beginning: poor management and poor capital turnover; Malaria and yellow fever caused by the humid climate in Panama caused a large number of deaths of workers. Finally, in 1889, the company went bankrupt, for which France paid a price of 2 billion francs. Many French investors lost their money. The Panama Canal scandal triggered by the scandal made Rezab face five years in prison. Although the Supreme Court ruled him innocent in 1893 because of his "old age", Reseb was deeply hit and died soon.


ferdinand de lesseps
Lessep and his first wife had five children. In 1869, he had a second marriage with 12 children.