
Medieval Italian mathematician
zero Useful+1
Leonardo Pisano, Fibonacci, Leonardo Bigollo, 1175-1250, Middle Ages Italy Mathematician, the first research in the West Fibonacci number And put modern writing numbers and multiplier Bit value of Representation The system is introduced into Europe. His work written in 1202《 Book of Calculations 》It contains many Greek Egypt arab Mathematics in India and even in China. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Leonardo Pisano, Fibonacci, Leonardo Bigollo
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
Fibonacci sequence
Representative works
The Complete Book of Abacus Book of Calculation
Guilielmo (William)

Character background



Leonardo's father was named Guilielmo (William), nicknamed Bonacci (meaning "good, natural" or "simple"). William is a businessman North Africa Belt and Road Work (Today Algeria Bejaia), At that time, young Leonardo had already started to help his father, and he learned Arabic numerals


Sensible use Arabic numerals than Roman numerals More effective, Leonardo to mediterranean sea He learned from the famous Arab mathematicians at that time and returned to China in about 1200. In 1202, at the age of 27, he wrote what he learned into《 Book of Calculations 》( Liber Abaci )。 This book shows the new digital system Practical value. This book greatly influenced European ideas, but before the invention of printing after the third century, decimal system Numbers are not popular. (Example: Ptolemaeus in 1482 World map , printed by Lienhart Holle in Ulm)


Leonardo once became a math and science lover Friedrich II (an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire).
European mathematics Greek After the decline of the Ming Dynasty, it was in a state of stagnation for a long time, and there was no sign of recovery until the 12th century. This recovery was initially stimulated by the translation and dissemination of Greek and Arab works. The exploration and discussion of the achievements of classical mathematics in Greece and the East eventually led to The Renaissance During the 15th and 16th centuries, European mathematics was on the upsurge. Renaissance outpost Italy, due to its special geographical position It has become the melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures through its trade links. Italian scholars began translating and introducing Greece and arab Math literature.
In Europe, Dark Age Fibonacci, the first influential mathematician since then (about 1175-1250), whose representative Latin works Liber Abaci and Practice Geometry are also based on arabic Compiled with Greek materials, Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa, followed his father to learn arithmetic from Arabs in North Africa in his early years, and later traveled to countries along the Mediterranean coast. After returning to Italy, he wrote the Book of Computing (Liber Abaci, 1202, also translated as the Abacus Sutra). The greatest merit of the Book of Computing is its systematic introduction to India Numeration , influenced and changed the appearance of European mathematics. It is said that the Suanjing was written in 1228 Revision , in which the famous“ Fibonacci sequence ”。 Practice Geometry (1220) focuses on Greek geometry and trigonometry.
Fibonacci's other mathematical works include《 Square number Liber Quadratorum (1225), Flos (1225), etc., the former specializes in the quadratic Diophantine equation, and the latter mostly refers to the court of Frederick II Mathematical contest Question, which contains a Cubic equation /10 2x2 10 x ~ - 20, Fibonacci demonstrated that its root cannot be made with a ruler (that is, it cannot be Euclid He also gave the approximate solution of the equation without explanation (J-1.36880810785).
The foundation of calculus and analytic geometry The invention of Modern mathematics The rise of. The ideological roots of calculus (especially Integral calculus )It can be traced back to Ancient Greece , Chinese and Indian works. Before Newton and Leibniz finally formulated calculus, it had gone through nearly a century of gestation. In this gestation period Calculus Pioneers with direct contributions include Kepler Kavalieri , Fermat, Descartes Wallis Barrow (1630-1677) and other mathematicians.

Anecdotes of characters



Rabbit problem
Fibonacci put forward an interesting Rabbit problem
In general, rabbit After two months of birth, Zizi has the ability to reproduce. A pair of rabbits can produce a pair of rabbits every month. If all rabbits are immortal, how many pairs of rabbits can be bred in one year?
Let's take a pair of newly born rabbits and analyze them:
In the first month, the rabbits have no reproductive capacity, so they are still a pair;
Two months later, there were two pairs of rabbits in total;
Three months later, the old rabbit gave birth to another pair. Because the little rabbit had no reproductive capacity, there were three pairs in total;
The following table can be listed by analogy:
Months passed
Population logarithm
one hundred and forty-four
Rabbit problem
The numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 - - in the table form a sequence. This sequence has a very obvious feature: the sum of the two adjacent items in front constitutes the latter item. This sequence is Italy Medieval mathematician Fibonacci《 Book of Calculations 》Of this series General formula In addition to having the property of an+2=an+an+1, we can also prove that the general formula is: an=1/√ 5 [(1/2+√ 5/2) ^ n - (1/2 - √ 5/2) ^ n] (n=1,2,3.....) (√ 5 means Radical 5)。
In this general formula, although all an are positive integer But they are expressed by some irrational numbers.
That is, in the higher sequence, two consecutive“ Fibonacci number ”The sequences of Golden ratio (1.618:1 or 1:0.618).
For example: 233/144987/610
Fibonacci sequence There are also two interesting properties:
Rabbit problem
1. For any item in Fibonacci series Square number Are equal to the product of the two adjacent terms plus or minus 1;
2. Any of the four adjacent Fibonacci number , the product of the middle two numbers( inner product )Product of two numbers on both sides( Outer product )The difference is 1.

Prime number

Fibonacci Prime number from Fibonacci sequence The prime number composition in is an integer prime number sequence.
The first group of prime number sequence is: 2, 3, 5, 13, 892331597286575142294334944372971215073

C Calculation code

one #include <stdio.h> int fib(int x) {     if(x==1 || x==2)     {         return 1;     }     else     {         return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2);     } } int main() {     int n=0;     scanf("%d",&n);     printf("%d",fib(n)); } two #include <stdio.h> int fib[1000001]={0,1,1}; int main() {     int n=0;     scanf("%d",&n);     for(int i=3;i<=n;i++)     {         fib[i]=fib[i-1]+fib[i-2];     }     printf("%d",fib[n]);     return 0; }

Important works

Liber Abaci (Book of Calculations, 1202).
Practica Geometriae (Geometric Practice, 1220).
Flos (Flowers, 1225), Johannes of Palermo's answer to the question.
Liber quadratorum (Square number book) About Diophantine equation On Diophantine problems, that is,problems involving Diophantine equations.
Di minor guisa (about business operations; lost)
Geometric primitives 》Notes to Volume 10 (lost)
Latin Representative work Principles of Abacus