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Renaissance man

cultural term
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The Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century and expanded to Western Europe Countries, the general name of Western European culture from the 14th to the 16th century, is an unprecedented liberation and creation of knowledge and spirit.
Chinese name
Renaissance man
Foreign name
Renaissance Man
Origination time
fourteenth century
Originating country
Rational thinking and great changes in thinking

The Renaissance

Renaissance man
The Renaissance Represents a great change in rational thinking and thinking. The most important view of the Renaissance is to live in a new era, completely cut off from the past. The Renaissance is not to "restore" classical culture, but to attack the current culture and system to establish a new culture New social system The system creates public opinion. The Renaissance was Europe The rise of an ideological and cultural movement has brought about a period of new scientific and artistic revolution, opened the prelude to modern European history, and is considered to be the dividing line between the medieval era and modern times.


first Renaissance man Renaissance Man is Dante , represented by《 Divine Comedy 》His works first criticized and exposed the corruption and stupidity of religious rule in the Middle Ages in an implicit way. Another Renaissance man was Petrarch, who believed that Greece Rome The era is the era of perfect human nature, and the Middle Ages will Suppression of humanity It is against nature. Renaissance The works of Humanism : Claim Personality liberation Against the asceticism and religious views of the Middle Ages; promote scientific culture Oppose obscurantism and get rid of the shackles of the church on people's thoughts; Affirm human rights, oppose theocracy, and reject all authority and traditional dogmas as the basis of theology and scholasticism; The main idea of humanism is to oppose feudal separatism. They began to use literature and art to express people's thoughts and feelings, science to work for people's welfare, education to develop people's personality, and required that people's thoughts, feelings and wisdom be liberated from the constraints of theology, and advocated freedom of personality, which played a great role in historical development. The Oakland Tribune, the world's major newspaper, and San Francisco Chronicle are based on three conditions that modern renaissance people should have: first Natural Science, II Social Sciences, 3 Humanity, respect Fan Guangling Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan is a Renaissance man Father of Chinese Computer , II Poetic management Founder, 3 World Poet Laureate , Poetic school of painting founder, New May 4th Movement The founders fit these three conditions Dante is one of the Renaissance people in the world, Machiavelli ; Da Vinci, Rafael Michelangelo , Cervantes Martin Luther , Shakespeare , Goth , Washington , Nobel , Churchill Etc

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes is an artist who expresses himself in words, but he is also influenced by other forms of art, so his works span to other media. Hughes is regarded as a Renaissance man, a person with a wide range of interests and talents. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s was an activity used by African Americans living in New York City to celebrate their own culture, and jazz and blues were indispensable elements of this movement. Hughes said that jazz and blues convey a wide range of black experiences, starting from sadness, sadness, and finally hope and determination. In 1958, when Hughes recorded his poems, he invited the famous Henry "Red" Allen Band to accompany him. Jazz rhythm also influenced his 1951 work "Montage of a Dream Deferred", a book length poetry collection, which is divided into five paragraphs, each using music, poetry and history to describe the urban experience of African Americans.
Langston Hughes was an artist who used words to express himself, but other forms of art influenced him, and his work crossed over into other mediums. Hughes was considered a Renaissance man, someone who has wide interests and is talented in many areas. Jazz and blues were key elements of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, a time when African Americans in a section of New York City started a movement to celebrate their culture. Hughes said that jazz and blues expressed the wide range of black America's experience, from grief and sadness to hope and determination. The famous Henry "Red" Allen Band accompanied Hughes in a 1958 poetry recording. The rhythms of jazz also influenced his 1951 Montage of a Dream Deferred. This was a book-length poem in five sections depicting the African American urban experience using music, poetry, and history.
Poetry and music can be combined (like modern songs you listen to). But Langston Hughes extended his creative wings more outward. He loves stage plays and plays and has set up theater companies in New York and Los Angeles. In 1930, Hughes wrote his first play "Mule Bone" with Zora Neale Hurston. Since then, he has been writing plays for stage plays. In order to make the content of the play close to real life, Hughes combines his poems with people's daily conversations. In 1957, he wrote a play called "Simply Heavenly," which was staged on Broadway (New York City) and London. Music and poetry worked together -- just like they do today in songs you listen to. But Langston Hughes spread his creative wings even further. He loved drama and plays, and founded theater companies in both New York and Los Angeles. Hughes wrote his first play, Mule Bone, with Zora Neale Hurston in 1930 and kept writing for the stage the rest of his life. In order to make his plays sound realistic, Hughes mixed the lyrical nature of his poetry with the sounds of people in conversation. In 1957 he wrote a play called Simply Heavenly, which played on Broadway (in New York City) and in London.
Langston Hughes' works have influenced many people, and young writers and artists all take him as their teacher. African Americans looked up the voice of their experience and culture (an unprecedented voice). Inspired by him, many artists from different races began to write, draw, perform and sing. Like the sketch in the picture, some people even dedicated their works to Hughes. How does art affect your life? Have you ever read, seen or heard any works that remind you of your lifestyle or recent events? Langston Hughes influenced many other people with his art -- young writers and artists looked up to him. African Americans found in him a voice for their own experiences and culture -- a voice that hadn't been widely heard until then. He inspired many other artists of all races to write, draw, play, and sing. Some even dedicated their work to Hughes, as you can see in the drawing here.How does art touch your life? Have you ever read, watched, or listened to something that reminded you of the way you live or of something that has happened to you?