Character reform

[wén zì gǎi gé]
Events in October 1954
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In October 1954, Zhou Enlai The Prime Minister proposes to establish“ Chinese Character Reform Commission ”, as the state council Directly affiliated institutions. And indicate that the pinyin scheme can be used Latinization , but four tones should be marked. From October 15 to 23, 1955, ministry of education And the Cultural Reform Commission National Literacy Reform Conference In 1956, Mao Zedong "The characters must be reformed, and the world characters must follow the common phonetic direction."
Chinese name
Character reform
Zhou Enlai
Proposed time
October 1954



formulate Phonetic symbols The unified pronunciation of Chinese characters has accumulated to 60000, but it lacks a set of phonetic symbols. 1892 Xiamen Lu Ganzhang He published his pinyin scheme, called "Qie Yin Xin Zi" (Xiamen accent). This started the Chinese people's conscious Pinyin movement, and before that, only foreign missionaries romanized the Chinese language. According to the "new words for cutting sounds", the Pinyin movement in the late Qing Dynasty was called“ Syncopation movement ”。
From the release of new words for cutting sound to Republic of China In the 20 years since its founding (1912), people have put forward nearly 30 kinds of pinyin schemes, of which 2/4 are Chinese characters, and 2/4 are shorthand symbols latin alphabet 1/4 for each type.
1913 beiyang government The Ministry of Education held the "Unified Conference on Pronunciation" to formulate the first set of legal phonetic symbols (later renamed as phonetic symbols), which was officially announced in 1918. Since then, primary school students have learned the phonetic alphabet before learning Chinese characters.
However, the phonetic alphabet is Chinese characters, which is not suitable for international application“ Gwoyeu Romatzyh The "Pinyin French Style" was announced by Nanjing University of Government (i.e. the Ministry of Education) in 1928 as the "second style of phonetic alphabet" (see Mandarin Roman characters).
In the Soviet Union Latinization In the climax of the movement, Chinese Communists studying in the Soviet Union and Soviet linguists designed another set Chinese Latinization Letters, used for literacy among overseas Chinese in the Soviet Union. It came to China in 1933 and was called Latinized New Characters , launched a Latinized mass movement.
People's Daily reports on this
In 1955, the Chinese Character Reform Commission was established, under which the "Pinyin Scheme Committee" was established to formulate the Chinese Pinyin The plan was adopted and announced by the National People's Congress in 1958. Chinese Phonetic Alphabet It is used for phonetic transcription and spelling of Chinese characters in primary schools mandarin , instead of the past phonetic alphabet and Gwoyeu Romatzyh Many cultural reform campaigners demand the adoption of Chinese Pinyin However, up to now, the Chinese government's policy has been to use pinyin to assist Chinese characters, not to replace them.
chinese characters Of simplify and arrangement , horizontal arrangement of writing sequence, advocated at the end of Qing Dynasty Simplified Chinese characters In 1935, there were 15 magazines in Shanghai with 300 characters in hand. Soon, the Nanjing Ministry of Education announced the "first batch of simplified Chinese character tables" (324 characters), but they were immediately withdrawn. People who write always like to write running script , semi cursive characters are mostly simplified characters. Simplified characters have actually existed for a long time, but they have not been recognized as regular characters.
Simplification of Chinese characters It was not until 1956 that the government adopted and implemented the requirements of. At this time, it was announced that Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (515 simplified characters and 54 simplified characters Paragon )In 1964, it was analogized to the Simplified Chinese Character List (2236 words).
Chinese characters were originally from top to bottom Straight In the period of the May 4th Movement, it was advocated to write horizontally from left to right, but it was only used in a few scientific and technological books and periodicals. In 1956, it promoted horizontal writing and was used in all newspapers, magazines and books. It was only used in special occasions such as reprinting ancient books Straight Writing.
The promotion of common language and the use of vernacular Chinese characters and Chinese phonetic alphabets are symbols for writing Chinese, and the promotion of common language is the central task of character reform.
Among the Han nationality with complex dialects, there is a need for a universal National common language In the Ming and Qing dynasties, officials were the most in need of common language, so the common language was called“ mandarin ”。 Most people hate to leave a place where one has lived long , do not feel the need for common language.
By the end of the Qing Dynasty, national consciousness had risen. Under the influence of Japan“ mandarin ”It was renamed "Mandarin". It puts forward a series of requirements of the times to promote the national language, eliminate illiteracy and implement compulsory education. May 4th Movement in 1919 the Vernacular Movement We need to reform the style of writing, abolish classical Chinese and use vernacular Chinese. the Vernacular Movement It is to write the oral common language into the written common language.
The Ministry of Education of the Beiyang Government carried out the following reforms: the implementation of Mandarin, and in 1924 it was decided to take Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation and edit the "Common Words of Mandarin" (published only in 1932). The primary school language is changed to vernacular, and the Chinese language course is renamed as the Chinese language course. Practical writing and literary works have gradually changed to vernacular. Vernacular has replaced classical Chinese as the dominant modern style.
In 1955, the National Language Reform Conference was held, which changed the name of "Mandarin" to "Putonghua" and defined it: Putonghua is Northern dialect by Basic dialect , Chinese with Beijing Voice as the standard sound National common language (Later added: a modern model writings in vernacular The works are grammatical norms). At this time, it is emphasized that all ethnic languages should have equal opportunities for development, not to use the term "national language", and avoid the misunderstanding that Chinese is imposed on ethnic minorities.
After more than 20 years of frequent exchanges among ethnic groups, people feel that they need a common language that is commonly used throughout the country. The new Constitution of 1982 stipulates that the Putonghua commonly used throughout the country should be promoted. The Han population accounts for a large majority of the country. As subject National common language As a national common language, it is an international practice. The promotion of Putonghua is not to abolish dialects, nor to force ethnic minorities to learn, but to voluntarily learn a common language that is more widely used outside the mother language.

give an example

reform of Chinese characters One of the main purposes of the Chinese language is to improve the application of technology. There are many application technologies. Here are three examples. ① It is inconvenient to use "four codes" (four numbers represent one Chinese character) to send telegrams in Chinese characters. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, some people advocated the phoneticization of telegrams. In 1925, Sitao Railway in Northeast China established the phonetic alphabet telegraph, which was soon extended to all railways in Northeast China. In 1949, it was changed to Latinized New Text Telegraph. In 1958, it was changed to Chinese phonetic telegraph. In the "Cultural Revolution", the Northeast Railway Pinyin Telegraph was cancelled and changed back to "four yards". Xinhua News Agency and major newspapers Foreign correspondents Send back the news telegram in Chinese Pinyin. ② The sorting of Chinese characters is inconvenient and the inspection is troublesome. With phonetic alphabet and Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Later, we started method of arrangement and retrieval The sound sequence of. Phonological sorting There are two main methods: one is simple letter sequence, which is the same as English. The other is“ syllable , Chinese characters and syllables. The writing of alphabetic characters entered the era of mechanization. There are also typewriters for Chinese characters, but they can only be used by professional typists. Computers can process Chinese characters more flexibly. To input Chinese characters on the keypad, you must code them before entering them. The other method is to input Chinese Pinyin in the unit of words and phrases, which is automatically transformed into Chinese character output by the computer without coding. This intelligent automatic transformation method from pinyin to Chinese characters is similar to that of Japanese word processor“ Kana The principle of "Chinese character transformation method" is the same.
In 1977, the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names adopted the Chinese phonetic alphabet as the international standard for spelling Chinese geographical names. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted the Chinese phonetic alphabet as the international standard for spelling Chinese in 1982. With the help of Pinyin, Chinese characters are advancing towards the modernization of application technology.
In 1958, the character reform was summarized as three tasks: simplifying Chinese characters, promoting Putonghua, and formulating and implementing Chinese Pinyin Scheme Some of these tasks have been partially completed, while others are long-term tasks.
Taiwan does not talk about the reform of the written language, but because of practical needs, it has done a lot of work. First, the implementation of "Mandarin" (not Mandarin) has been basically successful. All schools use "national language" as the teaching language. The second is to promote standards running script , there are many simplified characters, but only for handwriting. The third is to publish a large number of Zhuyin books, which are arranged in straight lines with Zhuyin letters, which is different from the horizontal arrangement of Chinese Pinyin letters. Revised by Taiwan Province in 1986 Gwoyeu Romatzyh , renamed Mandarin Phonetic Symbol Second Form , abandoning letter marking, adopting symbol marking, following Chinese Pinyin Scheme Approach.
Official documents in Hong Kong have always been written in English. Cantonese (called Cantonese) is widely used by the public. For printing the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character On the eve of Hong Kong's return to China, the situation is changing. More and more people are learning Putonghua by using Chinese Pinyin. With the increasingly frequent exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland, the language will inevitably become consistent.
Overseas Chinese communities also have the problem of character reform. For example, the majority of the people in the Republic of Singapore are Chinese. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1965, in addition to mainly using English, there were problems with the improvement of Chinese language education. In order to communicate with dialects, they promote the common language, called "Mandarin" (neither Mandarin nor Mandarin). They stipulated that only Chinese should be spoken in schools, not dialects; Speak more Mandarin and less dialect in society. They use simplified characters because they are easier to learn and use; They use Pinyin alphabet Because it is a Latin alphabet, it is easy to use in Singapore and internationally. Singapore's success has made it an example for other Chinese communities in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.
The Reform of the Writing of Chinese Minorities There are more than 50 ethnic minorities in China. Five national autonomous regions (at the provincial level) have been established: Inner Mongolia (Mongolian), Xinjiang (Uygur), Guangxi (Zhuang), Ningxia (Hui) and Tibet (Tibetan). The Hui language is the same as the Han language. The ethnic groups in the other four districts all have their own languages.
The Zhuang nationality originally had only incomplete "Zhuang characters", which were created by imitating Chinese characters Zhuang language Pictophonetic characters (Similar to the "word murmur" in Vietnam). Shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China Latinization Of Pinyin Zhuang , there are 32 letters in total, except for Latin letters, there are 6 new letters and 5 tone Letters, published in 1957. Pinyin Zhuang It is one of the five characters on the RMB. In 1981, the Pinyin Zhuanghuan was revised to eliminate the new letters and adopt 26 Latin letters in international use.
The Uighurs used the Huihe alphabet in ancient times. In the 10th century, they converted to Islam Arabic alphabet The orthography was revised in the early 1950s. Formulated in 1959 Latinization The new Uyghur language was officially introduced in 1964. In 1982, the new Uyghur language was stopped and resumed Arabic alphabet Old Vivin.
The Mongols in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region use the old Mongolian, which is transformed from the Huihe alphabet. The spelling is complicated and out of touch with pronunciation. Once used in Inner Mongolia Slavic alphabet And later restored the old Mongolian. A method of transliterating the Latin alphabet of Mongolian is proposed for international application.
Tibetan It was created with reference to Sanskrit font in the 7th century, and there is no requirement for reform. A method of transliteration of Latin letters has also been developed for international application.
In addition, the minorities also formulated new Latin characters: Kazak (the same as Uygur), Buyi, Miao, Yi, Dong, Li Naxi minority , Susu, Hani, Wa, Bai. The original Latin alphabet has been modified into Jingpo and Lahu scripts. Xishuangbanna and Dehong Dai language It has also been modified on the basis of the original letters. Some of these new characters are used locally in the family, and some are only used as phonetic symbols of the original characters.
With the development of social economy and culture, the changes of characters are embodied in the changes of phrases and the influence of relevant foreign cultures, and the reform and development of characters are becoming more and more international. On the premise of maintaining the norms of relevant characters, it has become increasingly important to promote the reform of characters to adapt to the current cultural development, especially in the relatively open and rapidly developing network era, We should also maintain the advancement of Chinese language and culture.