written words

[wén zì]
Chinese vocabulary
open 3 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
Character is a way and tool for human beings to use symbols to record and express information for a long time. Most modern characters are tools for recording language. Humans often produce written characters after oral languages, many Minor language , with language but no text. The difference of characters reflects the different ways of written expression and thinking of countries and nations. Words enable human beings to enter History Of Civilized society
Chinese name
written words
Foreign name
wén zì
Words are symbols of language
Sound (pronunciation), shape (character), meaning (meaning)

Literal concept



Character is a way and tool for human beings to record and express information with ideographic symbols for long transmission. Modern characters are mostly tools for recording language. Humans tend to produce written characters after oral languages Minor language , with language but no text.
Text and character
Eastern Han Dynasty Xu Shen 《〈 Analytical Dictionary of Characters "Narration": "Based on the type of pictogram, it is called" wen "; after that, the form and sound are mutually beneficial, that is," zhi ", that is," wen "is a single character (including Pictographic characters and Zhishi characters ), and "word" is composed of single-component character Combined multiple-component character (contains ideographic character Pictophonetic characters phonetic loan characters )。


Characters can be divided into Ideograph Phonograph and ideo-phonograph According to phonetics and morphemes, it can be divided into Phonemic text Syllabic writing and Morpheme writing
Ideographs are primitive characters in early human history Hieroglyphics , such as: Ancient Egypt Of cuneiform writing Two river basin Of Cuneiform ancient India Text America Of Mayan writing And early Chinese characters.
Phonograph Words that use a small number of letters (mostly less than 50) to form words to record the pronunciation of the language. Phonetic characters can be divided into Syllabic writing and Phonemic text A syllabic character is a character whose unit is a syllable, such as a Japanese kana. Phoneme words are words with phoneme as the unit, such as English letter 26, 29 Spanish letters, Russian 33 letters.
ideo-phonograph It is made up of ideographic symbols and phonetic symbols phonetic element in a Chinese character Chinese characters are composed of Ideograph Evolved ideograms. So are Chinese characters Morpheme writing , which is also a kind of 2D text.

essential factor

The three elements of language are: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, and the three elements of characters are: pronunciation - pronunciation, shape - character shape, meaning - meaning. Learning a language is often accompanied by learning its words, Languages There are duplicate elements of, which are merged into four elements of the same type: voice, character, vocabulary and grammar.


Characters are a character system that is established by different countries and nations, composed of many simple symbols, expressing information and inheriting culture.
Simple character strokes
The strokes of characters are often few. Complex symbols are pictures. Although they can also express meanings, they are not convenient for writing and communication.
established by the people through long social practice
Characters are a conventional character system created by different nations and countries. Characters created by individuals and not widely recognized by nations and countries are not real characters.
A few isolated characters can't express the massive information of everything. They are not words. Words are composed of many characters to express meanings Semiotic system The fewer basic characters, the longer the combination of characters, the more complex, Basic characters The more, the easier it is to express information. Reformed words will affect the whole body.


Writing breaks through the limitation of time and space in spoken language, so that human beings can written language On the basis of Spiritual wealth , enabling human beings to improve Education system , improve their wisdom, develop science and technology, and enter Civilized society
Ordinary characters are formed with simple figures, which are closer to pictures and geometric lines in the early stage. for example latin alphabet Are simple lines, arcs, and Dot composition Chinese characters are mainly composed of straight lines, so they are called "square Chinese characters". archaic Oracle chinese characters, Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Maya hieroglyphs Such ancient characters are more picturesque.
Due to the limitation of the visual ability of special people, it is also possible to invent variant Visual symbol Or tactile symbols instead of ordinary words. braille It is a tactile symbol invented by blind people who have no visual ability. sign language To adapt to the lack of voice ability deaf-mute A dynamic visual symbol invented by man and dancing with hands. Flag language is invented to adapt to the limitations of long-distance hearing and vision such as navigation flag Dancing dynamic visual symbols.
In the electronic information transmission In the early days of Arabic numerals Transmit written language instead of Chinese characters. This numeric code can encode any text. However, due to the large number of Chinese characters, special codes are needed interpreter Can be used.
Some people divide text into linear text and nonlinear text. This is reasonable, but both ordinary text and code text have lines and points Visual Elements
1. Ideograph/hieroglyph
The characters that describe the shape of things are hieroglyphs or pictographs. Characters such as "day" and "month" in Chinese belong to hieroglyphics. Pictograph is the product of the embryonic period of characters. Its main advantage is that it is easy to understand and understand at a glance. It is difficult to record language, especially record Function word , can be divided into four types - carved symbols, rock paintings Character painting And picture characters. Today, however, such symbols are still very common. For example, popular on the Internet Emoticons Hehui characters( emoji )。
Pinyin is a kind of writing that uses a small number of letters to record the voice of a language. It is mainly divided into the following four categories:
(1) Consonant alphabets/Abjads
Basic features: the formal writing system only marks consonants in the speech stream Phoneme Consonant letter They are arranged in a linear order according to the order in which they appear in the speech stream.
(2)Alphabets( phonemic script
Basic features: independent vowel And consonant letters represent vowels and consonants respectively (some languages also have letters that can represent both vowels and consonants). The letters are arranged in a linear order according to the order in which the phonemes they represent appear in the speech stream. Vowel and consonant letters do not have their own classification attributes in form and position. Vowel letters can represent syllables independently, and consonant letters usually need to be combined with vowels to represent syllables.
(3) Syllabic alphabets/Abugidas
Basic features: The writing of syllables is in a linear arrangement, and the writing of phonemes within each syllable is not in a linear arrangement. In each syllable, the consonant letter (similar to the initial consonant of the Chinese phonetic system) that marks the initial consonant or zero consonant of the syllable is taken as the center, and in the form of adding symbols, symbol combinations, consonant letters, consonant letters and symbol combinations in the surrounding specific directions (upper, lower, left, right, half, etc.), the initial consonant Metrical abdomen Rhyme tail And tone (if any), etc. A consonant letter can appear alone, representing a syllable formed by combining the consonant with a specific vowel. Vowels cannot appear alone pure vowel Or syllables beginning with vowels must be accompanied by zero consonant letters. When consonant letters and additions form syllables together, in some words, in order to maintain the balance and beauty of syllable structure, the shape of letters or symbols will change.
(4)Syllabaries( Syllabic writing
Basic features: Each syllable has one or more independent and indivisible forms of notation, and the syllable text does not contain any part that represents vowel and consonant phonemes. In writing, the syllables are arranged in a linear order according to the order in which they appear in the speech stream. The syllabic characters are divided into integral syllabic characters and non integral syllabic characters. Japanese kana is a whole syllable character. Non integral syllable characters are divided into half phoneme Syllable characters and allophone syllable characters. Semiphonemic syllabic characters, such as Arabic characters, where the main part of each word (letter) writes the consonant phoneme in the syllable, Vowel phoneme It can be written without writing or with additional components.
Korean is an exception to syllabic writing. Korean( onmun )The letters that represent phonemes are combined into a square character according to syllables, but in fact it does not belong to the syllabic characters in academic definition, but it belongs to phonemic characters like Latin letters, except that its letter arrangement is not linear spelling, but according to the syllable block spelling. The square characters of proverbs are words, and the phoneme letters are regarded as components. Therefore, proverbs should be regarded as syllable words.
3. Morpheme words/ideo phonetic words
Ideophonetic characters, or morpheme Words, morphemes - syllable words, words - syllable words are a kind of Graphical symbols A writing system that represents both morphemes and syllables. Generally speaking, ideo phonological characters can be divided into sememes, and a sememe represents a morpheme. The words of morpheme words may have parts that express sound, meaning or shape.
Basic features: each word represents an independent morpheme and does not directly represent pronunciation (note that it is not "completely silent").
Each word usually has a unique corresponding syllable when it is created. However, due to factors such as the historical evolution of pronunciation and the borrowing of words, the mapping relationship between the word and the specific pronunciation has become very complex.
There may be many different words corresponding to the same syllable. Without combining semantics, it is impossible to determine which word corresponds to each syllable.
Three types of text
Text Type
Representative text
Holy characters, ancient Chinese characters, Mayan, etc
(Pinyin characters)
consonantal writing
Arabic, Hebrew, Tana, Syrian
phonemic script
Latin alphabet, Greek alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet, Armenian alphabet, Georgian alphabet, etc
Syllabic spelling
Tiancheng, Bengali, Tibetan, Myanmar, Tamil, Khmer, Thai, Lao, etc
Syllabic writing
Japanese Hiragana, Japanese Katakana, Cherokee, etc
Ideophonetic characters (morpheme characters)
Chinese characters, murmurs, etc
(2) The history of writing
The most primitive characters are mostly pictorial symbols, which are expressed through images. Ancient Egypt In words, there are also several picture symbols to express the practice of corresponding things after sound combination. Sumerian It also experienced this period. However, it is worth noting that the "pictograph" of Chinese characters and the "pictograph" of ancient Western characters are two completely different concepts. In fact Ancient Egyptian Most of the pictorial symbols in the characters do not represent the meaning by shape, but by Phonetic symbols Substantially similar to Alphabetic text For example, in the grammar of ancient Egyptian characters, the symbols that look like birds have nothing to do with birds, but represent different sounds. So the so-called“ Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs ”In fact, it is the earliest alphabetic writing in the world. (Note: In the early years, Chinese scholars mistakenly gave up literal translation when translating "hieroglyph", but applied it according to the picture characteristics of ancient Egyptian characters Chinese character formation The pictograph in Chinese has been translated into hieroglyphics and has been handed down to this day.)
subsequently Cuneiform Give up drawing symbols and use lines instead of shapes to express sounds Phonetic transcription We can see many letter systems from Phoenicia Alphabet Borrowing the form of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and using their sounds, after a series of evolution Greek alphabet Roman alphabet Arabic alphabet Cyrillic alphabet From ancient times to the present, almost all alphabetic characters can be traced back to the Phoenician alphabet. stay East Asia Japan uses Chinese characters to evolve from its cursive script and regular script Hiragana and Katakana
What is the mechanism of character changes and the reason for the existence of alphabetic characters? It is very important to note that before the emergence and maturity of characters, the speech has been highly mature. Even people without characters can cover many aspects of daily production and life in their spoken language. Before language came into being, people were able to understand the surrounding things, and characters were the abstract embodiment of the surrounding things. For example, in the meaning sound system such as Chinese characters, function words generally used the "borrowed" technique, such as "ran", which is today's "burning" This word Fireside It was added by later generations in order to distinguish from the usage of "function words" (it is easy to notice that the fire character beside is actually repeated with the fire character bottom (four points bottom) of the word "Ran"). It can be measured by modern people, that is, it is just like an abstract symbol.

Chinese characters


History of Chinese Characters

Chinese characters are one of the oldest characters in the world and have a great influence on the surrounding world. They are the mother characters of other characters. It is a written symbol for recording events. The shape of Chinese characters has gradually changed from shapes to square symbols formed by strokes, so Chinese characters are generally called "square characters". It is composed of Hieroglyphics ( Ideograph )Evolving into a sound and meaning expressing ideo-phonograph However, the overall system is still ideographic. Therefore, Chinese characters have the characteristics of integrating image, sound and meaning. This characteristic is unique in world characters, so it has unique charm. Chinese characters are Han nationality The treasure of thousands of years of culture is also our lifelong mentor and friend Spiritual home Chinese characters can often arouse our beautiful and bold association and give us beautiful enjoyment.
According to textual research, this is a carrier of ancient Chinese oracle bone inscriptions.
Some of the pottery unearthed in various places Pottery rune The ornamentation has the rudiment of characters. From the earliest existing batch of written materials we can see, the Shang Dynasty Oracle Chinese characters have a history of 3600 years. Since the oracle bone characters have been a fairly mature writing system, we can infer that the occurrence of Chinese characters must be 3600 years ago. The development of Chinese characters can be divided into two major stages. From oracle bone inscriptions to Xiaozhuan Is a stage; from Qin and Han Dynasties The official script of the era is now a stage.
On July 6, 2013, experts from all over the country gathered in Pinghu to demonstrate these symbols on the spot. Experts believe that Zhuangqiao Grave Site Unearthed is indeed the original characters of Liangzhu, which is the earliest original characters found in China so far. Member of the Archaeological Expert Group of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage Chinese Archaeological Society President Zhang Zhongpei It means that all unearthed relic It is true and has scientific basis. [2]
The picture is "Gansang Stone Carved Characters" [5]

Evolution of Chinese Characters

Wuyang, Henan, more than 8000 years ago Jiahu Site (9000-7800 years ago), a batch of Glyph , known as Jiahu Inscription Some scholars think that it is only a symbol, while others think it is a character. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Rao Zongyi Once on Jiahu The inscriptions of Jiahu provide new information on the key issues of the origin of Chinese characters. Among the 21 inscriptions of Jia Hu, 11 characters have been recognized, which respectively reflect the images of Li Li and Kun divinatory symbols in Yi ology manifestation of a divination chinese characters.
  • Double pier glyph
Bengbu more than 7000 years ago Shuangdun Site , found more than 630 Engraved symbol They are rich and diverse. In terms of cultural relics at home and abroad during the same period, they are very rare and amazing. The variety and content of symbols are unparalleled by other sites at the same time. Double pier glyph The functions of can be divided into ideographic Stamp And counting. From October 24 to 25, 2009, more than 30 famous experts and scholars from home and abroad gathered Bengbu And discussed "the symbols carved at Shuangdun Site in Bengbu and the origin of early civilization". Many experts at the meeting agreed that the double pier inscriptions reflected the early double pier ancestors' Lifestyle , has the nature of original characters, is one of the origins of Chinese characters.
  • Banpo symbols
Of 6000 years ago Yangshao Culture Of Banpo Site There are twenty or thirty kinds of symbols carved on the edge of the mouth of the pottery bowl, namely Banpo symbols Yu Shengwu It is believed that "it is some simple characters produced at the origin stage of characters". Some of them are numbers.
  • Green Pier Carved Symbol
belong to Yangtze River Downstream area Liangzhu Culture Of Jiangsu province Qingdun Site , 5000 years ago, there were digital symbols.
  • Carved Symbol of Zhuang Bridge Grave
Belonging to Liangzhu culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Zhejiang province Zhuangqiao Grave Site Carved symbol, 5000 years ago, some Ligature It's a sentence.
  • Bone inscription
Bone inscription Refers to animal bone Symbols depicted on - hieroglyphics or graphic character , found in Shandong( Chifeng It is also found in Guanzhong and other places.). In 2005, famous archaeologist Shandong University Art Archaeology Director of Research Institute Liu Fengjun Professor found that“ Bone inscription ”And identified the carving tools as agate and other acute gems, which were formed between 2600 BC and 1300 BC Longshan Culture Words popular in the period. Since the end of 2010, famous scholars Shandong Tourism Industry Association Full time Vice President Ding Zaixian The researcher successfully and systematically deciphered the bone inscription, and comprehensively discussed the relationship between Oracle And the inheritance of modern Chinese characters.
  • Tao Temple Zhu Wen 9
Shanxi province Xiangfen County Of Taosi Site , according to Radiocarbon dating After correction, it is about 2500~1900 BC. In 1984, archaeologists found a piece of Flat kettle Fragments, the stubble of the fragments is painted red, and there are two characters on the fragments, one of which is "wen", and the other is "wen". Experts have“ Yao ”"Yi", "Ming" and other explanations. Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Researcher, Director of Information Center Zhu Naicheng He said that Zhushu characters were 1500 years earlier than oracle bone inscriptions. archaeologist Su Bingqi Sir once said:“ Taosi Culture Not only has it reached a ratio of Hongshan culture Later stage‘ feudal princes who pay allegiance to a common sovereign ’And established the central position in all countries at that time, which is equivalent to the Yao and Shun era , i.e Pre Qin Historical Records The earliest 'China' in China has laid the foundation of China. " Xiangfen County Near the southeast Yicheng County It is the Tang Dynasty granted by the descendants of Tang Yao, the legendary Tao Tang family.
  • Water Book of Xia Dynasty
Henan province Luoyang city Yanshi Erlitou Xia Ruins The unearthed pottery has 24 characters written in water.
A compromise view is that the Chinese characters "formed a relatively complete writing system" 4000 years ago Xia Dynasty Middle and late stage. Of course, this is not an accepted view, because there are few characters unearthed in the Xia Dynasty.
  • Oracle
Wuding Period, King of the Bone Divination Shang Dynasty
The remains of oracle bone inscriptions in the early Shang Dynasty are mainly found in Zhengzhou Shopping Mall Zhengzhou, April 1953 Erligang Site One section of ox rib was unearthed, with three lines of 11 characters engraved on it, "Yi Chou Zhen: From receiving... In July, I will return to the native sheep", and some people have interpreted it as "From receiving the native sheep in October, I will return to the native sheep". The function of this text is the same as that of the inscriptions on oracle bones in Yin Ruins "Jiashen Bu Youtu". There is no remains of the late Yin Dynasty in the unearthed area of oracle bones, which should belong to the Erligang period of the early Shang Dynasty. In September 1954, another bone wreckage was unearthed in the CIT30 trench of Erligang site in Zhengzhou, with an incomplete equilateral triangle engraved on it and a "ㄓ" in the middle. In addition to Erligang, oracle bones were occasionally found in other areas of Zhengzhou City. In the autumn of 1989, a piece of aggregate processed with animal limb bones was found in the ash pit on the upper layer of Erligang, the project site of Henan Water Conservancy First Engineering Bureau, with two inscriptions on the front, or interpreted as "E". In the summer of 1990, when the archaeologists were cleaning the H10 rammed earth pit on the upper layer of Erligang, Zhengzhou Electric Power School, they found a piece of bone fragment in the fill. There were two inscriptions in the middle of the upper part of the front of the aggregate, which were interpreted as "弜弜". These oracle inscriptions found in the early cultural sites of the Shang Dynasty are the earliest oracle bone inscriptions found in China so far, and also find the origin of the oracle bone inscriptions in the late Shang Dynasty. [6]
What we can see now is the relatively complete characters that have begun to take shape Shang Dynasty Oracle bone inscriptions. In Henan at the end of the Qing Dynasty Anyang Xiaotun Village found many Tortoiseshell And animal bones, which are carved with characters, have aroused great interest in the academic world, and this kind of characters is called oracle bone inscriptions.
  • Inscriptions on bronze
The early Shang Dynasty cultural relics with inscriptions on gold have been found in five domestic sites and two have been collected in foreign institutions. One bronze statue was unearthed from the Baijiazhuang tomb in the Shang City of Zhengzhou, with three equidistant tortoise shaped images carved on the neck. Tang Lan interprets it as "strider", and some people think it is the tortoise emblem, which should be the national emblem. In 1964, a piece of jue unearthed in Yangzhuang, Zhengzhou, was decorated with taotie patterns on one side of the abdomen and symmetrical eyes on the other side. Cao Shuqin believed that it was a common "Tuyi" character in the bronze inscriptions of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. In 1978, a bronze dagger was found at the Dazhuang site in Zhongmou County, Zhengzhou City. It was straight inside and long inside, with a "minister" on both sides. One bronze Ge was also unearthed in Jingdang, Qishan County, Shaanxi Province, with the same inscription as the Ge unearthed in Zhongmou, Zhengzhou. A bronze Yan was found in the northern suburb of Changzi County, Shanxi Province. There is a positive inscription on the inner wall, which is shaped like an arrow in a diamond frame. It is generally considered to be "Hou". In addition, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and the Seattle Art Museum have collected one bronze tripod respectively. The two tripods have almost the same decorative pattern. The inscription "Gui Tu 2" is cast on the inner wall, which should be a pair of ritual vessels made at the same time. Li Xueqin believes that the bronze square tripod in the Seattle Art Museum is the 67 square tripod in Robbery compiled by Chen Mengjia; It also points out that among the bronze wares with inscriptions in Erligang period, the only credible one is the 397 Father Jiajiao in Robbery, while the feature that the character "gui" does not appear in four corners in Seattle Ding inscription is the circumstantial evidence of an earlier age. The shape and casting position of these bronze inscriptions in the early Shang Dynasty are consistent with those of the same kind in the late Shang Dynasty, showing a relatively obvious sequential relationship. [6]
With the development of society, fonts are also evolving. from Shang Dynasty Before the unification of Qin Dynasty Inscriptions on bronze It is developed on the basis of oracle bone inscriptions. Jinwen is Bronze inscription It is also called Zhongdingwen. The strokes in inscriptions on bronze are much more abundant than those in oracle bone inscriptions. They are well proportioned in size, and they also have a certain amount of money Decorative
  • Large and Small Seal Script
We have learned history, and we all know that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the feudal lords fought and fought each other, which also caused abnormal language sounds and characters, until First Emperor of Qin After the unification of the six countries, the characters were unified into Xiaozhuan. The previous inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells and inscriptions on gold were called Big Seal Script, handed down from generation to generation《 Langxietai carved stone 》《 inscribed stones on Mount Tai 》Both are representative works of Xiaozhuan.
  • official script
Although Xiaozhuan is standard and looks beautiful, it is not easy to write and can not be used satisfactorily. People hope that characters, as a tool to spread ideas and record language, are as convenient as possible, so a new font, official script, has emerged on the basis of Xiaozhuan. It is said that the founder of Lishu is a jailer turned prisoner in the Jin dynasty who created the clerical style of Chinese calligraphy Because he offended the First Emperor of Qin, he was sent to prison. After ten years in prison, he sorted out a set of new and easy to use fonts, which was called official script by later generations. Qin Shihuang was very happy. He not only pardoned him, but also made him an imperial historian.
In the Han Dynasty, official script gradually matured and occupied a major position aesthetic consciousness The official script has been beautifully written, leaving many famous steles, such as《 Zhang Qian's Stele 》《 Ode to Shimen 》《 Stele of Cao 》Such masterpieces with different styles are still the best models for learning official script.
  • regular script
Official script has further evolved into regular script, which is the font we use. It is more abundant and complete than official script. Three Kingdoms Zhong You He is a person who has made great contributions to the processing and arrangement of regular script. In the Tang Dynasty, the culture was highly developed, and calligraphy also reached its peak Ouyang Xun Yu Shinan Chu Suiliang learned scholar Liu Gongquan Etc.
  • Cursive script
Now let's talk about cursive script. Cursive script did not come into being after the appearance of regular script. "Grass" means preliminary and careless. No matter what kind of font is scrawled, it is cursive. As a special font, it was only available in the Han Dynasty. At the end of the Han Dynasty, cursive script became very popular cursive hand of Chinese calligraphy , and a type of cursive hand , finally developed into Ragweed And grass. There are many kinds of cursive script, which is not suitable for beginners to learn, so I won't say much about it here.
  • running script
Finally, let's talk about running script, which is a kind of font between regular script and cursive script. It came into being at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The real boom period is Eastern Jin Dynasty , known as calligraphic prodigy Of most famous early calligrapher Orchid Pavilion Preface, his representative work, is running script. As semi cursive script is more practical, more convenient than regular script, and not as difficult to recognize as cursive script, it is still the most commonly used font.
The evolution of Chinese characters has generally gone through Oracle —— Big Seal Script —— Xiaozhuan ——Official script cursive script regular script semi cursive script. This is in line with the development of characters from complex to simple, from non-standard to standard. Oracle, big seal and small seal can be collectively called seal script. Then, seal script, clerical script, regular script, line script and cursive script constitute Chinese calligraphy Five fonts. Regular script and running script are still used, while seal script, official script, cursive script, especially seal script, are no longer used in daily life, but only as a kind of The art of calligraphy Exists.
Modern Chinese characters refer to the characters after regular script Regular script Font style, including the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character And simplified characters. Modern Chinese characters are derived from Oracle Inscriptions on bronze Big Seal Script (Zhou Wen) Xiaozhuan , evolved from official script, cursive script, regular script, semi cursive script, etc. Chinese characters were invented and improved by the ancestors of the Han nationality to maintain the unity of the Han nationality Dialect area An indispensable link. The earliest extant Chinese characters are inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty and later inscriptions on gold in about 1300 BC In the Western Zhou Dynasty [3] , and then to the Xiaozhuan of the Qin Dynasty [4] He Lishu was popular in the Han and Wei Dynasties, and became regular script at the end of the Han Dynasty. Regular script prevailed in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and has been in use.
written words
The content of Chinese characters is rich, but some of them should have pronunciation, special or new meaning. In particular, innovative Chinese characters should be constantly improved and invented. This is an evolution. At least, whatever can be spelled out in pinyin should have corresponding Chinese characters: as shown in the following figure:
written words

Nature of Chinese Characters

From the corresponding relationship between Chinese characters and individual units of Chinese, Chinese characters are a kind of Morpheme writing (Ideographic). From the internal structure of Chinese characters, it can be divided into semantic part of a semantic-plus-phonetic character There are three kinds of side components: (rational side constructed according to meaning), sound side (rational side constructed according to sound) and auxiliary side (irrational side without basis). The early Chinese characters are very close to pictures, and only one character with one side is called single-component character , one more is called multiple-component character Combined characters can be divided into Indicator ideographic character and Pictophonetic characters , mainly the latter two, especially pictophonetic characters accounting for 80%.
(1) Pictophonetic characters
Pictophonetic characters denote meaning by semantic part of a semantic-plus-phonetic character And phonetic phonetic element in a Chinese character It consists of two parts. Take the simplest pictophonetic characters in structure as an example. Both pictophonetic characters and phonetic characters are independent characters. As a part of Pictophonetic Characters, these independent characters have sound and meaning. However, the form part only takes its meaning, not its sound, for example, the part of the word "dove", "bird"; For example, the part "nine" in the word "dove" is used. As the expression becomes more and more abundant, the number of pictophonetic characters increases gradually Oracle The proportion of Chinese pictophonetic characters is 20%《 Analytical Dictionary of Characters 》Accounting for 45%. Due to the evolution of word meaning and pronunciation, some pictophonetic characters have lost their ideographic or phonetic functions. For example, "ball" was originally the name of a kind of jade, so it took "jade" as the side. The word "ball" no longer refers to jade, and the shape side has no effect. Another example is that the word "sea" originally used "every" as the sound side. Due to the change of pronunciation, the pronunciation of "Hai" and "Mei" is far from each other, so the "Mei" beside the sound does not work. Sometimes, both the form side and the sound side lose their original functions, such as "giving, waiting, short". this A class of characters It can no longer be regarded as a pictophonetic character.
(2) Ideographic character
Evolution of shoot
The ancients said that "to stop fighting is to fight", "people believe what they say". For the words "Wu" and "Xin", this interpretation is wrong. However, in the system of Chinese characters, there are indeed characters made in this way, such as "not being right is crooked" and "not being good is cowardly". The characteristic of this kind of characters is to combine the meanings of the parts to express the meaning of the whole combined characters. There are only a few examples of such words.
There is no clear boundary between pictophonetic characters and non pictophonetic characters. At the beginning of the creation of characters, pictophonetic characters did not necessarily match the pronunciation beside their sounds. Develop to Modern Chinese Characters , access is even greater. Someone counted more than 7500 modern combined Chinese characters. As far as the pronunciation of Mandarin is concerned, less than 5% of the combined characters are completely homophone with the sound side (the initial, final and tone are all the same). About 10% of them have the same initials and vowels but different tones. Only the same finals account for about 20%. If we only regard the first two categories as pictophonetic characters, then pictophonetic characters only account for about 15% of the current Chinese characters. If the above three categories are all regarded as pictophonetic characters, pictophonetic characters will probably account for 35% of the current Chinese characters. If the standard is further relaxed or the pictophonetic characters are determined completely according to their origins, then the pictophonetic characters in the common Chinese characters percentage It's much higher. There are also some words with vague reasons, which seem to be combined words. One is that the original vocal and physical parts have lost their motivation value due to changes, such as "giving, waiting, short", etc. One is the original Monosom The characters are divided into different parts, such as "chapter, according to the Han Dynasty Xu Shen Analytical Dictionary of Characters 》The analysis of the "chapter" word from the "sound" from the "ten". But when people say "Li Zao Zhang" (to distinguish it from "Bow Long Zhang"), they analyze it into two parts: "Li" and "Zao". Actually, from Ancient writing Look, "Zhang" was originally a single entity Pictographic characters It has nothing to do with "sound, ten, standing and morning".
In the process of the formation of Chinese characters, due to the stroke and even corruption of components Ancient and modern synonyms Many words are difficult to understand or even misunderstood, for example, there is a strange story: "shoot" and "short" words interchanged by mistake. Isn't it very short? Shooting characters are actually short characters. Douya is a flying arrow, and short characters are actually shooting characters. Actually Inscriptions on bronze Chinese is the image of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow. However, in the seal script, the left side is wrongly transformed into "body", and the right side is "cun". "cun", as a word formation component, is the image of hand just like "you", rather than the image commonly used today“ Length unit ”Righteousness. Short is a pictophonetic character. "Dou" is a phonetic component. Even if you think that "Dou" may also be a pictophonetic component, beans and meat eaters, this meaning is often used in word making components, while the well-known meaning of "Dou" is much later, which is a borrowed use.