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Cultural knowledge

Terminology in the field of literature
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Culture Knowledge, yes Culture And knowledge General Including Chinese traditional culture Knowledge, world culture Knowledge, each subject Knowledge of all aspects of society.
Chinese name
Cultural knowledge
Culture and knowledge
Sociology each aspect Knowledge of
Culture is knowledge Higher of arrangement

Knowledge Introduction

In our original concept Medium, knowledge And Culture Basically, that's a arrangement Things on. Some have been Higher Education For those who can write and speak, we collectively call them Culture People. Now, this concept The two should not be the same thing.

Knowledge concept

knowledge and Culture You can't draw an equal sign. knowledge , it's just Culture A small part of Culture The foundation of. In other words, culture is knowledge Higher of arrangement
yes knowledge People who are not necessarily Culture People. knowledge , as long as you are willing study , generally available, knowledge That's what we do today Sociology To survive and make a living One of Indispensable The ability of. and Culture , which reflects a person culture and grade , it's up to you Cultivation , and we live in this complex social environment Should not be missing quality Has. Chinese cultural knowledge is extensive and profound, and has a long history.