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Cultural circles

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Cultural Circles was founded in Shanghai on September 16, 1933. It is a semi monthly magazine and a comprehensive publication. The publisher of the magazine is the Cultural Circles Magazine, located at No. 9, De'anli, Jupres Road, and the editor is Lan Yiqiong. It is issued by Huatong Book Company, and is located in the middle of Shanghai Sima Road. The library has three issues in 1933, and the specific time and reason for the closure are unknown. This journal is another manifestation of the truth saving the country. Some young people think that although they are in the Republic of China, feudal ideology still dominates many people in most fields. It was founded to promote truth and sweep away feudal ideology, which can be used as a supplement to the youth's research on the way of saving the country in this period. At the same time, it helps to understand the spread and evolution of Marxism.
Chinese name
Cultural circles
Comprehensive publications
Start date
Publication cycle

Publication purpose

The purpose is to publicize the truth, let people understand the situation, the reasons for the changes around, and sweep away the feudal consciousness in people's hearts.


As a comprehensive cultural journal, it has literary forum, academic forum, academic forum, book and newspaper forum. The specific contents are as follows. The first is an excerpt of current events. There is an analysis of the situation between China and Europe. Since the sound of the German Austrian merger, the countries of China and Europe have focused on this issue and formed a confrontation between two systems. One is to unite Britain to help Austria suppress Germany, and the other is to unite Hungary to help Austria resist France. The former is dominated by France, and the latter is led by Italy. There are also reports on the issue of nine small islands in the South China Sea. France invaded and occupied nine small islands in China. The author appeals that only the armed people can recover. The second is the publicity of academic theories, and there is a discussion on the relationship between Marxism and science. The author believes that it has a cordial relationship with science, and that Marxism is a truth. This paper introduces the Russian revolution and Trotsky, how Ilicism was conceived in labor, and comments on Trotsky's right and wrong about his merits and demerits in the revolution. Then, it discusses the literature problem, discusses the relationship between literature and life, and how literary history originates from life and is higher than life. It also analyzes the authenticity and practicality of literature. Finally, there are some book reviews, including the evaluation of Basic English.

Opening statement

The Pursuit of Truth
Now, in the real era of great changes, we have seen the last struggle of capitalism on the verge of death, and we have seen the vigorous rise of the oppressed working masses. The old irrational society has been changing day by day, surviving in a critical state, and the new bright flag has also spread in front of us, leading thousands of people to advance in a new society that stands tall.
These are two different worlds. In these two worlds, the old and the new are still in constant struggle, especially in the cultural aspect, and in the superstructure of all societies, this struggle is more obvious and more divine. The old social forces attacked, distorted the correct understanding of reality, and created some misleading theories with vague consciousness. In the field of science, this dangerous dark atmosphere is even worse. Material destruction, which was the poison walked by the spokesmen of the old social forces. They tried to attack science and philosophy with this poison and shake the foundation of truth.
However, the true foundation of science and philosophy is unshakable. The spokesmen in the old social forces suddenly exposed their faces by distorting the truth and reality.
In the field of social science and literature, this sharp struggle has further excavated the grave of the old society.
Undoubtedly, this is a time of great turmoil and confusion. In this era, we have seen two different worlds.
China is a semi colonial country. Since the economic basis of society has many different parts, Chinese society is bound to perform a special history. After the Qin Dynasty, although China's feudal system was no longer collapsing, until now, this residual feudal force still accounted for the main part of society. In a sense, the feudal ideology reflected by this social foundation is undoubtedly still the authority of some parts of the Chinese social trend of thought, especially in the countryside, in a part of the society with more feudal forces, the feudal ideology almost dominates the thoughts and actions of every conservative person.
To fight for science, to defend truth, to understand all the phenomena in the times, and to make each of us young people shoulder the historical mission. We should correctly grasp the theory, and give people an understanding of the power of movement to confirm and demarcate the direction, and the internal connection of the surrounding events. Tianwei theory, only theory. Helping us practice not only enables us to understand how and where we must move forward now, but also enables us to understand how and where we must move forward in the near future.
We are all young people who are not fully mature yet. However, we should try our best to go to a sound state. Our attitude is confident that it is true, at least our heart is bright. We don't have any organization, and we despise the background of everything. What we have is a sincere heart and fire like enthusiasm. We hope that this heart, this passion, can expand day by day, so that this heart can become the heart of the world, at least the young people in China to fight for truth, so that this enthusiasm can burn the world like fire.
Come on, young friends, take advantage of the night before the storm, we all get together and fight! Although our garden and cultural circles are full of young shoots, they need the blood of most young people to cultivate and irrigate. [1]