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Cultural grafting

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Culture Grafting means different cultural fusion A form of fruit grafting, created by social worker Joy Wang, inspired by the principle of fruit grafting. In fact, cultural grafting is the fusion of different cultures, that is, grafting one species onto another, but the same species may be differentiated in different places due to different "environments" or "climates".
Chinese name
Cultural grafting
A form of integration of different cultures
According to the necessary conditions of "grafting":
1. The best place for grafting is greenhouse That is, the Chinese government needs strong support, at least acquiescence in the experimental stage;
2. The grafting place should have wounds, that is, the part of western culture that needs to be introduced is generally recognized as insufficient by the Chinese people;
3. Grafting should choose those close to each other, that is, those similar to Chinese culture and capable of connecting the preceding and the following;
4. Grafting needs scions with strong vitality, that is, the imported western culture is recognized as a beneficial part, which can adapt to the Chinese environment, has strong vitality, and is not easy to be assimilated or excluded while maintaining its own performance;
5. The action of grafting should be rapid, that is, it should not go through long argumentation and discussion, and it should be verified and improved directly in practice;
The grafting of fruit trees can greatly improve the resistance of the original fruit trees to adverse environments and toxic substances, enhance the absorption capacity of the root system, and enhance the reproductive capacity of the original fruit trees, thus increasing the yield and shortening the fruit bearing period. Cultural grafting also hopes that through the grafting of Chinese and Western cultures, we can take the essence of others and discard the dross of ourselves, so as to make Chinese culture more vigorous, more suitable for the needs of China and even the world's harmonious development, and lead the Chinese nation to stand erect in a healthy and confident attitude World nation The forest.
From the perspective of operation, referring to the five principles of "grafting", Wang Yuzhou believes that the feasibility lies in:
1. The social problems reflected by the current gap between rich and poor in China show the necessity of cultural grafting, and the "greenhouse environment" is also available. In the past three decades of reform and opening up, it is a fact that the construction of spiritual civilization has been disjointed. There are many theoretical forms, but the actual effect of improving people's internal quality is not obvious. In fact, no matter what culture, there are both her good side and her bad side. When we effectively absorb and transform the western economic model, we are afraid to avoid the western spiritual civilization, and regard the spread of Christianity in China as cultural aggression, thus totally rejecting the successful experience of western spiritual civilization. We do not know that culture is the basis of economy, and the economic foundation determines the superstructure. In order to form a pragmatic culture in China that conforms to the universal ethics of the world and make China's politics, economy and culture truly harmonious, we need to remove the dross and absorb the essence of Chinese and Western cultures with a responsible and open-minded attitude, in particular, we should clearly define and promote some standards of human nature and character.
2. Looking at China's 5000 year history, Confucian culture and Taoist culture cannot change China's destiny, even though they were introduced in the Tang Dynasty Indian Buddhism It is also useless. The economic boom of reform and opening up has made Chinese people see the hope of national rejuvenation, but are Chinese people really ready for the era of world powers? Japan, which is based on Confucian culture, is still unwilling to publicly apologize and repent for the war of aggression. Germany, which is based on Christian culture, not only continues to apologize but also actively compensates, so it has won the understanding and respect of all countries in the world. Culturally, it is reflected in the Confucian philosophy of "Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself". When talking about what you don't want, don't give it to others, and don't give a solution - what if you give it to others that I don't want?; Christianity says, "Whatever you want people to do to you, you should do to them." ⑨. So the Germans found a solution. The above examples are also lacking in the implicit Chinese culture. We need to promote the culture of giving first and seeking return later, because in fact it is more blessed to give than to receive. Another example is about doing good deeds. Chinese people are deeply influenced by Buddhism. They believe that doing good deeds can accumulate virtue, so the utilitarianism of doing good deeds in China is very strong. Westerners believe that doing good deeds is an obligation, because we are all children of God, and God is just and loving, so we must do good deeds. When we emphasize that doing good is an obligation, people's sense of social responsibility will naturally increase.
3. On the same planet, whether Westerners or Easterners, we should first consider the issue of "people", and then consider the differences between Chinese and Americans. Therefore, there must be something similar between Chinese and Western cultures that can communicate with each other, such as the understanding of human nature. Chinese culture says that "at the beginning of human life, human nature is inherently good" (Chinese Buddhism also says that everyone has Buddha nature). Western culture says that "God creates human beings in his own image, and everything seems to be good", so East and West have basically the same understanding of human nature at the beginning; Later, with the material enrichment, people became more and more greedy and corrupt, so the Confucian Xunzi proposed that "human nature is evil", which was inherited by Legalists, and later helped the Qin Dynasty unify China by force. Western culture says that "Adam and Eve committed crimes and were driven out of the Garden of Eden, and sin entered this generation, and everyone was guilty". This "original sin theory" is similar to Xunzi's "human nature is evil". Although the current Chinese culture tends to "human nature is basically good", I believe that Fan has experienced“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”% of the Chinese people will believe that "human nature is inherently good" is not enough to explain various phenomena in the movement. Therefore, here we can find a good cultural convergence point: people have a good nature, that is, "compassion, shame, respect, right and wrong"; people also have a bad nature, selfish and greedy since childhood, which can also be explained from the perspective of genetics. Combining Chinese and Western cultures to promote human nature with good and evil requires us to find a balance between idealism and materialism. On the one hand, we should listen to the voice of inner conscience, and on the other hand, we should let people know their crimes through law, that is, moral education and legal education go hand in hand.
4. Most Western Christians live a holy life. The main reason is that they fear God and strive to improve themselves according to the perfect values recorded in the Bible. Among them, what can be accepted by Chinese culture are "the heart of awe" and "value standards". Chinese culture also emphasizes the "harmony between man and nature", that is, the harmony between man and nature. In fact, the Sichuan earthquake has revived the conscience and sense of social responsibility of many Chinese people, and the deterioration of the world environment has begun to make Chinese people have a sense of hardship, which provides a good opportunity for us to establish an object of reverence and love - nature. We need to cultivate people's attitude of reverence for nature, humility and conclude that they are part of nature, Dilute the wrong idea that man can conquer nature. Just like the poem "Looking up at the Starry Sky" written by Premier Wen Jiabao during his visit to Tongji University in 2007:
I look up at the starry sky, which is so vast and profound; The infinite truth, let me search hard and follow.
I look up at the starry sky, which is so solemn and holy; The awe inspiring justice fills me with love and awe.
I look up at the starry sky, it is so free and quiet; That broad mind, let my heart rest, snuggle.
I look up at the starry sky, it is so magnificent and brilliant; The eternal fervor ignited the flame of hope in my heart and sounded the spring thunder.
In terms of value standards, on the basis of General Secretary Hu Jintao's "eight honors and eight disgraces", combined with the benevolence and righteousness of Confucianism, the self-cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, and the western "love" culture, it is completely possible to propose a complete set of personality traits suitable for Chinese people. Wang Yuzhou's personal approval of the nine essential characters in life is: benevolence, joy, peace, tenacity, friendship, kindness Honesty, humility and moderation.
5. With the increasing number of Christians in mainland China, some excellent western cultures have actually entered Chinese society, For example, the true meaning of love in western culture: "love is patient and kind, love is not jealous, love is not boastful, not arrogant, not shy, not seeking its own benefits, not easily angry, not counting others' evils, not liking injustice, only like the truth, tolerate everything, believe everything, hope everything, endure everything, love never stops ⑩.", It's catchy. Even in remote mountainous areas in China, such a culture is still popular. What's wrong with it? The truth is always more and more obvious. As the Chinese old saying goes, "The horse power is known from afar, and the people will be seen over time." Mr. Deng Xiaoping also said that whether it is good or bad, let's do it. If you have good experience, why not try again, and finally make it a national policy.