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Overall perception

Psychological feeling
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Overall perception refers to the psychological feelings generated after reading an article. It is the overall understanding of the text, and it is the reader's general understanding and grasp of the main points of the text in a short time through intuition. It is the reader who focuses on the overall situation, through his own subjective understanding, comprehensively uses all kinds of Chinese knowledge and language sense learned, and makes a macro understanding of reading materials. The new Chinese curriculum standard emphasizes that "students should be able to perceive the content of the text as a whole, and the overall perception of the text should play a role in understanding the content and clarifying the theme". Therefore, the connotation and status of "overall perception" have undergone substantial changes at this stage.
Chinese name
Overall perception
The psychological feeling after reading an article is the overall understanding of the text, which is the reader's general understanding and grasp of the main points of the text in a relatively short time through intuition.
The proposal of "overall perception", aiming at the malpractice that teachers replace students' reading with a large number of explanations, advocates that students should "feel" and "grasp" themselves; In view of the fact that teachers often cover every aspect of words, sentences, grammar and rhetoric in their explanations, they advocate that students should be "overall perceived" in reading teaching; In view of the "dismembered model analysis", the author advocates that reading teaching should adopt the "overall perception" approach. The synthesis of the above aspects is undoubtedly a negation of the previous reading teaching.