Bulk cargo ship

bulk carrier
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Bulk carrier is the abbreviation of bulk carrier, which is specially used to transport unpacked goods, such as coal, ore, timber, livestock, grain, etc. Ships transporting bulk dry bulk cargo such as grain, coal, mineral sand, salt and cement in bulk can be called dry bulk cargo ships or simply bulk cargo ships.
Chinese name
Bulk cargo ship
Foreign name
bulk-cargo ship
Full name
bulk carrier
Transport of unpacked goods
Coal carrier, ore carrier, timber carrier
traffic engineering

Origin of name

Because the dry bulk carrier has a single type of cargo, it does not need to be packed, packaged, or loaded in boxes. It is not afraid of extrusion and is easy to load and unload, so it is a single deck ship. If the total load capacity is more than 50000 tons, cargo handling equipment is generally not loaded. Because the stowage factors (the volume of each ton of cargo) of grain, coal and ore vary greatly, the required cargo tank volume, hull structure, layout and equipment are different. Therefore, generally speaking, only ships with similar stowage factors such as grain and coal are called bulk cargo ships, while ships with smaller stowage factors such as mineral sand are called mineral sand ships.
Ships transporting bulk dry bulk cargo such as coal, mineral sand, salt, grain and cement in bulk can be called dry bulk cargo ships or simply bulk cargo ships. Because the dry bulk carrier has a single type of cargo, it does not need to be packed, packaged, and transported in boxes. It is not afraid of extrusion and is easy to load and unload, so it is a single deck ship. If the total load capacity is more than 50000 tons, cargo lifting equipment is generally not installed. Because the stowage factors (the volume of each ton of cargo) of grain, coal and mineral sand are very different, and the required cargo tank volume, hull structure, layout and equipment are different in many aspects, it is generally customary to call only ships with similar stowage factors of grain, coal and other cargo bulk cargo ships, However, ships carrying ore and other goods with small stowage factor are called ore ships. [1]


Coal, grain, ore and other dry bulk cargo were originally General cargo ship Carried by. With the development of ship specialization, special transport ships for iron ore appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and self unloading ore ships appeared in 1912, until the Second World War Bulk carriers are mainly ore carriers and coal carriers. After World War II, cement, fertilizer, wood chips, sugar, etc. began to be transported in bulk, and the application scope and fleet scale of bulk carriers expanded rapidly. The number of bulk carriers in the world increased from 61 in 1954, 1.167 million deadweight tons (70% of which were ore carriers) to 471 in 1960, 87.11 million deadweight tons (57% of which were ore carriers). Since then, the number of bulk carriers has increased at a faster rate. In the 30 years from 1960 to 1990, the number of bulk carriers has increased 9.8 times, and the deadweight tonnage has increased 27 times. In 1990, the number of bulk carriers reached 5087, with 242.55 million deadweight tons. according to Lloyd's Register According to statistics, at the end of 2003, the number of bulk carriers in the world was 5888, 307.11 million dwt, with an average age of 14.5 years.
In the 15 years from 1960 to 1975, the number of bulk carriers increased sharply. In the first half of the 1980s Oil tanker On the contrary, the rapid reduction of tonnage led to the rapid growth of bulk carriers. However, the number of bulk carriers declined from 1986 to 1994, and then showed a steady growth trend. In general, since 1980, oil tankers, bulk carriers Container ship Among the four types of ships, container ship and general cargo ship (including multi-purpose cargo ship) have developed the fastest, and bulk cargo ship has also grown rapidly. After a sharp decline in the early stage, the tonnage of oil tankers has grown slowly in recent years, while conventional general cargo ship (including multi-purpose cargo ship) has continued to decline.
The process of large-scale development: another characteristic of the development of bulk carriers is Large ship In 1954, the average tonnage of a single bulk carrier was only 19000 deadweight tons. Since 1973, it has exceeded 40000 deadweight tons, reaching 54000 deadweight tons. The growth of average single ship tonnage of bulk cargo fleet is mainly reflected in the growth of 60000~80000 dwt Panamax and 120000~200000 dwt Cape of Good Hope Type and 40000~60000 deadweight tons Handy boat And the number of ships under 40000 deadweight tons decreased significantly. At the same time, the average tonnage of all types of bulk carriers also shows an increasing trend. According to the statistics of a maritime information service company, the average tonnage of Cape of Good Hope bulk carriers was 129415 deadweight tons in 1990, and it has increased to 161088 deadweight tons in 2003 Panamax bulk carrier The average tonnage increased from 64294 deadweight tons to 69970 deadweight tons, Handysize bulk carrier From 30423 dwt to 39191 dwt. Among them, the Panamax bulk carrier is subject to panama canal In terms of width limitation, only 5376 deadweight tons have been increased in 13 years, which is far lower than the increased tonnage of Cape of Good Hope ships (increased by 31673 deadweight tons). There are three main factors to promote the large-scale of bulk carriers, namely, the economy of large ships is better; Continuous improvement of ship design and construction; wharf Expansion of port scale and improvement of facilities.


According to different loads, bulk carriers can be divided into different types, mainly including the following:

coal carrier

The coal carrier is a bulk cargo ship used for carrying coal. Its hatch is relatively wide, which is convenient for loading and unloading coal with grab bucket. In order to prevent coal from rolling in the coal bunker, many longitudinal baffles are set at the bottom of the coal bunker. Some coal carriers do not use Grab bucket , boom, but is equipped at the bottom of the coal bunker Belt conveyor , can be connected with the shore conveyor, and can load and unload coal by itself

Ore carrier

The ore carrier is a bulk carrier specialized in carrying sand. As the ore is a heavy cargo with a large ratio and small volume, it is easy to damage the hull. For this reason, the ore carrier has a solid structure, the bilge of the cargo hold is mostly inclined, and the cargo hold is also equipped with a longitudinal baffle plate, which can not only prevent the ore from rolling longitudinally, but also enhance the strength of the hull

Log carrier

Timber carriers are used to transport timber Transport ship , due to the light weight and large volume of wood. Therefore, the cargo hold of the timber carrier is wide, and there are no hull components such as beams and columns in the cargo hold. Also, because the wood is not afraid of wind and rain, it can be loaded in the cargo hold or stacked on the deck. In order to block and protect timber, wooden posts are set at the side of the deck for more timber
According to different transportation purposes, bulk carriers can be divided into different types, mainly as follows:

Ordinary bulk carrier

Ordinary bulk carriers are generally single deck, stern type, and the cargo compartment section is octagonal. Due to the single type of cargo transported, the requirements for compartment separation are not high, and the proportion of various bulk cargo varies greatly, so the cargo compartment volume of bulk carriers is large to meet the requirements for loading light cargo. If heavy cargo needs to be loaded, the method of compartment loading or the arrangement of large and small compartments should be adopted.

Special bulk carrier

The special bulk carrier is a bulk carrier designed and built according to the special requirements of some large and large bulk cargo on the marine transportation technology, mainly including coal carrier, bulk grain carrier, ore sand carrier and bulk cement carrier.

Dual-use bulk carrier

The dual-use bulk carrier is a ship designed and built according to the special requirements of some specific bulk cargo or bulk cargo for marine transportation technology, and has a variety of shipping functions.

Special bulk carrier

Large hatch bulk carrier: this kind of ship has a cargo hatch width of more than 70% of the ship's width, and is equipped with cargo lifting equipment, which can not only load bulk cargo, but also wood, steel, rubber, mechanical equipment, newsprint and containers, with strong adaptability.
Self unloading bulk carrier: It is a transport vessel with special cargo hold structure and a set of automatic unloading system. It does not need to rely on port facilities for centralized operation and rapid automatic unloading operations, and is suitable for transporting bulk ore, grain, coal, cement, fertilizer, etc.

Livestock boat

Livestock carrier is a bulk carrier specialized in carrying livestock. In order to prevent livestock from moving around in the cabin, a partition board is set in the cabin of the livestock boat, and a feeding trough is also set in the cabin for livestock.

Grain ship

Grain ship It is a bulk carrier specialized in grain. It belongs to the category of dry bulk carrier.

Cement barge

Cement barge It is a bulk carrier specialized in transporting cement. It belongs to the category of dry bulk carrier.
Steel transport ship
Steel transport ship is a bulk cargo ship specialized in transporting steel. It belongs to the category of dry bulk carrier.
(Shi Hequn)

Bulk level

Bulk carriers for grain, cement, steel, ore and other bulk cargoes are generally divided into the following levels:
Handysize bulk carrier (Handysize bulk carrier): refers to bulk carriers with a load capacity of about 20-50000 tons, of which ships with a load capacity of more than 40000 tons are also called Handymax bulk carrier (Handymax bulk carrier)。 As we all know, dry bulk cargo is a bulk cargo for sea transportation, and these ships with relatively small tonnage have a strong channel The adaptability of canals and ports, moderate deadweight tonnage, and most of them are equipped with loading and unloading equipment, which make the operation convenient and flexible, so it is called "handy".
Panamax bulk carrier (Panamax bulk carrier): As the name suggests, this type of ship refers to the largest bulk carrier that can pass through the Panama Canal under full load, that is, it mainly meets Ship Chief Relevant regulations on navigation of canals with a width of no more than 274.32m and a width of no more than 32.30m. According to the needs, adjust the size, type and structure of the ship to change the carrying capacity, which is generally between 60000 and 75000 tons.
Capesize bulk carrier (Capesize bulk carrier): refers to a bulk carrier with a load capacity of about 150000 tons. This ship type mainly transports iron ore, which is impossible to pass through the Panama Canal and Suez The canal needs to bypass the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn, which is called "cape" type in Taiwan Province. because Suez Canal The authorities have relaxed draft Limited, this type of ship can pass through the canal with full load.
Bulk cargo ship
Lake bulk carrier (Lake bulk carrier): Saint Lawrence The bulk cargo ships sailing in the Great Lakes at the junction of the United States and Canada mainly carry coal, iron ore and food. The dimensions of this type of ship should meet the navigation requirements of St. Lawrence Waterway. The total length of the ship should not exceed 222.50 meters, the molded width should not exceed 23.16 meters, and no part of the bridge should protrude from the outside of the ship. The draft should not exceed the maximum allowable draft of each major water area. The height from the top of the mast to the water surface should not exceed 35.66 meters. This type of ship is generally about 30000 tons, most of which are equipped with unloading equipment.

Ship gauge details

Ship specifications It is a description of the specific situation of the ship, which is used as the basis for the charterer to select the applicable ship, and is an integral part of the charter party. Its main contents and functions are as follows:
(1) Name of ship owner: used to review the reputation of ship owner.
(2) Ship name: to prevent the ship owner from substituting another ship.
(3) Flag: a port that cannot be attached from the perspective of international relations.
(4) Construction time: the age of the ship is estimated.
(5) Class: indicates the overall performance status of the ship.
(6) Deadweight tonnage and deadweight capacity: the maximum quantity of goods loaded shall be determined.
(7) Registered gross tonnage and net tonnage: used to calculate relevant port use fees.
(8) Full load draft: the port to consider whether it can be attached.
(9) Speed fuel consumption: it is used to calculate the voyage date and operating cost.
(10) Boom equipment: consider cargo suitability from the perspective of loading and unloading.
(11) Number of decks/cargo ships and hatch size: to consider the cargo scope.

Safety clause

(a) The charterer shall instruct the port station operator or its representative to cooperate with the captain International Maritime Organization Ship/shore safety checklist, and arrange all cargo operations in strict accordance with the provisions.
(b) ) In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and notwithstanding the provisions of the charter party on loading and unloading rates, the charterer shall instruct the port station operator to load and unload goods in accordance with the loading and unloading plan approved by the captain. When approving the loading and unloading plan, the captain shall consider the draft, balance, stability, pressure of the ship or other factors that may affect the safety of the ship.
(c) During any period of cargo operation, if the Master considers that there are necessary reasons affecting the safety of the ship, he has the right to notify the port station operator or his representative to slow down or stop loading and unloading cargo.
(d) The provisions of this clause shall not affect the calculation of loading and unloading time.

Model Example

The 92500DWT bulk carrier has a total length of 230 meters, a length of 222 meters between the two columns, a molded width of 38 meters, a molded depth of 20.7 meters, a structural draft of 14.9 meters, a load capacity of 92500 tons at structural draft, and a service speed of 14.1 knots. After the Panama Canal was widened, the 92500DWT bulk carrier has become a new type of ship with large demand in the international ship market. It is mainly used for the transportation of dry bulk cargo such as coal, grain, iron ore and bag loading. Compared with other similar ships, this ship has the characteristics of large single ship tonnage, strong environmental protection and energy conservation, and good technical performance, which is in line with the overall trend of "safety, economy, health, and environmental protection" in international shipping. [2]

data statistics

On February 2, 2024, the China Shipbuilding Industry Association released the Analysis of the Economic Operation of the Shipbuilding Industry in 2023, which shows that in 2023, the export value of China's shipbuilding products will reach 31.87 billion US dollars, an increase of 21.4% year on year. Among them, the export amount of bulk carriers, oil tankers and container ships, the three main types of ships, totaled US $18.71 billion, accounting for 58.7% of the total export amount. [3]

Related news

On April 24, 2024, the first 5000 ton pure electric bulk carrier in the Yangtze River designed by Wuhan Shipbuilding Vocational and Technical College started construction in Yichang Shipbuilding Industrial Park, Hubei Province. The ship is a pure electric bulk carrier. It is equipped with two container type batteries to store 10000 kilowatt hours of electricity. The power exchange mode is adopted. The rated power of the main propulsion equipment is 1800 kilowatts, and the endurance mileage is 200 kilometers. [4]