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Education Fund

Legally recognized grants to education for certain purposes
Education fund refers to the funds provided for education for a certain purpose recognized by law grant In western countries, the main donors are Charities , large companies and enterprises Religious groups , alumni and individuals. It is an important source of revenue for some universities, especially private famous universities. For example, 1888 institutions of higher learning in the United States had 23.47 billion dollars in this fund in 1981, of which Harvard University University of Texas at Austin Yale University Stanford University and Princeton University Ten other universities and colleges have US $7.4 billion, accounting for 31.5% of the total fund. To provide student scholarships and promote key points Discipline construction And the development of key scientific research projects. Enjoy tax exemption privileges. In China, this kind of fund is being formed, which is mainly used for special assistance related to education, especially incentive assistance. [1]
Chinese name
Education Fund
1.5% of payroll
Special fund
Strengthen technical research and exchange

Fund characteristics

1. Universality Multi parties of education fund Financing channels , breaking the original country Education funds The simplification of source channels has gradually formed a new pattern of multi-channel fund sources, which also determines the universality of education fund sources. China has a large population. Under the condition of limited national financial resources and tight funds, only by mobilizing the strength of the whole society, giving play to the advantages of people's education and people run schools, and implementing multi-channel fund-raising can we supplement the shortage of education funds. The implementation of multi-channel fund raising for education is not an expedient measure to solve the shortage of education funds, but education The objective needs of the development to a certain stage are the inevitable trend of social and economic development. modern education Is an extremely complex social activities Talents trained by education must adapt to modern productive forces Development level The need of Social groups All walks of life and everyone are inextricably linked. Therefore, in today's increasingly modernized production, we must improve the socialization of education, and also enhance citizens' awareness of education Development education It is our bounden duty to make contributions to education. [2]
2. Effectiveness. make the best of Education funds It is an important part of improving input efficiency. education Financing It is not easy, and the number is limited. We must improve the effectiveness of its use in order to maximize its role. In order to improve the effectiveness of its use, in addition to earmarking, we should also consider the Effectiveness Try to avoid duplication and waste of investment, and make full use of existing funds by reasonable quota, strict approval and plan use according to needs Maximum efficiency
3. Instability. Education funds are funded through social Multi party funding The increase or decrease of its amount is bound to be affected by the society Economic development level At the same time, it is also affected by people's awareness of education. The economic development of society is constantly changing, and people's understanding of education is also constantly deepening, which determines the change of the amount of education funds. It not only affects the requirement It also determines the possible amount of education funds. In addition, multi-channel fund-raising office Education time It is relatively short, there is no legal guarantee, and no relatively complete items have been formed Rules and regulations Some problems inevitably arise in management. These factors determine the instability of the amount of education funds raised at this stage.


The establishment of the people's education fund system plays a very important role. [2]
1. It can provide a relatively stable Source of funds Limited in China Economic power Under such conditions, it is not enough to rely on the investment of the state alone, and the shortage of education funds cannot be solved in a short period of time. According to China's national conditions, it is a long time task to establish a fund system and raise funds through multiple channels to run education. It is also an important part of deepening education reform masses Culture living standard The material basis of education is an important condition for promoting the development of education.
2. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole society to care about and support education, and promote urban and rural areas socialist spiritual civilization Construction has strengthened the ties between the Party and the government and the people.
3. The reasonable investment of education funds has promoted the development of education at all levels and all types of education, improved the conditions for running schools, mobilized the enthusiasm of teachers, and improved Teaching quality And injected new vitality into the development of education.
4. Improved Labor quality , cultivated social needs And all kinds of talents at all levels promote the society productivity Development of.