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political behavior

Activities carried out by political power
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It refers to people who interest On the basis of political power The acquisition and application of political rights, and the acquisition and realization of political rights. Political behavior usually has four elements, namely, the subject, direction, nature and mode of political behavior.
Chinese name
political behavior
Political behavior is Human behavior Part of
Explicit political behavior, rational political behavior
zhèng zhì háng wéi

brief introduction

People's various activities about political life. It mainly refers to visible political behaviors, such as election, protest strike , war, etc. Since the advent of political science Behaviorist revolution Later, political behavior once became the starting point and core content of political analysis. The connotation of political behavior has also changed greatly, Behaviorist politics In addition to visible political activities, political behavior also includes invisible political reactions, such as people's political thoughts, political attitudes, and political values. Under the advocacy of political behaviorists, the research method of political behavior has been popular in contemporary western political academia. In contemporary political science, political behavior and political system , political theory, administration and International politics Are listed as the five basic fields of political research (see Behavioral Politics Post behaviorist politics )。 Therefore, political behavior is often regarded as the synonym of political behavior analysis method by western political scientists.

basic feature

Political behavior is a part of human behavior. When people are related to the political environment and involved in the political life of society, what they do is political behavior. In an abstract way, political behavior is the result of the interaction between political man and political environment. Marxism believes that human political environment is the product of social development to a certain stage. Political behavior is a historical category, which is generated after the emergence of class phenomenon in society and will disappear with the demise of class. In addition to the general characteristics of human behavior, political behavior also has two basic characteristics: class nature and legal nature. In a class society, people always belong to a certain class, and their actions are more or less marked with the brand of class. Political activities most intensively reflect the fundamental interests of the class, so the brand of the class is the most profound, obvious and representative in people's political behavior. Political activities are related to the important interests of the class and the country, so people's political behavior is bound to be strictly constrained. Any country has clearly stipulated people's political behavior in the form of law.


From the perspective of analysis, political acts can be divided into the following categories according to different standards. ① Overt political behavior (visible political behavior) and covert political behavior (invisible political behavior); ② Rational political behavior (political choice based on logical reasoning) and irrational political behavior (political choice based on intuition); ③ Conscious political behavior (conscious political behavior) and spontaneous political behavior (subconscious political response); ④ Individual political behavior (activities of individual political actors) and collective political behavior (political behavior of collective participation); ⑤ Legal political acts (political acts permitted by national laws) and illegal political acts (political activities prohibited by national laws); ⑥ Direct political behavior (political response to environmental stimulus without any intermediary link) and indirect political behavior (response to political environment stimulus through intermediary media); ⑦ Civil political behavior (the subject is the political behavior of the people) and official political behavior (the behavior subject is the government); ⑧ Voluntary political actions (political actions that people are willing to take) and mandatory political actions (political choices made under compulsion); ⑨ Symbolic or symbolic political behavior (the main meaning of the behavior is not in the behavior itself) and intuitive political behavior (the main meaning of the behavior is in the behavior itself); ⑩ Domestic political behavior (the influence of behavior is limited within the country) and international political behavior (the influence of behavior transcends national boundaries and affects other countries). From the perspective of subject content, political behaviors mainly include election behavior, legislative behavior, judicial behavior, management behavior, revolutionary behavior, reform behavior, war behavior, class behavior, party behavior, organizational behavior, social behavior, etc. The theme and content of these political acts correspondingly constitute the main field of political act research.