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Spatial relationship between national territory and relevant political geographical elements and conditions
earth On the surface, China is divided into countries of different sizes. Some countries have large populations. For example, China has more than 1 billion people, accounting for 1/4 of the global population; Some are sparsely populated, for example, Iceland has only 250000 people. In terms of composition, Canada and Switzerland , is a multilingual country, U.S.A and Soviet Union It is a multi-ethnic country, Belgium It's various Culture Country. Political geography is to analyze the emergence, development and characteristics of a country, and explore the impact of geographical environment on national systems and political decision-making. It also studies international relations, and explores the contradictions and coordination between large and small countries, rich and poor countries. This is of great significance to the future of mankind in the world.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Political geography

National components

The state is the basic spatial unit of political geography research. A country in the sense of political geography must have four elements:

Settled Nationals

Settled citizens are the foundation of a country's existence. Only with a certain number of fixed residents can a certain economic and political structure be formed, thus forming a country. As for the size of the population, ethnic similarities and differences, whether it is a single ethnic group or a multi-ethnic group, it does not matter.

Defined territory

Territory is the material basis for the existence of a country. With a certain area of territory, residents can settle down and recuperate, produce the material and spiritual wealth on which they and the country depend for survival and development, and the country has the object and scope to exercise sovereignty. As for the size of the territory, it varies from country to country.

Certain regime organization

The political power organization is the sign of the existence of a country. With a certain political power organization - the government, it can represent the state to carry out internal management and external exchanges, and the state can also have governing organs. An anarchic society cannot be called a state.

Complete sovereignty

Sovereignty is the highest power for a country to handle its internal and external affairs independently, which is an inherent attribute of a country. Complete national sovereignty consists of territorial sovereignty and independence. Territorial sovereignty has two meanings: first, the sanctity of national territory; Secondly, a country enjoys international rights and obligations with respect to its territory itself and all people and things within its territory, and is not subject to interference by other countries or international organizations. Territorial sovereignty and independence are closely related. Without territorial sovereignty, a country cannot exist; If it is not independent, the country cannot handle its external affairs independently.



The form of territory

Territory, also known as territory, has broad and narrow meanings. In a broad sense, territory refers to a specific part of the geographical surface under the jurisdiction of national sovereignty, including all lands, waters, subsoil and air space within the boundaries of a country. The narrow sense of territory refers specifically to territorial land. Any country has a certain spatial form. The study of the form of national territory mainly starts from four aspects: location, scale, shape and distribution.

Location of territory

geographical position It refers to the total space relationship between something on the earth's surface and external objective things. External objective things include surface natural entities and human conditions formed in the process of historical development, and spatial relations include location and distance.
Mathematical geographical location
Also called astronomical position, it is expressed in longitude and latitude. It reflects the overall space system of national territory and the earth's surface. According to the longitude of the territory, countries can be divided into eastern hemisphere countries and western hemisphere countries; According to the latitude of the territory, countries can be divided into low latitude countries, mid latitude countries and high latitude countries. The latitude position determines the climate resource status of a country, thus affecting the comprehensive national strength.
Land and sea location
It refers to the relative spatial relationship between the territory of a country and the sea. It has an important impact on the country's transportation, foreign exchanges, national defense security, political and military status and even the comprehensive national strength.
A coastal country is a country whose territory is dominated by the mainland and is also close to the sea. Such countries generally have convenient access to the sea, which can benefit from maritime transportation and salt fishing. The long coastline not only provides a natural harbor, but also facilitates the opening of port cities and coastal areas to the outside world, and can be used to build military ports, develop the navy, defend the sea border, and safeguard maritime rights and interests.
An island country is a country whose territory consists entirely of islands or archipelagos. Such countries are in the sea, and the residents live in the sea to a large extent. In order to seek national development and territorial security, efforts should be made to expand economic activities overseas and open up maritime channels for external contacts, and necessary naval forces should be established to control the territorial sea.
A landlocked country refers to a country whose territory is deep within the mainland and surrounded by the land territory of neighboring countries without coastline or sea access. Such countries may be restricted by others because they need to pass through other countries when entering and leaving the sea. As they are surrounded by one or several countries, they should consider this constraint in foreign policy, economic development and national defense.
Political geographical location
Political geographical location refers to the spatial relationship between a country's territory and relevant political geographical elements and conditions, that is, the political situation, foreign policy, national strength, etc. of its surrounding areas and neighboring countries, and its impact on the country.

Size of the Territory

Territorial scale refers to the area of national territory. It is an important foundation of national strength. Generally speaking, Dida and "Wubo" are closely related; The vast territory also helps the country to have a vast strategic rear in wartime.

Shape of territory

Compact country
The territorial shape of such countries is similar to a circle or polygon, and there are basically no islands, peninsulas and large curved bays. This shape is conducive to the full exercise of national sovereignty in space.
Loose country
The territory is loose and fragmented, and parts are separated by sea areas or other countries' land territories, which can only be connected by land, water or air transport. This territorial shape often brings many inconveniences to domestic exchanges, administration and national defense.
Narrow and long country
Its territory extends in strips. Such territory is not conducive to domestic exchanges in peacetime; In wartime, it is very easy to be cut by the enemy and difficult to defend.
Embedded and perforated countries
The territory of one country is completely surrounded by another country, the former is called embedded type, and the latter is called perforated type. Obviously, the "country within a country" with an embedded territorial shape is inevitably controlled by a perforated country.

Distribution of territory

The distribution of national territory is closely related to the shape of territory.
Single country
It refers to a country composed of a compact and complete territory.
Disjunctive country
It refers to a country composed of two or more territories separated from each other in space. Among the multi festival countries, there are also two special distribution forms, namely, transcontinental countries and enclaves.

Composition of the Territory

Territorial land
Territorial land refers to the land and its subsoil within the national boundary. It is an essential part of national territory.
territorial waters
Territorial waters refer to all waters and subsoil under the jurisdiction of national sovereignty. It is divided into internal water and territorial sea.
(1) Internal water
Inland waters refer to the waters within the national territory and on the landward side of the territorial sea baseline, including rivers and their estuaries, lakes, ports Inland Sea Sometimes, it also refers to rivers and lakes in the territory.
(2) Territorial sea
The territorial sea is a sea area of a certain width connected with its coast or internal water under the jurisdiction of national sovereignty. The breadth of the territorial sea was originally determined by each country according to its geographical location, economic development, national defense security and the need to protect coastal natural resources, ranging from 3 nautical miles to 200 nautical miles. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the maximum width of the territorial sea shall not exceed 12 nautical miles.


The airspace refers to the airspace over territorial land and waters. It is an integral part of a country's territory over which the country has full and exclusive sovereignty. With the development of aerospace industry, the scope of airspace can only be limited to the atmosphere, but not extended to outer space. This basic principle is increasingly widely accepted by the international community.

the border

National boundaries are the boundaries separating the territory of one country from the territory of another, the territorial sea and high seas of one country, and the airspace and outer space of one country. They are usually indicated by actual or imaginary lines such as boundary markers, boundary walls (but must be marked on maps).

Functions of national boundaries

Legal function
A national boundary represents the territorial extent over which a country exercises sovereignty.
Tax function
In order to protect the domestic market and national economy, tariffs are levied on foreign countries.
Control function
That is, people and goods passing through the border should be inspected and supervised to control migration activities and the flow of capital and goods, and to prevent illegal border crossing, smuggling and other activities endangering national security.

Types of national boundaries

Natural boundaries
(1) Mountains
As a border line, the mountains have poor traffic and strong isolation. The border is usually divided by the watershed of mountains. The ridge line is consistent with the watershed, and the national boundary is easy to be divided; If there is any discrepancy between the two, it is easy to have contradictions and conflicts when delimiting the boundary.
(2) Rivers
The river is linear and suitable for national boundaries. When determining river boundaries, according to international practice, first, navigable rivers are demarcated by the center line of the main channel; second, non navigable rivers are demarcated by the middle line between the two banks.
(3) Oceans
The sea is convenient for transportation and has great isolation. The territorial sea and the high seas are conducive to the establishment of national boundaries.
(4) Lakes
Lakes are both transportation and isolation, and they are also the objects of dividing national boundaries. Most of the boundaries of lakes are divided equally from both sides of the lake to the central point, or between two or more countries.
Man-made frontier
There is no obvious natural goal between the two countries. The artificial demarcation mark is called the artificial border.
(1) Artificial obstacle
The former Berlin Wall used to be the dividing line between East and West Berlin.
(2) Mathematical boundary
It refers to the national boundary divided by longitude or latitude. For example, Egypt, Libya and Sudan are bounded by 25 ° east longitude and 22 ° north latitude respectively.
(3) Cultural boundaries
That is, the national boundaries divided by ethnic distribution or residents' religious beliefs.

Border territorial dispute

When countries emerge in the world, stable geographical ownership and obvious peripheral boundaries are gradually determined, and people's actions are restricted by national boundaries. Border is closely related to territory. The location and direction of the border determine the shape and area of a country's territory. The advance and retreat of the border means the expansion and contraction of the territory. It can be seen that the essence of the border dispute is the issue of territorial sovereignty. If it is not resolved properly, it will inevitably lead to conflicts between neighboring countries. In history, territorial and border disputes between neighboring countries are quite frequent, and it is not uncommon to see border wars or even full-scale wars between the countries concerned. Every time after a world war, a large area of territory changes hands and the long border changes. Because of this, border disputes and territorial disputes have long been one of the issues that political geographers and international experts have paid close attention to and discussed enthusiastically.
Today, border disputes and disputes are widespread in Asia, Europe, Africa and Africa due to natural (such as river bed swing, desert flow, mountain ridges and watersheds not overlapping, etc.) and man-made (such as problems left over by history, expansion policies of major countries, changes in national strength between neighboring countries, divisions of some countries, ethnic conflicts and religious conflicts, etc.) reasons America and Oceania. It is worth noting that all areas with border disputes and territorial disputes are either rich in natural resources, have important strategic status, or are related to national and religious feelings, so the countries concerned will not easily give in, which undoubtedly has become the objective cause of local wars.
Of course, it is not necessary to resort to force in border territorial disputes. As long as all parties concerned are sincere and make mutual understanding, the issue can be solved peacefully through equal consultation. In the 1960s, China and some neighboring countries successfully solved the problems left over by history, which can be regarded as an example. The boundary territorial dispute can also be submitted to the International Arbitration Commission or the International Court of Justice in The Hague for settlement on the premise that both parties agree.

Administrative Region System

Systematic Law of Administrative Region
Administrative regions are part of the national organization, and are generated simultaneously with the state. The administrative region itself is a complete system, which is connected with each other from the high level to the low level and has a close subordinate relationship. To effectively play the role of its political power, it is necessary to have a complete set of power institutions from the central to local administrative systems. In order to facilitate hierarchical management, administrative regions at different levels (essentially administrative regions) should be divided from the central government to the local government.
The higher the level of administrative region, the greater its management function; The lower the level, the smaller the management function. Higher administrative regions should have jurisdiction over a number of lower administrative regions, and lower administrative regions should have jurisdiction over a number of lower administrative regions, and so on. Administrative regions at all levels are organic organizational systems, and their number and distribution have objective laws that are convenient for management.
Principle of administrative division
Administrative division refers to the classification and regional division of the whole territory of a country for the convenience of administrative management. Administrative division is a kind of national behavior, and administrative regions (hereinafter referred to as administrative regions) are the results of this kind of national behavior - spatial manifestations. There are certain objective principles for the division and adjustment of administrative regions, and China's administrative divisions follow the following main principles.
1. Facilitate the implementation of national functions
Maintaining and consolidating the dominant position of the ruling class is the most fundamental starting point of administrative division. In accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems" put forward by Deng Xiaoping, we solved the problems of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in order to accomplish the great cause of national reunification and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
2. Beneficial to economic development
One of the important functions of administrative regions is to manage economy, so promoting economic development has become an important principle of administrative regions. For example, in order to open up to the outside world and promote the economic development of the southeast coast and the whole country, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen were designated as special economic zones. In order to develop Hainan Island and promote its economic development, Hainan became a province in 1988 and became the largest special economic zone in China. Chongqing became a municipality directly under the Central Government in 1998, also to drive the economic development of southwest China.
3. Regional national autonomy
After the founding of New China, in order to realize the political equality of all ethnic groups and promote the economic and cultural development of ethnic minority areas, the administrative divisions implemented the policy of regional autonomy, and divided the areas where brotherly ethnic groups live together into separate administrative regions. In addition to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, there are dozens of autonomous prefectures, hundreds of autonomous counties (banners) and some autonomous townships in China.
4. Taking care of historical inheritance
When dividing administrative districts, we should try to take into account the historical inheritance, but we should also reform the unreasonable elements left over by history.
5. Consider natural conditions
It is also one of the important principles for the division of administrative regions to consider the difference in natural conditions or the obstacle role of a certain natural element. For example, Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces are bounded by the Yellow River, Hebei and Shanxi provinces by the Taihang Mountains, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces by the Wuyi Mountains, and Hunan and Hubei provinces by the Dongting Lake.



Functions of the capital

The capital is also known as the capital of a country. In ancient China, it was called the capital. The function of the capital refers to the tasks and roles it can undertake in the country's political, economic and cultural life.
1. Political Center
The capital is the place where the supreme authority of the country is held and exercised, the nerve center that controls the territory of the country and manages national affairs. The head of state, the highest organ of power, the highest administrative organ, the highest judicial organ and even the highest military command organ are all stationed in the capital, where the country's major policies are formulated and national administrative orders are issued. Foreign embassies are usually located in the capital of the host country. The capital is to the whole country what the brain is to the whole body. Once it fails, the whole body will be paralyzed.
2. Cultural Center
Cultural center is the second basic function of the capital of most countries. As the capital represents the level of spiritual civilization of the whole country, it usually gathers a series of first-class cultural, scientific and educational facilities (such as libraries, museums, exhibition halls, art galleries, grand theaters, science palaces, stadiums, scientific research institutions, publishing institutions, famous universities, various important memorial buildings and religious buildings), The capital is also a place where all kinds of talents gather.
It must be pointed out that in terms of their position in the national urban system, that is, the population size, the capitals of countries all over the world are nothing more than the capitals of the first city and those of non first cities. The capital of the first city usually has a comprehensive function of multiple centers, which is not only the political and cultural center of the country, but also the economic center of the country. The capital, which is not the first city, has a simple function and is mainly the political center of the country.

Location of the capital

Due to the differences in history, society and economy among countries in the world, the spatial location of the capital can be divided into five types:
(1) Central layout
In order to facilitate the governance of the country and give full play to the function of political center, the capital is naturally the most ideal place in the center of the national territory. Such as the capital of Spain Madrid Capital of Saudi Arabia Riyadh capital of Mexico mexico city Are generally located in the geometric center of the national territory.
(2) Core regional type
This kind of capital is located in the core area of the developed economy of the country, and is mostly built near the river. Most become the first cities in the country, such as London in England and Paris in France.
(3) Regional balance
The Australian capital is located in Canberra between Melbourne and Sydney, and the Canadian capital is located in Ottawa between Montreal and Toronto, which are typical examples.
(4) Coastal port type
Such capitals are mostly found in emerging countries formed by colonial independence, especially in Africa.
(5) Newly built inland
Some countries' capitals were originally located on the coast. In order to develop the mainland or improve the external defense situation of the political center, they have built new capitals in the mainland. For example, the capital of Brazil has moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia, and the capital of Pakistan has moved from Karachi to Islamabad.
The capital is the seat of the highest authority of the country and the center of national political activities. In different historical periods, countries with different social systems and management systems have different choices for the location of the capital due to their different service objects and purposes. On the whole, there are still some common features:
① Having favorable natural conditions;
② It is conducive to the administration of the whole country;
③ Political and economic conditions at home and abroad must be considered;
④ It is located in an area with convenient water and land transportation;
⑤ Consider historical, cultural, ethnic and other factors.