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Political mobilization

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Political propaganda, encouragement, inspiration and education
Political mobilization is class party Or political propaganda carried out by political groups and their representatives to achieve a political goal Agitation Etc. yes political struggle Important means. The purpose of political mobilization is to inspire and educate the masses of the class or members of the organization to improve their political awareness, clarify their goals, and organize a huge team to achieve their political tasks. For example, during the Anti Japanese War Communist Party of China In order to defeat the Japanese imperialist aggression and save the nation from danger, we called on the people of the whole country to unite and fight against Japan. Another example is the general mobilization carried out in the early days of national liberation for the purpose of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. Once political mobilization is launched, its strength is great. However, if the wrong mobilization is done, its negative impact is also huge. With the progress of propaganda tools and the improvement of people's cultural level, propaganda and encouragement work has an increasing influence on politics. All political parties in the world use their own huge propaganda machines to propaganda and encourage, that is, to carry out political mobilization to influence the politics of a country. But at the same time, because there are many propaganda machines and various political mobilization, their power is offset. Therefore, in order to achieve a certain political goal, there must be really high-quality political mobilization. [1]
Chinese name
Political mobilization
War mobilization
Mobilization order declaration , informing people, etc

Mobilization purpose

Political mobilization refers to the measures taken by the state to mobilize the people and the army to participate in the war politically, organizationally and ideologically. It is an important part of war mobilization. Its purpose is to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of all the military and people, mobilize the military to fight bravely, mobilize the people to actively participate in the war, strive to increase production, practice strict economy, and fully support the war. The country also strives for sympathy and support from the people of the world and friendly countries through various diplomatic activities and external publicity.

specific working means

party government army Of leader People, issue political mobilization orders Commandment declaration statement , telling the people, putting forward a clear and vivid political program or slogan, and carrying out general mobilization and education. ② Educate on the situation and purpose of the war, clarify the reasons for the war between the enemy and us, expose the reactionary nature and atrocities of the enemy, clarify the advantages and disadvantages of a just war in a revolutionary war and the ways to overcome difficulties and defeat the enemy, and call on the people and the army to prepare for, participate in, and support the war. ③ Through news agencies, radio stations, television stations, newspapers and periodicals and other publicity tools, publicity and education are carried out to the masses by means of posters, slogans, leaflets and other publicity means, in the form of reports, mobilization meetings, lectures, political classes, artistic performances and other forms. ④ Educate in patriotism, internationalism and revolutionary heroism, publicize the advanced thoughts and deeds of heroes and models, and call on the military and the people to learn from heroes and models; Spread the news of victory, boost morale and morale, and improve confidence in victory. ⑤ Establish a united front, give full play to the role of democratic parties, people's organizations and mass organizations, organize rallies, processions, demonstrations, etc., and set off a nationwide upsurge of political mobilization. ⑥ Formulate preferential treatment policies, and carry out activities to support the army and families, and support the government and cherish the people. ⑦ Formulate wartime laws and regulations and battlefield discipline; Formulate regulations on the protection of urban facilities, scenic spots and historic sites, and respect for national customs and religious beliefs.