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Political decisions

What the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense Kim Min seok said
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The political decision was made by the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, Jin Minshi. [1]
Chinese name
Political decisions
Jinmin Prince
The DPRK is ready for a nuclear test, and now whether it will conduct a nuclear test is only a "political decision". [1]
"The DPRK has completed all the preparations for conducting a nuclear test immediately," said Kim Min seok, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense
Previously, some South Korean officials and media judged that North Korea might conduct a nuclear test during the visit of US President Barack Obama to South Korea. Obama left Japan on the 25th and arrived in South Korea for a visit.
On all kinds of speculation, the DPRK official did not make a public statement, and the official Korean Central News Agency did not broadcast any relevant news. But a few weeks ago, the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK issued a statement saying that security council To "isolate and strangle" the DPRK, the DPRK does not rule out conducting a "new form" of nuclear test to strengthen its nuclear containment.
Kim Min seok said that North Korea may postpone the nuclear test, or may not test, just to "cheat" the world, let the outside world feel "like a nuclear test".
South Korea's Central Daily published an exclusive interview with Obama on the 25th, and Obama urged North Korea to think twice before acting. "If North Korea makes a wrong decision to conduct another nuclear test, it should think that it will receive a strong response from the international community. Pyongyang will not get anything from another nuclear test, but will only deepen its isolation in the international community," Obama said