government grants

National redistribution process
zero Useful+1
Government subsidy refers to that enterprises obtain free subsidies from the government Monetary assets or Non monetary assets , but excluding the government as an enterprise owner Committed capital Major government subsidies in China: Finance Discount Research and development subsidies and policy subsidies.
Chinese name
government grants
Financial discount, research and development subsidies, etc
Free, direct acquisition of assets
Unconditional government subsidy and conditional government subsidy
Main performance
Financial appropriation, financial discount, etc
processing method
Income approach And capital law

Formal characteristics

government grants
The main forms of government subsidies are: Financial appropriation Finance Discount Tax refund Free transfer of non monetary assets.
The government subsidies regulated by the government subsidy standards mainly have the following characteristics:
1. Free.
From the government Economic resources
First, free. Free is the basic feature of government subsidies. The government does not therefore enjoy the ownership of the enterprise, and the enterprise will not need to repay in the future. This feature has a two-way relationship between government subsidies, capital invested by the government as an enterprise owner, government procurement, etc reciprocity Of economic activity Distinguish. Government subsidies usually have certain conditions, which is not inconsistent with the free nature of government subsidies, and does not mean that the subsidies are paid. Instead, enterprises should use the subsidies according to the purposes specified by the government after obtaining government subsidies through legal procedures.
The second is to obtain assets directly. Government subsidies are assets directly obtained by enterprises from the government, including monetary assets and non monetary assets, which form the income of enterprises. For example, enterprises obtain subsidies allocated by the government, tax refunded by means of first collecting and then returning (refunding), immediate collection and refund, land use rights allocated by administration, natural forests of natural origin, and so on. The economic support that does not involve the direct transfer of assets does not belong to the government subsidy standard, such as the debt exemption between the government and enterprises, except Tax refund Other tax preferences, such as direct tax reduction, exemption, increase of tax deduction and credit Tax amount Etc.
It should also be noted that VAT export rebate is not a government subsidy. According to relevant tax laws and regulations, zero tax rate is applied to VAT export goods, that is, VAT is exempted from the value-added part of the export link, and the input tax collected in the previous link of export goods is returned. As VAT is an extra price tax, the input tax included in the previous link of export goods is a deduction item, which reflects the nature of funds advanced by enterprises, value-added tax rebate In essence, it is the funds returned by the government to the enterprise in advance, which is not a government subsidy.
In practical work, government subsidies are mainly in the form of financial allocation, financial discount Tax refund And free transfer of non monetary assets. No matter what form the enterprise obtains the government subsidy, the government subsidy standard stipulates that the accounting treatment should be divided into asset related government subsidies and income related government subsidies. Generally, government subsidies are income related government subsidies, because according to the principles and concepts of government subsidies under market economy conditions, government subsidies are mainly a kind of compensation for the price of specific products of enterprises that is lower than the cost due to non market factors. The government subsidies related to assets are ultimately related to income and are only temporarily treated as deferred income. They are transferred from deferred income to current profits and losses when the relevant assets are formed, put into use and withdrawn for depreciation or amortization.

Classification of subsidies

In addition, value-added tax rebate It is not a government subsidy.
Government subsidies are divided into unconditional government subsidies and conditional government subsidies.
Conditional government subsidies: government subsidies that the government has the right to recover when certain uncertain future events occur or do not occur. If the conditions cannot be met, the government has the right to take it back; It is uncertain whether the conditions can be met.
Unconditional government subsidies: government subsidies other than conditional government subsidies.
The assets receiving government subsidies shall be recognized when they have actually received or obtained the right to receive government subsidies and are basically sure to receive them.
The cash assets of enterprises receiving government subsidies shall be recorded in accordance with their actual amount.
For unconditional cash subsidies, the enterprise shall recognize the subsidy assets at the same time Included in current profit and loss For unconditional non cash subsidies, according to relevant national laws and regulations, the subsidy assets shall be recognized and included in the capital reserve at the same time. The initial measurement of non cash assets receiving government subsidies is based on the expected future cash flow Present value measurement.
Some tax reductions and exemptions need to be accounted according to the government subsidy standards:
① When the sales volume of small and micro enterprises meets the conditions of VAT exemption stipulated in the tax law
Debit: taxes payable - VAT payable (tax deduction)
Credit: other income (tax exempted)
② The processing enterprises of general taxpayers employ retired soldiers who are self-employed according to the tax law and deduct the value-added tax according to the quota
Debit: taxes payable - VAT payable (tax deduction)
Credit: other income (tax reduced)

Application Guide

Approval content
This plan will give some discount interest loans to enterprises with leading industry, obvious driving role, large development space and strong resource integration ability in the Internet service industry to improve their comprehensive operation ability and platform service level, innovate technical means and service modes, optimize service functions and expand service scale.
Key support areas
(1) Basic services:
Internet access services Domain name registration service DNS, IDC, CDN, etc.
(2) Application service field:
1. Various network services: network content and entertainment, network education, network tourism, network medical care, instant messaging, network search, network security, big data applications, etc;
2. E-commerce services: comprehensive trading platform, professional service platform, mobile e-commerce platform, etc. (including: self built e-commerce platform for manufacturing enterprises and commercial circulation enterprises with independent brands);
3. Domestic and foreign trade online supply chain management and service platform, productive Internet management service platform (based on the Internet platform to provide integrated services for enterprise machine operation, research and development, production, sales, trading, services and other links);
4. Internet financial service innovation, third-party payment service innovation, mobile e-commerce financial technology service innovation demonstration, etc.
Setting basis
(1) Shenzhen Internet Industry Revitalization and Development Plan (SFNo.237 [2009])
(2) Shenzhen Internet Industry Revitalization and Development Policy (SFNo.238 [2009])
(3) Several Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on Further Promoting the Development of E-Commerce (SF [2013] No. 119)
Number and method of approval
Number of grants: determined according to the annual funding plan and review results.
Funding method: loan discount.
approval criteria
(1) The applicant must also meet the following conditions:
1. Registered in Shenzhen, with independent legal personality, it was established before October 1, 2014;
2. Must have a valid ISP business license or ICP business (filing) license (except for cross-border trade e-commerce platforms with servers set overseas), and enterprises engaged in third-party payment business must obtain a Payment Business License issued by the People's Bank of China;
3. Enterprises in the field of application services must have officially independently operated websites;
4. The cross-border trade e-commerce platform with servers set overseas must be filed in the "Zhongxin E-commerce Transaction Guarantee and Promotion Center";
5. The enterprise operates in compliance with the law, has no major violations of laws and regulations, has no economic disputes and has entered the judicial and arbitration procedures, and has submitted e-commerce statistical data as required. There are no projects that have not been accepted or passed the acceptance within the time limit.
6. The project construction fund raising scheme (self owned fund+bank loan ≥ total project investment) has been clarified, in which the self owned fund of the project unit is not less than 30% of the total project investment, and the supporting documents issued by the bank must be provided.
(2) Funding standards:
The total amount of subsidy for each project is 70% of the total amount of actual loan interest of the enterprise, and the loan interest rate is calculated according to the actual interest rate. The maximum annual discount interest amount shall not exceed 5 million yuan, and shall not exceed 50% of the total investment amount of the project. The maximum cumulative discount interest amount of a single enterprise shall not exceed 15 million yuan. In principle, the maximum loan discount interest period for a single project shall not exceed 3 years.

Main performance

Government subsidies are assets transferred from the government to enterprises, usually monetary assets, or Non monetary Sexual assets. Government subsidies mainly take the following forms:
(1) Financial appropriation.
Financial appropriation refers to the funds allocated by the government to enterprises free of charge, and the purpose of funds is usually clearly defined when allocating funds.
For example, the special funds allocated by the financial department to enterprises for the purchase and construction of fixed assets or technological transformation, the incentive funds to encourage enterprises to settle employees for employment, the food quota subsidies allocated to enterprises, and the R&D funds allocated to enterprises to carry out R&D activities are all financial allocations.
(2) Financial discount.
Financial discount interest is a subsidy given by the government to the bank loan interest of loan undertaking enterprises according to the national macroeconomic situation and policy objectives to support the development of specific fields or regions. There are two main ways of financial interest discount:
government grants
First, finance will Discount interest The fund is directly allocated to the beneficiary enterprise;
Second, the finance allocates the discount interest funds to the lending bank, which provides loans to enterprises at the policy preferential interest rate, and the beneficiary enterprises are calculated and recognized according to the actual interest rate interest expenses
Tax refund
Tax refund is a kind of government subsidy given in the form of tax preference. VAT export rebate is not a government subsidy.
In addition to tax refund, tax preference also includes direct tax reduction, exemption, increase of tax deduction amount, partial tax credit and other forms. This kind of tax preference does not directly provide assets to enterprises for free, and is not regarded as government subsidies regulated by the Standards.
⑷ Free transfer of non monetary assets.
For example, administration right to use allotted land , natural forests of natural origin, etc.

Relevant regulations

government grants
Article 7 of the new Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the government subsidies related to assets should be recognized as Deferred income , and equally distributed within the service life of relevant assets, Included in current profit and loss However, the government subsidies measured at the nominal amount are directly included in the current profits and losses. Westbank Article 8The government subsidies related to income shall be treated in the following circumstances respectively: (1) If they are used to compensate the relevant expenses or losses of the enterprise in the future, they shall be recognized as deferred income, and shall be included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized. (2) Those used to compensate the related expenses or losses incurred by the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. Generally, it is unnecessary to include capital reserve

Accounting calculation


Confirmation conditions

According to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government Subsidies, "government subsidies refer to the monetary assets or non monetary assets that an enterprise obtains from the government for free, but do not include the capital invested by the government as the owner of the enterprise." The government subsidies regulated by the government subsidy standards mainly have the following characteristics.
gratuitousness Free is the basic feature of government subsidies. The government does not therefore enjoy the ownership of the enterprise, and the enterprise will not need to repay in the future. Government subsidies usually have certain conditions. After an enterprise applies for government subsidies through legal procedures, it shall use the subsidies according to the purposes specified by the government.
2. Direct acquisition of assets. Government subsidies are assets that an enterprise obtains directly from the government, including monetary assets and non monetary assets, to form the income of the enterprise. For example, if an enterprise obtains subsidies allocated by the government, it will be returned after collection (refunding), or immediately after collection Taxes , land use right allocated by administration, natural forest of natural origin, etc.
Government subsidies are classified into asset related government subsidies and income related government subsidies according to their relevance. The government subsidies related to assets refer to the government subsidies obtained by enterprises, used for purchase and construction or other forms of long-term assets; Government subsidies related to income refer to government subsidies other than those related to assets. For example, after some state-owned grain enterprises have been commercialized, the state gives them business subsidies, and the state and competent authorities give them the initial work cost allocation for engineering consulting, feasibility study, planning and design and other initial work.
Of course, for enterprises that obtain monetary assets or non monetary assets from the government for free, they cannot be regarded as government subsidies. According to Article 5 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government Subsidies, government subsidies can be recognized only when they meet the definition of government subsidies and meet two conditions at the same time: first, enterprises can meet the conditions attached to government subsidies. Second, enterprises can receive government subsidies.

accounting treatment

There are two accounting methods for government subsidies: income method and capital method. The so-called income method includes government subsidies into current income or deferred income; The so-called capital method includes government subsidies in owner's equity. There are two specific methods of income method: total amount method and net amount method. The total amount method is to recognize the full amount of government subsidies as income, rather than as a deduction of the book balance of related assets or expenses. The net amount method is to recognize government subsidies as related assets Book balance Or deduction of the compensated expenses. The total amount method in the income method is required by the government subsidy standards to reflect the relevant information of government subsidies more truly and completely. And on accounting standard The application guide requires passing“ Other receivables ”、“ Non operating income ”And“ Deferred income ”Account accounting. The "deferred income" account is designed to account by installments instead of once Included in current profit and loss It is set with government subsidies. Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses are directly included in the "non operating income" title; If it is related to assets or future income, it shall be included in the "deferred income" title first, and then be included in the "non operating income" title by stages. The reason why the government subsidies obtained by enterprises are recognized as non operating income is that the government subsidies in the daily activities of enterprises form a part of the inflow of economic benefits. However, because they are free and do not meet the recognition conditions of sales revenue or service revenue, they are included in the "non operating income" item or included in the "non operating income" by stages through the "deferred income" item subject.
1. Government subsidies related to income
The government subsidies related to income shall be included in the current profits and losses during the period when the related expenses or losses compensated are incurred, that is, if they are used to compensate the enterprise's expenses or losses in future periods, they shall be recognized as deferred income at the time of acquisition, and then included in the current non business income during the period when the related expenses are recognized; If it is used to compensate the incurred expenses or losses of the enterprise, it shall be directly included in the current non operating income when obtained.
The government subsidies obtained by an enterprise in accordance with a fixed quota standard in its daily activities shall be measured in full amount receivable, debited to "other receivables" and credited to "non operating income" (or "deferred income"). Government subsidies that are uncertain or obtained in non routine activities shall be measured according to the amount actually received, debited to "bank deposits" and credited to "non operating income" (or "deferred income"). If it involves apportioning deferred income on a regular basis, debit the "deferred income" title and credit the "non operating income" title.
For example, a company applied for a national R&D subsidy in December 20x6. The relevant contents in the declaration are as follows: the company started the digital printing technology development project in January 20x6, with an estimated total investment of 3.6 million yuan for three years, and has invested 1.2 million yuan. The project also requires an additional investment of 2.4 million yuan (including 800000 yuan for purchasing fixed assets, 400000 yuan for site leasing, 1 million yuan for personnel and 200000 yuan for marketing), 1.2 million yuan for self raised funds and 1.2 million yuan for financial appropriation.
On January 1, 20x7, the competent department approved the application of a company and signed a subsidy agreement, which stipulates that the subsidy application of a company is approved and the subsidy amount is 1.2 million yuan in total, which is allocated in two times. On the date of signing the contract, 600000 yuan will be allocated, and 600000 yuan will be paid at the time of final acceptance.
The accounting treatment of a company is as follows.
(1) On January 1, 20x7, 600000 yuan was actually allocated:
Debit: bank deposit 600000
Credit: Deferred income six hundred thousand
(2) From January 1, 20x7 to January 1, 20x9:
On each balance sheet date, distribute deferred income (assuming annual distribution)
Debit: deferred income 300000
Credit: Non operating income three hundred thousand
The project was completed and accepted in 20x9, and 600000 yuan was actually allocated on May 1:
Debit: bank deposit 600000
Credit: Non operating income 600000
2. Government subsidies related to assets
The government subsidies obtained by an enterprise related to assets cannot be fully recognized as the current income, but should be gradually included in the future income with the use of relevant assets. That is to say, such subsidies should be recognized as deferred income first, and then, since the relevant assets are available for use, within the service life of the asset Average distribution , included in the current non operating income. Government subsidies related to assets are usually in the form of monetary assets. When an enterprise actually receives funds, it should debit the "bank deposit" and other subjects and credit the "deferred income" subject according to the actual amount received. When government subsidies are used for the purchase and construction of long-term assets, the purchase and construction of related long-term assets are consistent with the normal asset purchase and construction or R&D processing of enterprises, and are collected through the "construction in progress", "R&D expenditure" and other subjects, and then transferred to fixed assets or intangible assets Since the relevant long-term assets are available for use, when the relevant assets are depreciated or amortized, the deferred income is averagely allocated to the current profits and losses according to the expected service life of the long-term assets, debited to the "deferred income" title, and credited to the "non operating income" title. When the relevant assets are disposed (sold, transferred, scrapped, etc.) at or before the end of their service life, the balance of deferred income that has not been apportioned shall be transferred to the current income of asset disposal at one time and shall not be deferred.
For example, in February 20x1, Enterprise A needs to purchase an environmental protection equipment, with an estimated price of 5 million yuan. Due to insufficient funds, it applies to relevant departments for a subsidy of 2.1 million yuan according to relevant regulations. On March 1, 20x1, the government approved the application of enterprise A and allocated 2.1 million yuan of financial appropriation to enterprise A (received on the same day). On April 30, 20x1, enterprise A purchased environmental protection equipment without installing it, the actual cost was 4.8 million yuan, the service life was 10 years, and the straight-line method was used for depreciation (assuming no residual value).
In April 20x9, Enterprise A sold the equipment and obtained a price of 1.2 million yuan. (without considering other factors)
The accounting treatment of Enterprise A is as follows:
(1) On March 1, 20x1, the actual financial appropriation was received, and the government subsidies were confirmed:
Debit: bank deposit 2100000
Credit: deferred income 2100000
(2) Equipment purchased on April 30, 20x1:
Debit: fixed assets four million and eight hundred thousand
Credit: bank deposit 4800000
⑶ Depreciation shall be accrued on each asset liability date (month end) since May 20x1, and deferred income shall be apportioned at the same time:
① Accrued depreciation:
Debit: Management fee 40000
Credit: accumulated depreciation 40000
② Allocated deferred income (month end):
Debit: deferred income 17500
Credit: Non operating income seventeen thousand and five hundred
⑷ The equipment was sold in April 20x9, and the balance of deferred income was written off at the same time:
① Equipment sold:
Debit: Disposal of fixed assets nine hundred and sixty thousand
Accumulated depreciation 3840000
Credit: fixed assets four million and eight hundred thousand
Debit: bank deposit 1200000
Credit: Fixed assets disposal 960000
Non operating income 240000
② Deferred income balance written off:
Debit: Deferred income four hundred and twenty thousand
Credit: Non operating income four hundred and twenty thousand
In rare cases, government subsidies related to assets may also be shown as long-term non monetary assets freely allocated by the government to enterprises, which should be recognized and measured at their fair value when the assets are actually acquired and relevant transfer procedures are completed. If the value indicated on the relevant documents of the assets is not significantly different from the fair value, The fair value shall be the value indicated in the relevant vouchers; If there is no indication that there is a large difference between the value and the fair value, but there is an active market, the fair value shall be based on the market price of the same or similar assets that has conclusive evidence. If the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured at the nominal amount (1 yuan).
If the government subsidy obtained by an enterprise is a non monetary asset, it shall first recognize an asset (fixed asset or intangible assets And deferred income, and then averagely apportion the deferred income within the service life of the relevant assets and include it in the current income. However, the government subsidies measured in nominal amount are included in the current income when they are obtained.

Accounting Treatment

1. The government subsidies related to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, evenly distributed within the service life of relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses (other income). If the relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of their service life, the balance of deferred income that has not been allocated shall be transferred to the profits and losses (other income) of the current period of asset disposal at one time.
Government subsidies measured at nominal amount are directly included in current profits and losses (other income).
2. The government subsidies related to income shall be treated according to the following circumstances
(1) If it is used to compensate the related expenses or losses of the enterprise in the future, it shall be recognized as deferred income and included in the current profit and loss (other income) during the period when the related expenses are recognized.
(2) Those used to compensate the related expenses or losses incurred by the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses (other income).
3. For government subsidies related to both assets and income, the enterprise needs to divide them into asset related parts and income related parts for accounting treatment.