Radioactive decay

The process by which an unstable nucleus spontaneously emits radiation and transforms into another nucleus
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Radioactive decay Nucleus The process of spontaneously emitting radiation and transforming into another atomic nucleus.
Chinese name
Basic law of decay

Basic Introduction

The vast majority of nuclides are unstable. They will spontaneously undergo sharp changes and become another nuclide, while emitting various rays, which is called radioactive decay
Including α, β, γ and other decays


Nucleus Spontaneous emission of various rays is called radioactivity Study in magnetic field Radioactive ray It is found that radioactive rays are mainly composed of α, β and γ rays.
Isotopes that can spontaneously emit various rays are called radioisotopes. Radioisotope emits various rays nuclear transmutation The process of radioactive decay is called radioactive decay. The radioactive isotope before decay is called parent, and the new isotope produced during decay is called Radiogenic isotope , or progeny.
In the process of radioactive decay, the number of atoms in the parent body decreases with time Atomic number Is increasing. If the radioactive parent is transformed into a stable daughter after one decay, it is called single decay. Sometimes, the radioactive parent can undergo several decays. The intermediate daughter formed by each decay is unstable, and will decay itself until a stable final daughter is produced. This decay is called continuous decay. By such a radioactivity Formed by parent body, several radioactive intermediate daughters and one final stable daughter Decay chain It is called decay series. Most radioisotopes decay in such a way that one parent only transforms into another seed. A few radioisotopes can have two or more decay modes to form different daughters, that is, one parent can produce two daughters at the same time. Such decay is called branching decay. These types of decay exist in nature.
During radioactive decay, radioactivity parent isotope Of Atomic number The time required for attenuation to half of the original number is called half life , recorded as T 1/2 The average time that the radioactive parent isotope exists before decay is called average life span , recorded as τ. The half-life is a main characteristic constant of radioactive isotope decay. It does not change with the change of external conditions, element state or mass. The half-life of radioactive isotopes varies greatly, from one millionth of a second to tens of billions of years. Isotopes with shorter half-life, radioactivity The stronger.

Types and laws of decay

Radioisotope decay modes mainly include:
Nucleus Spontaneously emit Alpha particle The process of transforming into another kind of nucleus is called alpha decay. For natural radioisotopes, only Mass number Only heavy nuclei with A greater than 140 can produce alpha decay, especially Atomic number Radioisotopes with Z greater than 82 and mass number A greater than 209 are dominated by alpha decay. The general formula of α decay is:
Beta particle There are positive and negative electrons, which are released positron It is called beta decay, and it is called beta decay that emits negative electrons. The general formula of beta decay,
Nucleus The process of capturing an orbital electron from the K layer outside the nucleus is called orbital electron capture. The general formula is:
The daughter produced by K capture and β decay are the same. Which kind of decay happens depends on the change of energy before and after the decay.
Gamma ray It is an electromagnetic radiation emitted from the inside of atomic nucleus, often accompanied by α or Beta ray Generate. The parent and daughter of gamma decay are isotopes of the same kind, but the internal energy state of the atomic nucleus is different. Gamma decay can also be called isomeric transition.
The process of heavy nuclei splitting into two or several fragments of medium mass and simultaneously emitting neutrons and energy is called nuclear fission. Spontaneous fission It is a nuclear fission that occurs spontaneously without the bombardment of foreign particles. It can also be used half life To measure the difficulty of fission. Spontaneous fission in nature can only be found in uranium and thorium isotopes. compare Alpha decay , spontaneous fission of uranium and thorium Branching ratio Very small, almost negligible.
Induced fission Means Nucleus Fission caused by bombardment of foreign particles. With various particle (neutrons, protons Gamma ray Bombardment of uranium and thorium isotopes can lead to induced fission.
As mentioned earlier, the decay and fission rate of radioisotopes is constant and independent of external conditions. But it is impossible to predict when a single atom will decay. For a large number of radioactivity Nucleus can statistically determine how its entire atomic number changes with time.