systolic pressure

Blood pressure type
zero Useful+1
Systolic blood pressure is in the arteries when the heart contracts Pressure rise , Mid systole of heart, artery Internal pressure At this time, the pressure of blood on the inner wall of blood vessel is called systolic pressure, also called high pressure.
According to China hypertension Guidelines, 90~119 are called normal blood pressure, and 120~139 are called normal blood pressure Normal high Value. Above 140 is called hypertension.
For normal high value group, according to epidemiology Research data, cardiovascular in 10 years Risk ratio Blood pressure level 110 mmHg The number of people has more than doubled. Among them, 45% and 64% of middle-aged people with blood pressure of 120 ~ 129 and 130 ~ 139 mmHg respectively became Hypertensive patients
about Hypertension group 140~159 belong to grade 1 hypertension (low degree), 160~179 belong to grade 2 hypertension (moderate degree), and more than 180 belong to grade 3 hypertension (severe degree) [1]
Chinese name
systolic pressure
Foreign name
Systolic blood pressure
Adult systolic blood pressure
diastolic pressure
KPa or mmHg

Blood pressure classification

Systolic pressure (high pressure): when the heart contracts, the blood injected from the ventricle Vascular wall Generated lateral pressure , when the blood pressure is the highest; At this time, the pressure on the inner wall is called systolic pressure, also called high pressure.
diastolic pressure (Diastolic pressure): it is the heart End diastole The blood temporarily stops injecting into the artery, and the blood flowing into the artery continues to flow by the elasticity and tension of the vascular wall, and there is still pressure on the vascular wall. At this time, the blood pressure is called diastolic pressure. Also called low pressure.


It is different from the Chinese Hypertension Guidelines world health organization It is stipulated that hypertension can be diagnosed when adult systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg (21.3kPa). Systolic pressure ≤ 130mmHg (18.6kPa) is called normal blood pressure, and the one between the two is called Borderline hypertension so-called hypotension , means arterial pressure The systolic pressure of is less than 12 kPa (90 MmHg )。 Different ages and genders have different differences.

Clinical significance

Systolic blood pressure is of great clinical significance. There is a kind of hypertension called systolic hypertension, which means diastolic pressure It is normal, but the systolic blood pressure is increased. Among various types of hypertension, the systolic blood pressure is increased most frequently, and it is more difficult to control. clinical observation It is found that simple systolic blood pressure increases with age, which is more likely to occur apoplexy And acute coronary events. Therefore, in clinical practice, doctors will pay more attention to the systolic blood pressure of patients.
In recent years, a large number of epidemiology Evidence based medicine and clinical research Confirmed, systolic hypertension Brought by harmfulness Probably more than diastolic pressure Increase more. The so-called simplicity Systolic hypertension , refers to systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 MmHg And patients with hypertension whose diastolic pressure is not high (below 90 mm Hg).
Even if the diastolic pressure is not high, if the systolic pressure is 160~179 mm Hg, it can be regarded as Moderate hypertension Systolic blood pressure ≥ 180 mm Hg Severe hypertension And should be combined and coexisted according to this classification Risk factors Treat accordingly.
For those without risk factors, the systolic blood pressure should be controlled below 140 mm Hg; For consolidation with diabetes or nephropathy The systolic blood pressure should be controlled below 130 mm Hg in 30% patients with isolated systolic hypertension.
Systolic blood pressure becomes more important with age. In adults over 50, systolic blood pressure exceeds 140 MmHg , is more than diastolic pressure Raise the more important Risk factors of cardiovascular disease