Kingdom of Sardinia

The only independent kingdom in Italy in the mid-19th century
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Kingdom of Sardinia( Italy Language: Regno di Sardegna; English: Kingdom of Sardinia, 1720-1861), also known as Piemonte -The Kingdom of Sardinia (English: Piedmont Sardinia), the only independent kingdom in Italy in the mid-19th century, is located in the northwest of Italy. Later implementation based on it Italian unification
In 1720, House of Savoy According to the London Treaty of 1718 sicily Assignment Austria In exchange for Sardinia Sardinia )On this basis, it was established in 1743 Piemonte -Kingdom of Sardinia, governing Italy Northwestern Piemonte Duchy of Savoy and Sardinia , with the capital at Turin (Former cause France Invasion and temporary relocation of capital Cagliari )。 1815 according to Treaty of Vienna , except Corsica Outside Republic of Genoa All the territory was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia.
The Kingdom of Sardinia promulgated the Constitution in 1848 and concluded anti Austrian relations with France in 1858 Military alliance , agreed that France would send troops to assist the Kingdom of Sardinia Austrian Empire Force expulsion Lombardy and Venice The Kingdom of Sardinia will Savoy Sava )And Nice Ceded to France. 1860 Union Province of China and Italy referendum Decided to join Sardinia, and then Garibaldi Led the "Thousand People Expeditionary Force" to occupy Two Sicilian Kingdoms The Kingdom of Sardinia thus acquired southern Italy. On March 17, 1861, the Kingdom of Sardinia was renamed Kingdom of Italy
Chinese name
Kingdom of Sardinia, Kingdom of Piemonte Sardinia
Foreign name
Kingdom of Sardinia
Cagliari Turin
major city
Chambery Nice
National Day
August 24, 1720
National anthem
The Glory of Sardinia
official language
Italian French
Political system
population size
4650368 (estimated in 1838)
Population density
66.4 per square kilometer
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
land area
70000 km²
Establishment time
August 24, 1720
End time
March 17, 1861

historical background



National Emblem of the Kingdom
Sardinia The traditional independent tribal territory was not affected by Genoa Is to receive Pisa Impact.
In 1297, Pope Boniface VIII mediated between the French Anjou Dynasty and Spain Aragon Kingdom A dispute has been established“ Sardinia And Corsica Regnum Sardeniae et Corsicae. The lord of this territory is the Pope himself. Lord Boniface Yes Spain King Aragon Haimei II Put forward a suggestion: if Haimei agrees to accept the territory and gives up his right to sicily The pope will support him to conquer the area of Sardinia, which was attached to Pisa at that time.
In 1323, Haimei began his war to conquer Sardinia. After more than a year of war, he finally occupied the Cagliari , Garuna and Sasari He took this New Territories Is called“ Sardinia And the Kingdom of Corsica ".
In 1353, the Spanish again Sardinia The army tried to conquer the remaining independent tribes, but it was not until 1410 that the whole island was completely conquered.
although Sardinia And Corsica The kingdom was ruled by the king of Aragon, but formally it remained an independent kingdom and was not incorporated into Spain. In order to weaken the resistance on the island, Pedro IV Legislation guaranteeing this independent kingdom Autonomy The legislative tradition of this kingdom was the best in Europe at that time. The kingdom consists of a king Vice Wang Rule.
1409 Martin I Finally completely conquered Sardinia He died in Cagliari without descendants malaria Later, the throne of Sardinia was followed by the throne of Aragon King of Spain Corsica, who had never been conquered, was excluded from the kingdom.

Dynasty establishment

In 1720, Piemonte monarch Savoy duke Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia According to the London Treaty signed by the major powers in 1718 Italian Peninsula Southern sicily Assignment Austria , in exchange for mediterranean sea Central area 24090 square kilometre Of Sardinia On this basis, he established the Kingdom of Sardinia Piemonte in 1743, governing Piemonte Savoy and Sardinia The capital is located in Turin.
In 1796, Napoleon's army occupied Piemonte At that time, King Carlo Emmanuel IV fled to Sardinia for refuge.

Social reform

1814 congress of vienna Only to recover Piedmont, and principality Republic of Genoa Incorporation. This kingdom is France and Austrian Empire A buffer between. The kings at that time were very conservative: Vittorio Emanuele I and Carlo Felice. Carlo Philippe personally led the troops to help the conservative Ferdinand VII Recapture Spain The throne.
Industrialization began in 1830. Then more liberal Carlo Alberto Ascending the throne, European Revolution of 1848 Promulgated during the period Liberalism The new Constitution, namely the Albert Constitution, is implemented Constitutional monarchy Limit the monarchy and establish the bicameral system Parliament, which enables liberals to take power. Since then, it has gradually become Italian Peninsula To become the most economically developed kingdom Italy The only independent constitutional monarchy in China.
Although the situation of Sardinian army was very good at the beginning, it was soon defeated by the Austrian veteran Marshal Radeski. As in other parts of Italy, the politics of Sardinian Kingdom was also unstable, and the government became more frequent.
In 1850, Carlo Alberto announced his abdication on the battlefield after another disastrous battle with Marshal Radsky, and his son Vittorio Emmanuel II ascended the throne. The Kingdom of Sardinia began to be formed by a more enlightened government.
In 1852, Gafuer As the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, he carried out the policy of enriching the country and strengthening the army: reform the fiscal and tax system, increase National income Subsidize railway and port construction and develop industry and commerce; Reduce tariff and implement free trade wait. The economy of the kingdom Military strength Greatly enhanced. Gaffer knew that the power of the kingdom alone could not drive away foreign forces and unify Italy. He decided to first try to win the support of France and attack Austria, the main enemy. Earl Gaffer's many effective reforms have strengthened the strength of the kingdom and gradually become a part of the Italian peninsula capitalist economy Most developed and Bourgeois liberals The area with the most concentrated power is the later Italian unification Laid the foundation.

National unity

History of the Kingdom of Sardinia Unifying Italy
In 1853, the Kingdom of Sardinia and turkey , Britain and France Crimean War Against Russia.
In 1859, the Kingdom was united napoleon iii The army fought against Austria and recovered Lombardy And Venice; Later, in order to thank France for its help Savoy and Nice The two places were ceded to the country.
In 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi In the name of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the "Red Shirts" of Two Sicilian Kingdoms , soon captured the Dominion The principalities of Parma, Tuscany, Modena and Romanica were successively incorporated into the kingdom.
In 1861, Garibaldi The power in the south was handed over to the kingdom, so that the north and south were basically unified.
1861 Kingdom of Italy Declared, King Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II Became the first unified king of Italy. In the following years, the New Kingdom borrowed“ Austro-Prussian War ”And“ Franco-Prussian War ”The opportunity is to drive the Austrian and French forces out of the occupied territory At the beginning of 1870, the reunification of Italy was finally completed The northern part of the peninsula, especially Piemonte It has become the most important and rich region in Italy.
In 1946, Italy was declared a republic, and the kingdom ended there. [1]


Kingdom of Sardinia
The Kingdom of Sardinia consists of Piemonte Savoy and Sardinia form. (up to 1743)


1773-1796 Vittorio Amedio III
1802-1821 Vittorio Emanuele I
1821-1831 Carlo Philippe
[Savoy Karliniano Branch]
Carlo Alberto : 1831-1849