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Descendants of the son of Lot's incest with his eldest daughter
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synonym Moab (An ancient ethnic group in the Middle East) generally refers to Moab
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Moab Hebrew :) It's Lot and the eldest daughter Incest Son born (Gen 19:37). His descendants and land are called Moab, and this nation is called Moab. The central area of Moab is dead sea The plateau to the east Yanen Between the river valley and the Saleh river valley, however, for several quite long days, its territory extended to the north of the Arnon River.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Descendants of the son of Lot's incest with his eldest daughter
Region i
today dead sea Outside Jordan in the East Bank
Historic sites
Stone Tablet of King Misha
Limestone, salt and incense

About Moab

The average height of the plateau is 100 meters, but it is divided by steep canyons. distance dead sea About 21 kilometers, Yanen river Bifurcation They are two tributaries, which flow eastward and diverge more and more, forming the "valley of the Arnon River" (Min 2114) - a valley with gradually decreasing height. The Bible keeps a lot of Moab cities and towns The names of (Min 2115, 20, 323; Shu 1317-20; Sai 15-16; Ya 4820).

Basic overview

Location of Moab
The Moabites live in a narrow and mountainous area. In ancient times, Moabites often had friction with their neighbors Israel, which is described in the Old Testament Bible. However, there was a time when intermarriage between two ethnic groups was common, and this incident Also in It is recorded in the book of Ruth in the Old Testament. The blood of the famous king David of Israel can also be traced back to Ruth, a Moab woman. In the book of Ruth, Boaz married Ruth, a Moabitess, and became the father of Obed, and Obed became the father of Jesse, and Jesse became the father of David, the king of David.

Moab nationality

past times historian It is believed that Moab only appeared in the Bible. But in recent years archaeology The discovery of, for example, the stone tablet of King Mesha, describes the Moab people's Israel king Dark interest The victory of an unknown son. (See 2 Kings 3:4 in the Old Testament, "Misha king of Moab") confirmed their existence.
The conflict between Israel and Moab is reflected in the Old Testament. The Old Testament describes the origin of Moab as incest. In this story of origin, Moab is Abraham's Nephew Lot's son who had incest with his eldest daughter. His daughter is trying to Sodom He left his father's descendants after destruction. Genesis Next from etymology Explanation of Moab: "Moab" means "descendant of father".

Biblical records

Before the invasion of the Amorites, the area occupied by the Moabites in their heyday could be clearly divided into three independent parts according to geography.
Part I: Land south of the East Asian Nun River to the Dead Sea surrounded by the Yanen River. See Ruth 1:1/2/6 "Moab". The Moabites in this territory have always kept it.
Part II: The Dead Sea and Jordan River More open to the east and north of the Arnon River Hilly area Across the Jordan River Clive Barker's Jericho Look at each other. Go north as far as Mount Gilead. On Mount Gilead, Moab expelled its original inhabitants, the Emites (Deuteronomy 2:11). But later the Moabites were driven south by the warrior Amorites who crossed the Jordan River. So Moab was confined to the land south of the Arnon River, which became their northern boundary (Numbers 21:13 and Judges 11:18). Later, the Amorites who occupied this place were destroyed by the Israelites who came out of Egypt. Here the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and invaded Canaan. But the Israelis habituation This land is called "Moab Land" and "Moab Plain". The ancestors of Israel Moses This is where he died in "Moab". See Numbers 22:1, "The Israelites set out and camped on the plains of Moab, east of the Jordan River, opposite Jericho.". "Moses told the law in Moab east of the Jordan River,". (Deuteronomy 1:5)
Part III: The deep valley of the Jordan River. "The valley of Moab." Bamo To the valley of Moab; And to the top of Pisgah, which looks down on the wilderness. " (Min Shu Ji 21:20)
The Israelis are going to "God Promised Land ”On the way to Canaan, it bypassed the territory of Moab (the first part of the territory that Moab occupied in its heyday as mentioned above) (see Judges 11:18). Because at this time God "did not allow Israel to invade the Ammonites, Moabites and seir People "(see Chronicles 20:10)。 "Mount Seir people" are the Edomites (see Genesis 36:8). It is worth noting that these three nations are all relatives of Israel according to Genesis. Maybe it's because there's something genetic relationship The Israelites did not list them as Canaanites who should be conquered and destroyed. The Israelites conquered the land occupied by the Amorites who had recently taken it from Moab (see the second part of the occupied area at the height of Moab), as a way to cross the Jordan River into Canaan. After the Israelites settled in Canaan. It is a complex relationship between Israel and Moab that sometimes they are at war and sometimes they coexist peacefully. On at least one occasion, Moab united their relatives, the Ammonites (the first ancestor of the Ammonites was the son of Lot who had incest with his second daughter), with Israel Tribe of Benjamin A cruel war was fought. (See Scholar's Book 3:12-30)
On the other hand, the story of Ruth confirms the friendly exchange between Moab and Bethlehem. Bethlehem is a town of the tribe of Judah.
It can be said that as Ruth Descendants of, David The blood of Moab flowed in the king's body. After David fled from Saul, he entrusted his parents to the King of Moab for protection (see Samuel Upper 22:3, 4). However, the close relationship between the two parties ended here. Next we see Moab appearing in the description of King David's martial arts. King David's expedition forced Moab to pay tribute to Israel (see 2 Samuel 8:2, Chronicles 18:2)。 At this time, the Moabites may accept the rule of the Israeli governor. United Kingdom of Israel split into Northern Israel and Southland After Judah, Moab submitted to the northern kingdom of Israel.
The King of Israel in the Northern Kingdom Ahab After their death, the Moabites refused to pay tribute and restored their independent status, and started a war against southern Judah.
As a result, the king of Israel, the king of Judah, the king of Edom, and the three kings jointly attacked Moab. The Moabites were routed back to their own territory. The armies of the three kings pursued the Moabites into their territory, "demolishing the cities of Moab, filling all the good fields with stones, blocking all the springs, and cutting down all the good trees" (see 2 Kings 3:25). Finally, King Misha of Moab closed his door in his capital, killed his son on the wall and roasted him with fire under the attention of thousands of people as a sacrifice to the God of Moab. The three kings finally withdrew their troops and returned home. However, according to the inscription on the stone tablet of King Mesha, King Mesha of Moab won a great victory and recovered all the territories occupied by Israel. The battle of Zispo was the last important event of Moab mentioned in the Old Testament. In the year when Elisha the prophet died, Moab invaded Israel (2 Kings 13:20). Later, Moab helped New Babylon Of Nebuchadnezzar II They attacked Jehoiakim king of Judah (2 Kings 24:2).
Assyria Imperial City Nimrud Tigratpa Lhasa The pottery inscription of the Third Age records that the king of Moab, Salmanu (perhaps Hosea Book 10: Shalman, who mentioned the demolition of Bethabil, paid tribute to Assyria. King of Assyria Sargon II An inscription on a pottery pillar mentions a rebellion against him, involving Moab, the Philistines, Judah and Edom. The column of Taylor describes that when Salgon II attacked Hezekiah, King of Judah, Kammusu Nadbi (Chemosh nadab) of Moab brought tribute Co respect It is the patriarch. When the Assyrian court mentioned Musuri, another king of Moab, it regarded him as a subject to Asal Hadong, the Assyrian king, and Assubanibar One of the princes of. The king of Moab, Kaas ḥ alta, mentioned in the column B of Assubanebad.

Historical records

In the existing historical data, Moab Persian Empire The times have disappeared. Moab territory was then occupied by waves of tribes from northern Arabia. These tribes include the Kedarite people and later the Nabatians. In Nehemiah 4:7, Arabs replaced Moabs as allies of the Ammonites. However, the territory of Moab is still called "Moab Land". More than a thousand years later, when Crusaders Occupy this place. They want to defend Kingdom of Jerusalem The castle built in the east is called Krak des Moabites


Moab has a lot of territory natural resources Place of origin. Including those from the Dead Sea area limestone , salt and fragrant liquid. Moab occupies an extremely important part of the King's Highway. In ancient times, the royal road connected Egypt and the two river basins Syria and Anatolia The caravan route. Moab people, like the Ammonites of Edom, have gained considerable profits from the trade activities on this trade route.


There are few references to the beliefs of the Moabites. Like other early Samic languages( Semitic branch )Similarly, most Moabites are Polytheism believer. They persuaded the Israelis to join them to sacrifice Min Shu Ji 25:2; A Record of Scholars and Teachers 10:6)。 Moabitic Main God yes Chemosh Jeremiah 48:46), so sometimes the Israelites mention them and say "the people of Chemosh" in a gentle way. On many occasions, especially in times of extreme danger, Moab would offer sacrifices to their gods. As the aforementioned King Misha did.
But Solomon is the abomination of Chemosh, the god of Moab, and the abomination of the Ammonites Moro , on Jerusalem Buildings on the opposite mountain Churchyard ”(1 Kings 11:7). Until the king of Judah Josiah Destroy it( nd Kings 23:13)。 The stone tablet of Moab people mentioned the goddess "Ashtar Kemo" corresponding to Kemo, and the god Nebo, probably the famous Babylonian god Nabu. The sacrificial ceremony of Baalpir or the god of Pil is characterized by sexual ceremony, although it may be exaggerated.
Because Moab did not give convenience and hired Balan Curse them. Therefore, "no Ammonite or Moab may enter the assembly of the LORD; their descendants may never enter the assembly of the LORD, though they have passed through ten generations."( Deuteronomy 23:3)。 But this one law stay Babylonian Captivity The times have been violated. Ezra and Nihimi Trying to force this repulsive ancient law into effect again( Ezra 9:1-2,12; Nehemiah 13:23-25)。 Solomon The Moabites in the king's harem (1 Kings 11:1) encouraged the Jews in the discrete era.
On the other hand Ruth In the story. The tribe of Judah bethlehem The Ephrathites, Marlon and Kirion, married Moabites, Orpah and Ruth, respectively. After Ruth's husband died, she married Boaz Boaz is David Wang's great grandfather. When Ruth mentioned this point, he did not mean to blame. This fact shows that this law was invalid in this relatively early era and became a monk like constraint. According to tradition, the law is used in Moab and Ammon 's man( Hebrew , like all the languages of the Samic language family, it is separate).

Historical evaluation

The history of Moab is slowly being revealed from archaeology. The excavation work in Jordan is not as fast as that in Hexi, but the situation has improved in recent years. Base copy Aroer Bab edh Dhra, as well as several sites in Lisan area, are important sites, and there have been major discoveries.
As scholars have more information about the transition from the Bronze Age to the early Bronze Age, and from the early Bronze Age to the middle Bronze Age in the future, our understanding of the ancient period of Moab has greatly increased. A large cemetery found in Badula in the early Bronze Age provides information about the first to fourth periods of that era. Some scholars have proposed that many areas of Moab were uninhabited during most of the first two millennia of the Lord; This statement was supported by the excavation work of Aroer. Of the kings of Israel Iron Age Some important Moab villages have walls; Aroer and Dibon are typical of such villages. In addition, important Moab (or Misha) stone tablets were also excavated at the base. From the end of the sixth century to the end of the fourth century, the settlement life in these places began to decline.