Molar volume

The volume of a substance per unit mass
zero Useful+1
Molar volume refers to the amount of a unit substance material Of volume That's the volume of one mole of material. One mole of any substance contains 6.02 × 10 structural particles twenty-three The mass of 1 mole of material is called Molar mass If the mass of an atom of 1 mole is expressed in grams, it is numerically equal to its atomic weight (equivalent to the gram atomic weight in the old unit); For a molecule of 1 mole, if its mass is expressed in grams, its numerical value is equal to its molecular weight (equivalent to the molecular weight of grams in the old unit). [1]
Chinese name
Molar volume
Chemical calculation
with temperature , the same as pressure lower


Molar volume=V ÷ n
V is the volume of the substance (unit: L); N is Amount of substance (Unit: mol) Molar volume of gas

Usage explanation

Ideally, one mole of gas is Standard atmospheric pressure The volume under is 22.4L, and the more accurate is: V m =22.41410L/mol。
Attention shall be paid to:
① It must be a standard condition (101kpa, 0 ℃).
② "Any gas" includes Pure substance It also includes gas mixture.
③ 22.4 liters is an approximate value.
④ The unit is liter/mole (L/mol), not liter (L).
The volume of gas per unit mass is called the molar volume of gas. The gas with the same molar volume of gas contains Number of particles Same. The molar volume of gas is not fixed, it depends on the temperature and pressure If at 25 ° 101 Kilopascal The molar volume of the gas is 24.5 liters/mole. Under the same external conditions, the molar volume of the gas is the same.
Molar volume of gas Relationship between Vm and T, P, n, etc.:
1. At the same temperature and pressure, if V is the same, then N is the same, and n is the same.
2. At the same temperature and pressure, V one /V two =n one /n two =N one /N 2。

Molar mass and gram equivalent

If a substance is composed of atoms, the molar mass of this substance is 6.022 × 10 atoms, which is numerically equivalent to the atomic weight of this element, in grams per mole (equivalent to the concept of gram atomic weight. Both the concepts of molar mass and gram atomic weight are used in this book).
If a substance is composed of molecules, the molar mass of the substance is 6.022 × 10 μ m, which is numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance in grams per mole (equivalent to the concept of molecular weight in grams. The concepts of molecular weight and molecular weight in grams are used in this book).
For example:
The mass of 1 mole of Fe is 55.85g, i.e. 55.85g/mole.
1 mole H two The mass of O is 18 g, that is, 18 g/mole.
1 mole H two SO four The mass of is 98 g, that is, 98 g/mole.
Therefore, the number of moles contained in a certain amount of substance can be calculated with the following formula:
Mole number=mass of substance (g)
Molar mass of the substance (g/mol)
Or, the mass of the substance (g)=number of moles × molar mass (g/mole).
The number of moles can be an integer or not.
The equivalent of a substance, expressed in grams, is called the gram equivalent of the substance. The relationship between the mass of the substance, the gram equivalent and the gram equivalent number is as follows:
Gram equivalent number of substance=mass of substance (g)
G equivalent of the substance [2]