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Carry dowry

The custom that the man goes to the woman to carry the dowry
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Move., The man goes to the woman to take the dowry. The bride displays her dowry in the courtyard for viewing.
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Carry dowry
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The man goes to the woman to take the dowry
The day before the wedding, the man went to the woman to carry the dowry. The bride displays her dowry in the courtyard for viewing. Before making up, the man should send a gift to the woman's parents. Hair makeup: toilet first, then bedding, orderly. The makeup removal team saw off with firecrackers, and the makeup removal team of the wealthy family extended for more than a mile to show their wealth. Firecrackers should be set off to greet the dowry before it enters the man's gate. Invite a "lucky woman" who has both husband and wife, children and grandchildren or a wealthy family to make the bed for luck. After the toilet enters the groom's room, select a child who has both parents, ask him to open the toilet lid, take out a pair of "red eggs" from the red silk network suit, and then urinate in the toilet. After urinating, eat eggs, which means early birth.