Jiexi County

County under Jieyang City, Guangdong Province
zero Useful+1
Jiexi County, Guangdong Province Jieyang City , on Guangdong Province East, west of Jieyang Chaoshan Plain Northwest and the middle and upper reaches of South River of Rongjiang River [1] The total area of the county is about 1347 square kilometers, [2] [57] Subtropical monsoon climate [3] By 2019, Jiexi County has jurisdiction over 1 street, 15 towns and 1 township [4] , county government resident Hepo Street [5] According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Jiexi County is 674800 [71]
In July 1965, with the approval of the State Council, Jiexi County was set up under the jurisdiction of Shantou Special District. In December 1991, Jiexi County was under the jurisdiction of Jieyang City [68] Jiexi County is famous throughout the country Old revolutionary base areas And hometown of overseas Chinese [6] , Yes National Whole Area Tourism Demonstration Area National Ecological Demonstration Zone Pilot County [7] Pilot of financial reform in counties directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province [67] Guangdong Provincial Tourism Demonstration Area [8] And Guangdong Provincial Tourism Comprehensive Reform Demonstration County. Shantou Zhanjiang Expressway Xingshan Expressway and Ningbo Dongguan Expressway Cross the border.
Jiexi County has a long history and civilization. Xiangshan, Beikenggang, Yufengding in Hepo Street, Jimadou in Wuyun Town, Chilingpu in Pingshang Town, Huweidong in Wujingfu Town, Shiniupu in Jinhe Town, Gongshan in Mianhu Town and other places have unearthed stone artifacts from Xia, Shang, Zhou and Pre Qin Dynasties. Tombs and weapons of soldiers in the Five Ridges of the Qin Dynasty unearthed at Chilingpu. Since the Sui Dynasty, Jiexi County has been the birthplace of the three mountain culture of Jinshan, Mingshan and Dushan. [1] It has a long and splendid cultural history, Chaoke customs complement each other, rich and unique ecological resources, Lingnan landscape charm, known as "Southern Emerald", "Eastern Guangdong Back Garden" and other good reputation. [69]
In 2021, Jiexi County will achieve a regional GDP of 26.201 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year [70]
Chinese name
Jiexi County
Foreign name
Jiexi County
area number
four hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and twenty-two
Administrative Region Category
Jieyang City, Guangdong Province
geographical position
Jieyang City west, Chaoshan Plain Northwest [6]
1347 km² [9]
Area under jurisdiction
1 street, 15 towns and 1 township
Government residence
Hepo Street 66 Lindu Avenue
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and fifteen thousand and four hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
About 674800 [71] (Data of the Seventh Population Census in 2020)
License plate code
Yue V
26.201 billion yuan [70] (2021)
Current county magistrate
Huang Qinzhi [84]

Construction history

Jiexi belonged to Chaozhou in ancient times Jieyang County Territory. [68]
Xia, Shang and Wednesday generations Baiyue Land, belonging to Haiyang State during the Xia and Shang Dynasties( Southern Ou State )。
It belonged to Nanhai Prefecture in the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms Period Jieyang County At the end of Qin Dynasty, Zhao Tuo was a king South Vietnam Jieyang County belonged to the early Western Han Dynasty South China Sea Country
Jinxianhe Six Year (331 Year) Genus Dongguan County Haiyang County, the ninth year (413) of the Yixi Period of the Jin Dynasty Yi'an County Haiyang County.
In Song Dynasty, Qi Dynasty, Liang Dynasty and Chen Dynasty, the organizational system remained unchanged.
The 11th year of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty (591) Chaozhou Haiyang County.
Made in the Tang Dynasty and Sui Dynasty, it still belongs to Chaozhou in the south of the Five Ridges Haiyang County
In the third year of Song Xuanhe's reign (1121), Haiyang County of Chaozhou was relocated to Jieyang County of Chaozhou, and Jiexi was subordinate to Jieyang County of Chaozhou.
In the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1279), it belonged to Jieyang County, Chaozhou Road, Guangdong Province.
In the second year of Hongwu (1369), Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, Guangdong Province Chaozhou Prefecture Jieyang County.
The Qing Dynasty inherited the Ming Dynasty system and still belonged to Jieyang County, Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province.
During the Republic of China, it was successively subordinated to Guangdong Tidal circulation Jieyang County of Dongjiang Administrative Committee, Jieyang County of Dongjiang Rehabilitation Commission, East District Pacification Commission, Guangdong Province Fifth District Administrative Inspector's Office and Guangdong Province Sixth District Administrative Inspector's Office.
At the beginning of 1949, it was subordinate to Jieyang County, the Office of the Eighth District Administrative Inspector of Guangdong Province.
In October 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded, and Jieyang County, the main region of Jiexi, was subordinate to the Chaoshan High Commissioner's Office.
In 1952, Jiexi was subordinate to the East Guangdong Administrative Office.
In 1956, Jiexi was under the jurisdiction of Shantou Commissioner's Office.
July 19, 1965, analysis Shantou Special Area In the west of Jieyang County, Jiexi County was set up and the People's Government of Jiexi County was established, which was under the jurisdiction of Shantou Commissioner's Office.
In February 1968, Jiexi County Revolutionary Committee was established, which was respectively subordinate to Shantou Military Control Commission and Shantou Regional Revolutionary Committee.
In 1975, three production brigades, Gongshan, Sixiang and Huxi, formerly belonging to Puning County, belonged to the People's Commune of Mianhu Town, Jiexi County.
In September 1980, the Revolutionary Committee of Jiexi County was abolished, and the People's Government of Jiexi County was established, which was subordinate to the Shantou Regional Administrative Office.
In December 1983, the city led the county system, and Jiexi County People's Government was subordinate to Shantou Municipal People's Government.
In December 1991, Shantou was divided into three cities: Shantou, Chaozhou and Jieyang. Jiexi County is under the jurisdiction of Jieyang City [1]

administrative division


Division evolution

On July 19, 1965, with the consent of the State Council, 12 communes and Mianhu Town of Liangtian, Hepo, Pingshang, Longtan, Huizhai, Wujingfu, Jingxiyuan, Qiankeng, Jinhe, Tatou, Dongyuan, Fengjiang in Jieyang, 2 communes of Shangsha and Wuyun in Lufeng County, 14 communes and 1 town, 153 administrative villages, Jiexi County and Jiexi County People's Government were set up, It is under the Shantou High Commissioner's Office.
In October 1965, Hepo People's Commune designated Hepo Town.
In February 1966, the Huizhai People's Commune set up 10 production brigades, namely Qianfeng, Beixi, Shangliao, Torch, Daxin, Nanshan, Xiyou, Fenshui, Guaotan and Yanghaiping, and added Nanshan People's Commune. The county has jurisdiction over 15 communes and 2 towns.
In 1967, the People's Liberation Army stationed in Mantoushan set up a left liaison group in Jiexi County.
In February 1968, Jiexi County Revolutionary Committee was established. They are under the jurisdiction of Shantou Regional Military Control Commission and Shantou Regional Revolutionary Committee respectively.
In February 1975, the superior decided that the three production brigades of Gongshan, Huxi and Sixiang in Puning County were under the jurisdiction of Mianhu Town, Jiexi County.
In September 1976, Qiankeng People's Commune set up seven production brigades, Dayuan, Dadong, Dalingpu, Yuliang, Jingxin, Xixin and Jingmei, and added Daxi People's Commune.
In October 1976, Wujingfu People's Commune set up Oceanic People's Commune and set up Oceanic People's Commune; Liangtian People's Commune has set aside six production brigades, namely, Anyang, Tongshuping, Central, Hexin, Shuangshui and Hehe, and added Xitian People's Commune. So far, the county has jurisdiction over 18 people's communes and 2 towns.
In October 1983, the People's Commune was abolished and the original commune was changed into a district office. Membership remains unchanged. The county has jurisdiction over 18 district offices, 2 towns and 283 administrative villages.
In December 1986, the district system was changed to township and town system. The original Wuyun District is divided into Wuyun Town and Xiasha Township, and the original Hepo District is merged with Hepo Town, which is called Hepo Town. There are 16 towns and 4 townships in the county.
In June 2003, Liangtian Township and Xitian Township were merged into Liangtian Township.
In December 2003, Wuyun Town and Xiasha Township were merged into Wuyun Town, and Wujingfu Town and Dayang Township were merged into Wujingfu Town. So far, the county has jurisdiction over 16 towns and 1 township.
On May 31, 2006, the establishment of Hepo Town was cancelled Hepo Street [68]

Zoning Details

By 2019, Jiexi County has jurisdiction over 1 street, 15 towns and 1 township. [4] County government resident Hepo Street [5]
Map of Jiexi County

geographical environment


Location context

Jiexi County is located in the east of Guangdong Province, the west of Jieyang City, the northwest of Chaoshan Plain, and the middle and upper reaches of South Rongjiang River. Donglian Jieyang Industrial Transfer Park , south Puning City , connecting Shanwei City in the southwest Luhe County , Northwest and Meizhou City Wuhua County Adjacent to Meizhou in the north Fengshun County Bordering. Jiexi County is located between 23 ° 18'53 "north latitude and 23 ° 41'13" north longitude, 115 ° 36'22 "east longitude and 116 ° 11'15" east longitude. The Tropic of Cancer crosses the county. The county covers an area of 1347 square kilometers, with an east-west length of 51 kilometers and a north-south width of 36.6 kilometers. [1]
Jiexi County

topographic features

Jiexi County is located at the southern foot of Dabei Mountain, a branch of Lianhua Mountain. The landform mainly includes mountains, hills and plains, of which mountains account for 62%, hills 24% and plains 14%. The northwest has overlapping mountains, the central part has undulating hills, and the southeast plain is low-lying. The terrain inclines from northwest to southeast. Li Wangzhang in the northwest, 1222 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the county; Liyugou on the bank of Rongjiang River in the southeast is 3m above sea level, which is the lowest point in the county. The relative height difference between the highest peak and the lowest point is 1219 meters.
Jiexi County has a large mountainous area and is widely distributed, mainly in the northwest, west, southwest and south of the territory. The northwest belongs to Dabei Mountain at the southern foot of Lianhua Mountain. The mountain is huge and steep, with overlapping peaks and ranges of more than 60 kilometers. The mountains are northeast southwest, with 7 peaks above 1000 meters above sea level, forming a northern barrier.
The hills of Jiexi County are mainly distributed in Hepo, Daxi, Qiankeng, Huizhai and Jingxiyuan in the middle and east of the county. The height of the hills is generally within 100 meters above sea level, the relative height difference is less than 100 meters, the slope is gentle, and gradually decreases from west to east.
The plain of Jiexi County is mainly distributed in Jinhe, Tatou, Fengjiang, Dongyuan and Mianhu along the Rongjiang River in the south. The terrain is flat and open, and the altitude is generally below 20 meters. It belongs to the Rongjiang alluvial plain. The branch of Rongjiang River takes Mianhu Lake as the center, forming an X-shaped water network. As the terrain is low and flat, the flow rate slows down, and the middle and lower reaches of Rongjiang River are often supported by the sea tide, the siltation area gradually expands, forming an alluvial plain. [10]


Jiexi County has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer and short autumn; High temperature and rain in summer, low temperature and little rain in winter; It is often cold and rainy in spring. The temperature in Jiexi County is high and rainy in summer. According to the statistics of the meteorological department from 1967 to 2003, the monthly average temperature in summer is above 24 ℃, and the highest average temperature in July is 28.2 ℃. There is a lot of rainfall in summer, from late May to early June and from late July to early August every year, which is the peak period of annual rainfall, with an average rainfall of 119.5 mm per ten days. It is low temperature and little rain in winter. In January, the multi-year average temperature is 13.4 ℃, and the average rainfall is 37.3 mm. Winter drought often occurs. [3]


Jingming Resort
Rongjiang River is the main river in Jiexi County. Rongjiang River is the main stream of Rongjiang River. The Rongjiang River in the county is commonly known as Rongjiang South River. The main stream of Rongjiang River originates from Fenghuang Mountain in Luhe County, flows from west to east into the county, flows through Wuyun, Hepo, Pingshang, Daxi, Qiankeng, Jinhe and Fengjiang River, leaves Mianhu Town, flows eastward to Jieyang Rongcheng, joins Beihe River and flows into the South China Sea, with a total length of 184 kilometers and a river reach of 71.7 kilometers in the county. 97.4% of the county belongs to the Rongjiang River system, and there are 6 tributaries with a catchment area of more than 100 square kilometers. Shangsha River, Hengjiang River and Huizhai River originate from the northwest mountainous area of the county and flow into the South River of Rongjiang River from north to south; Shidu River originates from Shilongkeng in Puning City, and flows from southwest to northeast to South River of Rongjiang River; The Wujingfu River originates from Louzizhang in Fengshun County, flows southward to Taoxizhou at the tower head, joins Huizhai River, and then flows into the South River of Rongjiang River. [11]


According to the classification system formulated in the Technical Regulations for the Second National Soil Census, the soil in Jiexi County is divided into paddy soil yellow soil Lateritic red soil 4 soil groups, 8 sub groups, 29 soil genera and 51 soil species. [12]
Paddy soil: an area of 298000 mu (according to the 1980 soil census area, the same below), accounting for 87.7% of the county's arable land. Various types of paddy soils are distributed in the mountains and hills in the northwest and the upper and middle reaches of Rongjiang River below 600 meters above sea level, but most of them are distributed in the areas below 300 meters above sea level. The parent material of soil formation is mainly granite, sandy rock, schist and river sediment, which is formed by long-term rice planting, irrigation, soaking, and alternate cultivation of water and drought. Due to the difference of maturity degree of water cultivated land and other soil forming conditions, it can be divided into 5 sub groups, 20 soil genera and 37 soil species.
Yellow soil: covering 308100 mu, accounting for 24.3% of the total mountainous area, it is distributed in the western and northern mountainous areas of the county with an altitude of more than 600 meters. It is rich in organic matter and highly acidic. There is a small amount of transitional southern mountain meadow soil on the top of the mountain above 1000 meters above sea level. According to the parent material of soil formation, it can be divided into three soil categories: granite yellow soil, schist yellow soil and cultivated schist yellow soil.
Lateritic red soil: with an area of 961900 mu, accounting for 75.7% of the mountainous area, it is distributed in the mountainous and hilly areas below 600 meters above sea level in each township. The soil fertility varies greatly due to different parent rocks, terrain and climate. The lateritic red soil developed from granite has thick soil mass, which belongs to thick organic layer. The lateritic red soil developed from schist has shallow soil mass, rich organic matter content and exposed surface gravels. The lateritic red soil developed from sand shale has shallow soil, many gravels are exposed, and the soil fertility is not high. According to parent material of soil formation, there are 1 subclass, 5 soil genera and 10 soil species.
Tidal sand soil: 1300mu, accounting for 3.2% of dry farmland. It is mainly distributed in the raised tidal sand land along the river. The soil has high sand content, strong aeration, poor water and fertilizer conservation, and the parent material of soil formation is river alluvium. [12]


Mianhu Town
The mountain vegetation in Jiexi County mainly includes: Coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest , pinus massoniana and fern mountain grass forest, fir and bamboo forest. The coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest is mainly distributed in the area above the plateau. The main tree species are masson pine, cattle coat, thick, mountain plough, etc., and there are also some yellow bamboo forests. Under the forest, most of them are ferns, and a small part are mountain grass. Masson pine, Osmunda japonica, Gangsong and mountain grass forest are widely distributed and cover a large area, accounting for more than 80% of the mountain vegetation area in the county. Although under Pinus massoniana there are mostly ferns and mountain grass, and scattered "myrtle" and other small shrubs, there is still water and soil loss to varying degrees. Chinese fir and bamboo forests are mainly distributed in Dayang and Xitian. Most of the bamboo forests are distributed on both sides of the river, except some of them are distributed in the mountains. [3]
In 2003, the county had 952900 mu of forest area, accounting for 71.1% of the area suitable for forest, and the forest coverage rate was 55%. [3]

natural resources


water resource

Jiexi County is rich in water resources. The main river in the county, Rongjiang South River, passes through 11 towns and villages in the county. The total length of rivers in the county is 298.8 kilometers, the distribution density is 0.219 kilometers per square kilometer, and the average annual runoff is 1.813 billion cubic meters.
According to the data in the report of Regional Hydrogeological Survey of Guangdong Provincial Geological Bureau, the groundwater in the southeast plain of the county, such as Tatou, Fengjiang, Mianhu, Dongyuan, Qiankeng, belongs to loose rock pore water in the plain area, and the rest belongs to bedrock fissure water in the hilly and mountainous areas. The annual average underground runoff of the whole county is about 320 million cubic meters. The average annual underground runoff in the Dabei Mountains is about 256 million cubic meters, and the average annual underground runoff in the Southeast Plain is about 64 million cubic meters.
Jiexi County is located at the southern foot of Dabei Mountain, a branch of Lianhua Mountain in eastern Guangdong. The mountain is huge, steep, steep, and has a large drop. The hydropower reserves are 216000 kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is 139000 kilowatts. [13]

land resource

The terrain of Jiexi County inclines from northwest to southeast, with mountains stretching in the northwest, rolling hills in the middle, and open plains in the southeast. According to the results of detailed investigation and change of land resources on October 31, 1996, the total area of land resources in the county is 1352.34 square kilometers (2028511 mu), and the per capita land area is 2.55 mu. There are three categories: first, agricultural land (including cultivated land, garden land, forest land, pasture land, water surface, etc.) covers 117562.12 hectares (1763432 mu), accounting for 86.94% of the total land area, including 26090.61 hectares (391359 mu) of cultivated land, 0.45 mu per capita of cultivated land, 8626.35 hectares (129395 mu) of garden land, 77567.24 hectares (1163509 mu) of forest land, 861.59 hectares (12924 mu) of pasture land, 4416.33 hectares (66245 mu) of water surface; Second, 9542.63 hectares (143139 mu) of construction land, accounting for 7.05% of the total land area, including 6779.45 hectares (101692 mu) of residential and independent industrial and mining land, 838.57 hectares (12579 mu) of transportation land, and 1924.61 hectares (28869 mu) of water conservancy and hydraulic land; Third, the area of unused land is 8129.31 hectares (121939 mu), accounting for 6.01% of the total land area, including 4884.63 hectares (73269 mu) of grassland and 2993.14 hectares (44897 mu) of farmland. 222.66 hectares (3340 mu) of bare rock and 28.15 hectares (442 mu) of beach. Till 2003, the total cultivated area was 16636.2 hectares (249543 mu). [14]

Animal resources

Animals in Jiexi County mainly include: national protected animals Python Pangolin Tiger Frog Great civet Kitten Etc; Beasts have Jackal wolf leopard goat wild boar Etc; Birds have Yan Magpie turtledove crow eagle Etc; Amphibians tortoise Small water turtle Soft shelled turtle crab Etc; Crustacea Clam Inkstone snail Field snail small land snail Etc; Snakes have Scale snake Southern Snake krait Bungarus multicinctus cobra Etc; Insects Ants cricket spider dragonfly grasshopper Etc. [15]

plant resources

The plants in Jiexi County mainly include: Chinese fir pine lovesickness Melia azedarach Camphor Etc; Bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens , mud bamboo Bamboos Asparagus Dendrocalamus latiflorus Etc; Grasses Thatch phoenix-tail fern Awn dustpan , mango, yellow grass, etc; Drugs include stone pig liver Guanzhong Canine spine , broken bones Iron horn fern Etc.
In 1980, Professor Xiao Mianyun of South China Agricultural University conducted a plant survey in Hecheng Forest Farm. There were 12 families and 22 species of ferns, 2 families and 2 species of gymnosperms, and 105 families and 416 species of dicotyledons. [15]

mineral resources

There are many kinds of minerals in Jiexi County. It is mainly distributed in the north, west and middle of the county, mostly in sporadic distribution. There are 18 kinds of metals and nonmetals found. Metal minerals include tungsten tin copper bismuth molybdenum lead zinc cobalt Precious metal minerals include gold silver Rare metal minerals include beryllium niobium tantalum And rare earth ores; Other minerals include crystal Pyrite Potash feldspar Porcelain clay sand stone The earlier mining history includes tungsten, tin, beryllium, bismuth, zinc, lead, and the sporadic mining of cobalt, niobium, porcelain clay, potassium feldspar, crystal, etc. Most of the metal minerals are only mined by the folk due to the small deposit and low grade. [16]


  • Population
According to the results of the seventh national population census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Jiexi County was 674829. Compared with the 825727 people in the sixth national population census in 2010, the number of people decreased by 150898, or 18.27%, in ten years. There are 190026 family households and 2555 collective households in the county, with 660077 family households and 14752 collective households. The average household population is 3.47 [71]
Among 17 towns (streets), there are 2 regions with a population of more than 80000, 2 regions with a population of 50000 to 80000, and 13 regions with a population of less than 50000. Among them, the total population of the top four regions accounts for 44.73% of the permanent population of the county. among Hepo Street The permanent population is 96300, accounting for 14.27% [75]
Among the permanent population of Jiexi County, 346159 are male, accounting for 51.30%; The female population is 328670, accounting for 48.70%. The sex ratio of the total population (100 women, male to female ratio) rose from 105.24 of the sixth national population census in 2010 to 105.32 [73]
Among the permanent population of Jiexi County, 162802 people aged 0-14, accounting for 24.13%; The population aged 15-59 is 374405, accounting for 55.48%; The population aged 60 and above is 137622, accounting for 20.39%, of which the population aged 65 and above is 98331, accounting for 14.57%. Compared with the sixth national population census in 2010, the proportion of people aged 0-14 increased by 1.03 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 15-59 decreased by 8.71 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 60 and above increased by 7.66 percentage points, and the proportion of people aged 65 and above increased by 5.38 percentage points [74]
  • Ethnic composition
The population of Jiexi County is mainly Han people, with a very small minority population. In 2019, there will be 21 ethnic minorities in the county, including Zhuang, Miao, Tujia, Yao, Li, Dong, Buyi, Yi, Manchu, Gelao, Hani, Lisu, Tibetan, Uygur, Maonan, She, Russian, Bai, Hui, Dulong and Shui, with a registered population of 1795, mainly from marriage [72]


secretary of the county Party committee: Chen Xiaoqing [76] [78]
Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, Chief of the County People's Government: Huang Qinzhi [81-82]
Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Political Commissar of the People's Armed Forces Department of the County: Zhang Shujing [83]
Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress: Chen He
Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress: Li Wenhong, Wang Tiande, Zou Yishui, Yang Wenyin, Peng Zhixiang
Vice county head: Weng Yuhui [81]




In 2021, Jiexi County will achieve a regional GDP of 26.201 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year (the same below); The total agricultural output value was 8.073 billion yuan, up 9.1%; The added value of industries above designated size was 4.398 billion yuan, up 7.7%; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 9.02 billion yuan, up 11.5%; The local general public budget revenue was 482 million yuan, an increase of 2.3%; Per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 17362 yuan, up 6.0% [70]
In 2020, Jiexi County will achieve a GDP of 24.001 billion yuan, an average annual growth of 4.1% during the "13th Five Year Plan" period (the same below); The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 16382.8 yuan, with an average annual growth of 7%; The local general public budget revenue is 471 million yuan; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 8.087 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 3.9%. [58]

primary industry

In 2017, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Jiexi County was 5.993 billion yuan, an increase of 1.9% over 2016. The cultivated land area is 18000 hectares, the grain planting area is 30000 hectares, the total grain output is 178400 tons, and the vegetable planting area is 8600 hectares; The county allocates 35.61 million yuan of various agricultural benefit funds. [17]
In 2017, Jiexi County had a grain planting area of 30000 hectares and a total grain output of 178400 tons, including 18900 hectares of rice planting area and 107400 tons of total grain output; The corn planting area is 1100 hectares, with a total output of 8500 tons; Sweet potato planting area is 8200 hectares, with a total output of 52000 tons; The soybean planting area is 185 hectares, with a total output of 660 tons.
In 2017, the planting area of economic crops in Jiexi County was 1500 hectares, including 48.1 hectares of sugarcane, with an output of 4200 tons; The peanut planting area is 840.7 hectares, with a yield of 3700 tons; The planting area of other economic crops is 10900 hectares, including 8600 hectares of vegetable planting area and 319700 tons of output.
In 2017, Jiexi County had 13000 hectares of fruit planting area and 120500 tons of output; The vegetable cultivation area is 8648.07 hectares, and the output is 319700 tons; The total tea planting area is 2391.67 hectares and the output is 12700 tons, including 5800 tons of green tea, 4500 tons of oolong tea and 2400 tons of other tea. [18]
In 2017, the total output value of animal husbandry in Jiexi County was 1.345 billion yuan, 7.4% lower than that in 2016. By the end of the year, the county had 266700 pigs on hand and 425700 pigs were sold annually; The number of cattle on hand is 9500, and the annual output is 6700; The number of sheep on hand is 1900, and the annual output is 6600; Poultry stock is 1.7707 million, with 9.3427 million annual sales; There are 1.24 million rare birds on hand, including 345000 breeding birds, 4.53 million commercial meat birds sold annually, and 12.01 million seedlings sold. [19]
In 2017, the aquaculture area of Jiexi County was 1860 hectares, and the total output of aquatic products was 20400 tons, an increase of 3.2% over 2016, including 20000 tons of aquaculture output and 4000 tons of river fishing output. The total output value of fisheries was 286 million yuan, up 4.7%. The annual per capita net income of fishermen was 8525 yuan, up 5%. [20]
In 2019, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 6.724 billion yuan, up 5.6% year on year [59]

the secondary industry

In 2017, Jiexi County completed a total industrial output value above designated size of 25.999 billion yuan, including 25.198 billion yuan from private enterprises; The added value of industries above designated size in the county was 6.061 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9% over 2016, of which the industrial added value of private enterprises was 5.818 billion yuan. [21]
In 2017, the total output value of Jiexi County's five pillar industries above designated size was 15.949 billion yuan. Among them, the total output value of wire and cable industry above scale is 2.092 billion yuan, that of electronic and electrical industry above scale is 4.162 billion yuan, that of hardware and plastics industry above scale is 4.659 billion yuan, that of food processing industry above scale is 4.01 billion yuan, and that of biopharmaceutical industry above scale is 1.026 billion yuan. [22]
In 2019, the added value of industries above designated size reached 4.066 billion yuan, up 4.6% year on year. The total output value of industries above designated size was 17.161 billion yuan, up 6.2% year on year [59]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2017, there were 12 enterprises applying for the right to operate foreign trade export in Jiexi County, with foreign trade import of 23 million yuan, an increase of 43.7% over 2016; Foreign trade exports reached 1.152 billion yuan, down 7.7%; Mixed production of commissioned design and self owned brands accounted for 62% of exports. [23]
In 2017, Jiexi County realized a total purchase of goods of 91.21 million yuan, an increase of 3% over 2016; The total sales of goods was 105 million yuan, up 1%; The profit loss was 260000 yuan, with a decrease of 10% over the same period; The owner's equity was 7460500 yuan, and the total social contribution was 1469400 yuan. [24]
As of 2017, Jiexi County has 6 banking financial institutions, 1 securities company, 5 insurance companies and 1 microfinance company. [25]
In 2017, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of banking financial institutions in Jiexi County was 24.699 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.357 billion yuan over the beginning of the year and 5.2% over 2016; The balance of domestic and foreign currency loans was 10.566 billion yuan, down 661 million yuan from the beginning of the year and 5.9% from 2016. [25]
By the end of 2017, Jiexi County's securities industry had 22000 customers in total, 2000 new accounts were opened, and the cumulative trading volume was 39.7 billion yuan; The overall guarantee ratio of margin trading and securities lending was 287.7%. [25]
In 2017, the insurance industry in Jiexi County achieved a cumulative premium income of 270 million yuan, an increase of 26.5015 million yuan or 10.9% over 2016. [25]
By the end of 2017, Jiexi County had received 10.68 million tourists, an increase of 12% over 2016, and its tourism revenue was 6.015 billion yuan, an increase of 15%. [26]
In 2019, the total retail sales of consumer goods totaled 15.246 billion yuan, up 7.3% year on year.
From January to December 2019, the sales volume of wholesale commodities in the county reached 7.534 billion yuan, up 9.3%; The sales volume of retail commodities was 13.071 billion yuan, up 8.3%; The turnover of accommodation industry was 505 million yuan, down 19.1%; The turnover of catering industry was 963 million yuan, up 3.9%
In 2019, the total foreign trade import and export volume of the whole county was 64.443 million US dollars, down 4.0% year on year. The total export volume was 60.7 million US dollars, down 3.0% year on year. Including: general trade exports of US $54.79 million, down 8.0%; The export of processing with supplied materials was 5.91 million US dollars, up 129.0%. [59]




Owned in Jiexi Shantou Zhanjiang Expressway Chaohui Expressway 2 expressways, 6 expressways in total, [69] By the end of 2003, the traffic mileage of the whole county was 969.8 kilometers, including 244.4 kilometers of Class II roads, 35.2 kilometers of Class III roads, 690.2 kilometers of Class IV roads, and the road density reached 71.71 kilometers/100 square kilometers. In terms of pavement structure, 342.9 kilometers of high-grade and sub high-grade pavement, accounting for 35.4% of the total mileage, and 626.9 kilometers of low-grade pavement, accounting for 64.6% of the total mileage.
In 2003, Jiexi County had 27670 motor vehicles, 486716000 passenger kilometers, 293154000 ton kilometers of freight traffic, 4.093 million passengers and 2.665 million tons of freight traffic. The development of highway transportation has changed the form of transportation. Inland navigation throughout the county has basically stopped. [27]
On February 3, 2022, Jiexi to Puning High speed Railway Station It is convenient for passengers to take the direct bus to Puning High Speed Railway Station at Pingshang, Hepo, Longtan, Tatou, Huizhai, Daxi, Jinhe, Qiankeng and other stations. [63]


Provincial Highway: Cinnamomum camphora (forest) - public (flat) (S335); Long (cloth) - pool (tail) (S238); Ping (Shang) - Wu (Jingfu) (S224); Hui (Zhai) - Tian (Xin) (S237), etc [28]


The total length of rivers in Jiexi County is 298.8 kilometers, of which the main stream of Rongjiang River is 71.7 kilometers in the county, and the original navigable mileage is 58 kilometers; The main stream of Rongjiang River and the main tributaries in the county are 255.6 kilometers long, and the original navigable distance is 79 kilometers. Due to the construction of reservoirs and barrages, as well as water and soil loss, the river channel is silted and shallow, affecting navigation. By 1988, only 9 kilometers of the main stream of Rongjiang River were navigable in the county, and only 47 kilometers of its tributaries were navigable during the wet season. By 2003, 9 kilometers of Mianhu Sanzhou reach, the main stream of Rongjiang River, was still navigable, and 35 kilometers of tributaries were navigable in wet season. [29]

social undertakings



In 2017, there were 358 schools of all kinds in Jiexi County, including 255 schools at the compulsory education stage, 90 kindergartens (including 69 private kindergartens), 1 special education school, 2 secondary vocational schools, 7 complete middle schools, and 3 ordinary high schools. There are 139200 students and young children, including 53900 primary school students, 25300 junior high school students, 17100 senior high school students, 9207 secondary vocational education students, 33200 kindergarten children and 465 special education students. 187 new teachers were recruited throughout the year, and 7732 full-time teachers were employed in the county. In that year, 1870 people were enrolled in the college entrance examination, including 238 people in the previous batch. By the end of the year, the total value of teaching instruments and equipment in the county was 202 million yuan. [31]
Main schools
brief introduction
School system
Jiexi No. 1 Vocational and Technical School
Full time public secondary vocational and technical schools
Secondary vocational education
Jiexi Vocational and Technical School
Full time public secondary vocational and technical schools
Secondary vocational education
Adult education institutions
County key middle schools, provincial level schools, provincial and national level demonstration ordinary high schools
Independent High School
Municipal key schools, provincial level schools, provincial and national level demonstration high schools
Independent High School
County level schools, city level schools
Complete middle school
County key high school
Independent High School
County level schools, city level schools
Complete middle school
County level middle school, city level middle school
Complete middle school
Municipal level school
Complete middle school
County level school, county civilization school
Complete middle school
Guangdong Sports Characteristic School
junior middle school
Jiexi No.1 Overseas Chinese Middle School
junior middle school
junior middle school
Jiexi No.3 Overseas Chinese Middle School
junior middle school
Jiexi No.4 Overseas Chinese Middle School
junior middle school
City level schools, Guangdong level schools
junior middle school
Jiexi Shangsha No. 1 Middle School
Municipal Civilized School, County Women Civilized Post
junior middle school
Jiexi County Tatou Middle School
junior middle school
Jiexi Fengjiang Middle School
junior middle school
Civilized units at the county level, schools at the county level, schools at the city level, and demonstration schools for standardization of language and characters at the city level
Nine year consistent system
Nine year consistent system

Science and technology

In 2017, Jiexi County built one innovation platform above the provincial level and one municipal engineering technology research center, recommended and applied for one special fund project for central guiding local scientific and technological development, one provincial and municipal linkage project for vertical collaborative management of provincial scientific and technological special funds in 2017, and two health and medical projects in Jieyang City in 2017, It is recommended to apply for 4 special fund projects for scientific and technological innovation and development of Jieyang City in 2017. Completed the final acceptance of three municipal science and technology projects and the final acceptance of industrial development and technology research projects at the county level in 2014 and 2015. [32]

medical and health work

By the end of 2017, Jiexi County had 25 medical and health institutions, including 8 directly affiliated units, 16 township hospitals, and 1 community health service center. The number of beds prepared by medical and health institutions throughout the year was 1695, and there were 1691 beds at the end of 2017; The staffing establishment was 3050, and the number of employees at the end of 2017 was 2218; The outpatient service and emergency service in the county totaled 1.0356 million person times, an increase of 7.4% over 2016; 63300 inpatients were admitted, up 11.8%; The business income of medical and health institutions in the county was 530 million yuan, up 21.7%. 3026 person times of unpaid blood donation in the county; The "120" command center received 11300 calls for help, assigned 1062 ambulances and treated 1078 patients. [30]

social security

By the end of 2017, the social insurance of Jiexi County had insured 1.3081 million people in total, with a total fund income of 1.803 billion yuan, a total fund expenditure of 1.767 billion yuan, and a cumulative balance of 36 million yuan.
In 2017, 804900 urban and rural residents in Jiexi County paid basic medical insurance premiums, with fund income of 500 million yuan and expenditure of 459 million yuan; The basic medical insurance for urban employees in Jiexi County covered 39500 people, with fund income of 46.6925 million yuan and expenditure of 53.4419 million yuan. In 2017, the annual fund payment limit of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents and basic medical insurance for urban employees was 300000 yuan per person. By the end of the year, 85800 urban and rural residents enjoyed basic medical insurance benefits, and 6159 urban workers enjoyed basic medical insurance benefits. [33]

Historical culture



Jiexi County is one of the few mountainous counties in eastern Guangdong where tide and tourists coexist, Chaoshan people And Hakka people It is a beautiful mountain area and old revolutionary base area with unique folk culture, tide and custom. [61]


Jiexi County Chaoshan dialect and Hakka dialect Two different languages. Chaoshan dialect is also known as "Chaozhou dialect", "Chaoshan dialect" and "Xuelao dialect". Chaoshan dialect has 18 initials, 61 vowels and 8 tones, retaining many ancient sounds, ancient characters, ancient vocabulary and ancient tones that are not found in modern Chinese; Hakka dialect and ancient Chinese have the same source and many things in common. It has 21 initials, 75 finals and 6 tones, and retains many ancient Chinese vocabulary, rich and colorful idioms, special grammatical features, special vocabulary and monosyllabic words. Domestic dialects include hakka dialect Chaoshan dialect Among them, Hakka speakers are Shangsha Town Wuyun Town Liangtian Township Pingshang Town Hepo Street Longtan Town Nanshan Town Huizhai Town Jingxiyuan Town Five Classics Town Residents of 10 towns (streets), accounting for 57% of the county's population. Those who speak Chaoshan dialect are Mianhu Town Qiankeng Town Jinhe Town Fengjiang Town daxi Tatou Town Dongyuan Town Residents of 7 towns and villages, accounting for 43% of the county's population. The villages in Jiexi County where the Hakka dialect is spoken and the Chaoshan dialect is spoken are adjacent to each other for a long time. In long-term exchanges, residents can speak both dialects, such as Zengdaliao Village and Dalu Village in Jingxiyuan Town, Donglian Qiaoshang Village and Jinxing Wuli Village in Huizhai Town, Lizaipu Village in Dongyuan Town, Emaoxi Village and Dayuan Village in Tatou Town. [6]

Revolutionary culture

Jiexi County is one of the old revolutionary base areas in Guangdong Province. The Great Revolution Period, Zhou Enlai Led the Eastern Expedition Army to create a world famous“ Mianhu Campaign ”; the Agrarian Revolutionary War During the period, the 10th Red Army established revolutionary strongholds in Jiexi, organized the Red Guards to fight against local tyrants and evil gentry, and established the Soviet regime; During the Anti Japanese War, the CPC Chaoshan underground organization Dabei Mountain The Guangdong People's Anti Japanese Guerrilla has established a wide range of secret strongholds around Hanjiang Column Activity base; War of Liberation During the period, the Chaoshan prefectural committee took Dabeishan as the central strategic stronghold of Chaoshan's military struggle.

cultural relics and historic sites

Jiexi County has a long history and civilization. Xiangshan, Beikenggang, Yufengding in Hepo Street, Jimadou in Wuyun Town, Chilingpu in Pingshang Town, Huweidong in Wujingfu Town, Shiniupu in Jinhe Town, Gongshan in Mianhu Town and other places have unearthed stone artifacts from Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The tombs and weapons of the garrison soldiers in the Five Ridges of the Qin Dynasty were also unearthed in Chilingpu.
Jiexi County is a county with rich cultural relics resources. In the third national cultural relics survey, Jiexi County registered 447 immovable cultural relics. By the end of 2017, there were 55 cultural relics protection units in Jiexi County (including 5 at provincial level, 11 at municipal level and 39 at county level). For example, Guo's Building in Mianhu Town, Jingxin Ancient Village in Daxi Town, Leshanchu Residential Building in Huizhai Town, Yunzhuang Building in Liangtian Township, etc Chaoshan Folk Houses The boutique of. [6] [35]

Intangible cultural heritage

There are six provincial intangible cultural heritages in Jiexi County, including the Three Mountain King's Sacrifice, Daxi Ancestral Temple Sacrifice, Gong and Drum Banner, puppet show, lantern riddle, etc; There are 16 municipal projects, such as tea challenge and tea stir frying. [35]
  • Uncover the riddles of western lanterns
Jiexi lantern riddles, a popular form of folk popular literature in Jiexi County, Guangdong Province, originated in the Qing Dynasty and flourished in the Republic of China. During the Lantern Festival and the moonlit night of the Mid Autumn Festival, people who uncover the riddles of the West set up a platform to shoot and guess. At the beginning, Jiexi lantern riddles were mainly written orally and spread orally. Later, they expanded in content, including painting riddles, seal riddles, circle riddles, missing words riddles, gift riddles and other colorful riddles. In addition to maintaining the essence of Fu riddles, they were more widely integrated and used in the form of Northern School riddles. The style of revealing the riddles Chaoshan The unique Fu style riddle is the main one, and the methods adopted include positive understanding, increasing or decreasing separation, pointing to allusions, and so on. At the same time, it is compatible with the riddles of the Northern School, regardless of the number of words and the tone, and is characterized by dialect homophony.
The riddle paper of Jiexi dialect lantern riddles is a neat calligraphy art, which is copied by those who are good at calligraphy with a brush, making the riddle paper a calligraphy work that can be guessed and appreciated. Guessing lantern riddles is a unique form of telling people to guess. The riddlers read the riddles word by word, sentence by sentence, which is clear and clear. The audience can understand it and benefit from it. At the same time, drums and gongs were used at the scene of riddle guessing, and the lights and riddles were used at the same time. The guessers announced the riddles word by word according to the riddle numbers, riddles and riddles. Each sentence was repeated with a drum sound on the stage. When the answer was announced, if they missed, they would be hit along the edge of the drum; If you hit more than one word but not all, you will get a side drum; If you win all the rounds, you will get two drums. After correct explanation, you will get three drums and one gong, and then you will get prizes. The whole riddle stage is full of lively atmosphere and moving momentum.
Jiexi dialect riddles, with strong interest, knowledge and folk customs, are a highlight of folk culture in the Mianhu area of Jiexi. They have a wide range of social significance and become a useful bridge for entertaining people and building a harmonious society. As a typical example of popular culture, Jiexi dialect riddles have rich folk cultural connotations, and their social and historical values cannot be underestimated. [62]

Customs and customs

  • King of Three Mountains
King of Three Mountains ”It is a folk belief originated in the eastern part of Guangdong Province and originated in the Sui Dynasty. It refers to the three mountains in the north of Hopo in Jiexi County - Dushan, Mingshan and Jinshan. Its ancestral temple is located at the foot of Yufeng Mountain, Hepo Street, Jiexi County [36]
The "Three Mountain King's Sacrifice" is divided into two kinds, one is a regular one; The other is the "pig and sheep sacrifice", which is said to originate from Han Yu and is the highest standard of the "Three Mountain Kings". The ceremony is solemn and solemn, and the ancient style is long [36]
Sanshan King Temple
  • Chao opera
Jiexi County Chao opera The troupe is a Chaozhou Opera Troupe with a history of more than 40 years. It is a public institution subordinate to Jiexi County Cultural Bureau. In 1994, the whole group had 68 members, with young performers accounting for the majority. From 1992 to 2004, there were 220 performances every year, and the income was about 1 million yuan. The repertoire of performances successively includes Song Palace, Dragon and Phoenix, True or False Han Tingmei, Lin Guilan, Luo Zhang's Marriage, Yang Wenguang's Pingnan, Beacon Fire Opera, Sima Haichuang's Palace, Empress Wu Zetian, Princess Taiping, Tang Ming Emperor Li Longji, Ming Emperor and Yang Guifei, Nine Dragon Sword, Crown Prince Cleaving the Imperial Tomb, etc. Among them, more than 20 films, such as "The Prince Chops the Imperial Tomb" and "An Upright Official Chops a Filial Daughter", were recorded and distributed at home and abroad. Jiexi Chaozhou Opera Troupe Leader insisted on sending plays to the countryside in Chaoshan Rural and remote mountainous areas. In 1994, Jiexi Chaozhou Opera Troupe was rated as the advanced collective unit of Jieyang's cultural system. [64]
  • Puppetry
Puppetry Known in ancient times as "hanging silk puppet" and "line play", it is one of the four major types of puppet play and the most representative ancient play in China. Jiexi string puppet show Yes han opera The form of local opera based on singing has been introduced into eastern Guangdong for more than 700 years.
The tune of Jiexi puppet show is unique. It is sung with Han Opera singing, including Xipi reverse, Xipi adagio, Xipi version, Erliu version, Sanban and Erban, Erhuang reverse, adagio, Erban, Kuaishsanyan, Laughter, Erwang reverse, etc. The melody is high and clear, and the spoken words are sonorous and powerful. Each profession has different vocals, including Shengdan tune, Laosheng tune, Poqiang tune, Hongjing tune, Wujing tune and Chou tune.
The accompaniment band of Jiexi puppet show consists of orchestral music and percussion music, commonly known as Wenpan and Wupan, and the conductor is the drum master. The orchestral part is led by Suona and Touxian, accompanied by Yehu, Xiaodi, Yangqin, Erhu, Sanxian, etc; The percussion part is led by drums and wooden boards, accompanied by Dougong, Xiaogong and Wuqi gong (Su gong).
Jiexi puppet show is constantly integrated into Jiexi in the development process Hakka region Folk literature, music, folk customs, etc. have formed a strong cultural accumulation. [37]
  • Gong and Drum Flag Parade
Gong, drum and flag parade Chaoshan area The popular festival folk entertainment has lasted for more than 500 years. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, spring outings with big gongs and drums were very popular, which were derived from the awareness of praying for a bumper year, avoiding evil and seeking good luck and the festival customs. After years of inheritance, the scale of gongs and drums flag parade has grown from small to large, and the number of music tracks has grown from small to large; Banners have also become diversified and rich in form. It makes the parade of gongs, drums and flags a popular festival and folk entertainment. Every year in the first month of the lunar calendar, some towns and villages in Jiedong and Jiexi have different time, scale and location of gong and drum flag parade. [38]
Gong and Drum Flag Parade
  • Daxi Ancestral Temple Sacrifice
Daxi Ancestral Temple Festivals are mainly represented by the activities of Li's Ancestral Temple, and form a clear ancestral hall cluster with the main ancestral hall of Li's Ancestral Temple and various generations of branches, thus organizing a series of folk activities.
Li's Ancestral Temple is located in Jingmei Village, Daxi Town, Jiexi County, at the north foot of Jinshan Mountain. Qingquangong, the first ancestor of the Li family in Daxi in the late Ming Dynasty, and his sons Huayang and Shaoyang moved from Shanghang County, Fujian Province to Daxi (there is a legend of "Lizhi Grand Garden"). In the 25th year of Qianlong's reign (1760), the grand ancestral temple of the clan was built by the descendants of Li Tiantian, the fourth generation of Li Tiantian, covering an area of 1882 square meters. Xinggong rebuilt in 1994; It was completed in 1997, and the heavy light ceremony was held and the traditional sacrificial ceremony was resumed. [39]

Local specialty



Jiexi County is a place where Chaozhou cuisine and Hakka cuisine blend, forming two major cuisines: Hakka cuisine and Chaozhou cuisine. Hakka cuisine, one of the three major cuisines in Guangdong, uses meat as the main ingredient, highlighting the main ingredient, the original flavor, the raw ingredients, the rough and fine, emphasizing the benefits and health care, and is good at stewing, roasting, boiling, and brewing. Representative dishes include stewed pork with pickles, fermented tofu, etc. There are more than 40 kinds of folk snacks, and the featured snacks mainly include: Xier, Hakka Lei Tea, Hakka Niang Tofu, Mazi, Hakka Cake, Nanshan Baoer, Dayang Ku Bamboo Shoot, Potato Powder and Dried Tofu, Spring Rolls, Soft Cake, Potato Powder Rice, Anti Shaping Taro, Taro Paste, etc. [6] [77]

Hakka red wine

Hakka red wine sticky rice wine It is also called red rice wine, sweet wine, wine brewing and fermented glutinous rice, which are essential drinks for every family in Hakka area. The brewing techniques of Jiexi Hakka red wine are mainly distributed in the vast mountainous areas where Hakka people live in Jiexi County and some adjacent Chaoshan people live in, including Shangsha, Wuyun, Liangtian, Pingshang, Hepo, Longtan, Nanshan, Huizhai, Jingxiyuan, Wujingfu and other towns. [40]
In February 2012, Jiexi Hakka red wine brewing technology It has been listed in Guangdong Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage List by Guangdong Provincial People's Government. [41]

Fenghu Olive

Fenghu olive is produced in Jiexi County Fengjiang Town Houjiao Village in Fengnan is one of the six excellent olive species in Guangdong Province. Fenghu olive is shaped like a waist drum. Its base is flat and blunt, and can stand upright. Its top is blunt and slightly concave, with small black dots protruding from the style. Its peel is smooth and green, its flesh is white, its core is reddish brown, and its core and flesh are easy to separate. The meat is crisp, sweet without astringency, and the aftertaste is sweet. From September to the first ten days of November every year, it should be sold widely Chaoshan , transportation and marketing Nanyang Etc. [34]

Mianhu Guading

Mianhu Guading Jiexi Mianhu It is a famous product, made of high-quality wax gourd and white granulated sugar, and has been produced for hundreds of years. Mianhu melon dice is well known for its sugar absorption, white and crystal, crisp and sweet without residue. It is sold overseas. [34]

Daxi Yuanxiao pomelo

Jiexi Specialty Dasi Yuanxiao pomelo is produced in Jingmei and Yuliang, Daxi Town, Jiexi County. It is named after its ripe fruit, which can be kept until the Lantern Festival. The fruit is flat and round in shape, flat and slightly concave at the head and tail, like an orange, light yellow in color, and weighs 2-3 kg. The pulp is no different from the citrus, but the sticky skin is tight, more transparent and juicy than the citrus, and the flavor is rich. If you put a fruit on the table at home, the room will be full of fragrance. As Chaoshan Famous fruits sell well at home and abroad. Every year around the vernal equinox, Yuanxiao pomelo blossoms all over the trees, giving a wonderful fragrance; It will bear fruit before and after Qingming Festival, and mature at the beginning of winter. It can be eaten immediately after picking, and the taste is pure and delicious; After several days of storage, the taste will be more mellow and sweet. Fruit pulp can produce fluid, quench thirst and remove greasy, moisten lung and clear phlegm; The peel can be made into candied fruit to help digestion and digestion. [34]

Five Classics Ginger Sugar

The Five Classics Town of Jiexi County, with its long history of producing ginger sugar Chaoshan Fame has spread far and wide. Jiexi specialty Wujing Fujiang Sugar takes local high-quality ginger as the main raw material. The product is golden in color, sweet, hot and refreshing, with the effect of warming the stomach and soothing the breath, and is favored by consumers. Long before the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were sold overseas in large quantities. [34]

Hepo Challenge Tea

Hepo Lei Tea is a traditional food with Hakka characteristics. First, put tea, peanuts, sesame seeds, etc. in the jar to make butter, add a little salt (or sugar), and then flush boiling water into the jar Challenge tea Eating Lei tea is to ladle Lei tea into rice, mix it into porridge, and add shrimp, peanuts, onions, leeks, garlic, dried radish and other fried ingredients. Ingredients can be selected according to their own tastes, ranging from three or five to more than twenty. Another way is to use Lei tea to make "Fumi", which is called "Fumi tea". On the seventh day of the first month, I used to make tea with seven kinds of vegetables, called "seven kinds of vegetable tea"; On the day of Lantern Festival, I used to make tea with fifteen kinds of vegetables, called "fifteen kinds of vegetable tea". Lei tea is fragrant and delicious, with unique flavor, which can improve appetite, refresh the mind, and serve as dinner or snacks. [42]

Macrocephalus oceanicus

Bitter bamboo shoots are the tender shoots of wild bitter bamboo in the hills and mountains of Hakka Mountains in spring and summer. They are named for their sweet and bitter taste. There are wild bitter bamboo shoots in Nanshan Town, Wujingfu Town, Dayang Township and other towns in Jiexi County. However, Dayang Township is the most famous and popular place to produce wild bitter bamboo shoots. Jiexi people also take "Dayang bitter bamboo shoots" as their brand name and become the general name of bitter bamboo shoots produced in the region. The bitter bamboo shoots can be used to make a variety of special dishes, and also have the effect of dehumidification and heat elimination. [43]

famous scenery

  • Three Mountain Ancestor Temple in Lintian
Sanshan Ancestral Temple, also known as Lintian Ancestral Temple, is located in Miaojiao Village, Hepo Street, Jiexi County, 1.5km away from the county seat. Founded in the Sui Dynasty, the Xiantang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, it has a history of 1400 years, and has become a provincial key cultural relics protection unit. It is said that the kings of the three mountains in the past dynasties have stood up to protect the country and protect the people for many times. They are highly praised and respected by the people. It is the ancestor of more than 10000 Kings Temples in the mainland of China, more than 500 in Taiwan and more than 180 Kings Temples in Southeast Asia, and a platform for tourism and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits. Its profound cultural heritage and legendary history are Chaoshan area The temple has a long history, is more prominent, is more prosperous, and spreads widely. [44]
Hepo Lintian Ancestral Temple
  • Dabei Mountain Revolutionary History Memorial Hall
With a total construction area of 3200 square meters, the Great Beishan Revolutionary History Memorial Hall has a theme exhibition hall to display the historical relics, revolutionary historical materials and objects of the Great Beishan Revolutionary Base during the Second Civil Revolutionary War, the Anti Japanese War and the War of Liberation.
The Educated Youth Building adjacent to the Memorial Hall, formerly the site of Dabeishan Forest Farm, has been a place for educated youth to live together since December 1968. Later, due to the construction needs of Dabeishan Forest Park, it was rebuilt in other places. The rebuilt educated youth building is constructed according to the original format and 1:1 ratio, with a floor area of 1248 square meters, in a circular structure, and two floors of brick and tile houses, which basically reproduce the real scene of the concentrated life of educated youth in the 1960s and 1970s. [45]
Dabeishan Revolutionary History Museum
  • Huangmanzhai Waterfall Group Tourist Area
Located in Chukeng Village, Jingxiyuan Town, Jiexi County, Huangmanzhai Waterfall Group Tourist Area is known as "the first waterfall in the south of the Five Ridges". It is a national AAAA scenic spot, a national leisure tourism demonstration unit in Guangdong Province, a leading tourist attraction in eastern Guangdong, and one of the most beautiful ecotourism cards in Jiexi County.
The Huangmanzhai Waterfall Group is divided into five levels from top to bottom: the first level is the Feihong Waterfall, which is 82 meters wide and 56 meters high, and is known as "the first waterfall in Lingnan"; The second level is the Milky Way Kongkong Waterfall like stars falling on the earth; The third level is Luojiutian Waterfall with a drop of more than 120 meters, which looks like a silver river flowing down and hanging in the sky; The fourth level is the Sandi Spring Waterfall, which is attached to tourists; The fifth level is Doufangkong Waterfall, which looks like thousands of pearls. The five level waterfall runs straight to the Longevity Star Pond with a drop of more than 300 meters. The waterfalls are inlaid in the deep mountains, rivers and valleys of more than 1000 meters. [46]
Huangmanzhai Waterfall
  • Dabeishan National Forest Park
Jiexi Dabeishan National Forest Park is located in Nanshan Town, Jiexi County, Guangdong Province. The park covers an area of 52000 mu, with an altitude of more than 700 meters. It was officially evaluated and awarded the title of national forest park in 2009. The park is extremely rich in animal and plant resources, with more than 700 species of plants belonging to 148 families, such as subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, Datou tea forest, Maple Eberlain, Fujian Berlin, Phyllostachys pubescens forest and other natural forests; There are python, pangolin, big civet, small civet, tiger frog, yellow billed egret and other national key protected wild animals. The main landscapes include: Shibawan Waterfall, Longtankong Waterfall, Jiuxiandong, Tianzibi, Chiaoying Stone Wall, Beishan Sunrise, Beishan Maple Forest, Fujian pine and cypress trees, Mao Bamboo Garden, tea garden scenery, etc. [47]
Jiexi Dabeishan National Forest Park
  • Mianhu Guo's Building
Guo's Building be located Mianhu Ancient town, the building was built in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. With a history of nearly 300 years, the building is famous for its scale and pattern. It is the most magnificent ancient building in Mianhu Ancient Town“ Chaoshan Folk Houses The reputation of "the most of architecture" is the essence of ancient architecture. The whole building is 52 meters wide and 105 meters deep. There are four long alleys, three halls, a small courtyard in the courtyard, long windows on the courtyard wall, and a tall building behind. There are 99 rooms in total, which is called the pattern of "hundreds of birds courting the phoenix". Its architectural pattern is in the form of a palace. [48]
Guo's Building

Honorary title

Jiexi County has successively won the titles of "National Ecological Demonstration Area Construction County", "Guangdong Green Famous County", "Forestry Ecological County", etc. [49]
On December 31, 2019, it was identified as one of the first batch of Guangdong province wide tourism demonstration areas. [8]
On June 30, 2020, it was included in the "Second Batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Area and County List". [50]
In August 2020, it was selected as one of the "Top 100 Counties with National Tourism Development Potential in 2020". [51]
In December 2020, it was awarded the honorary title of "Double Support Model City (County) in Guangdong Province". [52]
In November 2019, it was selected into the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [54] [79]
In July 2021, it was listed as one of the top 100 counties with national tourism development potential in 2021. [56]

Famous people

Zhang Jinan
Zhang Jinan , male, Han nationality, born in February 1957 in Jiexi, Guangdong [53] He is now a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th CPPCC National Committee and deputy director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee. [65]
Member of the 13th CPPCC National Committee [66]
Wen Guohui
Wen Guohui , male, Han nationality, born in September 1963 in Jiexi, Guangdong [55] He is currently the Vice Chairman of the 13th CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Committee and a member of the Party Leadership Group. [60] [80]