
Italian dessert
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Tiramisu, English Tiramisu, is a kind of belt Coffee wine Tasteful Italy Dessert. with Mascarpone cheese Cheese As the main material Finger biscuit Replacing traditional desserts Sponge Cake , Join Coffee Cocoa powder etc. Other materials The taste is fragrant, smooth, sweet and greasy, soft with texture changes, and the taste is not always sweet.
stay Italy Tiramisu means "take me away at once", World War II At that time, an Italian soldier was about to go to the battlefield, but there was nothing left at home. Love his wife to prepare for him solid food , take all the biscuits that can be eaten at home bread We did it all Cakes and Pastries The cake is called Tiramisu. Whenever the soldier ate Tiramisu on the battlefield, he would think of his home and the people he loved at home. [1]
Chinese name
Tiramisu [2]
Foreign name
Main raw materials
cheese (main material), egg Biscuits White granulated sugar Cream Cocoa powder Coffee wine / RUM etc.
Storage method
cold storage
Obesity Those who eat carefully, diabetes Prohibited

Historical origin


Version 1

Tiramisu [2]
The origin of Tiramisu can be traced back to the 17th century. It is called Zuppa del Duca or Zuppa Inglese Italy Northwest dessert, but the real tiramisu was in Italy in the 1960s Venice The northwest area of. Local people use Mascarpone cheese as the main material, and then Finger biscuit Replacing traditional desserts Sponge Cake , add coffee Cocoa powder And other elements.

Version 2

An Italian soldier was about to go to the battlefield, but there was nothing at home. He loved his wife to prepare for him solid food , take all the biscuits that can be eaten at home bread We did it all Cakes and Pastries Li means to take me away. That cake is called Tiramisu. Whenever the soldier ate Tiramisu on the battlefield, he would think of his home and his lover. In Italian, Tiramisu means "take me away". It takes not only delicious food, but also love and happiness. [1]

Version 3

A boy named Fvan fell in love with a girl named Jane. The boy firmly believes that the Tiramisu cake whose name is similar to Tianned will bring him good luck. So he used many days and nights to make a very exquisite cake according to the production method of Tiramisu, and named this cake "Tiramisu's Love". The girl ate the cake, felt deep love and married the boy. Then the story spread widely in the villages and towns, Tiramisu Cake It has become a synonym for love and affection.

Version IV

It is said that Tiramisu was originally called zuppa del duca, because this dessert was invented for Grand Duke Cosimo III de'Medici (Duke of Medici III), and was loved by the Duke, so it became popular in the court. But how the "Duke's Sweet Soup" evolved into Tiramisu, there was a fault in interpretation.

Production method


Approach 1

Mascarpone cheese Cheese 250g, mild animal nature cream 150ML, 10g (2 pieces) of gelatin, 40ML of Italian espresso RUM 15ML, 2 yolks, 75ML water, 75g granulated sugar, some finger biscuits Cocoa powder Appropriate amount Powdered sugar appropriate amount.
1. Break the gelatin into small pieces and soak in cold water for standby.
2. Set Egg yolk whipping To thick state for standby.
3. Pour water and granulated sugar into a pot, heat it and boil it Syrup Turn off the fire at the rear and use it at the same time Whisk Stir the sugared water (lower the temperature), and slowly pour in the beaten egg yolks. After the egg yolk is poured, continue to beat it with the egg beater for 5-10 minutes. By this time, the temperature of the egg yolk paste should have dropped.
4. Pour the cooled egg yolk paste into a large bowl and set aside. The yolk paste must be completely cooled before use.
5. Put the mascarpone cheese in a large bowl, beat with an egg beater until smooth, and then mix with the egg yolk paste.
6. Make it right from the beginning Gelatin Filter out the water, Waterproof Heat it until it is completely dissolved to form a Gilardine solution.
7. Pour the gelatin solution into the mixed cheese paste and mix well.
8. Beat the animal whipped cream to the soft foam (just appeared lines), add the cheese paste and mix well.
9. Italian espresso and rum Coffee wine (Or you can buy ready-made coffee wine for tiramisu).
10. Take a finger biscuit and dip it in the coffee wine quickly, so that the finger biscuit is covered with coffee wine. Repeat this process until the finger biscuits are spread all over the bottom of the cake mold (it is better to use a loose bottom mold for the cake mold. The finger biscuits can be broken and almost spread all over, so there is no need to be airtight).
11. Pour in half of the cheese paste.
12. Continue to spread a layer of finger biscuits dipped in coffee wine on the cheese paste, and pour in the remaining half of the cheese paste.
13. Put the cake mold in the refrigerator to refrigerate overnight.
14. After the cheese paste has completely solidified, demould it (with hair drier Blow slightly on the outside of the cake mold to easily demould), and sprinkle cocoa powder and sugar powder on the surface for decoration.
15. If there are any remaining finger biscuits, you can decorate them around. [3]
Tiramisu [3]

Approach 2

5 egg yolks, 3 egg whites Fresh cream Appropriate amount, Mascarpone cheese Mascarpone cheese Cheese) 500g Marsala Moderate amount, expresso coffee, Lady finger Lady Finger Dry, sugar free cocoa powder.
Produced by Tiramisu
1. 3 eggs Divide eggs , add 50g sugar into the egg white in three times, and beat until Wet foaming , that is, lift the small sharp corner with a curve.
2. Add 30g sugar to the egg yolk and beat until the color becomes light and thick. Fractional addition Corn oil Stir until thick.
3. Take part of the egg white into the egg yolk basin and cut and mix evenly. Pay attention to cutting and mixing. Do not circle to avoid defoaming. Then pour all into the egg white bowl, continue to cut and mix evenly.
4. Mix the three kinds of powders, sift them, pour them in, continue to cut and mix evenly, as fast as possible. This step is a bit difficult.
5. Pour the 8-inch flexible bottom round mold into the preheated oven (160 ℃, 25 minutes). The time and temperature here vary from oven to oven.
6、 Mousse Part with two yolks, beat until the color becomes light and thick.
7. Boil 75g sugar and 75ml water into sugar water, boil it off the fire, slowly pour it into the egg yolk, and beat it with an egg beater while pouring to avoid scalding Egg & vegetable soup Stir until the temperature drops.
8. Jilliding is cut into small pieces with scissors, put into a small bowl, add water to cover it, put into a pot and heat it until it melts into liquid state.
9. Set Cream cheese Cut into pieces and pour the gelatin solution food processor Beat until smooth and free of particles, and pour into the yolk sugar solution.
10. Take another bowl of whipped cream and beat it until it can draw patterns. Add it to the solution in the previous step and beat it evenly. So far, the mousse is partially completed.
11. Cut the cake evenly into two pieces, put one piece into the mold, pour half of the mousse, then put another piece of cake, and then pour the remaining mousse. Refrigerate for more than 5 hours, preferably overnight.
Tiramisu [2]
12. Take it out of the refrigerator, blow around with a hair dryer for demoulding Sieve Sift cocoa powder evenly, and you can succeed.

Approach 3

1. Prepare cake slices and finger biscuits in advance.
2. Make the coffee liquid in advance, and add wine after the liquid cools down.
3. Put a layer of cake slice at the bottom of the mousse ring or Lady Finger And brush a layer of coffee solution.
4、 Gelatin Soak in cold water (stir the gelatine powder quickly with chopsticks when adding water), and then put it aside until it absorbs enough water.
5. Fresh cream Beat it to 60%, that is, when the cream expands and just solidifies, use the egg beater to stir up the curved chicken tail.
6. Mix the egg yolk with sugar and milk, heat it under water, stir it while heating, and wait until the temperature of the egg yolk reaches 70 or 80 degrees (the egg liquid becomes very thick and the color becomes light).
7. Add the gelatine powder to the warm egg yolk liquid, and stir until the gelatine powder is completely dissolved.
8. After the cheese is softened at room temperature, use an electric egg beater to stir it evenly until no particles are left (if the cheese is hard, put a basin of warm water under the basin containing the cheese to stir it).
9. When the egg yolk liquid is about the same as the hand temperature, pour the egg yolk liquid into the cheese paste and stir it evenly.
10. Add the whipped cream to the completely cooled cheese paste, and stir it evenly with a rubber spatula.
Tiramisu [2]
11. Pour half of the cheese paste on the cake slices brushed with coffee solution.
12. Add another layer of finger cake, brush with coffee solution, pour all the remaining cheese paste into the mold, and refrigerate for 4 hours or 40 minutes until it sets.
13、 Musket Demoulding, or heating with hot towel (or air duct), sprinkle a layer of cocoa powder and a small amount of sugar powder on the surface. [2]

Approach IV

How to make chocolate mini tiramisu: [4]
Chocolate mini tiramisu
1. Beat 4 whole eggs, add 40g granulated sugar
2. It is creamy white and thick
3. Add sifted flour, mix well, put it into the baking pan, and bake for 20 minutes in the oven
4. Beat the eggs until the color turns milky white, and then add Maskabone cheese to mix them
5. Add 200g of melted chocolate and mix well
6. Put sponge cake, strawberries, Bailitan, etc. in the grinding tool cover
7. Add chocolate sauce, a sponge cake, and finally a layer of chocolate sauce
8. Cut the cake into small pieces and put them on the bottom layer of the cup. Sprinkle Baileys or coffee on them
9. Put strawberries, some chocolate jam, a layer of cake crumbs, a layer of chocolate jam

Practice 5

The recipe of chocolate Qifeng cake version Tiramisu: [5]
Chocolate Qifeng Cake Tiramisu
Cocoa powder
Coffee powder
corn starch
low-gluten flour
2 (about 64g each)
12g (egg yolk)+24g (protein)
vegetable oil
lemon juice
Add a little protein
28g+20g (soaked in gelatin)
gelatin sheets
unsalted butter
1. Mix and sieve all the powders for 3 times.
2. Separate the egg white from the egg yolk. Add a little lemon juice to the egg white.
3. Add 24g granulated sugar into the egg white in three times, beat with an electric egg beater until dry.
4. Add milk, oil and sugar into the egg yolk and stir.
5. Add the egg whites to the batter and mix gently.
6. Pour the mold into the oven.
7. Beat the egg yolk first, add the granulated sugar into the water and heat it to boiling point.
8. Cut the gelatin slices into small pieces, add 20g of water, and heat them in a pan.
9. Cut the cheese into smooth pieces, add gelatine and beat until smooth and free of particles. Pour the egg yolk paste and stir.
10. Beat the cream until it can be painted.
11. Add the cream to the cheese batter and stir well.
12. Cut the chocolate cake into slices, cut it into small circles, pour in cheese mousse, and refrigerate.
13. Use a blow dryer to blow the mold off, screen the cocoa powder, and then screen the sugar powder on the pattern.
14. Sliced Tiramisu chocolate cake.

Approach VI

Main material
Some homemade finger cakes, 2 egg yolks, 135g mascarpone, 2 egg whites Espresso 100ml。
Coffee liqueur 20ml, 45g of granulated sugar, 20ml of water.
1. Add the egg yolk to Mascapone and stir until smooth and free of particles.
2. Beat the egg white until fine bubbles appear and are not easy to disappear.
3. At the same time, boil sugar to 117 ℃ for about 3 minutes.
4. Slowly pour the boiled sugar water into the egg white, stir and pour until the egg white is hard.
5. Protein is added in three times cheese Mix the seed paste evenly.
6. Soak the finger cake in the coffee liquid mixed with condensed coffee and coffee liqueur.
7. Put one layer of finger cake into the mold cheese Put the paste in two layers respectively, put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate for more than two hours, and sprinkle cocoa powder when eating.

Exceed the record

On March 16, 2019 local time, Milan CityLife Shopping Center held a large-scale public food event. Milan, Italy epicure We produced Tiramisu with a total length of more than 303 meters, which is more than the previous Guinness The record of the longest tiramisu (226.9m). [6]

Food Features

As a representative of Italian desserts, Tiramisu is a fashionable dessert popular in coffee shops, baking stores and western restaurants. This dessert has become popular since the mid-1980s. Its innovative formula is coffee flavored cheese milk egg liquid, which is also a new flavor of cake Pudding And other forms of cold and hot desserts.
Tiramisu tastes fragrant, smooth, sweet and greasy, soft with texture changes. The taste is not always sweet. Because of cocoa powder, it is slightly bitter, which is just the same as Cappuccino to match up.
It has a mellow and thick taste Italian Coffee )Bitter, moist with eggs and sugar Sweet wine Alcohol Chocolates The fragrance of cheese It is blended with the thick fragrance of fresh cream and the dryness of cocoa powder. It uses less than ten materials to combine sweetness and all kinds of complex experiences that sweetness can evoke to the extreme.
In France Paris MCAKE The production process of tiramisu has been improved to extend tiramisu and produce a cake called Coffee Symphony parfait The symphony with coffee is most famous. In the original Italian text of Tiramisu, "Tira" means "lift, pull", "Mi" means "I", "Su" means "up", and together, it means "pull me up"; Another explanation is "take me away", "remember me" and "come back". [1]

Food nutrition

Food name Tiramisu
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 280 kcal
protein 3.8 g
Fat 12.5 g
cholesterol 42 mg
Saturated fatty acid 9.5 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.4 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 2.1 g
water content 44 g
carbohydrate 37.5 g
sugar 21.1 g
dietary fiber 1.2 g
folic acid 27 μg
sodium 72 mg
magnesium 15 mg
phosphorus 288 mg
potassium 161 mg
calcium 79 mg
manganese 0.1 mg
iron 0.9 mg
copper 0.1 mg
zinc 0.6 mg
selenium 5 μg
iodine 11.6 μg
vitamin A 133 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.07 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.23 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 0.6 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.54 mg
Vitamin B6 0.07 mg
Vitamin B12 0.18 μg
vitamin D 0.6 μg
vitamin E 1.02 mg