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Battle of Titan

Greek Mythology Great Spirit Battle
Battle of Titan (Another: Battle of Titans; Ancient Greek Τιτανομαχία , Latin: Titanomachia )It means MYTHOS in Titan Protoss A war with Olympus for the supremacy of the universe.
Battle of Titan
Titan, Olympus
Olympus wins
Principal Commander
Zeus, Cronus



At first, Uranus, the "king of heaven", dominated all the universe and heaven. He came to the lower boundary every night to wrap up the earth Gaia In combination, she gave birth to twelve "giant gods" Titans (six sons and six daughters) and three“ A hundred armed giant ”Hecca, Chris and the three Cyclops. However, Ulanos believed that the Cyclops and Centaurs were strange looking and not as normal as Titans, so he put them back into his mother's womb shortly after birth and put them in "hell" Tartaros Gaia was dissatisfied when she saw that the children she had worked hard to conceive and raise were sent to hell by Uranus one by one, and she was determined to overthrow Uranus. One day she summoned the children to plan to expel Uranus. There is only "chaos" among the twelve Titans Cronus Dare to implement. Gaia made a sickle from a gray divine stone and gave it to Cronus. When Ulanos came to join Gaia, Cronus, with the help of his mother, cut Ulanos' genitals with a sickle and threw them into the sea. Uranus ran back to the kingdom of heaven. Since then, Uranus no longer came to the earth, and heaven and earth were separated.
Because Ulanos has strong fertility, the cut genitals fall into the sea, and the "Vengeance Goddess" is born from the blood essence Erinius , "fairy fairy" ash Nymph And the "giant spirit" Guigantes From the foam left by the genitals, "love and beauty" came into being Aphrodite Later, Cronus, in order to consolidate his hegemony( Heca and Chris , Kuchlops and Guigantes) were imprisoned in hell. Gaia saw that Cronus was as abusive as his father, and cursed that Cronus would be overthrown by his descendants as he rebelled against his father Uranus. Cronus was afraid of Gaia's curse. Whenever his wife Rhea gave birth to a child, he swallowed the baby. When Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she hid Zeus and wrapped a stone with cloth and handed it to Cronus to swallow. Cronus was cheated. Rhea brought Zeus Crete , bring them up. Zeus decided to save his brother and sister who were swallowed by Cronus. "Goddess of Wit" Metis He brewed a pot of special wine and gave it to Zeus. He said that Cronus would feel abdominal pain after drinking the wine, which prompted Cronus to vomit out his five brothers and sisters. So Zeus rescued Cronus' five brothers and sisters from his belly, which were the Olympus. From then on, the six Olympians began to attack Cronus. Cronus ran to his brother and sister Titan, gathered them to fight against Olympus, and then launched the battle of Titan in an all-round way.


Zeus killed the banshee Camper And rescue Cronus' brothers Heca, Kreis, Kuklops and Guigantes from Tartaros Hell. From Mount Olympus, he led the Olympus, Heckatongkras, Kuklops, and Guigantes to the Titans' encampment Otis Hill )In the attack, the two sides launched a super fierce battle, which lasted for ten years, almost destroyed the whole universe, and finally defeated the Titan Protoss. The defeated Titans were expelled to Tartaros Hell. The most famous Titan is Atlas He was condemned by Zeus to support the sky with his shoulders and became the "Titan" in Greek mythology. Zeus became the highest god, the "king of gods". In order to avoid killing each other and the consequences of Cronus, he used the method of drawing lots with his brother Poseidon And Hades Decentralization. Zeus gained the power of heaven and became the "Emperor of Heaven"; Poseidon got all the sea areas and became the "sea king"; Hades got the dead realm of the underworld and became the "keeper".


The only complete document that has been handed down to date to mention the Battle of Titan is Hesiod Written c. 700 BC《 Divine Scripture 》Write a poem. Another epic about the overall process of the Battle of Titan, Battle of Titan (ca The first seven centuries )Unfortunately, this book was lost second century Greek writer Plutarch In his《 music 》Quoted in prose.