
[miáo xiě]
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Tracing is describe , write Yes Copying Description is to describe the state of the characters or scenery concretely and vividly through certain writing means (such as vivid and vivid language, simple and straightforward dialogue). This is average Narrative And literary writing Expression The function of description is to reproduce the natural scenery, things, describe the appearance and inner world of the characters, and make the environment of the characters' activities concrete. [1]
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To draw (or describe) with the aid of depiction in painting term It refers to using vivid language to show the image of things.

Application examples

  • Mei Yaochen (Song Dynasty) The Painting of Talking with Yang Zhizhi about the Flowers of Sandwich Bamboo: "In the deep years, you can see the ink painting, and the description of time begins to alert the customs."
  • Shang Zhongxian (Yuan Dynasty) The fourth fold of Liu Yi's Book: "Xiang Hua Pavilion Lan Tang Described in tassels The account, which can not be described in the stars' articles, is all cut out to be romantic. "
  • Shen Defu (Ming Dynasty) "Ye Huo Edited, Shanren, Shanren Song": "Zhao Boqi is a filial and honest elder, Wang Baigu is eight years old, and he also hates Wang for being a man. Because he wrote" Shanren Song "to scold him, his description is ugly, which can be described as a song."
  • great Chapter 11 of Sunny Days: "Jiao Zhenmao has to describe what happened last night again."
  • Grandpa's white hair shows his vicissitudes, and the wrinkles on his forehead record the hardships of life.


Description is to use bright colors Stereoscopic feeling The strong and vivid writing language vividly and concretely depicts the state of the expression object, giving people a vivid and immersive feeling. It is a kind of“ Both form and spirit ”It is one of the main expression methods of articles about people, narration and scenery. What is description? Description is description, writing is Copying Description is to use vivid and vivid language to describe the state of people or scenery concretely. This is average Narrative and Literary writing frequently-used Expression method
Description is to describe the appearance of people and things concretely and vividly. Its basic feature is to describe images; What it pursues Expression effect It is vividly reproduced with words objective things The "appearance" of the book makes readers feel as if they are seeing the person, hearing the voice and being in the scene.

Introduction to classification

  • Descriptive angle (Description method): positive (direct) description, lateral (indirect) description
  • Character description It can be divided into: language, action, demeanor, psychology, portrait, etc
  • Scenery description Divided into: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc
  • Methods of describing scenery: combination of movement and stillness (using movement to write stillness), combination of generalization and concrete, from far to near (or from near to far)

Main role

In writing, only through description can we achieve "vivid", "vivid", "lifelike", "vivid", "vivid" and "vivid". This is because the author writes about people and objects through specific and visualized language, making the objective objects sound, colored, tasteful, and tangible, so that people can feel as if they were in the scene, as if they saw the person, as if they heard the voice, as if they smelled the taste, as if they saw the color, as if they experienced the event.

main features

describe in detail And line drawing
  • describe in detail : Use a large number of vivid and appropriate metaphors, gorgeous words and colorful colors to paint with thick brush. For example, some paragraphs of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond.
  • Line drawing: Grasp the characteristics of people or things with simple words, and outline the image of people or things with a few strokes. Lu Xun wrote in "The Secret of Composition": "Line drawing has no secret. If you want to say that there is, it is just the opposite of the cover up: have the true meaning, go to whitewash, be less pretentious, and not show off." (Collection of Southern Tunes and Northern Tunes) For example Zhu Ziqing This is the description of father in "The Back". It can also be said that line drawing actually describes in the way of narration.
Static and dynamic description
  • Static description It refers to the description of people or scenery in a flat and static way. as Midnight At the beginning, the description of the scene of Baidu Bridge outside Suzhou River at dusk is to show the abnormal prosperity of old Shanghai in the 1930s in this way.
  • Dynamic description : It refers to the use of movement to describe the static, or the use of personification to describe things. as Zhu Ziqing's Green The Plum Rain Pavilion: "This pavilion is perched on a prominent corner of the rock with empty hands Of; It's like a goshawk floating in the sky with its wings spread. "
brief introduction : Characterizing characters is inseparable Description of characters Ding Ling "There are many characters that we are familiar with. But it takes a lot of techniques to draw this figure so that readers can recognize, understand, experience, and arouse natural love and hatred. The commonly used methods of character description are Positive description and Profile description Two. "
Positive description : means Direct description The appearance, psychology and actions of the characters.
Profile description It is also called indirect description, which sets off the characters from the side.
Appearance description : Also called Portrait description It refers to the description of the appearance characteristics of the characters (including their appearance, clothing, expression, body shape, posture, behavior, etc.), so as to reveal the characters' ideological character, express the author's love and hatred, deepen the readers' impression of the characters, and reflect the characters' character laterally.
For appearance description, generally use:
1. Sketching characteristics;
2. Application Rhetorical method
3. Repose the author's love and hatred;
4. With the help of others' eyes;
5. Comparison of relevant characters;
6. Several portraits of one person;
7. Combine with other techniques.
The requirements of appearance description are: according to needs, grasp the characteristics, draw vivid shapes, portray characters, and show the soul. The key lies in:
First, portrait description should be carried out according to the needs of the development of the plot. It is not necessary to write portraits of people every time they write about them. Some authors do not understand this truth, so the portrait description in his pen is sometimes unnecessary. When writing portraits, one should not focus on eyebrows and beard. Lu Xun told us to "draw eyes". "Draw eyes" is to write Portrait The key to. Lu Xun He is good at "drawing eyes", because the eyes are the window of the soul. He was Blessing 14 writes in Sister Xianglin Every change in the eyes reveals the changes in the character's psychology and personality at that time. It is important to point out that "drawing eyes" is a figurative expression, which does not mean that it is necessary to draw eyes to describe the appearance of the characters.
Lu Xun's "drawing eyes" means to be good at delicately and accurately depicting the most characteristic parts of the figure's appearance, and to abandon and express them Character and Mental outlook Other irrelevant things. Lu Xun wrote that Xianglin's sister-in-law "painted eyes", but also wrote that Xianglin's sister-in-law "had grey hair"; write Ah Q Rewrite the mangy scar on his head, but it can show him better than writing his eyes Spiritual victory method When writing about Runtu, he also wrote about his hand while writing about his eyes: "That hand is not the red and round one I remember, but it is thick, stupid and cracked, like Pine bark Has. "It reflects the hardship and pain of life on the leap land. Write Kong Yiji Instead of writing eyes, he wrote his "old and broken The gown "
The high requirement of portrait writing is to portray character and show soul. Lu Xun was determined to paint the "living soul" of Chinese people. Leo Tolstoy To write Maslova The soul of Maslova, outlining her inner world in prison Appearance description It has been revised twenty times!
Second, the description of appearance should not be formulaic or facial. Generally, "people are like their faces". However, people's heart and appearance are not always the same. A beautiful appearance does not necessarily mean a beautiful soul. Moreover, "knowing people knows faces but not hearts". The appearance of good people in excellent works is not necessarily beautiful and handsome; The bad people written are not necessarily pockmarks, blind or lame. as Gadfly The middle aged gadfly is lame, with ugly face and knife scars. The hero Lai Fensheng in Faziev's "Destruction" is short and slightly bent. All this shows that even if the writer describes his beloved characters, he is not just trying to beautify them with "facial makeup", but strictly respecting the truth of life. When writing critical characters, sometimes the beauty of appearance is used to contrast the ugliness of the characters' hearts, such as in Destruction Villain Meidike, who is graceful, wavers and defectes. Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions is beautiful and handsome, but ruthless.
First, character writing Psychological activities We should write about the psychological activities that certain characters will inevitably produce in a specific environment, rather than psychological description for psychological description. For example, in a snowy and cold day, most people want to keep warm and get out of the sun quickly; This is the normal requirement of human instinct. However, a specific character may not think so in a specific environment.
Second, when writing about psychological activities, we should prevent one psychological activity on the left and one on the right. Only when the key plot, action and expression appear, can it be accompanied by psychological description. Third, to write about psychological activities, we should try to write about the subtle emotional waves and complex psychological changes of the characters. For example, in the last chapter of Gorky's Mother, Nilofena found that Spy Instantaneous wavering, fear, and Inner conflict Until firm and calm.
adopt Languages Show the characters' own actions in the conflict to show the characters' character characteristics and mental outlook.
Why do we need to describe people's actions? This is because what people do is the concentrated expression of their thoughts and feelings. Characters in literary works Action description It is the main means of shaping characters. Shi Naian To shape Wu Song We arranged a "Jingyanggang Wu Song fights the tiger", which is all about how Wu Song "fights", describing Wu Song's hero's true colors and martial arts skills from his actions. In the book, he adopts the strategy of defending before attacking, which also shows his strategy and tact. It is through the Wu Song Beats the Tiger The vivid and detailed description of his whole process shows his various personality characteristics. Therefore, Mao Dun said, "The character must be expressed through action and action." He also said, "Since the action of the character (the plot of the work) is the main means of expressing the character, whether the character is typical depends on whether there are such actions typical When the author instructs the characters to act, he should try to eliminate those who are vivid and interesting but can't express Typical character " (About Art Skills)
action describe Three principles should be mastered
1、 Character should be revealed from his own actions; 2、 The action of a character should be chosen to represent his character. Therefore, the purpose of describing the characters' actions should be very clear; 3、 Pay attention to the actions of the characters Vividness And typicality. The so-called vividness means that the author should write not only what the character is doing, but also how he does it. The so-called typicality means that the author should write why the characters do this, but not do that.
matters needing attention
The positive side of the above Descriptive method , when writing, not mechanically Appearance description , psychological description and action description. "Man is the sum of all social relations". When describing the characters, we should integrate these methods and use them flexibly, so that the characters can be vivid and lifelike.
Secondly, after studying positive description, let's see what is Profile description The so-called side description refers to the description of the characters not from the front, but from the description and description of other characters and events to enhance the atmosphere and foil the characters Descriptive method Qing people Mao Zonggang When commenting on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I think that this novel often uses the technique of setting off to depict the character. He is“ The heroes meet Jiang Gan and fall into a trap "In this review, I wrote:" There are positive and negative contrasts in the article. write Lu Su Honesty kong ming Its cleverness is a contrast. write Zhou Yu Cute, double the brightness with holes. Cute, yes Positive lining Also. For example, those who write about national colors Ugly Woman The beauty of form is not like that of beauty, but more beautiful; Those who write tiger generals are brave in the form of cowards. They are more brave than those who write tiger generals in the form of warriors. "
Everything always exists in contradiction with each other. The method of setting off is exactly the dialectical law artistic creation A reflection and application of. Artistic sketch 》Author of Liu Xizai It said: "The front side does not write the reverse side, and the front side does not write the opposite side. It is wonderful to see the shadow and know the pole." Our ancient people called this method "the reverse side Powder dressing "。
For positive description and Profile description In the specific description of characters, we should also consider whether to use positive description or side description, or both, according to the needs of the theme and the specific situation of the plot development.
Introduction: Environmental description It refers to the description of the external conditions - society and nature - with which the characters are directly related.
The activities of characters and the unfolding of events are always certain social environment natural environment In. "Man creates the environment, and so does the environment." (Marx and Engels《 the german ideology 》)Therefore, it is often necessary to describe the environment when writing people's notes. Mao Dun pointed out in "On Artistic Skills" that "the characters have to move in a certain environment, so the environment must be written in the works. The environmental description in the works, whether it is the social environment or the natural environment, is not an unnecessary decoration, but closely related to the characters' thoughts and actions."
Introduction: Scenery description refers to the detailed description of the characteristics of the surrounding scenery itself.
Every place has its own scenery. The description of scenery can play the following four roles:
  1. one
    Can explain the background of the story
  2. two
    Highlight the character of key figures
  3. three
    Promote the development of the story
  4. four
    Can blend feelings and scenes
  5. five
    You can use scenery to express your feelings: (1) use things to express your aspirations; (2) use things to express people
Natural environment description
(1) The description of natural environment, also known as scenery description, is about the activities of characters Natural scenery Description carried out.
The role of scenery description It mainly includes: (1) the scenery sets off the mood of the characters; (2) Specify the time and place of the scene; (3) Portray the relationship between characters; (4) The painting shows the character.? The following points should be paid attention to when describing scenery:
l、 Carefully observe and grasp Characteristics of scenery Description. Only by grasping the characteristics of scenery, can we achieve "true, so that readers can immediately imagine the scenery you wrote when they close their eyes". (Chekhov on Literature)
2. The time and angle of scenery painting should be selected. Chekhov believed that "landscape description is only appropriate when it can convey such feelings to readers like music or recitation accompanied by music, so as not to mess up the situation."
3. To reflect Local colour When guiding young writers, Lu Xun proposed that "the world environment is different now, and there must be local color in art, so common people can not be stereotyped
4. The scenery should be permeated with the feelings of the characters. Scenery should not be naturalism A purely objective depiction of. Wang Guowei On《 Human ci hua 》It divides the realm into“ The realm without me And There is my realm ". The so-called" my state "is that" everything is my color ", the author or the character Thoughts and feelings It acts on the self scenery around and directly penetrates the author's feelings on the scenery written.
5. Use the contrast method to paint the scenery. For example, at the beginning and end of Blessing, the scenery and atmosphere of blessing are written, and the tragedy of Xianglin sister-in-law is contrasted with the music scene, which further strengthens the work's focus on old society Critical power.
6. Adopt symbolize The technique of landscape painting. Gorky《 Petrel 》, Mao Dun's《 Before thunderstorm 》。
(2) Social environment description: in a narrow sense, social environment refers to the place, background, atmosphere, etc. of people's activities; In a broad sense, it refers to civil life interpersonal relationship The sum of. If we write about a student, we have to write about the social environment in which he studies: the school, the teachers and students in the class in the school, their relationship with them, and sometimes his family, parents, relatives and friends.
The description of social environment must have a distinctive color of the times. Like Wang Yuanjian Writing works of the Red Army《 Seven matches 》Its social environment is different from that of Ordinary Laborers; He also wrote about the struggle against the enemy in the past and the "Poverty" and《 The greatness of life and the glory of death 》, Social environment description They also have their own characteristics. And contemporary works have a distinctive color of the times, such as many works Environmental description When environmental awareness , which is impossible in the environment of the past era.? To describe the social environment, we should try to draw well“ Genre painting Gorky said, "Don't forget: except Landscape painting Besides, there are genre paintings. "For example, Lu Xun《 disturbance 》The scene of dinner in Jiangnan rural areas written at the beginning is a distinctive genre painting.
In writing, we should describe not only the characters, but also the environment, and also the objects, that is, all kinds of animals, plants and inanimate objects -- nature objective existence Objects, utensils and tools invented and created by human beings. This kind of object description is also called "shape object". A shape is a description of an object, similar to "sketching" in painting.
The purpose of appearance is to make readers have an accurate and distinct specific impression of the object they are describing. Predecessors' requirements for shape objects are: to write the spirit with shape, and to have both shape and spirit. That is to say, the shape should be "copied" and "vivid".
What is "copying"? It is to describe the size, shape, color and texture of objects realistically. In order to make the described object appear in front of the reader concretely and vividly, we must pay attention to the characteristics of the object when "modeling", not only the overall characteristics of the object but also the local characteristics and details of the object. Therefore, we should be careful Observe objects . Make clear the difference between the object and other objects, and distinguish the differences of each part of the object. According to the experience of predecessors, the description should be accurate and vivid, and attention should be paid to the use of Quantifier and Locative words , compare, use metaphors, and use dynamic words to describe still life.
What is "vivid"? It is to describe the internal appearance of the object, so that the described object has appeal, thus causing readers' emotional resonance, or association, or enlightenment. "Vividness" should be combined with "likeness", which should not be added. The best way is to "convey the spirit" in the process of "copying the form". Of course, you can also use both description and discussion, but it should be appropriate and not too much.
Describing objects -- objects should be described in a certain order. The order is the same as Observation order It is related to the structure of the object itself and the need for theme expression.
According to people's observation habits, objects in the order of observation usually go from part to whole, from surface to interior, or from shape, color to position and structure. According to the structure of objects, the order can be from top to bottom, from front to back, from left to right, or from main part to secondary part, or from external structure to internal structure. To express the needs of objects according to the theme, its order must correspond to the main content of the object to reflect the intrinsic meaning of the object.
The appearance should pay attention to artistry, and try to write intelligently and interestingly, which is extremely attractive.
Descriptive facial expression Etc.