Minimum admission control score

Minimum score for admission of new students
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synonym Control line (Minimum admission control score) Generally refers to the minimum admission control score
The minimum admission control score line is issued by the provincial admission department according to the performance level of all local candidates in the college entrance examination that year and the state recruit students Student source plan, a corresponding minimum score (total score) standard for admission of new students. Only those candidates whose total score of the college entrance examination (art and sports candidates, including professional scores) reaches or exceeds this score line (usually referred to as "online candidates") can be eligible to be reviewed and selected for admission by the enrollment colleges.
Chinese name
The lowest admission control score line is also called provincial control line
Minimum score (total score) standard
Minimum score for admission of new students
Determined by specialty and batch
Introduction to standards
The minimum admission control score is generally determined by specialty and batch. The professional category is generally divided into literature and history, science and engineering, music (arts and science), art (arts and science), sports (arts and science), etc. Each professional category is divided into undergraduate advance batch, undergraduate art and sports batch, undergraduate ordinary batch, junior college advance batch, junior college art and sports batch, junior college ordinary batch, etc. [1] The minimum admission control score of each batch of arts and history, science and engineering only stipulates the total score of culture, music, art Sports Major The minimum admission control score of is set for the total score of both culture and specialty.