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control point

The theory proposed by Hyde and Weiner
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Locus of Control control source It refers to the power source that individuals recognize to control their behavior results. If this power source comes from the outside of learners, it is called External control Point (source); If it comes from within the learner itself, it is called internal controls Point (source). Learners with the characteristics of external control believe that their behavior results from opportunities, luck, fate Authoritative person And other external forces control, but they are powerless and lack of self belief; Learners with internal control characteristics have strong self belief, and believe that their activities and results are determined by their own internal factors, and their ability and efforts can control the development of events. In the whole population, extreme External controller and Internal controller Only a few, most are in between. [1]
Chinese name
control point
Foreign name
Locus of Control
Hyde, Weiner [2]
Internal control and external control

Sociological terminology

locus of control
branch Internal control and External control Two, the former refers to some internal reasons (such as ability Effort The latter refers to the attribution of responsibility or reason to factors other than the individual itself (such as environmental factor , luck, etc.).

Measurement Academic Language

control point
Interpretation: measure the point with a certain precision Plane position , elevation and/or Gravitational acceleration Equidata Fixed point Usually it needs to be buried at the point Markstone Or set other signs to the control point (such as Triangular point Wire point ) Fixed or temporary Measuring scale
According to the nature of control points, it can be divided into: ① Horizontal control points , is measured Plane coordinate Value control point; ② Elevation control point , is the control point of the measured elevation value; ③ Astronomical point , is measured Astronomical latitude and longitude Astronomical azimuth Control point of; ④ Gravity point , is the control point of the measured gravity acceleration value.
According to accuracy and purpose, it can be divided into: ① Geodetic control point , which is deployed in the country or a region and has a unified grade precision standard Geodetic coordinates Control point of; ② Topographic control points , for Topographic survey Control points laid outside the national level; ③ Engineering control point , control points specially arranged for engineering survey.
Common control points include: ① Triangular point , is on Triangulation Trilateral measurement Corner measurement Located on the triangle dot in Horizontal control points ;② Wire point , on Traverse survey The horizontal control point located on the turning point of the traverse in the middle; ③ bench mark , using Leveling Elevation control points measured by method; ④ Control points, using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine the control point of its point position; ⑤ Root point , specially for surveying and mapping Topographic map Deployed control points.

Terminology of computer graphics

A special point used to control and adjust the shape of a curve.