
Republics in existence from 1918 to 1992
zero Useful+1
Czechoslovakia (English: Czechoslovakia; Czech Slovak : Č eskoslovensko) is a republic existing from October 28, 1918 to December 31, 1992, located in Central Europe With an area of 127900 square kilometers and a population of 15638000 in 1989.
the First World War after Austro Hungarian Empire The Czech Republic and Slovakia were united and the Czechoslovak Republic was founded on October 28, 1918. In September 1938, representatives of Britain, France, Germany and Italy Munich Signed《 Munich Agreement 》, the Czechoslovak Sudetenland Ceded to Germany. March 1939 Nazi Germany Occupation. On May 9, 1945, the Czech Republic Soviet Army Get liberated with help. In February 1948, the Czechoslovak Communist Party came into power. Renamed successively Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (July 1960), Czechoslovak Federal Republic (March 1990), Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (April 1990). velvet revolution Later, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics disintegrated and became Czech Republic and Slovakia Two independent countries. [1-2]
the Second World War Formerly the seventh largest industrial country in the world, Total industrial output value after U.S.A , annexation Austria Post Germany Soviet Union britain France Italy , higher than Japan poland Spain
Chinese name
Foreign name
Czechoslovakia (English)
Československo (Czech, Slovak)
major city
Bragg Bilson Brno Ostrava Bratislava etc.
National Day
October 28th
National anthem
Where Is My Home and Storm on Tatra Mountain were played successively
Country code
official language
Czech Slovak
Czechoslovak Krone
Time zone
Political system
population size
15638000 (1989)
Population density
122 persons/km2 (1989)
Major ethnic groups
Czech Slovak
Major religions
Catholicism protestantism
land area
127900 km²
International telephone area code
Establishment time
October 28, 1918
Country name in 1918
Czechoslovak Republic
Country name in 1990
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic [1]
Disassembly time
December 31, 1992 [1]

Development history


Early history

From the 5th to the 6th century, the Slavs Vistula River Elbe River Move from upstream to west Czechic and Slovak Region.
In 623, the West Slav Tribal Alliance was formed in this area—— Principality of Samo At the beginning of the 9th century, Great Moravian Empire Establish, feudal society Start. In 906, Kingdom of Hungary merger Slovakia Region, Great Maravian State Collapse. In the first half of the 10th century Bragg For the center Czech Principality In the middle of the 11th century, Czech Principality The territory of Bohemian Expand to Moravia, Feudal system It has developed rapidly. In 1086, Holy Roman Empire emperor Henry IV The Czech Crown Prince Vladislav II was awarded Bohemia( Bohemian yes Latin Germanic languages From then on, the Czech principality submitted to the Holy Roman Empire. In the second half of the 12th century, the Czech Principality was renamed Kingdom of Bohemia At the beginning of the 14th century, the Holy Roman Empire Luxembourg Dynasty Henry VII His son John married Alicika, heir to the Czech throne, and John became King of Bohemia. In the early 15th century, the Czech class contradictions and National contradiction Sharp. In July 1419, Hussite Wars The outbreak of anti feudal struggle swept across the Czech Republic and parts of Slovakia. In 1526, the Holy Roman Empire Habsburg Dynasty emperor Ferdinand I inherit Bohemian and Hungary The throne, merged Czechic and Slovak Most areas.
 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia

Austro Hungarian Empire

In 1617, Austria Duke of Styria Ferdinand II become Bohemian King, ban Prague the next year protestant assembly And triggered the uprising of the Czech people. Count Toulon formed a provisional government, and the Czech Republic temporarily got rid of Austrian Habsburg Dynasty The rule of. In 1620, the Czech and Pfalz combined forces Baishan Campaign Failed in. Ferdinand II Reset, brutally suppress the Czech people, and make the Czech Republic become Austrian Habsburg Dynasty A province of.
Czechoslovakia from the end of the 17th century to the end of the 18th century capitalism Development. On November 1, 1781, Joseph II Promulgate and abolish Serfdom The imperial edict promoted the rapid development of Bohemian capitalism. In June 1848, the people of Prague held an uprising, forcing the Austrian authorities to abolish the labor system.
In 1867, Austria And Hungary Unified Austrian Empire Reorganize to Binary system Of Austro Hungarian Empire From then on, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were under the rule of the Austro Hungarian Empire.
1914-1918 the First World War period, Czech Republic and Slovakia Seeking to establish an independent and unified country. In 1918, Austro Hungarian Empire Crash. Czechoslovakia became independent on October 28 of the same year and established the Czechoslovak Republic. In early 1919, in Russia October Revolution Under the influence, Eastern Europe There was a wave of proletarian revolution. On June 16 of the same year, Slovak Soviet Republic stay Presov Founded in early July, it was suppressed by the bourgeois government and foreign intervention forces. In May 1921, the Czechoslovak Communist Party was founded. In 1933, the economic crisis sweeping the capitalist world hit Czechoslovakia, and the domestic labor movement rose. In 1938, Britain and France Munich Conference Sell Czechoslovakia Sudetenland Cede to Nazi Germany In March of the next year, Nazi Germany sent troops to occupy all the territory of Czechoslovakia and established in the Czech region Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Slovakia established a Slovak state protected by Nazi Germany [2] , parts of Slovakia were ceded to Nazi Germany's allies Hungary (referred to as "highland area"). Former President of Czechoslovakia Edvard Bene to escape britain organization government-in-exile The Czech Communist Party established the Central National Revolutionary Committee to carry out guerrilla resistance movements.
1939 Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia

After World War II

In April 1945 Kosice A national front coalition government led by the Czech Communist Party was established. On May 9 of the same year Soviet Union With the help of Czechoslovakia, the whole territory of Czechoslovakia was liberated, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were merged again, and the territory of Hungary was ceded to Czechoslovakia again, but Trans Carpathians Was ceded to the Soviet Union Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic In May 1946, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was founded Clement Gottwald The coalition government is the prime minister, and Bernes is the president. The government confiscated the property of foreign capitalists and bureaucrats, issued decrees on nationalization of industries, banks and private insurance companies, and carried out land reform. In February 1948 February Events , the National Socialist Party and other parties participating in the coalition government accepted the marshall plan The event ended with the victory of the Czech Communist Party. Subsequently, the Czech Communist Party completed the land reform, abolished the large land ownership, and eliminated the feudal remnants. On May 9 of the same year, the Constitution was adopted and the country was named the Czechoslovak Republic, Gottwald Was elected president. Czechoslovakia joined in 1949 and 1955 respectively Mutual Economic Assistance Committee and Warsaw Treaty Organization
From 1949 to 1960, Czechoslovakia successfully completed two five-year plans. In the 1950s, the average annual growth rate of domestic industry reached 10.9%, agricultural cooperation was basically realized, and agricultural mechanization was nearly completed.
In 1960, Czechoslovakia adopted a new constitution and changed its name to Czechoslovak Socialist Republic In January 1968, Alexander Dubcek replace Antonin Novotini As the first secretary of the Czech Communist Party“ Prague Spring ”The economic and political reform movement. On August 20 of the same year, the Soviet Union sent troops to Czechoslovakia, ending the "Prague Spring". On October 16, the Soviet Union and the Czech Republic signed the Treaty on the Conditions for the Temporary Presence of Soviet Troops in Czechoslovakia. In April 1969, Gustav Husak He served as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party, changed to General Secretary in 1971, and served as President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces in 1975. In December 1987, the Central Plenary Session of the Czech Communist Party was held, and Hu Sark resigned as General Secretary and remained President of the Republic. Milos Yakesh was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee. In November 1989, Czechoslovakia successfully launched“ velvet revolution ”The Federal Parliament approved the amendment of the Constitution, canceled its provisions on the leadership role of the Czech Republic in society, and implemented a multi-party parliamentary democracy. In December of the same year, Husak was appointed Marian Chalfa To form a new government. In the same month, Husak resigned as president and the federal parliament was elected Vaclav Havel President.
Map of Czechoslovakia (1945-1992)

Eastern European upheaval

In March 1990, the Czechoslovak Federal Parliament decided to change the country's name to the Czechoslovak Federal Republic. In April, the country was renamed again as the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. In the first national general election held in June, the Citizen Forum and the public anti violence organization obtained the majority of seats in the parliament and formed the federal government with them as the main body. The Federal Parliament formed after the election has passed a series of economic reform laws, which stipulate to change the current economic system and implement a market economy based on private ownership. In the local elections held in November, the Citizen Forum won the majority of seats in the Czech Republic, and the public anti violence organization and the Christian Democratic Movement won the majority of seats in Slovakia.
In the general election in June 1992, Citizens Democratic Party The two political parties, the Movement for Democracy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, won respectively. On November 25 of the same year, after consultations, the leaders of the two republics decided to separate the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics, and the Federal Parliament passed the dissolution law, which stipulated that the two republics would become independent subject countries from January 1, 1993. The Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic were both successor countries of Czechoslovakia. Since then, the unified Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist. Historical title“ Velvet Divorce ”。 After the split, the flag of the former Czechoslovakia was used by the Czech Republic.
Map of Czechoslovakia


Although the Czech and Slovak nationalities have similar languages and beliefs, their historical development is not completely the same. The Czech Republic has long been subordinate to Holy Roman Empire and Austrian Empire The Slovak people were under the rule of the Hungarians for a long time. In 1526, Kingdom of Hungary Be defeated by Ottoman Empire , the central part of which was occupied by the Turks, Bratislava As the capital of Hungary for more than 250 years. After the second half of the 19th century, Slovakia became Austro Hungarian Empire Part of. In this process, the Hungarians still ruled Slovakia directly, and the latter even carried out Hungarian policies towards the former. After the collapse of the Austro Hungarian Empire in 1918, Slovak talents finally got rid of the hundreds of years of Hungarian rule and established the Czechoslovak Republic with the Czech people. However, when they were in the same country, Slovaks often felt unequal because of the dominance of the Czech people. In May 1918, Masarik, who later became the first president, guaranteed the autonomy of the Slovak nation in the Republic in the agreement signed between the United States and the Czech and Slovak nationals. However, after the establishment of the Republic, Slovakia was only a region of the country and did not have real political sovereignty. For example“ Kosice Program ”It clearly affirmed Slovakia's national identity and guaranteed its equal status in the future country. But in fact, Slovakia's autonomous status has been gradually weakened. Formally established in 1968 federalism To a large extent, it reflects the resistance of Slovak people. In addition, the economic development of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is unbalanced, and the gap is widening. After the upheaval, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the two federal entities, also had great differences in economic transition policies. [Note: Wan Shirong. The cause and impact of the disintegration of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic《 International Studies 》Magazines, 1993,] All these have greatly influenced the two peoples' recognition of a unified country. A Czech historian pointed out that the Czechs and Slovaks did not form a common Czechoslovakian consciousness among the vast majority of the people when they lived together in one country.
The long-term sense of submission makes Slovaks particularly eager to be independent and have their own country. In 1939, Czechoslovakia was dismembered by Germany. Slovaks once established an "independent country", but this "independent country" is notorious nazi One created by using Slovak nationalism Puppet regime World War II Later, Slovaks had to live in the same country with Czechs. After the social upheaval in the late 1980s, Slovaks and Czechs began to exercise state power assignment problem Bargaining, hoping to become the subject of international law. Therefore, they advocated replacing the "Czechoslovak Republic" with the name "Czech Slovakia". After the parliamentary elections in June 1992, two political parties with different views on national structure and economic transformation won in the Czech Republic and Slovakia respectively. In the absence of agreement, the leaders of the two parties reached an agreement to dissolve the Federation. According to the Law on the Disintegration of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic passed by the Czechoslovak Parliament in November, Slovakia officially became independent from January 1, 1993, fulfilling its national dream for thousands of years. At that time, Slovaks generally believed that the main reason for the disintegration of Czechoslovakia was that the Czechs were unwilling to give Slovaks equal status.
And Former Soviet Union and Former Yugoslavia Compared with the two federalism countries, especially Yugoslavia In contrast, the greatest feature of the disintegration of Czechoslovakia is peace. Although the formation and development of the Czech and Slovak nationalities are different, there seems to be no great resentment on the whole. Therefore, the breakup between Slovakia and the Czech Republic was gradually agreed in the agreement, not only without violent conflict, but also without extreme words and deeds of mutual slander.




Eastern Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union Adjacent, south and Hungary Austria Bordering, west and Federal Republic of Germany German Democratic Republic Connected to the north poland Junction.


Czechoslovakia has a temperate continental climate. From west to east, the continental climate gradually strengthened. The average annual precipitation is 600-800mm, and 1500mm in some mountainous areas.


The western half of Czechoslovakia is interlaced with basins, hills and highlands, and the border is Sudeten , Krushne Czech Forest The eastern half mainly belongs to the west Carpathian Mountains Zone.

natural resources

The main rivers in Czechoslovakia are Elbe River and the danube Can lead to the open sea. The forest area accounts for about 35% of the total area of the territory. The main mineral deposits are coal, uranium, iron, antimony, lead, etc.

Population and nationality

Czechoslovakia has a total population of 15.638 million (1989), of which Czech About 64%, Slovak About 30%, the rest Hungarian German Polack Etc. The official language is Czech and Slovak
Czechoslovak residents trust Catholicism The Czechoslovak krona is the official currency.



National symbol

  • national flag
It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. It is composed of blue, white and red. The left side is a blue isosceles triangle. On the right are two equal trapezoids, white on the top and red on the bottom.
  • national anthem
The national anthem of Czechoslovakia is composed of the Czech patriotic song Where is My Home and the Slovak student patriotic song《 Nad Tatrou sa blska 》The first paragraph is combined to represent the Czech and Slovak nationalities respectively.
The previous paragraph "Where is My Home" is the background music of the farce "No Anger, No Controversy" by the Czech playwright Josef Kajetan Tyre in 1834, composed by the Czech composer Francesc Jan Scrup.
The latter paragraph, "Shining Lights on Tatro Mountain", uses the melody of Slovak folk songs and is filled in by the Slovak poet Janke Matska.
On October 28, 1918, when the Republic was founded, it was established as the national anthem.
After the disintegration in 1993, the Czech national anthem and the Slovak national anthem were the two paragraphs.


  1. one
    Thomas Masarik : November 14, 1918 - December 14, 1935
  2. two
    Milan Hodesa (Agent): December 14, 1935 - December 18, 1935
  3. three
    Edvard Bene : December 18, 1935 - October 5, 1938
  4. four
    Jan Siloway (Agent): October 5, 1938 - November 30, 1938
  5. five
    Amir Haza : November 30, 1938 - March 15, 1939
  6. six
    Edvard Bene : April 4, 1945 - June 7, 1948 Exile: July 21, 1940 - April 2, 1945
  7. seven
    Clement Gottwald : June 14, 1948 - March 14, 1953
  8. eight
    Antonin Sapotosky : March 21, 1953 - November 13, 1957
  9. nine
    William Sirokee (Agent): November 13, 1957 to November 19, 1957
  10. ten
    Antonin Novotini : November 19, 1957 - March 22, 1968
  11. eleven
    Ludwig Svoboda : March 30, 1968 - May 28, 1975
  12. twelve
    Gustav Husak : May 29, 1975 - December 10, 1989
  13. thirteen
    Marian Chalfa (Agent): December 10, 1989 - December 29, 1989
  14. fourteen
    Vaclav Havel : December 29, 1989 July 20, 1992
  15. fifteen
    Jan Straski (Agent): July 20, 1992 to December 31, 1992


Czechoslovakia has developed industries, mainly producing machine tools, automobiles, power, chemical and metallurgical equipment and other machine manufacturing industries. In addition, there are steel, chemical, textile, food, wood processing and other sectors. It is famous for shoe making and beer brewing.
Czechoslovakia has a high degree of agricultural mechanization, planting wheat, barley, sugar beet, potato, flax, etc. Animal husbandry is dominated by raising pigs and cattle.
Czechoslovakia mainly imports fuel, industrial raw materials, machinery, daily necessities, etc., and mainly exports automobiles, machine tools, chemicals, consumer goods, etc.