Czech Republic

Czech Republic
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The Czech Republic (Czech: Č esk á republika; English: The Czech Republic), referred to as "Czech", is located in central Europe. To the east Slovakia , south Austria , west Germany , north adjoin poland It covers an area of 78900 square kilometers. genus North temperate zone , typical temperate continental climate The four seasons are distinct. The average temperature in summer is about 18.5 ℃, and the average temperature in winter is about minus 3 ℃. The climate is humid, and the average annual precipitation is 683mm. The country is divided into 14 state level units, including 13 states and the capital Prague Each state has cities and towns. In 2022, the Czech population will be 10.53 million.
In the 6th century, Slavic He began to settle here, established the Principality of Bohemia in 870, and became Holy Roman Empire Of Vassal states [1] 1198 Holy Roman Emperor Upgrade to Kingdom of Bohemia Its capital Bragg It was the center of the Holy Roman Empire at the end of the 14th century. [1] In 1419-1437, opposition broke out in the Czech region Holy See and Germany Aristocratic Hussites Movement In 1620 Austrian Habsburg Dynasty Annexation, [1] until World War I After the end, Austro Hungarian Empire Collapse, October 28, 1918 and Slovakia Joint establishment Czechoslovakia [1] In 1960, it was changed to Czechoslovak Socialist Republic , established in 1989 Czechoslovak Federal Republic , since January 1, 1993 Slovakia Secede peacefully and become independent Sovereign state [2]
The Czech Republic is a developed country capitalist country , joined in 1999 NATO , joined in 2004 european union In 2006 was World Bank Included developed country ranks. [3] 2021 gross domestic product US $282.3 billion, the per capita GDP is about 26900 US dollars, and the GDP growth rate is 3.3%. [1]
Chinese name
Czech Republic [2]
Foreign name
Česká republika [1] (Czech)
The Czech Republic (English)
Czech Republic
Bragg [1]
major city
Brno Ostrava Bilson Karlovy Fari etc. [1]
National Day
October 28th [1]
National anthem
Where is my hometown
Country code
official language
Czech [1]
CZK [1] (CZK)
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Peter Pavel [17] President Peter Fiara [10] (Prime Minister)
population size
10.53 million (2022)
Population density
138.6 people/km2
Major ethnic groups
Czech [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
78900 km² [1]
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $290.92 billion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
About $27600 (2022)
International telephone area code
four hundred and twenty
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
Gini coefficient
zero point two six
Largest city
Automobile enterprises
SKODA (incorporated public Subordinate)
National Motto
Truth wins! (Czech: Pravda v í t ě z í!)

Historical evolution

The indigenous people of the Czech Republic are Celts Boii , early AD Germanic Makomani replace.
From the 5th to the 6th century, Slavic Move westward to Czech Republic and Slovakia Region.
In 623, Slav (SLOVANE) Tribal Alliance Principality of Samo Formed and became the first in history Slav kingdom.
In 830 AD, it was founded Great Moravia
From the end of the 9th century to the first half of the 10th century, Great Moravian Empire Disintegration, the Puremes family was founded Bragg Centric Czech Principality
In 1086, the German king, Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV Awarded to Vradislav II, the Czech Crown Prince Bohemian Bohemian yes Latin Germanic languages The title of the king, after Czech Principality Submit to the Holy Roman Empire.
In the second half of the 12th century, the Principality was renamed Kingdom of Bohemia
In 1620, Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Pfalz Allied forces Baishan Campaign Medium failure, the Czech Republic has been Austria Habsburg Dynasty Rule.
After 1867 Austro Hungarian Empire Under rule. the First World War After the disintegration of the Austro Hungarian Empire, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were united, and the Czechoslovak Republic was founded on October 28, 1918.
In September 1938, Britain, France, Germany and Italy signed《 Munich Agreement 》, Czechoslovakia was forced to Sudetenland And the southern region bordering Austria were ceded to Germany.
In March 1939, Germany occupy Czechoslovakia The whole territory. Czech Republic becomes German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
In April 1945, with the Communist Party as the main leader Czechoslovak National Front The establishment of a coalition government; On May 9, Prague people revolted Soviet Red Army With the help of Czechoslovakia.
On May 9, 1948, the Czechoslovak People's Democratic Republic was established, and Gotvall was elected President.
On July 11, 1960, it was renamed Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Dubcek became the first secretary of the Czech Communist Party and began a series of reforms.
In 1968, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party Dubcek Initiated“ Prague Spring ”Reform and separation Soviet Union Control tendency. The Soviet army decided to intervene with armed forces; In late June, the Warsaw Pact held military exercises in the Czech Republic, and did not withdraw after the exercises ended; After July, the situation eased; On the evening of August 3, the Warsaw Pact signed a joint statement in Czech Republic, and the crisis seems to have passed.
At 11:00 p.m. on August 20, Prague Airport received a signal from a Soviet civil aviation airliner: "Mechanical accident, request for forced landing", but did not refuse. As soon as the plane landed, dozens of Soviet commandos rushed out of the cabin and quickly occupied the airport. A few minutes later, the huge transport aircraft of the 24th Soviet Air Force Group began to land, one per minute. An hour later, a car from the Soviet Embassy led the way, and the Soviet airborne division made a direct attack Bragg
At the same time, the commander in chief of the Soviet army, General Pavlovski, commanded four Soviet armored divisions, one airborne division and one East German division from Poland to Prague. (West to the First Front Army) 4 Soviet divisions stationed in Germany, and 1 East German division cut off the western border of Czech Republic. (West to the Second Front Army) 8 Soviet divisions stationed in Hungary, 2 Hungarian divisions, and a Bulgarian army attacked from the south. (Southwest to the First Front Army) 4 divisions of the Soviet Polish synthetic army attacked the north. (West to the Third Front Army) At the same time, the Soviet army attacked NATO And the Czech army began to fully electronic suppression.
On August 21, 1968, Warsaw Treaty Organization The five member countries of the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Democratic Germany sent 500000 troops to invade Czechoslovakia [11]
In April 1969, husak He served as the first secretary of the Czech Communist Party and became president in 1975.
In November 1989, the political situation of Czech Republic changed dramatically; On December 29, the Citizen Forum took power“ velvet revolution ”Leaders and writers Vaclav Havel Elected as interim president, the Czech Communist Party lost its ruling party status; In March 1990, it was renamed Czechoslovak Federal Republic In April, it was renamed the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.
In June 1992, the first free elections were held, Citizens Democratic Party And the Slovak Movement for Democracy in the Czech Republic Slovakia be in office; In November, the leaders of the two republics agreed to separate the Czech Republic and Slovakia through negotiations, and the Federal Parliament passed the law on the dissolution of the federation. In the same year, the Union was dissolved.
On January 1, 1993, the Czech Republic became independent Sovereign state On January 20, Vaclav Havel He was elected President of the Czech Republic.
In June 1996, the Czech Republic held its first parliamentary election after independence, Claus Succession of the Prime Minister, Social Democratic Party chairman Zeman Served as the chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliament.
On March 26, 2009, due to World economic crisis Impact, Czech Republic prime minister Topolanek submitted his resignation to President Klaus. Previously, the Czech House of Representatives passed a no confidence motion against the government on the 24th.
On May 1, 2004, the Czech Republic joined european union Become a full member state; December 21, 2007 Schengen Agreement Member States. [3]
Czech Republic
On April 30, 2020, the Czech authorities declared February 3 as the national mourning day Yaroslav Kubela [4]
On November 8, 2021, the "Together" coalition composed of three parties and the Pirate Party/Mayors Union composed of two parties officially signed a joint governance agreement in Prague, the Czech capital. [8]
On May 10, 2022, the United Nations General Assembly elected the Czech Republic as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council to replace Russia, whose membership was suspended. [12]

geographical environment


Regional location

Chinese version of Czech map
The Czech Republic borders Slovakia to the east and Slovakia to the south Austria , adjacent to the north poland , west and Germany Adjacent, 78900 square kilometers, [1] The land area is 77276km ² and the water area is 1590km ². from Bohemian Moravia and Silesia It is composed of 3 parts.

topographic features

Taber City
The Czech Republic is located in a quadrangular basin with three uplifts, and the land is fertile. North Kerkonoche There is Shumawa Mountain in the south, and the Czech Moravian Plateau with an average altitude of 500-600 meters in the east and southeast. Most areas in the basin are below 500 meters above sea level, including Rabe River Plain, Bilson Basin, Ers Piedmont Basin and South Czech Lake and Marsh Area. The River Vltava Longest, flowing through Prague. Elbe River Originating from the Czech Republic Rabe River , which is navigable.
Topographic map of Czech Republic
east Morava River Oder River The upstream valley area is the zone between the Czech Basin and the Slovak mountains, called the Morava Oder River Corridor. Since ancient times Northern Europe And Southern Europe The main trade routes between them. The country has rolling hills, dense forests and beautiful scenery.
The territory is divided into two geographical regions, one is located in the western half of the Bohemian Highlands The other is the Carpathian Mountains in the eastern half, which is composed of a series of east-west mountains. The highest point is Gollah Hofsky Peak, which is 2655 meters above sea level. Highlands, hills and basins alternate in the territory. The border is mountainous, Sudeten Mountains Of Sniezhka Mountain , 1602m above sea level. The lowest elevation in Elbe River is 115m.

Climatic characteristics

Czech marine to continental climate transition Temperate climate Hot summer, cold and snowy winter. July is the hottest and January is the coldest. The average temperature in Prague is 19.5 ℃ in July and - 0.5 ℃ in January.

time zone

Dongyi District Greenwich Mean Time 1 hour early; than Beijing Time 7 hours late.

natural resources

Czech Republic lignite Hard coal And uranium deposits are abundant, of which lignite and hard coal reserves are about 13.4 billion tons, ranking third in the world and Europe Fifth. The reserves of oil, natural gas and iron sand are very small, relying on imports. Other mineral resources include manganese , aluminum, zinc fluorite graphite and kaolin Etc.
stay The River Vltava There are large hydropower stations on it.
The Czech Republic is rich in forest resources, with a forest area of 2.668 million hectares, accounting for 34% of the total area of the country, ranking 12th in the EU. Main tree species include Pinus yunnanensis Fir oak and Beech wood Etc. [1]

administrative division



The country is divided into 14 state units, including 13 states and the capital Prague. Each state has cities and towns. [1]
Czech Republic
State level units
Central Bohemian Region
Středočeský kraj
South Bohemia
Jihočeský kraj
Bilson State
Plzeňsky kraj
Karlovarsky kraj
Karlovarsky kraj
ústecky kraj
Liberecky kraj
Liberecky kraj
Heradez Clarowe State
Královéhradecky kraj
Pardubicky kraj
Pardubicky kraj
Vyso ina
Kraj Vysočina
South Moravia
Jihomoravsky kraj
Olomoucky kraj
Zlínsky kraj
Moravia Silesia
Moravskoslezsky kraj


Bragg (Prague) is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, located in Central Bohemian Region The River Vltava Watershed. It is located in the center of the European continent, a transportation hub, and has a close relationship with surrounding countries (especially geographically Berlin And Vienna Between the two German speaking capitals Bilson Brno Ostrava Etc.). It covers an area of 496 square kilometers. The population is 1.275 million (2022). The terrain is undulating. The lowest point is 190 meters above sea level, and the highest point is 380 meters above sea level. The climate is typical temperate continental climate. The average temperature in July is 19.5 ℃, January is - 0.5 ℃, and the annual average temperature is 10.5 ℃. The annual precipitation is about 500 mm. [1]

National symbol


national flag

Czech flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag is composed of blue, white and red. The left side is a blue isosceles triangle. On the right are two equal trapezoids, white on the top and red on the bottom. Blue, white and red are the traditional colors favored by the Slavic people. The hometown of the Czech people is ancient Kingdom of Bohemia The color of this kingdom is red and white. White represents holiness and purity, symbolizing the people's pursuit of peace and light; The red color symbolizes the spirit of courage and fearlessness, and the blood and victory of the people for the independence, liberation and prosperity of the country. Blue comes from the original colors of the provincial badges of Moravia and Slovakia.

national emblem

Czech National Emblem
Czech National Emblem There are two types: large and small. The big country emblem is a square coat of arms, and the shield surface is divided into four parts: the upper left and lower right are white two tailed lions on the red ground, the lion wears a gold crown on its head, its claws are golden yellow, and its front paws are raised, representing Bohemian On the upper right is the red and white eagle on the blue ground, representing Moravia At the lower left is a black eagle with a golden crown on the yellow ground. Its claws are red, and its chest is painted with white crescent moon. Cross shaped and trefoil shaped ornaments are located in the center and both ends of the crescent moon, representing Silesia
The Czech Republic includes Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in history. This coat of arms vividly reveals the historical origin of the Czech Republic. The small national emblem is in the shape of a shield. The shield is red, and there is a two tailed lion with a golden crown, golden claws, and raised front claws.

national anthem

Where is my hometown
Main idea of lyrics: Where is my home? The river on the pasture is turbulent, the pines and waves between the cliffs are rustling, and the flowers are blooming in the garden! It is better than the heaven on earth, that is the beautiful motherland, Czech land, my home! Czech Land, My Home? Where is my home? Where is my home? In this paradise like land, we are upright and unyielding, intelligent, innovative and hospitable! There is power in disdaining setbacks, that is, Czech blood, between us, in my family. Between us, at my house

National Day

the First World War after Austro Hungarian Empire Collapse, the Czechoslovak Republic was founded on October 28, 1918. On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two sovereign independent countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Czech Republic still uses October 28 of the original Czechoslovakia as its National Day.

Population and nationality



10.53 million (2022). About 90% of them are Czech, 2.9% Slovak, 1% German, and a small number of Poles and Roma (Gypsies). The official language is Czech. The main religion is Roman Catholic. [1]


Ethnic Composition
The ethnic composition of the Czech Republic is changing with the change of history. Today, the Czech Republic is the main ethnic group, accounting for 94.2% of the total population. From the perspective of historical development, the Czech nationality is divided into three branches: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The Bohemia branch accounts for 90.4% of the total population, the Moravian branch accounts for 3.7% of the total population, and the Silesian branch accounts for 0.1% of the total population. Slovaks account for 1.9% of the total population, Poles for 0.5%, Germans for 0.4%, Hungarians for 0.1%, Roma for 0.1%, and other minorities for 2.8%. [5]
The Problems of Ethnic Minorities in History
The Czechoslovak Republic was established in 1918 as a democratic and unified nation state, but the issue of ethnic minorities caused very serious problems to Czechoslovakia during the two world wars. On the one hand, most Slovaks have always refused to accept the idea of a unified "Czechoslovak nation" put forward by President Masarik, and demanded that Slovakia be understood as an independent nation; On the other hand, ethnic minorities, especially the Germans, are also unwilling to accept the idea of a unified nation state. More than 3 million Germans were forced to stay in Czechoslovakia after the break-up of the Austro Hungarian Empire. Even though they had their own educational system (including institutions of higher learning), political and cultural institutions, and since 1926, Germans had participated in government work, they were still unwilling to accept the status and treatment of ethnic minorities. Hungarians, Poles and Rossenians also do not want to be minorities that are treated slightly differently. For the above reasons, in the 1930s, the German people living in the border area between Germany and the Czech Republic - the Sudetenland area - jointly pursued independence with Nazi Germany. The "Munich Agreement" in 1938 ceded the Czech "Sudetenland area" where the German people lived to Germany Then the Slovak people also put forward the request for autonomy. On March 4, 1939, the Slovak Parliament announced the establishment of an independent country. [5]
Handling and Remaining of Ethnic Issues
After World War II, in order to stabilize the country, the Czechoslovak authorities began to deal with the problem of mixed ethnic groups and took measures to eliminate non Slavic minorities: more than 2 million Germans were deported; There was also a population exchange between Czechoslovakia and Hungary. About 73000 ethnic Slovenians moved back to Slovakia from Hungary, and about 74000 people moved out of Slovakia to Hungary. In addition, with the cession of residence, 700000 Rossenians living near the Carpathian Mountains were included in the Soviet Union. As a result, the number of ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic has been greatly reduced, and the problem of ethnic minorities has also been weakened, but it has not been completely solved. If German deportees living in Germany and their descendants continue to protest to the Czech authorities, the "President Benes Decree" on the repatriation of Germans is still a sensitive issue affecting the Czech German relations. [5]
Roma issues
"Roma issue" is a prominent minority issue after Czech independence. Roma Nomadic people from India have no unified written language and are scattered all over the country. Most Roma people are concentrated in the north and northwest of the Czech Republic. Their thinking and lifestyle are different, their cultural level is low, their quality is poor, and their unemployment rate is high. They live in isolation from other ethnic groups. In the Czech Republic, the number of declared Roma is less than 12000, while the actual number of Roma living in the Czech Republic is far more than that. Although only a small number of Czech people are willing to treat Roma with tolerance and to be neighbors or cooperate with them, most citizens condemn the aggressive attacks against Roma by members of the "skinhead party". After the upheaval, the Roma themselves set up some political organizations, but they had little impact. The Czech Government has not adopted any policy to integrate Roma into society. [5]



political situation

In October 2017, the Czech Republic held elections for the House of Representatives of Parliament, ANO2011 Sport Won the election. On December 13, the new Czech government was established, Chairman of the ANO2011 Campaign, Vice Premier and Minister of Finance of the previous government Andre Barbish (Andrej BABI Š) took the lead in forming a minority government, with Barbish as Prime Minister. In January 2018, the House of Representatives of the Parliament failed to pass the government confidence vote, and the new government submitted its resignation. In June, a minority coalition government composed of the ANO2011 Movement and the Social Democratic Party was officially established, and Barbish was again the Prime Minister. In July, the House of Representatives of the Parliament passed the government confidence vote, and the new government officially performed its functions. In November, the opposition party launched a vote of no confidence in the government, which failed to pass, and the new government continued to govern. [1]
On November 28, 2021, Czech President Zeman has appointed Peter Fiara, Chairman of the Citizens Democratic Party, as the new Prime Minister of the government. Fiara will lead a coalition government of five political parties. Zeman was previously admitted to the hospital due to infection with Xin Guan, and was discharged on the 27th. The appointment was made on the 28th while maintaining social distance. [9]
On January 28, 2023 local time, the second round of the two-day Czech presidential election in 2023 ended. Peter Pavel, a soldier, defeated his opponent, former Prime Minister Andre Barbish, and won the election. Marquetta Pekarova Adamova, Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced the same day that President elect Pavel would be sworn in on March 9. [16]


Czechoslovakia Pluto parliamentary democracy The head of government is the Prime Minister. Czech Parliament( Parlament České republiky )Yes the bicameral system House of Commons (Poslaneck á sn ě movna, 200 persons) and The House of Lords Senát 81 people).
The President jointly elected by the Congress is elected once every five years and can be re elected once. The President is the nominal head with limited power, and most decisions are approved by the Congress, but the Congress can be dissolved under extremely special conditions. He is also responsible for nominating the Prime Minister and cabinet members. From January 2013, the President will be elected through two rounds of direct elections.
Big political parties are right-wing Citizens Democratic Party And leftist Czech Social Democratic Party , the Christian Democratic Union Czechoslovak People's Party and The Green Party It's a small party. Although the Social Democratic Party won the largest number of seats in the 2010 parliamentary election, the Civic Democratic Party and the CDU formed a ruling coalition in power.
In January 2013, Milo š Zeman was elected as the new president with 54.8% of the votes.
On January 28, 2023 local time, ex servicemen Peter Pavel In the Czech presidential election, he defeated the former Czech Prime Minister Andre Barbish and became the new president of the Czech Republic. [17]


In July 1960, the National Assembly adopted the Constitution and renamed the country Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. In October 1968, the National Assembly passed a constitutional law stipulating that Czechoslovakia is a federal state composed of two equal ethnic groups, the Czech and Slovak. In November 1989, the Federal Parliament cancelled the provision in the Constitution on the leading role of the Czech Republic in society. In April 1990, the Federal Parliament passed a constitutional amendment, changing the country's name to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, and modifying the national emblem. On November 25, 1992, the Federal Parliament passed the "Law on the Disintegration of the Federation". On December 15, the Czech National Assembly decided to take over the functions of the Federal Assembly, and on December 16, it adopted a new constitution, changed the name of the country to the Czech Republic, revised the national emblem, and determined the principles of multi-party parliamentary democracy and equality, freedom, and the rule of law. The new Constitution came into force on January 1, 1993. [1]


The highest legislative body of the country adopts a bicameral system. The House of Representatives has a total of 200 seats, with a four-year term. The Senate has 81 seats, with a six-year term. One third of the senators are re elected every two years.
The current House of Representatives was elected in October 2021, and seven political parties entered the Parliament: ANO2011 Movement 72 seats, Citizens Democratic Party 34 seats, Mayors Union 33 seats, Christian Democratic Union Czechoslovak People's Party 23 seats, Freedom and Direct Democracy Movement 20 seats, TOP09 Party 14 seats, Pirate Party 4 seats. Mark é ta Pekarov á Adamov á, President.
In November 1996, Czech Republic held its first post-war parliamentary senate election. One third of the Senate is elected every two years, and the latest re-election will be held in October 2022. Milo š Vystr č il is the chairman. [1]


The current government will take office on January 13, 2022. The main members are: Peter Fiala, V í t Raku š an, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs, Marian Jure č ka, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Ivan Barto š, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Development in charge of digital affairs Vlastimil V á lek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Zbyn ě k Stanjura, Minister of Finance, Jana Č ernochov á, Minister of Defense, Pavel Bla  ek, Minister of Justice, Jan Lipavsk ý, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jozef S í kela, Minister of Industry and Trade, Martin Kupka, Minister of Transport, Mikul á š Bek, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Peter Hlad í k, Minister of Environment, Marek V ý born ý, Minister of Culture, Martin Baxa Martin Dvo ř á k, the minister without office in charge of European affairs, Helena Lang š á dlov á, the minister without office in charge of scientific research and innovation affairs, and Michal Š alomoun, the minister without office in charge of legislative affairs. [1]


The country has a Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Supervisory Court, and the president is appointed by the President. Josef Baxa, President of the Constitutional Court, will take office in 2023 for a term of 10 years. The President of the Supreme Court, Peter Angyalossy, took office in 2020 for a term of 10 years. Igor St ř í), President of the Supreme Procuratorate, took office in 2021. State and city (district) have courts, procuratorates, notary organs and economic arbitration organs. [1] [19]


At present, there are more than 30 political organizations such as political parties, movements and alliances that regularly carry out activities. Mainly:
(1) Citizens Democratic Party (referred to as the Public Democratic Party, Ob č ansk á demokratic á strana): there are about 12000 party members. Founded in April 1991, its predecessor was the "Citizen Forum" established in November 1989. As a right-wing conservative party, the party advocates democracy and freedom, emphasizes the inheritance of European Christian tradition and the humanitarian and democratic tradition of the Czech Republic, opposes Marxist Leninist ideology and any form of collectivization trend, and advocates thorough privatization and market economy. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, the election coalition composed of the Public Democratic Party, the People's Party and TOP09 won. Party Chairman Peter Fiala.
(2) ANO2011 Sport ("Unsatisfied Citizen Movement"): It was founded by Czech billionaire and food manufacturing giant Barbish in 2011. It advocates increasing employment, supporting enterprise operation and reducing value-added tax. There are about 2600 members. In 2012, the party participated in the Senate and local elections without success. In the 2013 House of Representatives election, a new force suddenly emerged and became the second largest party in the House of Representatives. In the 2017 House of Representatives election, he won by a large margin, obtained the right to lead the formation of a cabinet and co ruled with the Social Democratic Party. The election of the House of Representatives in 2021 failed to defeat the election coalition led by the Kuomintang and failed to enter the government. Andrej Babi š, the party chairman.
(3) Alliance Movement of Mayors and Independents (hereinafter referred to as the Mayor's Alliance Movement, Starostov é a nez á visl í): It was founded in 2004 and was named after its members, most of whom are mayors of cities and towns across the country. There are about 2200 members. With a right-wing political position, he is a member of the European People's Party and ranked ninth in the 2017 House of Representatives election. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, a campaign alliance formed with the Pirate Party was able to enter the Parliament. V í t Raku š an, the party chairman.
(4) Christian Democratic Union Czechoslovak People's Party (referred to as the People's Party, K 345ť ansk á a demokratic á unie - Č eskoslovensk á strana lidov á): nearly 20000 members. It was founded in 1918, joined the national front of the Czech Communist Party in 1945, and restored the "non socialist tradition" of the original party in November 1989. He calls himself the centre right party and emphasizes the Christian tradition. It ranked seventh in the 2017 House of Representatives election. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, the election coalition composed of the Public Democratic Party, the People's Party and TOP09 won. Marian Jure č ka, the party chairman.
(5) Freedom and Direct Democracy Movement (Svoboda a p ř í m á demokracie): Founded in June 2015, it was split from the Dawn Party, the sixth largest party in the last parliament. It is a member of the "European Movement for Nationalities and Freedom", with more than 10000 members. He advocated that the Czech Republic should implement "direct democracy", change the existing political and management system, decide all important matters by referendum, expand the people's right to political self-determination, and thoroughly eliminate political corruption. Opposing the Lisbon Treaty, boycotting the process of European integration, advocating Czech withdrawal from the EU and NATO, opposing the accession to the euro area, and opposing the acceptance of refugees, they are regarded as "extreme right-wing populist parties". The third largest party in the 2017 House of Representatives election. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, the support rate is only second to ANO2011 and the two major election coalitions. Tomio Okamura, the party chairman, is a Japanese Czech mixed race and the former chairman of Dawn Party.
(6) TOP09 Party : Founded in June 2009, a right-wing political party with about 3000 members. The letters "T, O, P" are the first letters of tradition, responsibility and prosperity in the Czech language. "09" stands for the year of establishment in 2009. The party advocates democracy and conservatism and opposes populism, ranking eighth in the 2017 House of Representatives election. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, the election coalition composed of the Public Democratic Party, the People's Party and TOP09 won. Mark é ta Pekarov á Adamov á, Chairman of the Party, and Karel Schwarzenberg, Honorary Chairman.
(7) Czech Pirate Party (Č esk é pir á tsk é strany): Founded in June 2009, it has about 1200 party members and is a member of the International and European Piracy Union (PPEU). Most of the members of the party are elites in the IT industry aged 20-35 years old. They are keen on "network politics", advocate sharing information, direct democracy, freedom of communication, privacy protection, e-government, etc., oppose network censorship, and require citizens to directly elect governments and management institutions at all levels. The party is known as the "force for change" of the Czech Republic. Its policy proposition has a distinctive anti traditional and populist color. In the 2017 House of Representatives election, it became the third largest party in the parliament. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, the support rate plummeted, but it was able to enter the Parliament by forming a campaign alliance with the Mayors Union Movement. Ivan Barto š, the party chairman.
(8) Communist Party of the Czech Republic and Moravia (Komunistick á strana Č ech a Moravy for short): There are more than 20000 Party members. It evolved from the former Czechoslovak Communist Party and was founded on March 31, 1990. The party has always held a certain seat in all previous parliaments. Ranked fifth in the 2017 House of Representatives election. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, he failed to enter the Parliament. Kate ř ina Kone č n á, the party chairman.
(9) Czech Social Democratic Party (Social Democratic Party for short, Č esk á strana soci á ln ě demokratick á): There are more than 7500 Party members. It was first established in 1878, dissolved in 1938, resumed its activities in 1945, merged with the Czechoslovak Communist Party on June 27, 1948, and began its independence activities on November 19, 1989. Calling itself the Central Left Party, it advocates safeguarding the interests of workers and other workers politically and implementing a social market economy economically. In June 1998, it became the ruling party for the first time. He won the general election of the House of Representatives in 2002 and formed a coalition government headed by the party. In 2006, he became an opposition party. He won the general election of the House of Representatives in 2013 and co ruled with the ANO2011 Movement and the People's Party until the end of 2017. He was defeated in the 2017 House of Representatives election, ranking sixth, and co ruled with the ANO2011 movement. In the 2021 House of Representatives election, he failed to enter the Parliament. Michal Š marda, Chairman of the Party. [1]


Peter Pavel: President. He was born in Prana on November 1, 1961. Former Army General. From 1993 to 1994, he served as deputy military officer of the Czech Republic in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In 2012 and 2015, he served as the Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Army. From 2015 to 2018, he served as the chairman of the NATO Military Commission. He will be elected president in January 2023 and take office in March, with a five-year term.
Peter Fiala: Prime Minister (Petr Fiala). Born in September 1964 in Brno, Czech Republic. Doctor and professor of political science. He has been teaching at Massarik University for many years. From 2004 to 2011, he served as President of Masarik University. From 2012 to 2013, he was the minister of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. He has been successively elected as a member of the House of Representatives since 2013, and elected as the chairman of the KMT since 2014, and was re elected in 2016, 2018 and 2020. In October 2021, a coalition of three parties, including the Kuomintang, won the election of the House of Representatives, and was appointed Prime Minister in December. [1]




Czech mainly has machinery manufacturing, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, shoemaking, wood processing, glass manufacturing, beer brewing and other industrial sectors.
The Czech Republic was World Bank Included developed country ranks. The Czech Republic has a high level of Human Development Index
Czech exports to EU members, especially Germany. At present, most of the country's economy has been privatized, including banking and telecommunications. At present, the central government is planning to continue to privatize the energy industry and Prague airport. A survey of Czech economists conducted by the Czech Economic Association in 2009 proved that most economists are willing to realize more liberalization in most economic sectors of the Czech Republic. The emerging democracies in Eastern Europe and Central Europe are the most developed among them. since Austro Hungarian Empire Since then, the Czech Republic has been the most developed region in Eastern Europe, with a highly industrialized economy.
The Czech Republic became a Schengen Agreement Member States have lifted border restrictions with neighboring countries. The Czech Republic is not yet eurozone Member, not considering joining for the time being eurozone
The Czech Republic is a moderately developed country with strong industrial foundation and high dependence on foreign trade. In recent years, we have implemented an active, balanced and steady economic policy, with strong growth momentum. The main economic data in 2022 are as follows:
Main economic data in 2022
Economic indicators
gross domestic product
US $290.92 billion
GDP per capita
About US $27600
GDP growth rate
Currency name
Czech Krone (K č)
Average annual exchange rate
1 dollar ≈ 23.36 SEK, 1 euro ≈ 24.09 SEK
Inflation rate
Per capita monthly salary
40317 SEK, about 1726 US dollars, up 5.1% year on year
unemployment rate
(Source: World Bank website) [1]


Czech formerly Austro Hungarian Empire 70% of the industry is concentrated here. It is mainly engaged in machinery manufacturing, various machine tools, power equipment, ships, automobiles, electric locomotives, steel rolling equipment, military industry, light textile, and the chemical and glass industries are also relatively developed. Textile, shoemaking and beer brewing are all famous in the world. The industrial foundation is thick. After World War II, the original industrial structure was changed, and the focus was on the development of steel and heavy machinery industries. Industry accounted for 40% of GNP (1999).
The Czech Republic is a major beer producer and consumer, and its main export targets are Slovakia , Poland, Germany Austria And the United States. In 1996, the total beer production reached 1.83 billion liters. In 1999, Czech beer consumption per capita reached 161.1 liters, 30 liters more than that of Germany, a major beer consumer. In terms of per capita beer consumption, the Czech Republic has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years.
The communication industry has developed rapidly. By the end of 1998, the penetration rate of mobile phones was close to 10%, and the number of mobile phone users reached 930000, catching up with some western developed countries.
Czech main industries include machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, electricity, food, shoemaking, wood processing and glass manufacturing. The output of major industrial products in recent years is as follows: [1]
two thousand and seventeen
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen
Electricity (100 million kWh)
eight hundred and seventy-one
eight hundred and eighty
eight hundred and fourteen
Net coal (10000 tons)
four thousand four hundred and ninety
four thousand three hundred and seventy-seven
four thousand one hundred and three
Steel plate (10000 tons)
one hundred and eighty-five
one hundred and eighty-two
one hundred and sixty-six


In 2022, the grain output value will be 120752 million SEK, and the livestock output value will be 66079 million SEK. [19] The output of main agricultural and livestock products in recent years is as follows: [1]
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand and twenty
Sugar beet (10000 tons)
three hundred and seventy-two point four
three hundred and sixty-six point one
three hundred and sixty-seven point one two
Potatoes (10000 tons)
sixty-two point three
sixty-nine point six
Beef (10000 tons)
seven point zero six
seven point seven one
seven point three two
Pork (10000 tons)
twenty-one point nine
twenty-two point seven
Poultry meat (10000 tons)
five point five
five point eight
five point five
Milk (million liters)
three thousand and seventy-eight
three thousand and seventy-three
three thousand one hundred and eighty-two
Eggs (million)
one thousand five hundred and twenty-two
one thousand six hundred and nine
one thousand six hundred and eight
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand and twenty
one hundred and forty-one point six
one hundred and forty-one point eight
one hundred and forty point four
one hundred and fifty-five point seven
one hundred and fifty-four point four
one hundred and forty-nine point nine
twenty-one point nine
twenty-one point three
twenty point four
three point five
three point seven
three point eight
two thousand three hundred and fifty-seven point three
two thousand two hundred and ninety-seven point three
two thousand four hundred and twenty-four point seven


Tourism is also an important source of Czech economic income. In 2001, the total revenue of the tourism industry reached 118.13 billion yuan CZK , accounting for 5.5% of GNP. The tourism industry employs more than 110000 people - 1% of the national population. In 2008, the number of tourists coming to Prague declined, probably because the strong Czech krona made the Czech Republic too expensive for tourists, relative to the available service level. Taxi drivers in the country have also been criticized by travel guides and tourists for overcharging and pickpockets. In 2005, Pavel B é m, the mayor of Prague, tried to improve the reputation of the city by putting out minor crimes. However, in addition to the above problems, Prague is still a relatively safe city, and most places are even safe to walk in the dark. Generally speaking, the crime rate in the Czech Republic is relatively low.
Tourists mainly come from Germany, Slovakia, Poland, China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Italy and other countries. In recent years, Chinese tourists have increased significantly. The main tourist cities are Prague, Krumlov of the Czech Republic, Karlovavali, etc. According to Czech statistics, in 2022, the Czech Republic will attract a total of 7.343 million foreign tourists, ranking first with 1843000 German tourists; The second and third are 776000 in Slovakia and 613000 in Poland respectively; 34000 Chinese tourists. (Source: website of the Czech National Bureau of Statistics) [1]

foreign trade

1. The Czech Republic implements the trade liberalization policy, cancels the state-owned monopoly of foreign trade, liberalizes the right to operate foreign trade, and cancels restrictions on import and export commodities. According to the Czech Trade Code, all enterprises registered in the court and the industrial and commercial bureau have the right to operate foreign trade.
2. The import and export of goods and services are also liberalized, Import tariff Low, provided to EU and countries that have signed trade agreements with Czech Republic Most favored nation treatment Provide GSP treatment to developing countries (including China) Least developed countries Provide zero tariff import treatment and no tax on export. Only a few products (such as weapons, drugs and narcotic drugs) are subject to non-tariff import restrictions, namely the licensing system. The export license is required for the commodities (such as textiles, steel, etc.) whose export is restricted by the state's international obligations.
3. The Czech Republic actively supports World Trade Organization And european union Having signed the agreement of associated countries poland Hungary Slovakia Slovenia Signed China EU Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), in these agreements, there are more specific provisions on market access of goods and services between member countries.
4. In order to reverse the past excessive dependence of the Czech government on the original Economic Mutual Association The situation of the country, especially the former Soviet Union, has actively developed economic and trade relations with various regions of the world. The center of Czech trade policy is "facing the world, carrying out diversified trade, focusing on Europe". Since the beginning of the economic transition, the Czech Republic has gradually completed the transformation of the regional structure of trade, that is, from the eastern market to the western developed market Market economy countries Trade with western developed market economy countries, especially EU countries, has been carried out in the Czech Republic Total foreign trade Which accounted for a large proportion in 2003 european union Exports accounted for 69.8% of the total exports of the Czech Republic that year, and imports from EU countries accounted for 59% of the total imports of the Czech Republic that year. In addition, after years of negotiations and efforts, the Czech Republic and ten other countries officially joined on May 1, 2004 european union In terms of foreign economic and trade policies, it will implement the EU's common trade policy and become part of the EU's unified market.
Foreign trade occupies an important position in the Czech economy.
Foreign trade in recent years (unit: US $100 million): [1]
two thousand and twenty
two thousand and twenty-one
two thousand and twenty-two
three thousand four hundred and thirty
three thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
four thousand four hundred and eighteen
Import volume
three thousand two hundred and fifty
three thousand eight hundred and ninety
four thousand six hundred and twenty
one hundred and eighty
reference material: [19]
Imports mainly include: oil, natural gas, computers, cars and accessories, telecommunications equipment, mechanical equipment, pharmaceutical products and appliances, chemical products, iron ore, trucks and household appliances. The main export commodities are: cars and accessories, electricity, steel, machinery and equipment, glass products, wood, chemical products, tires, furniture, etc. The main trade partners are Germany, Slovakia, Poland, China, Italy, France, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The famous Czech enterprises include Skoda Motors, PPF Group, etc.
(Source: 2022 Czech Statistical Yearbook and Economic Bulletin)


According to the data released by the Czech National Bank, as of April 2023, the foreign exchange reserve of the Czech National Bank is 134 billion dollars. (Source: Czech Statistical Yearbook 2022 and website of Czech National Bank) [1]
Financial revenue and expenditure of Czech Republic in 2013-2015 (unit: SEK 100 million)
particular year
two thousand and thirteen
two thousand and fourteen
two thousand and fifteen
ten thousand nine hundred and forty-two
eleven thousand three hundred and thirty-eight
twelve thousand three hundred and forty-five
eleven thousand six hundred and thirty-five
twelve thousand one hundred and sixteen
twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy-three
Surplus or deficit

foreign capital

In 2022, the Czech Republic will actually attract about 3.6 billion dollars of foreign investment. From 1993 to 2022, it has attracted a total of 136.9 billion dollars of foreign capital. The main investment countries are the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. (Source: World Bank website) [1]


When it comes to Czech culture, we must mention Czech literature, because there are world-class literary giants such as Kafka, Hachek, Sepert, Kundera, etc.
The Czech Republic had two literary and artistic booms in the 20th century. The first boom was after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic in the early 20th century, when many literary masters appeared in the Czech Republic. For example, people are familiar with Jaroslav Hachek (1883-1923), Vladislav Wanchula (1891-1942), Ka Chapek (1890-1938), and the Czech poet Jaroslav Seifert (1901-1986) who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. "This group of Czech writers suddenly promoted Czech literature to the height of European literature, but this literary process was interrupted by the Second World War."
In 1938, the heads of Germany, Italy, Britain and France signed the Munich Agreement, ordering Czechoslovakia to cede the Sudetenland region to Nazi Germany After that, Czechoslovakia entered the occupation period again. "But even in the occupied period, there were outstanding writers and works in the Czech Republic." Yulius Vochek (1903-1943), the author of the red classic "Report under the Hanger", and Chapek and Wanchula, "they were all fascist Killed, but their works still let people feel the existence of Czech literature.
The second prosperity originated in the 1960s, when Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Milan Kundera (1929 -) and Ivan Krima (1931 -), who are known as "the troika of Czech literature". "These people played a particularly positive role as writers in the 1960s, such as the 'Prague Spring' that we will now mention. Kundera's masterpiece Jokes appeared in the vision of Czech readers in the early 1960s."
August 1968, Czech Republic“ Prague Spring ”The crackdown ended. "At this time, Czech literature fell again. But even at this time, Czech writers still use their way to make their works sound." [6]


Czech Rep
Czech : The standard language based on Zoje dialect is also the official language. The number of Czech speakers is nearly 11 million, belonging to the southern branch of the West Slavic branch. Early Czech churches Slavic Latin or German In the second half of the 13th century, the real Czech language began to appear. At the beginning of the 15th century, when Husi launched the religious reform movement, he also laid down the spelling rules of the Czech language, which had a significant impact on other Slavic languages using Latin alphabet spelling. Czech was the main official language of the former Czechoslovakia, and it can communicate with Slovak.


Dress etiquette: The Czech people are more particular about clothes. Formal occasions are suits or long clothes. They also wear hats when the weather is cold. They wear long and wide beautiful scarves. Women like to wear black or dark red skirts with traditional styles. Once they get married, men remove feathers from their hats.
Manners: The Czech people believe that good clothes and good manners are indispensable. They are not only elegant and polite when dealing with others, but also not casual when alone. They hate people who behave frivolously, and they don't like the phenomenon of shoulder hugging in public. At home, we are respectful to our elders. Outside, we can see people who support the old and young everywhere.
Etiquette for meeting: Most modern Czechs have only one surname and one given name, that is, a surname, one word or one section of each given name. In order to distinguish themselves from those with the same surname and similar identity, some people have to add a middle name. When addressing, it is generally called Mr. and Miss. When they meet, they shake hands.
Catering etiquette: The Czech people are accustomed to eating western food and also like it Chinese food , especially Guangdong cuisine. When entertaining guests at home, it is often noted on the invitation card that please bring your own tableware. Therefore, guests must bring their own tableware to dinner. Czech residents consume about 160 liters of beer every year, ranking first in the world.
Funeral etiquette: At the beginning of each New Year, a traditional ceremony is held here to welcome the newborn. On January 3, the first batch of baby citizens in the New Year will be selected, and the selected will receive prizes such as clothes and bassinet. The wedding of local people was held in the church. On this day, the bride's house was closed, waiting for the wedding procession led by the groom and matchmaker to come to meet her.
Business etiquette: Czech foreign trade has developed rapidly. It has economic and trade ties with more than 100 countries and regions in the world, and its specific foreign trade import and export business is in the charge of foreign trade enterprises. When a business meeting is held locally, it is generally agreed many days in advance. Sufficient preparation shall be made before negotiation and patience shall be provided during negotiation.
Tourism etiquette: The Czech Republic makes every effort to develop tourism. Almost all historical relics and places of interest are open to tourists, and special attention is paid to improving the quality and level of service personnel. They are polite and like to take the trouble to introduce the scenery, scenic features, historical anecdotes and local customs here. Generally, they can tip, or make a decision on whether to tip after asking in advance.
Main taboos: The Czech national will rose As the national flower, people generally taboo the red triangle pattern. The popular topics of conversation are sports, while the unpopular topics are political issues and household chores.

traditional festival

In the Czech Republic, May Day is also Valentine's Day. The history of "May Day Valentine's Day" in the Czech Republic has lasted for several centuries. According to Czech tradition, girls should be kissed by lovers under cherry trees full of flowers, so as to ensure more beauty and health in the year, and be blessed by the god of flowers for a long time. [18]


The diet of the Czech people is dominated by pork. The daily ethnic dishes are pork chops, beets and sour vegetables, and steamed buns. The Czech people like beer, with a per capita consumption of 160 liters, ranking first in the world. In the Czech Republic, don't miss the Knedliky, which is a kind of foreign dumplings with noodles and meat fillings, but it is delicious with the sour cabbage (Zeli) and sauce that the Eastern European people love.
The Czech people like meat, and have few fruits and vegetables. The national dish of the Czech Republic can be said to be roast pork (Knedliky and Zeli), and stewed food is also a good choice.
The Czech people are addicted to alcohol, locally brewed Pearson Beer (Plzensky Prazdroj) is quite famous, Pearson The beer factory is open for visitors, and those who love wine should not miss it. In addition, in Moravia Wine It's also pretty good. Pub all over the Czech Republic provides all kinds of liquor. In addition to beer, there are plum brandy, herbal bitter wine (becherovka), etc., all of which are of special taste.
Czech and Slovenian representatives are accustomed to eating western food. When they eat breakfast, they should have porridge. At dinner, soup is usually required. However, they like clear soup, and they also like all kinds of snacks made with cream. Generally speaking, they are similar to the French in taste and like to eat fried and braised dishes.
The most famous Czech food is gulas, a kind of stewed beef. The method of stewing beef is also very complicated. He needs to add 23 different seasonings according to the time. The whole production process takes about four hours.


After the independence of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on January 1, 1993, the military and weapons of the former federal state were divided by 2:1, and the president was the supreme commander of the military. The total military strength was 65000 in 1996 and reduced to 32000 in 2018. After the Czech Republic joined NATO, in order to meet the requirements of NATO to be in line with the contracting countries in terms of military and equipment, the military was rebuilt according to the model of NATO countries. In 2021, military expenditure will be 3.94 billion US dollars, accounting for 1.4% of GDP. (Source: 2022 Czech Statistical Yearbook and World Bank website) [1]




The total length is 9523 kilometers, and the electrified railway is 3234 kilometers. In 2022, the passenger traffic volume will total 176 million person times and the freight volume will total 93.385 million tons.
In addition, there are urban electric traction public transport lines in Czech Republic with a total length of 802.1 km, including 385.4 km of trackless power lines, 351.7 km of tram lines and 65.1 km of metro lines. [15]


The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe and has expressway connections with surrounding countries. The total length is 55838 kilometers, including 1346 kilometers of expressways. In 2022, the passenger traffic volume will total 334 million person times and the freight volume will total 474 million tons. [15]

water transport

As a landlocked country in Central Europe, the Czech Republic has dozens of small inland river ports and docks, which are mainly distributed along the banks of the Rabe River (the Elbe River in Germany), the Voltawa River and the Belonga River. The main navigable cities are Jachin, Usti, Melnik, Prague, Lovoxice and Colin. Import and export goods can reach European ports such as Rotterdam through the Rabe Elbe River channel. The inland waterway is 726.2 kilometers long, and the total freight volume in 2022 will be 1.266 million tons. [15]


At present, there are 91 civil airports in the Czech Republic, of which 6 are international airports, respectively located in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Bujiyowice, Karovifali and Pardubice. The rest are domestic and private small airports, and the main international airport is Vazlav Havel Airport in Prague. In addition, there are four military airports, including Chaslav. In 2022, the passenger traffic volume will total 4.065 million person times and the freight volume will total 73300 tons.
The Czech Republic and China have opened four direct routes: Beijing Prague operated by Hainan Airlines, Shanghai Prague and Shanghai Xi'an Prague operated by China Eastern Airlines, and Chengdu Prague operated by Sichuan Airlines. At present, only the Chengdu Prague route is left, and the operation is suspended due to the epidemic. In addition, the capital Prague airport has flight connections with major European cities. From China to the Czech Republic, you can stop in Vienna, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Moscow or Paris. [15]




The Czech Republic implements nine-year compulsory education. High schools and universities implement the self funded and scholarship system, but the state gives subsidies to students' accommodation fees. According to the relevant laws promulgated in 1990, private and missionary schools are allowed to be established. Famous universities include Charlie University, Czech University of Technology, Massarik University, Prague University of Economics and Palatsky University. [1]
Number of schools, students and teachers in 2021/2022 [1]
Students (10000 persons)
Teachers (10000 people)
five thousand three hundred and forty-nine
three point three
Nine-year primary school
four thousand two hundred and thirty-eight
ninety-six point four
seven point one
High school (including technical school)
one thousand two hundred and eighty-five
forty-four point six
four point one
reference material:
In 2022, there will be 59 universities in the Czech Republic, including 28 public universities and 31 private universities. 304000 college students, including 50000 foreign students. Charles University, located in the capital, is the oldest university in Central Europe. Founded in 1348, it has 17 departments (3 of which are in other places). The Czech University of Technology, founded in 1707, has the longest history among similar universities in Central Europe. (Source: Czech Statistical Yearbook 2022) [1]


Father of Little Mole
In 2021, 1639 kinds of newspapers will be distributed throughout the Czech Republic. Major newspapers include: Today Youth Front, Rights, Economy, People's Daily, etc.
The Czech News Agency (Jaap) is a national commercial news agency. It has 12 branches abroad and has business contacts with news agencies in more than 20 countries.
Czech Radio: In 2021, public radio stations will broadcast about 160000 hours and private radio stations will broadcast about 500000 hours.
Czech state television began trial broadcasting on May 1, 1953, and officially started broadcasting in 1954. In 2021, the broadcast time of public television stations will be about 51101 hours, and that of private television stations will be about 1468000 hours. (Source: Czech Statistical Yearbook 2022) [1]
Czech films have a history of more than 100 years so far, and there has been no shortage of masterpieces. Famous works such as Green Youth School Tree, Correa, Good Soldier Shueke and Firefighter Ball were all created by Czech directors. In the 1980s, Chinese cartoons were introduced《 the mole 》It is also a memory of a generation of Chinese people. In the wave of social, political and economic changes in the Czech Republic, Czech films have also been impacted and baptized, but they still have a great impact in Central and Eastern Europe and are loved by domestic audiences in the Czech Republic.

science and technology

Avast was originally the product of a Czech software company (ALWIL Software).


Pavel Nedved
Czech athletes: Emile Jentopek, Yanomier Jagger, Pavel Nedvěd Jean Gerezini, the achievements of the ice hockey team - the big winner of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games and many world champions - skiing, football, and shooting have made sports fans all over the world crazy. The Czech people love sports, and almost all the people are involved in it. In Czech Republic, there are many amateur organizations and enthusiastic organizers for almost every collective sport, organizing many competitions in their spare time. At the same time, Czech male and female athletes have also made remarkable achievements in their professional fields. Especially after entering the 21st century, athletes have ushered in the best opportunity.
Since the 16th century, sledding and skating have become popular sports in the history of Czech sports and Czech sports organizations, but the invention of skating can be as early as the 13th century.
At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, indoor sports began to appear, and today's Prague Castle can also find indoor sports venues at that time. Nobles played tennis and other ball games indoors, and they also loved other sports such as archery. Nine column games have also become popular.
In the 17th century, fencing was also born.
The Sokol (Eagle) Sports Association was founded in 1862, led by Miroslav Tyrs and Jindrich Fugner. At the same time, other Sokol organizations were gradually established in various regions of the Czech Republic. In 1904, it was unified into the Czech Sokol Association, which has the longest history among similar organizations in the world.
All centralized regimes in Czechoslovakia's history have issued bans on it. The first ban on Sokol occurred in 1915 during World War I; The second time occurred when the Nazis occupied Czech territory; The third time was in 1948.
In 1990, Sokol revived again. The Golden Shoe Grand Prix, a sports event hosted by the Czech Republic, which was held in Ostrova, was listed as a super grand prix, always gathering stars. Prague International Marathon - Prague International Marathon is held in the historical and cultural center of the city. In addition to the Czech Marathon Championships in May, other events have been held in succession, such as family races, half marathon races, women's races, company races, etc. The race runs through the central area of the city, which is known as the most beautiful place in the world, around the two ends of Charlie Bridge. In the background of Prague Castle, thousands of marathon runners from more than 60 countries around the world began their race. The Prague International Marathon is the most popular event in Europe and also a cultural event. In 2004, it attracted more than 170000 spectators, and also let runners compete here. Motorcycle race - Czech motorcycle race has a wide and long history. Not only do they have teams like Skoda Motorcycle Team and Barum Rally, but also they have unique geographical advantages. Brno's Massa The Riko Loop is the best track in nature, attracting 120000 spectators to watch the Czech Grand Prix in 2005. The eastern Bohemian city of Pardubice also holds the Golden Helmet Race every year because of its natural terrain. Horse racing - Badubice is also the city where horse racing is held. Its track is said to be the most difficult track in the European continent.
In 2009, Alpine pro Become the official partner of the Czech and Slovak Olympic delegations for three years until 2012. Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010 At last, Alpine prepared an original Olympic series, which has achieved great success not only in athletes but also in the public. The President of the Czech Olympic Committee awarded Alpine the best series to date. Alpini has developed a new Olympic series for the Czech and Slovak Olympic delegations, using special fabrics and new designs. The series is preparing to cooperate with the athletes of the 30th Olympic Games. "Participating athletes are very important to the success of the series in the development. The characteristics of clothes affect who will wear them," said Dvorak, vice president of the Czech Olympic Committee.
Rowing: The Czech river network is dense, with sufficient water, but the process is short. Therefore, it is especially suitable for water short distance sports. In winter, the river water freezes to form the most natural outdoor skating rink, and in summer, it is a paradise for rowers. Every town in the Czech Republic is surrounded by rivers, and almost every family has a rowboat.


People in the literary, scientific and political circles
Julius Vochek
The great leader of the anti fascist movement:
Waziraf Havel
The first president and famous writer of the Czech Republic
Oscar Schindler
Outstanding humanitarian representatives born and living in Sudetenland
Good soldier Shueke 》The author of "The Father of Czech Prose"
Yaroslav Seifert
Author, works:(《 Unbearable lightness in life 》Immortality, Living Elsewhere)
Austrian writer who has lived in Prague almost all his life
Invention and development‘ Polarography ’Nobel Prize winner in chemistry
Founder of modern pedagogy, famous educator
Famous people in music and film industry
Bedoizi Smetana
"Father of New Czech Music", Czech National Music founder
One of the greatest Czech composers in the 19th century
Leonard Yanachek
Create the cartoon The Mole Story
Sports people
Obtained in 2003 Golden Globe Award His style of playing football is strong and energetic, with blond hair. Fans call him Iron Man
Because of its gorgeous transmission and dribbling skills, versatile ability in multiple positions in the front court, and ability to properly command the team's attack rhythm, it is called "Little Mozart"
Vladimir Smichel worked as a midfielder and played for the Premier League giants Liverpool
At the age of 14, he participated in the training camp of the first division team Banik and was considered as the local Maradona
Fenin in the Czech League Toprize Football Club After five years of service, he made his professional league debut at the age of 16
Peter Ilachek A midfielder, playing for Hamburg Football Club in Bundesliga
Since the 21st century, the world's first "post-90s" women's grand slam champion in women's tennis

People's livelihood

In 2015, the average monthly salary of Czech Republic was USD 1131. In 2015, there were an average of 101 full-automatic washing machines, 111 refrigerators, 144 color televisions, 120 personal computers, 205 mobile phones, 117 cars, 10 motorcycles in every hundred, and one doctor for every 256 people. [1]

International Relations


foreign policy

As a member of NATO and the European Union, the Czech Republic pursues the foreign policy of relying on the EU for economy and the United States for security. It actively participates in the EU's common foreign and security policy and NATO's actions, and focuses on "economic diplomacy" and "human rights diplomacy". Czech Republic has established diplomatic relations with 197 countries and joined the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international organizations.

external relations

Relations with China
China and the former Czechoslovakia established diplomatic relations on October 6, 1949. On January 1, 1993, when the Czech Republic became an independent sovereign country, China recognized it and established diplomatic relations with it at the ambassadorial level. The two sides agreed to continue to use October 6, 1949 as the date of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In October 1994, Dai Bingguo, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, and Ondra, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, signed an exchange of letters agreement, confirming that the treaties and agreements concluded between China and the former Czechoslovak Federation remain valid. In March 2016, the heads of the two countries signed the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Czech Republic on Establishing Strategic Partnership.
In April 2004, Czech President Klaus visited China.
In December 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao visited the Czech Republic. [2]
In 2016, at the invitation of President Zeman of the Czech Republic, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Prague on March 28 for a state visit to the Czech Republic. [7]
Czech Republic is China's second largest trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2020, bilateral trade volume reached 18.87 billion US dollars, up 7.2% year on year, including 13.74 billion US dollars of Chinese exports, down 5.9% year on year, and 5.13 billion US dollars of imports, up 10.9% year on year. In 2021, the bilateral trade volume of China and Czech Republic will reach US $21.16 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 12.2%, of which the export volume of China will reach US $15.11 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 12.2%, and the import volume will reach US $6.05 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 17.9%. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume of China and Czech Republic will reach 23.65 billion US dollars, up 11.8% year on year, including 18.23 billion US dollars of Chinese exports, up 20.7% year on year, and 5.42 billion US dollars of imports, down 10.5% year on year. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume of China and Czech Republic will reach 21.51 billion US dollars, down 8.9% year on year, of which the export volume of China will reach 16.29 billion US dollars, down 10.6% year on year, and the import volume will reach 5.22 billion US dollars, down 3.5% year on year. [20]
Relations with European countries
As a member of the European Union, the Czech Republic maintains a "super standard" relationship with Slovakia, gives priority to developing relations with Eastern European and Western Balkan countries, and attaches importance to good neighborly cooperation with Germany and Austria. In the second half of 2022, he will assume the rotating presidency of the European Union. Actively advocate subregional cooperation, strive to strengthen the role and influence of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia) in regional affairs, and serve as the rotating chairman of the Visegrad Group from the second half of 2023 to the first half of 2024. Oppose the EU refugee quota plan and support the EU to restore border control.
Relations with Russia
After joining NATO, Czech Republic and its traditional partners Russia Of Political relations Growing estranged. In 2006, Czech Republic adjusted its policy towards Russia, actively developed bilateral mutually beneficial economic and trade relations and carried out bilateral cooperation in the security field. In September 2006, President of Czech Republic Claus Visit Russia.
On September 13, 2022, the Russian Travel Agency Association said that nine EU countries had stopped accepting documents issued by Russians for tourist visas, including Czech Republic [14]
Relations with the United States
The Czech Republic regards the United States as an important ally, has close relations with the United States, and actively participates in NATO get some action. [1]

Relations with international and regional organizations

Czech Republic actively participates in EU affairs and activities of important international and regional organizations, and attaches importance to the role of the United Nations and its agencies.



Visa Policy

In April 2016, the Czech Republic opened a visa center in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, which will complete the review of individual tourist visas in about four days to facilitate tourists in the western region.
China Eastern Airlines In the second half of 2016, a direct flight route from Shanghai to Prague was opened, and the industry expects that there will be a significant increase in the number of tourists going to the Czech Republic to visit one place and travel in depth in the future.
Tourism is also an important source of Czech economic income. In 2001, the total revenue of the tourism industry reached 118.13 billion yuan CZK , accounting for GNP 5.5%. The tourism industry employs more than 110000 people, accounting for 1% of the national population. In 2008, the number of tourists coming to Prague declined, probably because the strong Czech krona made the Czech Republic too expensive for tourists, relative to the available service level. Taxi drivers in this country charge too much and pickpocket The problem has also been criticized by travel guides and tourists. In 2005, Pavel B é m, the mayor of Prague, tried to improve the reputation of the city by putting out minor crimes.
In 2015, the number of Chinese tourists visiting the Czech Republic reached 282000, with a rapid year-on-year growth of 14%, climbing to the eighth place among all inbound tourists. The top three tourists were Germany, Slovakia and U.S.A occupy. [7]
There are several tourism centers in the Czech Republic. The ancient city of Prague is the main tourist destination and the main entrance for tourists to visit other parts of the country. Many other cities in the Czech Republic also attract a large number of tourists, Karlovy Fari Maria Springs Hot spring towns such as Franti š kovy L á zn ě are particularly popular resorts. Other popular tourist destinations include many castles, such as Kalshtein Castle Krumlov, Czech Republic And Lednice – Valtice area. Besides these towns, Bohemian Paradise, Bohemian Forest and Krkono š e Mountain also attract tourists seeking outdoor recreation.
Pilsen Beer Originated in cities in western Bohemia Bilson , while the southern cities Budweiser Also become Budweiser The origin of the name.

Famous scenic spot

Famous scenic spot
scenic spot
Cesky Krumlov
prague castle
be located The River Vltava It has a history of more than 1000 years. For more than 60 years, the offices of all presidents have been located in the castle, so it is also called "Presidential Palace". The castle includes the following parts. The recently rebuilt Prague Castle Gallery (Obrazarina Prazskeho Hradu) must pay extra to enter. It has collected many classical paintings, starting from the 16th century, and focusing on paintings from the 16th to the 18th century, including Italy, Germany Netherlands There are more than 4000 works by artists from other countries. The original site of Prague Castle Gallery is the castle stables. In the process of transforming Prague Castle Gallery into a castle gallery, the earliest church of Prague Castle, the Church of the Virgin, was excavated, and some relics were stored in the castle gallery.
katedrala sv. vita (Katedrala sv. Vita)
It is the most important landmark of Prague Castle. In addition to its rich architectural features, it is also the place where the royal family of Prague Castle is crowned and died. Saint Vita Cathedral has been expanded three times. In 929, the circular church of Saint Winseslas was built in Western Yuan It was expanded into a rectangular church in 1060, and was built under the order of Charles IV in 1344 gothic architecture However, it was not officially completed until 1929. Several highlights of the visit to Saint Vita Cathedral include Stained glass window St. John The Tomb and the Chapel of San Vinceslas. Entering the church entrance, the colorful stained glass on the left is the work of the famous Prague painter Muha; In the church, there is the tomb of St. John, who was an anti religious reformer in 1736, made of sterling silver and richly decorated. Located behind the tomb of St. John, the chapel of St. Winseslas is decorated with gold color murals and holy minarets.
Old Palace (Stary Kralovsky Palac)
It was the residence of the former Bohemian kings, and the successive incumbents repaired different parts. The whole palace building is roughly divided into three floors. Once entering the entrance, there is the high Villadeslav Hall, which is also the center of gravity of the whole palace. The new territory hall on the upper floor has many images of early secretaries; The lower floor contains the Gothic palace of Charles IV and the hall of the Romanesque palace. Most of the rooms were destroyed in the fire in 1541, so some of them are relics of later reconstruction.
St. George's Church
Located in the rear of Bazilika sv. Jiri, the red exterior wall has two towers. St. George's Church is the best preserved imitation in the Czech Republic Roman architecture The cornerstone and two spires of the church have been preserved since the 10th century.
St. George's convent
It is the first convent in Bohemia. It was demolished and converted into a military camp in the 18th century. Now it is a national monastery Art gallery , collecting Czech art works from the 14th to 17th centuries, including Gothic art, Renaissance and Baroque Painting works of different periods.
Powder tower
The powder tower here (Prasna Vez Mihulka) and Old City Square It was originally used as a fortress for guarding the city, but later it was used to store gunpowder. In the 16th century, the king asked warlocks to live here to study the art of smelting lead into gold. After the 18th century, it was changed into the place where Saint Vita Cathedral stored sacred objects. Now it is a museum displaying medieval art, astronomy and alchemy relics.
Huangjin Alley (Zlata Ulicka)
It's Prague old castle One of the most famous scenic spots. Kafka No. 22, where I once lived, is now a bookstore. Gold Lane used to be the residence of servant craftsmen. Later, it got its name because there were many alchemists who worked for the king. After the 19th century, it gradually became a slum. In the middle of the 20th century, the original buildings were changed into shops to sell various souvenirs and Handicrafts

World Heritage Site

As of 2008, there were 12 in the Czech Republic World Heritage Site , as follows:
  • cultural heritage
  1. one
    Prague Ancient City (Prague)
  2. two
    Santa Baba Church, Santa Maria Cathedral (Central Bohemia)
  3. three
    Litomishirburg (Pardubice)
  4. four
    St. John's Pilgrimage Church in Nebomuk (Visokina)
  5. five
    Trinity Pillars (Oromok)
  6. six
    Horasowice Ancient Village Reserve (Moravia Silesia)
  7. seven
    Gardens and castles in Cromegesh (Zilin)
  8. eight
    Tugenhat Villa (South Moravia)
  9. nine
    Jewish settlement, St. Proupicos Church (Visokina)
  10. ten
    Krumlov Historical Center (South Bohemia)
  11. eleven
    Terge Historical Center (Visokina)
  12. twelve
    Zednetse Valjitse Cultural Scenic Spot (Visokina)

Territorial dispute

According to the news on September 10, 2022 on the reference news website, on September 9, the website of today's Russian television quoted the Polish Republic News that the Polish government has stepped up its efforts to re divide the border between Poland and the Czech Republic in a way more conducive to Warsaw. According to the Republic Daily, Warsaw now hopes to get 368.44 hectares of land as compensation. [13]