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Flotation agent that changes the surface hydrophobicity of minerals and makes floating ore particles adhere to bubbles
Collector is a change mineral surface Hydrophobicity , make flOw Of Ore grain Adherent to bubbles flotation Medication. The most important flotation reagent. It has two basic properties: (1) it can selectively adsorb on mineral surface; (2) It can improve the hydrophobic degree of mineral surface and make it easy to adhere to bubbles, thus improving the floatability of minerals. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Polar/non-polar collector
Ore Flotation
Heteropolar organic compound


Most collectors are heteropolar organic compounds. For example, xanthates, carboxylic acids, fatty amines, etc. Its molecular structure generally contains two groups: polar group and non-polar group, which have an important impact on the whole molecular flotation performance. The composition and structure of the polar group of the collector determine the chemical properties and dissociation properties of the collector in water.
After dissociation of various collectors in water, the solidophile atoms in polar groups are mainly - S -, - O - and - NH+3. Generally speaking, when the solid atom of the collector is the same as the non-metallic element in the mineral, the collection can occur.

Action mechanism

The basic mode of collector action is the adsorption of the molecules or ions of the agent at the mineral water interface. It mainly includes molecular adsorption, ion adsorption, semi micellar adsorption and adsorption of reaction products of collectors on mineral surface.
(1) Molecular adsorption. Adsorption of collector molecules dispersed or dissolved in pulp solution on mineral surface. The physical adsorption of non-polar molecules is mainly the adsorption of various hydrocarbon oils; The physical adsorption of polar molecules is mainly the adsorption of undissociated molecules of xanthate, oleic acid and amine collectors at the solid-liquid interface.
(2) Ion adsorption. The adsorption of collector ions in the pulp on the mineral surface, such as the adsorption of xanthate on the surface of galena when pH>5, and the adsorption of oleic acid collectors on calcium containing minerals (fluorite, calcite, scheelite, etc.).
(3) Semimicellar adsorption. When the concentration of the collector is high enough, the non-polar group of the long hydrocarbon chain collector will be adsorbed on the mineral surface and associate to form two-dimensional micelles, which is called "semi micellar adsorption". For example, when using dodecyl amine acetate to float quartz, with the increase of dodecyl amine concentration, the adsorption of dodecyl amine ions increases, forming semi micelles on the mineral surface.
(4) Adsorption of reaction products of collector on mineral surface. A series of reactions may occur when collectors interact with other ions or mineral surface in the pulp, and some products in the reaction are adsorbed on the mineral surface. If xanthate acts on the surface of sulphide minerals or oxidizes in pulp, it can generate hydrocarbon thiocarbonate (ROCOS -) and xanthate (ROCSSO -), which can be adsorbed on the surface of oxidized minerals and sulphide minerals respectively to generate collection.


According to the molecular structure of reagents, collectors can be divided into two categories: polar collectors and non-polar collectors. Polar collectors can be divided into ionic type and non-ionic type according to the dissociation properties of reagents in aqueous solution. Ionic collectors are divided into anionic, cationic and Amphoteric collector According to the chemical composition of polar groups, anionic collectors can be further divided into thio compounds, namely mercapto collectors and hydrocarbon oxygen containing acids, namely hydroxyl collectors; Cationic collectors are amine collectors; Non polar collectors are hydrocarbon oils belonging to organic compounds. (See table)
Common sulfide ore collectors include xanthate Xanthate derivative Black drug baiyao Benzothiazole mercaptan Benzimidazole mercaptan Benzoxazole mercaptan Etc.
Oxidized ore Collectors mainly include fatty acid And Sodium soap Alkyl sulfonate Alkyl sulfate phosphate Arsenate Aliphatic amine And its salts Rosin amine quaternary ammonium salt , diamine and Polyamine compound , Gender surface active agent Etc.
oils Collector, such as kerosene diesel oil Etc. Classification of collectors:
Molecular structure characteristics of collector
Varieties and components
Scope of application
sulphydryl collectors
Xanthate: ROCSSM
Black drugs: (RO) 2PSSM
Sulfur and nitrogen: R2NCSSM
Thiourea: (RNH) 2CS
Collect natural metals and metal sulfide ores
oxyhydryl collectors
Carboxylic acids: RCOOH (M)
Sulfonic acid: RSO3H (M)
Sulfates: ROSO3H (M)
Arsenic acids: RAsO (OH) 2
Phosphonic acids: RPO (OH) 2
Hydroxamic acids: RC (OH) NOM
Collect various metal oxide ores and soluble ores
Salt minerals
Collect tungsten, tin and rare metal minerals
Collect copper oxide minerals
amine collectors
Fatty amine: RNH2
Ether amine: RO (CH2) 3NH2
Collect silicate, carbonate and soluble salt
Amino acid collector
Alkyl amino acids: RNHRCOOH
Alkyl sulfates: RNHRSO3H
Collect oxidized iron ore, scheelite and wolframite
Mines, etc
Non ionic
Ester collector
Thiamine esters: ROCSNHR ′
Xanthates: ROCSSR ′
Sulfur nitrogen esters: R2NCSSR ′
Collect metal sulfide minerals
Double yellow drugs: (ROCSS) 2
Double black drugs: [(RO) 2POS] 2
Collect and precipitate metal powder and sulfide
Non-polar collector
Hydrocarbon oil
Hydrocarbon oil CnH2n+2
Collect non-polar minerals and use them as auxiliary collectors
Note: R and R 'in the table are different hydrocarbon radicals; M is Na, K; NH four Or H, and the rest are element symbols.

Usage selection

The role of collector on mineral surface is physical adsorption chemical adsorption And surface chemical reaction. Collector adsorbent It is closely related to mineral flotation behavior. Within a certain concentration range of collector medicament concentration Increase, adsorption capacity increases, flotation rate of recovery Significant increase; concentration After reaching the equivalent value, the recovery rate decreases with the increase of concentration and adsorption capacity; When the concentration of collector is too high, the adsorption capacity can continue to increase, but the flotation recovery rate will not increase, or even decline. Therefore, the amount of collector should be correctly controlled in the flotation process to obtain the best benefit. [2]