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vibration theory

Theory of odor characteristics related to the vibration characteristics of odor molecules
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The vibration theory refers to that the odor characteristics are related to the vibration characteristics of odor molecules. In the oral cavity temperature range, the vibration energy level of odor molecules is in the infrared or Raman spectral region, and the vibration frequency is about 100~700cm/1. Human olfactory receptors sense the vibrational energy of molecules and generate signals. This hypothesis can better explain the correlation between gas molecular spectral data and odor characteristics, and predict the odor characteristics of some compounds, which is the success of vibration theory. [1]
Chinese name
vibration theory
Vibration frequency
About 100~700cm/1
The sense of smell is the sense of distinguishing various smells, belonging to the chemical sense. The olfactory receptor is located in the olfactory cells in the olfactory epithelium at the top of the nasal cavity. The olfactory cells can accept odorous molecules. The appropriate stimulus for smell must be volatile and soluble, otherwise it is not easy to stimulate the nasal mucosa and cannot cause smell. The theory of smell generation mainly focuses on the changes caused by the odorant and the nasal mucosa, and is not clear about the next stage of stimulation conduction and smell generation. The olfactory theory can be summarized into three aspects.