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Indicator value

Components of indicators
The index value is a component of the index, and is the prescriptive of the quantity of things. This word reflects the quantitative characteristics of statistical data.
Chinese name
Indicator value
Stock market securities
Introduction to terms
The other is the value of statistical data, also known as indicator value, which reflects the quantitative characteristics of statistical data. Statistical data refers to the unity of label and indicator value, which is inseparable and indispensable
The quantity value reflecting the operation level is called the index value. Wij can be used to represent the quantified index value of the jth index in the i index. Each index value should be standardized within 1-5 points
When it comes to the index value, we should know the index stock. The stock speculation strategy factory points out that the index stock is a plate of weighted stocks. The reason why the total capital stock is large is because the index is set according to the total capital stock.