
[chí píng]
Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Ping Ping, a Chinese word, is spelled ch í p í ng, which means to preside over justice or fairness without bias; It means that the amount of products in a certain period is equal to the amount in the comparison period; The prices of different products are equal.
Chinese name
chí píng
Fairness; Non partiality
Blooming dew in spring and autumn ·Ode to Mountains and Rivers



1. Keep fairness.
2. It means that the amount of products in a certain period is equal to the amount in the comparison period; The prices of different products are equal. For example, the output of this year is the same as that of last year. For example: reprinted by these two publishers《 Kangxi Dictionary 》Prices were flat. [1]


Han Dynasty· scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations "The Spring and Autumn Dews, Ode to Mountains and Rivers": "Water is the key to success
Southern Qi Shu ·The Biography of Wang Yanzhi: "Since Song Dynasty's morality has declined, the Taizu has assisted in politics, and people have feelings for both the court and the wilderness. Yanzhi and the secretary of state have made Wang Seng qian neutral and have nothing to go, and the people at that time said, 'The two kings are equal, neither send nor welcome.'"
Song Dynasty, Mei Yaochen《 Named Yiyun and Yuyu 》: "The world holds a level hand, without any bias."
Song Dynasty · Su Shunqin's "Prince's Travels": Judgment In the middle. "
leader in the National Salvation Movement Chapter 2 of Adversity and Afterlife: "I have an article that expresses my attitude very tactfully, and I am confident that I am flat." [2]