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Collage refers to putting paper, fabric, or any natural or Artificial material The technique of creating image composition by pasting onto canvas or canvas; It also refers to works of art created using this technique. Sometimes the whole work is made by collage, and mixed with oil painting and other techniques. When a heavy three-dimensional object becomes the main body of the composition, this kind of work is usually called ASSEMBLY, which is often used in sculpture rather than painting. Collage is developed from papiers coll é s, which is an art decoration of making decorative patterns with adhesive multi piece colored paper in the 19th century. This technique was adopted by the art world around 1912-1913, when Picasso and Braque began to add a variety of ordinary materials (newspaper clips, tickets, folded paper, glass and wood chips, lines, sand, etc.) to their cubist paintings. The reason for choosing these materials was that they provided a new way to express planes and textures. Later, Dada artists and surrealist painters also applied some materials in their works based on their suggestive and associative values, which is called collage. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
It is made of various materials
decorative art

brief introduction

Collage, also known as clip art, is made of various materials decorative art , collages are called“ One of the most spiritual and energetic art forms in the 20th century ”。

China Collage

In China, collages belong to the beauty of technology In the technical field, commonly used materials include shells, feathers, bark Cloth Fur, grass, straw cloth, etc.
Chinese collages are developed by producing materials. For example, shell mosaic is produced in coastal areas, feather stickers are mainly produced in northeast China and Shandong, fur stickers are produced in Inner Mongolia, and bark stickers are produced in Northeast Straw stickers are produced in Northeast China, Hebei and other places. These collages give full play to the color and texture characteristics of various materials, with national characteristics and decorative beauty.

Western Collage

In the West, collages belong to Modernist art Category. Western collages often stick occasional materials, such as newspaper fragments, cloth pieces, wallpaper, onto the canvas, canvas or other textures, sometimes combined with paintings.
In the early 20th century, P. Picasso and G. Braque Develop collage art into Stereoscopic principal Art of righteousness An important aspect of. In the 1960s, collages became Pop Art An important form of.

Art definition

Take advantage of various Art materials (such as paper silver paper , eggshells, etc.).

Literary definition

In literary creation“ Collage ”Is to disrupt the time series“ Psychological structure ”, still use "transmission" locally Unified writing method ”, ingenious editing and collage“ frame ”A new technique of.
It is actually called“ Stream of consciousness ”A kind of work“ variant ”, Yes“ Psychological line ”And“ Story line ”It is a kind of collage and interlace, which is more suitable for representing themes with large time span, wide space transformation, reflecting the changes of times and history and rich ideological capacity.


Collages are mainly divided into Color paper collage Leaf collage Seed collage Etc.
Color paper collage: It is torn and pasted with colored paper (magazines, pictorials, etc.).
Leaf collage: It is made of leaves, generally used Ginkgo biloba leaves Most.
Seed collage: It is made of seeds (mung beans, red beans, corn, etc.) and the others are the same.


Although collages are mainly regarded as works of art made by children with glue sticks, scissors and old magazines, a century ago, in the West, collages developed towards the level of modern art. When Picasso In 1912, he added a piece of colored oil canvas to his works, George Braques and Juan Gris It also applies splicing materials to the works, and splicing has become a very popular art.
since Cubists Later Dadaists Artists such as Hannah Hoch MaxErnst , and Kurt Schwitters They have raised their stakes. Although splicing has not increased, it is the soul and core of their work. These artists began to use materials for splicing, but they seldom connected with art capital and wanted to break the traditional way.
Dadaists and other artists in Schwitters Under the call of the so-called "opportunity meets object", ticket stubs, receipts, price tags, fabrics, charts, photos, stamps, labels, everything that can be spliced, are applied to work.
Many artists and art critics believe that in the 1920s and 1930s, splicing art will become the art of the world, and splicing is not as advanced as imagined, but it has not disappeared. It evolved into Ray Johnson The amazing art of mail, splicing for more than 30 years John Evans , of course, created with him Robert Rauschenberg He is also one of the biggest artists.
Restrictive splicing refers to the use of few materials. Some are surprising, interesting, innovative, controversial, some are almost provocative, and some are healthy. These artists have the same persistence in understanding splicing.


Collage painting originally refers to painting techniques, which are commonly used by cubists. Contrary to the traditional rule of perspective, they describe the real world as a collection of fragmented bodies and surfaces, representing the Stereoscopic feeling Traditional painting emphasizes getting a unified picture from a fixed perspective, while cubism emphasizes juxtaposing pictures from different perspectives to become a collection of multi angle instantaneous pictures. Such as the famous Picasso Picasso resolutely abandoned the true description of the human body in his painting, and transformed all the three-dimensional elements into plane elements. The head, eyes, nose, etc. of the characters in the painting appear as side or front images at the same time, and what finally shows in front of us is the extreme deformation and exaggeration of the picture. Cubist painters emphasize that the subject shows his perception of the object from different angles and different techniques, and collages these different parts or fragments together. Formed by different colors and angles Heterogeneity (heterogeneity) is the key to show the painting theme of Cubist painters. Modernist novelists use this technique to profoundly reveal the modern spiritual crisis.
The biggest difference between collage narrative techniques and traditional narrative methods is that traditional narrative emphasizes the unity of form, content and plot, and traditional narrative methods have always followed Horace Emphatic Principle of conformity (decorum), while collages emphasize heterogeneity, which includes both content and style. Joyce On《 Ulysses 》Using the technique of stream of consciousness, he depicts the absurd spiritual world of three wretched anti heroes. In the narration of the novel, Joyce juxtaposes the narrative materials of different contents and styles. The heterogeneity of this narrative form is like a collage of Cubist painters, revealing the distortion and alienation of people's thoughts and feelings in modern society. Ulysses 》The collage in can be divided into two levels, dynamic collage and static collage. The former refers to the independent and interrelated consciousness activities of the three characters, which runs through the whole work from beginning to end Dublin A spiritual picture of the day. Static collage is to put together different narrative fragments in the form of newspaper headlines, highlighting the alienation of the characters' spiritual world.

Related works

Basic information Author: Chen Fuqing
ISBN: 9787810586566

content validity

Collage painting is a form of painting expression that uses different materials to conceive, tear, cut, arrange and paste.
The production of collages is simple and interesting. Even students without art foundation can try it. Through learning, students can deepen their understanding of color shape texture To improve the ability of handicraft and art innovation. The world in children's eyes is full of all kinds of magical colors, whether it is flowers, trees, grass birds and animals They are also the scenes of human life, all of which are the objects they seek, and they will build interesting stories one after another in their hearts and try to tell them. As a visual language, painting is undoubtedly one of the means they are most willing to use.
Combining many years of painting practice and theoretical research, the author of this book has compiled a set of "basic painting ladder training materials", including《 Line tracing 》、《 Color painting 》And Collage, which aims to give students an intuitive feeling by using the most basic laws of painting in simple terms and vivid images according to the students' psychological growth process and cognitive characteristics, stimulate students to use their own eyes to discover the beauty of things, to appreciate the laws of beauty, and gradually master painting skills and improve aesthetic taste through more painting and thinking.

Material Introduction

Basic material: lovely Big Apple , fresh strawberries, round watermelons, big trees, beautiful butterflies, colorful fish, vases, flowers, the sun, the moon, birds chirping, big cocks, crabs, cats and mice, naughty frogs, powerful lions, cows, zebras, big eyed dragonflies, animal bookmarks, cars, landscapes, prosperous cities, expressive faces, characters, animation Sports figures, Santa Claus, buildings, lovely animals;
Appreciation - a style of art!