George Gordon Byron

English poets in the early 19th century
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synonym Byron (British poet) generally referring to George Gordon Byron
George Gordon Byron (January 22, 1788 - April 19, 1824) is the great romanticism of the early 19th century in Britain poet , representative works include《 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 》、《 Don Juan 》And created a batch of poems“ Byronic Hero ”。 He was not only a great poet, but also a warrior who fought for his ideal all his life. He took an active and brave part in the revolution - participated in the Greek national liberation movement and became one of the leaders. Byron's daughter Ada Lovelace yes computer program Founder of.
Chinese name
George Gordon Byron
Foreign name
George Gordon Byron
date of birth
January 22, 1788
Date of death
April 19, 1824
University one is graduated from
University of Cambridge
Representative works
Childe Harold's Travels Don Juan

Character's Life

George Gordon Byron
George Gordon Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in a rented humble house in London. Both parents came from declining noble families. He was born lame and sensitive to it. At the age of ten, the hereditary title and property of the Byron family (Newstead Temple is his residence) fell to him, becoming the sixth Byron Lord [1] In 1801, in order to match Byron's aristocratic status and status, the family decided to send him to a prestigious school—— Harrow Public School attend school. This school, founded by John Lynn in 1571, has cultivated many famous figures in British history. Among them, Prime Minister Churchill, who admired Byron very much, graduated from this school.
After graduating from Harrow Public School, from 1805 to 1808 University of Cambridge As a student of literature and history, he did not work hard. He seldom listened to lectures, but read extensively European and British literature, philosophy and history. He also engaged in shooting, gambling, drinking, hunting, swimming, boxing and other activities. In March 1809, he acted as Hereditary aristocracy Entered Noble House , he was present house And the number of speeches is not much, but these speeches clearly express Byron's progressive position of liberalism. [1]
After graduation from Cambridge University The House of Lords an mp. I was deeply impressed by Enlightenment thought influence. From 1809 to 1811, he traveled to Spain, Greece, Turkey and other countries, and was inspired by the anti aggression and anti oppression struggle of the people of all countries《 Childe Harold's Travels 》(Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,1809-1818)。 His representative works include《 Childe Harold's Travels 》《 Don Juan 》(Don Juan, 1818-1823), etc. In his poems“ Byronic Hero ”。 Byron is not only a great poet, but also a warrior fighting for his ideal all his life; He took an active and courageous part in the revolution and participated in Greece National liberation movement And become one of the leaders. [1]
Byron's signature.
From 1809 to 1811, Byron went abroad for a trip to the East in order to "see people, not only read about them in books", but also to eliminate "the harmful consequences of an islander staying at home with narrow prejudice". On June 26, 1809, he left England to travel in the East (southern Europe and West Asia). In the next six months, first take the ship to Portugal Lisbon Ride to the south of Spain Sevilla and Cadiz , via Sardinia sicily Malta reach Albania , met with the rulers there Ali Pasha Arrive at the famous Greek city on December 25 Athens Byron traveled abroad this time, enjoying the natural scenery of various places, observing the social life and political system of various countries, and contacting people from all walks of life. He saw with his own eyes the Spanish guerrillas who had dealt a heavy blow to the French invaders, and the forces that were gathering under the trample of Turkish cavalry to launch the liberation struggle Greece People, this trip also inspired him to national culture Has a strong interest in. All these have had a significant impact on his thought and creation. Started writing in Albania《 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 》。 [2] The first and second chapters of Childe Harold's Travels came out in February 1812, which caused a stir in the literary world and made Byron a star in London society. However, this did not make him compromise with the British aristocratic bourgeoisie. He has known the obstinacy, hypocrisy, evil and prejudice of this society and its ruling class since his early years, and his poems have always been a protest against all this.
George Gordon Byron
From 1811 to 1816, Byron had been living in a continuous emotional vortex. In his social life, which is popular everywhere, there are a lot of playful love, and the romance of a young aristocratic poet is naturally more talked about. Byron proposed to Miss Anna Milbank in 1813 and married her in January 1815. This is the biggest mistake Byron made in his life. Mrs. Byron was a person with narrow views and was deeply bound by the hypocrisy of her class. She could not understand Byron's career and views at all. One year after marriage, he returned to his home with his daughter who had been born for more than a month and refused to live with Byron, which caused rumors. Taking this opportunity, the British ruling class carried out the craziest revenge on its rebel Byron in order to destroy the poet who dared to oppose it politically. The pain of this period also made him write like《 Prometheus 》Such poems express the determination to fight against his oppressors to the end. In 1816, Byron lived in Switzerland and met another exiled poet Shelley in Geneva. Their hatred of the British rulers and their affinity for poetry made them close friends.
During his stay abroad, Byron successively wrote the Travels of Child Harold (1816-1817), the story poem The Prisoner of Sillon (1816), and the tragedy《 Manfred 》(1817) Long poem Bronze Century (1823), etc. Don Juan is one of Byron's most important poems. It is half humorous, half humorous, and half narrative. It has realistic content, as well as a strange, relaxed and ironic style. After the first and second chapters were published anonymously, they caused great repercussions immediately. Newspapers and periodicals defending the dignity of the bourgeoisie in Britain attacked in groups, accusing it of attacking religion and morality as "a satire on decency, good feelings and the code of conduct necessary for maintaining society", "disgusting every normal mind", and so on.
In 1824, he died on April 19 after suffering from cold and rain. His death deeply grieved the Greek people. The independent government of Greece declared Byron's death as state funeral Three days of national mourning. On June 29, the coffin arrived in London. [1]

Personal life

Ada Louvres, the first programmer in history
Daughter: Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace [3] computer program Founder of. [4]

Character works

George Gordon Byron
Byron was a prolific poet. Byron's famous poems include:
text on Wikisource 》(texton Wiki source)
To a lady
I've seen you cry 》(I Saw Thee' weep)
To Augusta
The Siege of Collins, Barisina, Lutheran Song, the first half of 1816
Prometheus 》Prisoner of Siyong, Manfred, the second half of 1816
To Thomas Moore
Childe Harold's Travels 》1812-1816
Marino Fariero《 Cain 》Mirage of Judgment, Bronze Century《 Don Juan 》, 1817
The Moment of Laziness, 1807
English Poets and Scottish Critics, 1809
Anti Sabotage Machine Act, To a Weeping Lady, 1812
The Pagan, The Bride of Abidows, 1813
The Poetic Arts of Windsor, Pirates, Leila, 1814

Publishing books

  • Author name George Gordon Byron
    Work time 2021-2
    Childe Harold's Travels is one of the representative works of the famous British poet Byron. Childe Harold's Travels mainly expresses his anger at various tyrannies such as Napoleon's invasion and Britain's interference in the national independence movement through Childe and the poet's own romantic lyric; Love and appreciation of the Rhine, the Alps, and the beauty of Italian architecture and sculpture; Respect for Rousseau, Voltaire and other historical advanced figures; Fight against oppression and strive for independence and freedom
  • Author name George Gordon Byron
    Manfred Cain is a book published by Huaxia Publishing House, and the author is Byron, G.G
  • Manfred
    Author name George Gordon Byron
    Work time 2014-12
    This book is one of the "Modern British Drama", Volume 18 of the Harvard Classic Series. The "modern" here refers to the era division of the time of the book's editors. It is now called "classicism". Manfred, a poetic play created by British poet Byron when he was cruising around Europe, is one of the representative works of the poet. Manfred is a typical "Byronic hero", arrogant, lonely, rebellious, romantic: in the three act poetic drama, he went up and down, but after all, nothing
  • Don Juan
    Author name George Gordon Byron
    Work time 2020-4
    Don Juan, a poetic novel, shows the real life of Europe in the early 19th century through the life experiences and romantic adventures of Don Juan in Spain, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Britain and other countries. The poem describes the various forms of characters, famous mountains and rivers, and social customs. It has a broad picture and rich content, which can be called a colorful artistic scroll. Don Juan is not only Byron's masterpiece, but also the representative work of European romantic literature. Although this work

Writing characteristics



George Gordon Byron
In his short life, he has left many brilliant poems for the world, among which the most famous ones are the long lyric narrative poem Childe Harold's Travels and Don Juan. In these brilliant works known as "lyric epics" by the world, the poet Byron integrated his own personal experience of traveling in Europe into his works with a positive and romantic approach. With a broad vision and profound brushwork, he displayed a vast and magnificent picture of the times, expressed his lofty feelings as a poet, and expressed his unyielding vows of struggle. Byron's "lyric epics", along with the poet's passing, present a touching picture of beautiful scenery. There are beautiful scenery along the Rhine River, the vast twilight along the Geneva Lake, St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican, and the ancient battlefield in Waterloo. Byron first devoted his poet's incomparable enthusiasm to the description of the scenery of these countries, in order to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of these countries and encourage them to fight for the independence and liberation of their motherland. Byron affectionately eulogized the sun, moon, ocean and mountains, and warmly praised mythical heroes, ancient heroes, historical sites and cultural treasures. The main purpose of Byron was to summon people's will to resist and fight. Byron's enthusiasm is multi-faceted. In Byron's works, there is sympathy: he frequently sighs for the Spanish people who have been enslaved and oppressed by the British, Spanish, Portuguese and other royal families and ruling classes. There is also a lament in his works: deep sorrow for the miserable fate of the Greek people being trampled under the iron hoofs of Turkey. His works also include praise: heartfelt praise for rare treasures in ancient art, such as Apollo, Laocoon group sculptures, dying Gaul statues, and the relics of the Renaissance giant Boccaccio. His works are more bold and unconstrained: to remember the glory of Italy in the past, and to inspire Italian patriots to rise up and overthrow the tyrannical rule of foreign invaders with high war songs. The poet's enthusiasm is ubiquitous and unstoppable in his works, such as his lofty praise for the vastness of the sea: [5]
Pentium, your unfathomable indigo sea!
Thousands of ships gallop on you, leaving no trace.
Another example is his moving and poetic description of the moon:
The moon rose; Oh, what a lovely night!
The flowing moonlight pours towards the sea waves;
Perhaps the girls are being turned upside down by the boy's love words,
As for us, let's wait until we get ashore to taste the taste! [5]
In the works of the romantic poet Byron, there is always unrestrained enthusiasm. Although the tone of Byron's poetry sometimes becomes more and more vigorous, sometimes satirical and acrimonious, his poetry "is always permeated with a lyrical atmosphere and deep feelings of love and hate", regardless of whether it is pessimistic or full of fighting heroism. Not only that, the poet also used a lot of artistic techniques of interlocution in his poems, combined with the description of scenery, to express his feelings directly from touching the scenery, and to freely describe his brilliant views on philosophy, society, politics, history, religion and art everywhere. Therefore, if Byron's lyric narrative poetry is outstanding, it is not only because of its wide vision and wonderful writing style, but also because of its rich and extensive humanistic knowledge. Therefore, Byron's poetry is well deserved to be called "lyric epic" by the world. [5]
Byron is a passionate poet. His enthusiasm is also mainly reflected in his dissatisfaction and resistance to reality. In the face of the injustice of the ruling class and the slavery and oppression of the working class, he has put forward strong resistance and bitter satire in many poems. But Byron not only satirizes the darkness of society, but also devotes his enthusiasm to the battle cry, In his famous battle poem "Song of Lutherans", he shook his arms and shouted: [5]
When we finish weaving our own cloth,
When we change the weaving shuttle into a sword,
We will take the cloth
Throw at the tyrant
We will dye it in his blood. [5]
As a romantic poet, Byron also integrated great enthusiasm into the perfect combination of lyricism by scenery and narrative skills, which shows the distinctive artistic characteristics of his poems and the special artistic charm of romantic new poetry. The "lyric epics" show magnificent and shocking pictures of the times: Spain is filled with the smoke of Napoleon's war of aggression, Italy trembles under the iron hoofs of Austrian rule, and Greece groans under the slavery of Turkey. In his endless thoughts, Byron sadly described the suffering and sadness of the oppressed people, and mercilessly exposed the greed and cruelty of the oppressors and aggressors. He paid homage to Waterloo and commented on Napoleon's merits and demerits. He sang high in the beautiful Geneva Lake, in the lake and mountains, praising Rousseau, Voltaire and other enlighteners' lofty ideals of freedom and equality. In Greece, the poet, standing in the glorious ancient battlefield, could not help thinking in a turbulent and intense way, expressing deep sympathy for the fate of the Greek people being oppressed by foreigners, but also expressing dissatisfaction and resentment at their forgetting the brilliant achievements of their ancient ancestors. He wanted to awaken people with loud war songs and change their dull and negative attitude of indifference to the fate of their motherland. [5]

Byronic Hero

George Gordon Byron
In Byron《 Oriental Narrative Poetry 》A group of chivalrous and kind-hearted tough men appeared in China, including pirates, pagans, and exiles, who were arrogant, lonely, and stubborn rebels. They were irreconcilable with the evil society. They fought alone against fate, pursued freedom, and always ended in failure. Byron, through their struggle, showed an uncompromising spirit of resistance to the society, and reflected his own depression, loneliness and loss of depression. These are famous in the history of literature“ Byronic Hero ”。 These images are called "Byronic heroes" because they have the author's own ideological and personality characteristics. [6]
"Byronic hero" refers to a kind of characters in the works of the 19th century British romantic poet Byron. They are arrogant and stubborn, not only dissatisfied with the reality, but also demand to rise up to resist, with rebellious character; But at the same time, they are melancholy, lonely, pessimistic, divorced from the masses, and go their own way, never finding the right way out. [7] For example, lyric poems《 Childe Harold's Travels 》Middle ranking Young Master Harold ,《 Oriental Narrative Poetry 》The main character in The Corsair (1814) Conrad , philosophical drama《 Manfred 》Manfred, the main character in.
Their thoughts and personalities are contradictory: on the one hand, they love life, pursue happiness, have fiery passion, strong love, and extraordinary personality; Dare to despise the system and the society Evil forces They are sworn enemies and determined to revenge. Therefore, they are rebels and avengers of the evil society. On the other hand, they are arrogant, independent, secretive and prone to extremes. Their ideological basis is Individualism And liberalism, in the struggle alone, far away from the masses, and there is no clear goal, so they ended up in failure.
The "Byronic hero" is the product of the opposition between individuals and society. Both Russian literary critic Belinsky and poet Pushkin pointed out that the "Byronic hero" has the ideological weakness of individualism and liberalism. "Byron Heroes" is a metaphor for tragic arrogant rebels, who have extraordinary talent and strength, but cannot perform in a corrupt society. They feel painful for their inaction, and despair because their feelings are wasted. [7]
The "Byronic hero" is also an artistic reflection of the author's ideological characteristics and weaknesses. Such characters appeared in Byron's works one after another, which had progressive significance for the fierce impact on the feudal order and bourgeois and philistine society in Britain at that time. But their individualism, anarchism and pessimism often bring negative effects to readers. Russian literary critics Belinsky And poets Pushkin All of them have pointed out the ideological weakness and harmfulness of the "Byronic heroes".
Byron created a number of poems“ Byronic Hero ”They are proud, fanatical and romantic, but full of rebellious spirit. They are full of loneliness and depression, but they despise the small group. Childe Harold is the first "Byronic hero" in Byron's poetry. The most representative, militant and brilliant work of Byron's poetry is his long poem Don Juan, which depicts the romantic stories of Don Juan, the son of the Spanish nobility, such as his travels, love and adventures, exposes the dark, ugly and hypocritical side of society, and plays the war song of fighting for freedom, happiness and liberation. [1]

Character evaluation

George Gordon Byron
Byron's search for heroes is not limited to East mediterranean sea Countries and the Middle Ages cannot because Napoleon It is not difficult to add a romantic coat. Napoleon had a profound influence on European thought in the 19th century; Klazewicz, Stendar Heine Fichte and Nietzsche His thoughts and the actions of Italian patriots were inspired by his spirit. His ghost swaggered in the whole era, the only force strong enough to resist industrialism and commercial trade Peace theory Pour a laugh into the shop. Tolstoy Of《 War and Peace 》I planned to get rid of the ghost, but I failed because the ghost has never been more powerful than it is now.
Only for a moment did he feel disgusted with his hero: that was in 1814, when suicide (in his opinion) was more respectable than abdication. At that time, he Washington The virtues of Napoleon sought solace, but Napoleon Elba Once the island came back, such efforts were no longer needed. When Byron died, "many newspapers in France said that Napoleon and Byron, the two great men of this century, had almost died at the same time". Carlyle thought that Byron was "the most noble person in Europe" at that time, and felt that he "lost a brother"; He later fell in love Goethe However, we still compare Byron with Napoleon:
"For your noble people, publish such a artistic works , has almost become a necessity. Because properly speaking, what is it except that this is your argument with the devil before you start fighting with it? Your Byron published his "Lord George's Sorrow" in poetry, prose and a lot of other things: your Bonaparte staged his opera "Napoleon's Sorrow" with an amazing atmosphere; The music is the sound of cannons and the shouts of murder all over the world; His stage lighting is full of fire; His rhythm and narrative tone are the pace of the soldiers in the battle line and the sound of the fallen city. " Indeed, in the next three chapters, Carlyle issued a categorical order: "Close your Byron and open your Goethe". But Byron is in his blood, and Goethe is always an interest.
In Carlyle's view, Goethe and Byron are opposite characters; In Alfred de Muse's view, they were accomplices in the evil act of injecting melancholic toxins into the happy Gaul soul. It seems that most French youth at that time only knew Goethe through The Sorrows of Werther, and did not know Goethe like Olympus. Muse Blame Byron for not following Adriatic Sea To be comforted by the Countess of Guichuli - this is not true, for he has stopped writing Manfred since he knew her. But《 Don Juan 》In France and Goethe's more pleasant poems are also rarely read. Despite Musset's bad comments, most French poets have always taken Byronic misfortune as their best material for chanting since then.
George Gordon Byron in Greece
In Muse's view, it was only after Napoleon that Byron and Goethe were the greatest geniuses of the century. Mussai was born in 1810 and belongs to him in a song about French Empire In the narrative lyric poem of "ups and downs, honor and disgrace", he described a person of that generation as "concusen tredeux batailles" (gestated between two campaigns). In Germany, feelings towards Napoleon are quite different. Some people like Heine regard him as a powerful communicator of liberalism, Serfdom The destroyer of, Orthodoxy The enemy of, let hereditary small nation lord tremble person; Some people regard him as Christ The enemy of the noble Germany The self styled national destroyer is an unrighteous person who has thoroughly proved that Teutonic virtue can only be preserved by irreconcilable hatred of France. Bismarck A synthesis has been completed: Napoleon is always the enemy of Christ, but not the enemy to be hated, but the enemy of Christ to be emulated. Nietzsche Acknowledging this compromise, he was thrilled to say that the classical war era was coming, which was not French Revolution It's Napoleon For us. That's it, Byron's legacy—— nationalism Satanism And hero worship became part of the German spiritual complex.
The author of Biography of Byron said: "Byron shook Europe in the early 19th century with his fiery poetry. His voice, like the voice of the sky, penetrated the hearts of all people on the earth. His truth, with the power of the great truth of the universe, fell on the heads of the general public. ... As long as human beings have not lost their admiration and thirst for freedom, patriotism, national independence and the development of personality, the poet Byron will stride on the earth forever. " [8]

Character influence

George Gordon Byron
George Gordon Byron is universally recognized as the leading representative of the romantic literature in the 19th century. He wrote a large number of poems in his life. He advocated enthusiasm and imagination. His poems were praised as "lyric epics" by the world. Rebels with the author's own ideological and personality characteristics were called "Byronic heroes". It has far-reaching influence on later generations. [5]

Character ideology

Byron was a typical representative of aristocratic rebels at that time. The aristocratic rebels and the leaders of peasant rebellion or proletarian rebellion were very different types of people. People who are hungry do not need elaborate philosophy to stimulate discontent or explain discontent. Any such thing is just entertainment for the leisure rich in their eyes. Obviously, an aristocrat will not become a rebel if his temperament and environment are not special. Byron's environment is very special. His childhood memory is the quarrel between his parents; His mother was a woman so cruel that he was afraid, and so vulgar that he despised her; His nanny has both vicious and strict Calvinist theology; His lameness filled him with shame and prevented him from becoming a member of the group in school. After living a poor life, he suddenly became a lord at the age of ten and became the owner of Newstead House. He inherited his great uncle, the "evil lord", who killed a man in a duel 33 years ago. Since then, his neighbors have abandoned him. The Byron family has always been a lawless family, even more so his mother's predecessor, the Gordon family. The child is Aberdeen After living in the filth of a poor alley, of course, he was happy for his peerage and mansion, and was eager to acquire the character of his ancestors to thank them for the land they gave him.
Byron's temperament and action are mixed with Satan's elements. In his youth, he was called "The little devil George Byron" more than once, which brought him great psychological trauma. It is not difficult to imagine how a lonely and sensitive child with extreme self-esteem and inferiority complex feels about this nickname. He often gets angry, and his violent temper and gloomy mood all day really make him look like a devil. Byron regarded himself as a demonic figure who deviated from religion and was expelled by the state. He often reveled in shame. We can't agree with his debauchery, but we can understand his psychology as a rebel: since he has been rejected by the world, he must be a thorough devil, break with God completely, and openly despise the church, believers and worship. He cruised in infamy, brutally enjoying the pleasure of revenge on the world. In his letter to Thomas Moore, he jokingly mentioned his own debauchery and messiness, and said in a seemingly casual tone: "There is a long poem against Byron to be published, to prove that I have organized a long poem to overthrow all religious and government conspiracy groups and have made great progress..." Its twisted resistance just reflects the spiritual connection between Byron and the devil. Satanic characters were also recognized and praised by Byron. For example, Cain, in the Bible, was cursed and expelled for killing Abel. But in the play, his image has changed greatly, and he became a hero praised by Byron because of his confrontation with God. Cain did not yield to any force, proud and unassuming. Byron said, "I have to let Cain and Lucifer talk with each other in agreement. Indeed, this is always allowed in poetry. Cain was a proud man: if Lucifer promised him a kingdom, it would make him proud: the devil's purpose was to make him no longer as arrogant as he used to be, let him see the infinity of the world and his own lowliness, until he fell into a state of mind that led to a catastrophe, which was only due to a momentary anger in his heart, Not out of premeditation or jealousy of Abel (which would make him despicable). " Cain's proud character is strikingly similar to Byron's. After being exiled by the upper class, Byron also led an unhappy and lonely life like Cain, so he always unconsciously tended to him when facing Cain. [8]
Byron later wrote a large number of noble poems extolling freedom. The freedom he extolled was the freedom of the German leader or the chief of the Cherokee people, not the inferior freedom that ordinary people can enjoy even if they want to. Although Byron felt that he could compete with Satan, he never dared to put himself in the position of God. The following step in the development of arrogance Nietzsche When he did, he said, "If there are gods, how can we endure if we are not gods? So there are no gods." Note the premise not revealed in this reasoning: "Anything that hurts our self-esteem must be judged wrong." Nietzsche, like Byron, was also educated by religion, even to a deeper extent, but because he has a better sense, he found a way to compare Satanism A shrewd escape from reality. However, Nietzsche was always very sympathetic to Byron. He said:
"The tragedy is that if we have strict ways of seeking truth in our emotions and reason, we can't believe the dogmas in religion and metaphysics. But on the other hand, through the development of human nature, we have become very delicate and sensitive, suffering, and need a supreme means of salvation and comfort. From this comes the danger that man will bleed to death because of the truth he knows. "
The great men are like gods in Nietzsche's eyes; In Byron's view, it is usually fighting with himself Titan However, sometimes he also describes a sage "pirate" who is similar to "Zarathustra". In his interactions with his subordinates, he has a better grasp of their souls to lead the despicable people's hearts by means of human control, making them shiver and faint. It is the hero who "hates human beings so much that he doesn't feel regret". A footnote here categorically says that this "pirate" is in line with human reality, because Vandal The king Ganselic, the tyrant of the Imperial Party Ezrino and a pirate of Louisiana all showed the same characteristics.

Anecdotes of characters

When Byron was studying in Cambridge, he often had some strange behaviors: he sneaked into the fountain pool to swim despite the ban; The dormitory doesn't allow dogs, so he specially raises a bear and puts it in the attic on the left side of the tower to feed it
He is always sentimental about women.
One summer when Byron was 15 years old, he returned to Newstead, contacted and fell in love with a girl named Mary Ann Chawarth. Although Byron loved her very much, she married a noble prince in 1805. When young Byron recalled his early association with her, he said with great regret: "Enthusiasm is just my one side...... She likes me just like a brother."
At the age of 18, a girl named Elizabeth Piggott suddenly broke into Byron's life. Encouraged by his girlfriend, young Byron tried to write poems. The next year, the first poetry collection, Idle Time, was published. Byron was studying at Cambridge University in England at that time, and the relationship between them remained until Byron received his bachelor of arts degree. But for various reasons, Byron's love failed.
Soon, he began his third love - a girl named Sasha fell in love with the talented Byron, which immediately won the poet's resonance. During the period of intersection, the poet wrote many poems for her. Later, researchers of Byron also called them "Thessa Poems". Who would have thought that when the poet was in love, she died of illness, which made the poet feel very painful and regretful.
Even after three love affairs, Byron's great attraction to women never disappeared. He rose to prominence from 1812 to 1815, and then inexplicably married Ann Milbank. She is an apathetic, serious and rational woman, which is not suitable for him at all - just a lot of money. Milban gave birth to a daughter and left him within a year, suggesting that he was having an affair with his half sister Augusta. This made the whole society turn to take a hostile attitude towards him, and maliciously slander and slander him, just as it was to praise and praise him at the beginning. Byron did not want to continue to suffer such insults, so he left England and never returned. In the following years, he mainly spent his time in Venice, but even then he had many romantic affairs.
In April 1819, Byron was introduced to the Countess Teresa Govicaray at the Bianzion Palace in Venice. He was nearly thirty-two years old, while Teresa was only eighteen years old. On the first day of acquaintance, Byron suggested Teresa to date him alone anywhere. Later, Teresa Govichali received the divorce certificate approved by the Vatican and left Teresa, which made the relationship between Byron and her further. In 1822, Alegra, the poet's daughter, died of illness. After that, Byron and Teresa depended on each other until his death in 1824. [9]
Byron wrote poems for those he loved - because of his rich emotional life, Byron wrote many beautiful lyrics. In Harrow, Byron realized that he had a different sexual orientation. After entering Cambridge, he began a lifelong homosexual relationship: he met John Edleston, a 15-year-old choirboy in Cambridge. Years later, Byron described this relationship as "intense and pure love and passion", and wrote: "I love him more than anything else in the world." Byron wore the keepsake that Adlerston gave him until his death (some said it was a heart-shaped ornament made of agate and quartz, others said it was a ring).