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Recruitment test

Enterprise employee recruitment process
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In the process of employee recruitment, recruitment testing is an important part.
Recruitment test refers to the general term of various methods used to objectively identify candidates with various scientific methods and empirical methods in the recruitment process. There are differences between people, which can be distinguished by various methods, which lays the foundation for recruitment testing.
Chinese name
Recruitment test
Foreign name
recruitment tests
Psychological test Knowledge test
Standardized norm
It plays an important role in promoting production
fair competition

Test type

Enterprise employees There are many kinds of recruitment tests, which are applicable to Chinese enterprises as follows:

Psychological test

Psychological test It refers to a scientific method to measure the differences in intelligence level and personality of subjects through a series of psychological methods. Through psychological tests, we can understand a person's potential ability and whether a person meets the enterprise The need of a position.

Knowledge test

Knowledge test It refers to the extent, depth and knowledge structure One way to understand.

Scenario simulation

Scenario simulation It refers to preparing a set of test items similar to the actual situation of the position according to the possible position of the subject, and arranging the subject in a simulated and realistic way work environment Medium. A series of methods that require the subjects to deal with various problems they may encounter, and use various methods to evaluate their psychological quality and potential ability.


interview It refers to a kind of evaluation method that requires the subject to answer the questions of the subject in oral language in order to understand the psychological quality and potential ability of the subject.

Personality test

Personality test is a method to test whether the personality of a subject meets the needs of a certain position in the enterprise through one or more groups of questions that seem unrelated to the subject's job position and job content.

team work

Teamwork refers to the temporary formation of a team, assigning tasks to them, observing the completion of the tasks, and recording the leadership, execution and teamwork abilities of each subject when playing their own roles in the team.

Test characteristics



Standardization refers to the consistency or consistency of the conditions and procedures for conducting a test. Each test must have its own standard procedures, and these procedures must be followed accurately each time the test is conducted.


To clarify Psychological test In order to compare one person's performance with that of another similar person, there must be a theoretically comparable scale. This is accomplished by using test patterns. Norm is the distribution of scores obtained by a large number of people who are the same in nature as the tested job applicants. If a person scores 82 in a test with a norm of 80 ± 10, the person's performance can be judged as average.
Some widely used psychological tests have various norms for different ages, genders and educational levels. Appropriate norms play an important role in selection.


Objectivity refers to the fact that recording test scores is not influenced by the subjective judgment or bias of the scorer, that is, anyone who records test scores can get the same results. In order to make a fair evaluation of job applicants and make a fair comparison between them, it is obvious that the objective test is relatively ideal Of.


Reliability refers to the consistency of the response to a test. Before a test can be publicly popularized, the reliability of the test must be accurately pointed out. The ideal reliability coefficient should be greater than 0.8 when selecting one as the test for selecting personnel.


Validity refers to actually measuring what needs to be measured. One way to judge validity is to compare the measured score with the future job performance Connect.

Test significance

Recruitment test, sometimes referred to as test, is of great significance in employee recruitment.
1、 When selecting qualified employees, the various conditions of applicants may not meet the requirements of recruiters. Selection of qualified employees for the establishment of corporate culture It plays an important role in improving productivity and developing enterprises. Only those who pass the test can be selected as qualified employees.
2、 Let the right person take the right job. When many candidates apply for multiple positions, sometimes the phenomenon that "someone is suitable for the position of A but not suitable for the position of B" appears. Only through testing can we know who is the most suitable for which position.
3、 reflect Fair competition principle When the number of candidates is more than the number of recruitment quota, the test can make the most suitable candidate stand out, and the losers can also understand their own shortcomings and relatively calmly accept the fact that they are defeated.