
Terminology of human resource management
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Recruitment refers to the recruitment and employment of workers and staff to work. stay capitalist system Next, the recruitment of staff adopts free competition Principle of. capitalist with High salary Recruit talents, or recruit ordinary employees by other means to make them Enslaved And pressing, these phenomena reflect capitalism One side of the. New China After its establishment, China's recruitment of workers was proposed according to the needs of the national production plan. The country adheres to the principle of unified allocation of labor force, and no unit may recruit workers without authorization. In 1951, the Ministry of Labor published the Interim Provisions on Recruitment of Employees in All Regions, which stipulated that employees must abide by certain systems and go through certain procedures. The recruiter and the recruited should sign a labor contract wages treatment working hours probation period As well as the travel expenses and relocation expenses of those recruited to distant places, they shall be stipulated and filed with the local labor administrative authority. The above methods are basically still adopted for recruiting staff. Some require applicants to go through business assessment and interview Selective admission After being approved by the superior authority, the employee can be formally employed after half a year's probation. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
look for sb. recruit Recruit new students
Recruit and employ workers and staff to work
Subject, carrier and object

weather phenomenon

Recruitment is also called "looking for people", "recruiting" and "recruiting new people". Literally speaking, it is the activity of selecting people by a subject to achieve or complete a goal or task.
Recruitment is generally composed of subject, carrier and object. The subject is the employee, the carrier is the communicator of information, and the object is the qualified candidate. One of the three is indispensable.
There are many kinds of carriers, and the paper of public praise or psoriasis type is simple and economical; Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, etc., advanced but expensive; With advanced science and technology and progressive ideology, the trend of taking the Internet as a carrier is gradually thriving.
In terms of phenomenon, recruitment activities are mostly characterized by top-down, strong to weak. For thousands of years, employers' recruitment of employees has almost become an iron rule for people to follow.
In terms of procedures, recruitment is usually determined by the employment standards and number of employees Information dissemination , communication, assessment, comparison and selection, probation, employment, etc. The employer shall formulate a recruitment plan and admit the employed in a certain way. Recruitment, as a marginal humanities, can be divided into political recruitment, military recruitment, economic recruitment, cultural recruitment, etc; It can be divided into government recruitment, enterprise recruitment and individual recruitment by subject; According to the implementation method of recruitment, it can be divided into independent recruitment and entrusted recruitment; According to the applicants, it can be divided into employer recruitment and Employee recruitment Boss, the boss recruitment of employees is the mainstream recruitment, and the boss recruitment of employees is the non mainstream recruitment. In July 2009, an engineer in Shanghai, China wrote on his belly to recruit a boss. Although its successful operation and outcome filled the gap of the "recruitment market" dual track system, eased the psychology of migrant workers, attracted media attention, and aroused strong repercussions in the society, However, in terms of mode, it still belongs to non mainstream and special individual cases.
The executive of recruitment can be the personnel management department of the employer, or an agent or agency, such as a headhunting company or a talent exchange.
The synonym of recruitment is "introduction". For the recruitment of general talents, it is generally expressed as "recruitment"; For the selection of senior talents or special talents, "Introduction" is usually used.
Enterprise recruitment refers to the need of enterprises for development, according to Human resources planning and job analysis The process of finding and attracting those who are capable and interested in working in the enterprise, and selecting suitable personnel for employment.
It refers to the activity of employing units to recruit new employees by formulating recruitment plans and certain ways. Generally, the HR department or HR management department of the enterprise is responsible.
According to the unit post Feature selection Recruitment source With channels, each unit has its own unique aspect and different requirements for employees. Therefore, successful recruitment must meet the requirements of the organization itself. In addition, due to different post types, the source and method of recruitment are different. Each unit should decide what method to use according to its own reality to recruit personnel for different posts and provide excellent talents for the unit in time.
The other thing is to use head-hunting company Recruitment, using the recruitment skills of headhunting companies, corresponds to high-level talents and cutting-edge talents, which are often difficult to obtain through traditional channels, but such talents play a very important role in the organization. Therefore, some organizations have become accustomed to relying on headhunting companies to recruit senior talents. However, different organizations have different results in selecting headhunting companies. Therefore, the first thing an organization should do when looking for senior talents is to describe them accurately as far as possible on the basis of standard processes Post responsibilities And qualifications.
Employee recruitment, referred to as recruitment, refers to "recruitment" and“ employ ”To find suitable candidates for vacant positions in enterprises and institutions. Selection refers to the process of selecting qualified people to fill job vacancies through scientific personnel evaluation methods.
Personnel recruitment It refers to the activities that organizations acquire human resources through labor force or talent market. It is an organization that, according to its own development needs, market rules and the requirements of the organization's human resources planning, through various feasible means and media Target public The whole process of publishing recruitment information and recruiting and employing human resources required by the organization according to certain standards. As an important part of human resource management, personnel recruitment involves many aspects such as planning, approach, organization and implementation. It is the first step for an organization to acquire human resources Personnel selection The foundation of.

Recruitment purpose

The most direct purpose of recruitment is to make up for the shortage of enterprise human resources, which is the premise of recruitment. Specifically, the recruitment of enterprises generally stems from the following purposes:
(1) The current total supply of human resources of the enterprise cannot meet the overall task objectives of the enterprise or each position (i.e., the planned total business volume or planned total output), and needs to be supplemented;
(2) Vacancies caused by the normal replacement of floating personnel by enterprises or positions;
(3) Possible demand for human resources due to changes in production technology level or management mode of the enterprise or each post;
(4) Meet the personnel needs for new planning or business development.
When human resources are absolutely or relatively insufficient, enterprises have many solutions. There are efficiency improvement remedies, such as extending the working hours of employees or increasing the workload, training or improving technology to improve the working efficiency of employees.

Channel classification


Campus job fair

Every year, thousands of students graduate from colleges and universities. At first, foreign enterprises generally pay more attention to opening job fairs on campus to recruit outstanding graduates. But with the development of the situation and the improvement of enterprise management philosophy, domestic enterprises also pay more and more attention to campus recruitment as an important channel. From the perspective of the individual difference hypothesis, the candidates in campus recruitment are generally young people with high educational background, little work experience and strong plasticity. Such employees can quickly get familiar with the business and entry status after entering the job, so this recruitment channel is generally applicable to the recruitment of professional positions or special technical posts. If the recruitment enterprise focuses on updating the knowledge structure of employees and long-term development of human resources, campus recruitment is the first choice. Of course, due to the lack of work experience of campus applicants, the company will have a high cost in future job training, and many students are still not clear about their own position as they just enter the society mobility It may also be large.

Career intermediaries

With the development of economy and the progress of society, the phenomenon of talent flow is becoming more and more common and active. In order to meet this demand, talent exchange centers or employment agencies have emerged in many cities. These institutions play a dual role, selecting people for enterprises and units, and also selecting work units for job seekers. The personnel recommended by professional institutions are generally screened, so the recruitment success rate is relatively high and the employment effect is relatively good. Some standardized exchange centers can also provide follow-up services, making recruitment enterprises feel relieved. Strong pertinence and low cost are the advantages of this channel. head-hunting company Channel is a special kind of job intermediaries, and most of them are middle and senior positions in the company. The personnel recruited through headhunting companies are characterized by rich work experience, outstanding management or professional skills, and rare talents in the industry and corresponding positions. There is also a certain demand for this channel in the company's recruitment, because there are usually existing employees in the middle and high level positions of the enterprise. Before finding a better replacement, the adjustment decision is still in the leadership level of the enterprise, which is not suitable for public recruitment through the media, affecting the enthusiasm of current employees; On the other hand, most of the candidates who are qualified for these posts have their own names and employers, and their salary and status are quite secure, so they will not be easy“ Job hopping ”Even if they have the intention to change units, they prefer to operate in the dark. They are unwilling to let leaders and colleagues know that they are unlikely to send employment materials and participate in job fairs before their whereabouts are uncertain, so the headhunting company can balance the needs of the company and individuals better.

On site job fair

On site recruitment is a common channel for companies to recruit. At job fairs, employers and applicants can directly contact and communicate with each other, saving time for enterprises and applicants, and providing valuable information for the person in charge of recruitment. With the improvement of the talent exchange market, the fair shows a trend of professional development, such as the fair for senior and intermediate talents, the two-way selection meeting for new graduates, and the information technology talent exchange meeting. Due to the concentration of candidates and the wide distribution of talents in the fair, enterprises have a wide choice. By participating in the fair, enterprise recruiters do not
You can only understand the quality and trend of local human resources, but also understand the human demand of other enterprises in the same industry. However, most of the applicants through this channel are more suitable for the middle and basic level positions of the company, and senior talents generally do not participate in such job fairs, so the quantity and quality of recruitment may be greatly limited.
With the development of other recruitment channels, the limitations of on-site recruitment have become increasingly prominent. Even the more excellent professional and technical talents and management talents at the grass-roots level are not willing to apply at the site.

Internal recommendation

Internal recommendation is also one of the channels for companies to recruit new employees, and it is also common in real life. This is a relatively effective channel, which is mainly reflected in the low turnover rate of new employees after entering the company, high job satisfaction and good job performance. Most of these candidates are familiar relatives or friends of the internal staff of the company, so they also have a clear and accurate understanding of the internal information and job requirements of the company. On the other hand, the internal staff of the company are familiar with the recommended people, and will consider whether they have the corresponding conditions according to the job requirements; In addition, after entering the company, they may also quickly integrate into the company's internal relationship network and get more help and guidance, so they may have better performance in a short time. However, we should also pay attention to some negative effects when using this channel: some employees in the company may simply strive for a job opportunity for friends and relatives without considering whether the recommended person is qualified, and even more, some employees or middle and senior leaders, in order to cultivate their personal power in the company, arrange their own confidants in important positions of the company and form several small groups, This will affect the normal organizational structure and operation of the company.

Media advertising

Publishing and broadcasting recruitment information in newspapers, magazines or television has a wide audience, usually receiving more application materials, and can also promote the image of the enterprise. The personnel employed through this channel are widely distributed, but senior talents rarely use this way to find jobs, so it is more applicable when recruiting employees for basic and technical positions in the company. At the same time, one disadvantage of this channel is that it is difficult to identify the authenticity of applicants' information, and the human resources department needs to spend a lot of manpower and material resources in this regard.

Online recruitment

Online recruitment is a new way of recruitment. There are two main types: online recruitment is completed by talent exchange companies or intermediaries, and online recruitment is directly conducted by enterprises. Online recruitment channels show three characteristics in practical application: first, the cost is relatively low. According to professionals, the cost of a job fair can do online recruitment for two months; Second, the network itself is a barrier. Applicants who use the network generally have a certain level of computer use, network, and even English; Third, online recruitment advertisements are not limited by time and space, and the audience is time sensitive. Recruitment information can also be published overseas. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this channel is very important for recruitment IT The industry talents have a good effect, which is also closely related to the characteristics of IT personnel who often use the network.
Website type: 1. Comprehensive website: without specific classification, accepting recruitment information of all types of legal companies
2. Industrial website: provide recruitment and job search information for companies and talents in an industry
3. Local websites: the business is national, but the focus is on developing local resources, and the selling point is local convenience
4. Government website: free company information, talent resume, service and political
5 Service website: it mainly provides recruitment information, materials and navigation oriented website

Come in

The way of "coming in" - the applicant directly comes to find a job. This channel is still rare in practice. However, with the development of the market, this channel will gradually become one of the recruitment channels of the company. Because the "coming in" applicants generally have a deeper understanding of the company and systematic preparation for the position, such personnel will also have a good performance in their work after entry. In the West, this is one of the ways with a high success rate. Considering the differences in culture, employment environment and other factors, this is not very effective in China. At the same time, enterprises often do not encourage this way.
Therefore, in the recruitment of new employees, the company should not be limited to a single channel, but should consider the flexible use of the characteristics of various channels. Candidates from different recruitment channels are suitable for different positions of the company. In the recruitment process, the company will get better recruitment results if it is biased according to needs.

Test interview


Employment steps

Recruitment test and interview is an important part of personnel recruitment procedures, and also the further development of recruitment. This stage includes seven steps:
1. Organize various forms of examinations and tests
The examination and test contents shall be designed and selected according to the different requirements of the post. Generally speaking, this work involves the following aspects:
1. Examination of professional technical knowledge and skills
2. Competency test
3. Personality quality test
4. Occupational aptitude test
5. Motivation and Needs Test
6. Behavior simulation
Through different examinations and tests, candidates can be assessed in terms of their knowledge, ability, personality, professional orientation, motivation and needs, and then excellent candidates can be selected to enter the scope of interview candidates.
2. Preparation
Finalize the candidates for the interview, issue the interview notice and prepare for the interview
1. Identify interviewers
The interviewer shall be composed of three parts: the head of the personnel department, the head of the employment department and the independent evaluator. However, no matter who is the interviewer, they are required to be able to make an accurate evaluation of each interviewer independently, impartially and objectively.
2. Choose the right interview method
There are many kinds of interview methods, and the interviewer should choose the most appropriate method to organize the interview according to the specific situation.
3. Design evaluation scale and interview outline
The interview process is the evaluation of each candidate participating in the interview. Therefore, the evaluation scale and targeted interview outline should be designed according to the job requirements and the actual situation of each candidate.
4. Arrangement of interview place and environmental control
It is necessary to choose an appropriate place for the interview. In many cases, the unsuitable interview place and environment will directly affect the effect of the interview.
3. Implementation of interview process
This stage is the most important link in the interview process, which relies on the interview skills of the interviewer to effectively control the actual operation of the interview. In fact, the operation quality of the interview process directly affects the quality of personnel recruitment and employment.
4. Analyze and evaluate the interview results
This part of the work is mainly to make a conclusive evaluation on the actual performance of the candidates in the interview process, and to provide a basis for suggestions on the choice of candidates.
5. Health examination
Determine the final candidate for employment, and conduct physical examination if necessary
1. Make hiring decisions
After written examination, interview or psychological test, recruitment and employment work has entered a decisive stage. The main task of this stage is to determine the quality and ability characteristics of each candidate through comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the information generated in the selection and evaluation process, and make employment decisions according to the pre-determined recruitment standards and plans.
The comprehensive analysis of evaluation data is conducted through a special personnel evaluation group or evaluator meeting. The evaluation team discussed the behavior of each evaluation dimension together, and reached a consensus on the situation of a job seeker in this regard. After similar synthesis of each evaluation dimension, evaluators should consider outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate in all evaluation dimensions, and then make the final employment decision. Note:
(1) If Ministry of Personnel If there is a conflict between the department and the employing department on the question of candidates, the opinions of the employing department should be respected.
(2) The organization should try its best to select candidates with personality characteristics that are consistent with the enterprise spirit and culture, even if they do not have corresponding knowledge background and work experience, because these can be obtained through training. Relatively speaking, a person's personality is difficult to change.
2. Accuracy of decision-making
Individual differences provide a theoretical basis for personnel selection. The goal of the selection process is to use individual differences to select people with certain characteristics, which are regarded as important factors for doing a good job. Job analysis is the basis of the whole selection process. On this basis, select one or more sensitive, relevant and reliable Criterion of validity At the same time, select one or more predictors (such as personality, ability, and interest metrics) that have some relationship with effectiveness. The selection of predictors should be based on the information of job analysis, which can provide the most accurate prediction criteria for which predictors achievements Clues. When we take prediction factors as the basis for decision-making, we can evaluate the role of prediction factors from the proportion of correct decision-making.
This model is simple and easy to understand. It only requires that the decisions made according to the prediction factors be divided into two or more mutually exclusive types, the benchmark data be similarly classified, and then the two groups of data are compared.
One of the indicators of decision correctness is the ratio of correct decision to total decision.
6. Interview result feedback
Each link of personnel selection and employment includes two results: employment process and resignation process. The employment process refers to the gradual acceptance of candidates by the organization during the application process, while the resignation process refers to the elimination of candidates during the recruitment process, both of which are continued and completed at the same time.
There are two ways to feedback the interview results. One is that the HR department feeds back the employment results to the organization's superior and the employing department. The second is to notify the candidates of the interview results one by one, issue a "Trial Employment Notice" to the employees, and issue a "letter of thanks" to the applicants who have not been accepted.
7. Filing of interview materials
Finally, file all interview materials for future reference. thus Recruitment test After all the interview work is completed, return to the recruitment and employment process.

Interview Skills

"Classic Seven Questions" in Recruitment
The questions often asked in the recruitment process and their definitions are summarized as follows:
What were your responsibilities in your previous work? ― If the description is not clear, it can be seen that even with relevant work experience, its systematic and comprehensive nature is questionable.
Please tell me about your past work experience. ― Check the language organization and expression ability of the candidate, as well as the organization of the description.
What is the most proud and successful thing in your past work experience? What are your strengths? ― From the answer of the candidate, we can know whether he focuses on personal success or teamwork.
What other aspects of knowledge, skills or abilities do you feel need to be improved? ― The term "promotion" is more euphemistic. On the one hand, it is used to check whether their attitude is honest. On the other hand, it is also more targeted for future employee training.
What do you think of the new job? How to carry out the work? ― This involves employees' Career Design , more about the stability of employees' work.
What is the reason for your resignation? ― This is a question that must be asked, involving the integration of employees and the organization.
What are your requirements for salary and benefits? ― The importance of this issue is needless to say.