Latin America

[lā dīng měi zhōu]
South America
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synonym Latin America (Latin America) generally refers to Latin America
Latin America America The region, that is, the continent between 32 ° 42 'N and 56 ° 54' S, includes Central America West Indies and South America [1]
East of Latin America Atlantic , west the pacific ocean It is more than 11000 kilometers long from north to south. More than 5100 kilometers from the widest point to the narrowest point Isthmus of Panama It is only 48 kilometers wide. There are Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean It covers an area of 20.7 million square kilometers. The population in 2018 is 651 million [2] Mainly Indo European and Mixed race , followed by black people Indian And white people.
As far as the language of residents is concerned, Spanish Dominate( Brazil Portuguese, Haiti French), because the region belongs to the Latin language family( Romans )Therefore, many countries south of the United States are called Latin American countries, and this region is called Latin America.
There are 33 countries and several dependent regions in Latin America.
Chinese name
Latin America
Foreign name
Latin America
Latin America Latin America
geographical position
32 ° 42 ′ N to 56 ° 54 ′ S [1]
20700000 km²
Area under jurisdiction
South America and parts of North America [1]
climatic conditions
Hot and rainy near the equator
population size
651 million people
Major ethnic groups
Indo European mixed race, black and white mixed race
Major religions
Major countries
Brazil, Colombia, Mexico , Argentina
Spanish, Portuguese


Indian It is the pioneer of South American civilization. Andes The central plateau is the birthplace of ancient civilization in South America. As early as the 10th century, the Indian tribes living in this area - Inca , established the Inca Empire At the peak of the 15th century, its territory started from the north Ecuador North, South Chile Of Tarka With a population of about 9-12 million. At that time, agriculture was quite developed, with corn, beans, potatoes, cassava, Kunuoa and other crops cultivated, camels and alpacas domesticated, and water conservancy and irrigation projects, transportation post roads, construction, handicrafts and other aspects also reached a high level. The splendid Inca culture is an important part of human material and spiritual civilization. Columbia , Southern Chile and Paraguay It is a densely populated area outside the Inca Empire.
At the beginning of the 16th century, Portuguese and Spanish began to enter. Portugal occupied Brazil, and Spain ruled vast areas of South America except Brazil. At the end of the 16th century, the British, French and Dutch divided Guyana and some offshore islands through fierce competition. Since then, the whole continent has entered a 300 year colonial period. Spain has successively established three governor regions in South America, namely Peru (including Peru and Chile), New Granada (including Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela) and La Plata (including Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay), and Portugal has established a governor region in Brazil. The rulers used violence to promote various slavery systems, forced the indigenous people to do unpaid work in plantations or mines, and plundered land and gold and silver wealth in South America. The homes of Indians were destroyed, the ancient civilization was destroyed, and the population declined sharply. In order to supplement the shortage of labor force, the colonists also imported a large number of black slaves from Africa. suzerain The mercantilist policy forced the American people to produce one or two kinds of agricultural and mineral products that can make huge profits in the international market, forming a single product system, resulting in social and economic anomalies development The social systems, customs, religious beliefs and cultural traditions of Spain, Portugal and other countries have spread to all parts of South America with the influx of immigrants. Spanish and Portuguese have replaced Indian languages and become widely used official languages.
The people of South America have waged a long and heroic struggle for freedom and liberation. By the second half of the 18th century, the system that the suzerain tried to maintain had increasingly become the biggest obstacle to social development. The development of this major contradiction had pushed the people of South America on the road to the war of independence. In 1810, the flames of armed uprisings spread throughout South America. After more than ten years of bloody battles, they finally overthrew the rule of Spain and Portugal. By 1826, 10 national independent countries had been established, and only Guyana and other minority areas were still under the rule of Britain, France and the Netherlands.
Latin America
After independence, the indigenous white people in Latin America controlled the political power of most countries, implemented the military dictatorship of "Cordero" style with Latin American characteristics, and maintained the manor Land ownership And feudal exploitation, and slow economic development. The United Kingdom, the United States and other countries have taken advantage of the situation to turn countries into their raw material suppliers, dumping goods and exporting capital. In particular, the United States, which rose at the end of the 19th century, by virtue of its economic strength and favorable geographical location, excluded the forces of other countries and became the hegemony of South America. The people of South American countries have waged a long-term struggle against imperialism, hegemony and colonialism to safeguard national sovereignty. the Second World War Since then, the struggle has become increasingly profound and extensive. South American countries have led the struggle against the maritime hegemony of superpowers, set off a wave of nationalization with the recovery of national resources as the main content, actively pursued regional economic integration, strived to establish a new international economic order, and made great achievements in the development of national economy.
In 1966 and 1975, the former British Guyana and the Netherlands Guyana gained independence from the rule. Today, the division of South America belongs to Guyana, Britain and Argentina Malvinas Islands There are 12 independent countries outside the Falkland Islands. They all belong to developing country
Latin America was a place where Indians worked and lived. Since the Spanish and Portuguese adventurers set foot in Latin America in 1492, they soon became the land of these two countries. At the end of the sixteenth century, Britain, France, the Netherlands and other countries seized some islands of the West Indies from Spain, the continental margin of South America and a few areas of the isthmus of Central America. At the beginning of the 19th century, western and Portuguese regions declared independence one after another. In the past decade, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana, Bahamas, Grenada, Suriname, Commonwealth of Dominica, Saint Lucia Saint Vincent , Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda have also broken away from British and Dutch rule and declared independence. There are more than ten lands under the rule of Britain, the United States, France and the Netherlands. From Spain and Portugal rule The Latin American countries that gained independence under the United States and Britain later controlled and plundered them. [2]

geographical environment



Full Latin American name: Latin America. Latin America refers to the American region south of the United States, located between 32 ° 42 'north latitude and 56 ° 54' south latitude, including Mexico, Central America West Indies And South America. Latin America is a geopolitics As far as the language of American residents is concerned, Spanish is the dominant language. Since this region belongs to the Latin language family, many countries south of the United States are called Latin American countries, and this region is called Latin America.
Latin America faces the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, with a total length of more than 11000 kilometers from north to south, 5100 kilometers at the widest point from east to west, and the narrowest point Isthmus of Panama It is only 48 kilometers wide. The Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean It covers an area of 20.7 million square kilometers. The population is 651 million (2018). Mainly Indo European and Mixed race , followed by black people Indian and white person [3]

Include countries

There are 33 countries and several dependent regions in Latin America: Mexico Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Cuba Haiti dominica Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago Barbados Grenada Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Bahamas Guyana Suriname Venezuela Columbia Brazil Ecuador Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis bolivia Chile Argentina Paraguay Uruguay Belize Antigua and Barbuda Dominica [10] Still in U.S.A britain France Netherlands More than ten colonies under the rule. [3]


Latin America is from Mexico western hemisphere The whole area in the south. It is close to the east Caribbean And the Atlantic Ocean, the shortest distance to the African continent is about 2494.4 km; West to the Pacific Ocean; South across the Drake Strait and Antarctica; The Bravo River (i.e Rio Grande ), and U.S.A Be a neighbor. It includes North America Of Mexico Central America and South America mainland. Historically, this area was mainly Latin Spain and Portugal The colonies of other countries are called Latin America. In addition, the West Indies on the Caribbean Sea share the same historical experience with Latin America. In terms of geographical division, they are customarily classified as Latin America and the Caribbean. Geographically, Latin America and the Caribbean range from the easternmost end of the South American continent to the northeast of Brazil Blanco angle (34 ° 46 ′ west longitude), west to the junction of Mexico and the United States along the Pacific coast (117 ° 09 west longitude); From the north Colorado River The border between Mexico and the United States (32 ° 42 'north latitude), south to Cape Froward (53 ° 54' south latitude), the southernmost tip of the South American continent. And across the Magellan Strait from Cape Froward Tierra del Fuego
Southernmost Cape Horn Is located at the highest latitude in South America (55 ° 59 'S). That is to say, Latin American land spans the northern and southern hemispheres from about 32 ° north latitude to about 55 ° south latitude, but most of it lies in the southern hemisphere. Its main part is equator Offline and North South Regression line between. The equatorial line crosses the capital of Ecuador Quito Thousands of meters north and Amazon The mouth of the sea is not far from the city of Belem in Brazil. Tropic of Cancer Through the largest industrial zone in South America Sao Paulo The northern suburbs; and the Tropic of Cancer Across the Gulf of Mexico Havana On the latitude of. It can be said that except Uruguay, all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are located or partially located between the two regression lines.

topographic features

Latin America has complex terrain. Mexico is basically a grassland, called Mexican Plateau Central America is a mountainous region. Most of the West Indies are also mountainous. On the Pacific coast of western South America Andes To the east of the Andes, plains and plateaus alternate, from north to south, Orinoco Plain Guyana Plateau Amazon Plain Brazilian Plateau La Plata Plain Patagonia Etc.


Latin America
The total length of Latin America from north to south is 11000 kilometers, with a total area of 20.7 million square kilometers, accounting for 13.8% of the world's land area, which is three times that of the European continent. The area of South America (including nearby islands) is about 17.97 million square kilometers, accounting for about 12% of the world's total land area. Latin America coastline It is 45000 kilometers long, of which the South American coastline is about 28700 kilometers long, mostly with Mountain trend Consistent erosion of the coast. The Pacific coast, especially a section between 10 ° and 33 ° south latitude, is a typical rise Fault coast The steep cliff is close to the deep sea, and there is almost no transitional coastal plain and offshore continental shelf The Peru Trench and the Chile Trench, which are more than 6000 meters deep, are close to the coast, even less than 100 kilometers in some places. The Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador is subject to marine invasion due to subsidence, and the coastline is relatively tortuous, forming a large bay. Guayaquil Bay is the largest bay along the Pacific coast of South America. The southern coast of Chile belongs to the fjord type, with a tortuous coast and a mixed array of islands. The Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America is The Alps Fold outer zone, volcano Numerous, along the Pacific coast Volcanic zone In part, the coastal plain is relatively narrow. Mexico's East Coast and Southern United States The coast forms the Gulf of Mexico, where the coastal plain extends to Yucatan Peninsula The general width is 100 km to 500 km, and the maximum width is 800 km. It is composed of continental margin The rising exposed sea floor is formed. In the western section of the Caribbean Sea coast in the northern part of the South American continent, the north-south mountains vertically intersect the coast, and the sea water intrudes along the longitudinal valleys between mountains to form inland bays, such as the Darien Bay Gulf of Venezuela Etc. The entire Atlantic coast, except for the eastern coast of Brazil and a section of the coast extending northward from Cape Blanco, is basically a sinking coast. There is a wide continental shelf outside the coast, especially a section of the coast extending northwestward from the Amazon Estuary and a section of the Atlantic coast at 30 °~40 ° south latitude, which is straight, low and shallow Drowned valley coast At the estuary, trumpet shaped triangular ports are mostly formed; Some sections of the coast, such as the southwest coast of Pakistan, are closed by silt and form lagoons. [3]


Malaro Island
Latin America peninsula Less, mainly the Yucatan Peninsula (180000 square kilometers) in Mexico, which borders Central America, and the Yucatan Peninsula in northern Mexico Baja California Peninsula (143000 square kilometers) Guajira Peninsula (14000 square kilometers) and Taitao Peninsula (10000 square kilometers). There are many islands in Latin America, with an area of about 390000 square kilometers, which are mainly distributed in the northern and eastern Caribbean Sea and the coastal areas at the southern end of the South American continent. The islands in the Caribbean are composed of Greater Antilles archipelago , Lesser Antilles and Bahamas Of which the largest island is Cuba Island , located in the Greater Antilles, north of the United States Florida Peninsula 180 kilometers, covering an area of 110860 square kilometers. The coastal islands at the southern end of the South American continent mainly include the Tierra del Fuego Islands across the Magellan Strait and the mainland, and the Tierra del Fuego Islands located in the waters between the South Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands), which is west of Argentina territory More than 500 kilometers, it is now the disputed island between Argentina and Britain. At the mouth of the Amazon River, the world's largest Malaro Island With an area of nearly 50000 square kilometers and lush plants, it is considered to be the world's largest ecotourism resort. A local bird with red feathers is a local unique animal. In addition, some Latin American countries have some islands and islands in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean far away from land.
In the Atlantic Ocean, there are Trinidad Island and Martin Vas Island 1100 kilometers away from Brazil, San Pedro Sao Paulo Island 900 kilometers away from Brazil, and 345 kilometers away from Brancou Cape, the easternmost point of Brazil, which was established by Brazil National Ocean Park Fernando de Noronha. In the Pacific Ocean, there are Chilean Easter Island (3700 kilometers away from the coast of Chile), there are thousands of 90 ton "Mau Ayes" giant stone statues with human heads on the island, as well as words and symbols that have not yet been deciphered, adding a mysterious color to this small island; Juan Fernandez Islands, 600 kilometers from the mainland Masdi Island It is one of the oldest lands in America, because it is said that《 Cast Away 》The place where the story takes place has a long reputation. In addition, the important island in the Pacific Ocean is Sala Gomez Island in Chile; 900km from the coast of Ecuador, just below the equatorial line Galapagos Islands , where a variety of complex climatic conditions, undulating topography and landforms have formed a unique and diverse ecological environment and species Charles Robert Darwin The hypothesis of species evolutionism and《 Origin of species 》It provides an important basis.


Within three quarters of the tropical range of Latin America, it has the most favorable climate conditions in all continents of the world. In terms of temperature, the annual average temperature in most regions is more than 20 ℃. Compared with other continents, it is warm and hot. It is neither as cold as Asia and North America nor as hot as Africa. In terms of wetness, the average annual precipitation of the whole continent is up to 1342mm, 3.2 times that of Oceania, which is the wettest continent in the world. The climate types are mainly Tropical rain forest And savannah climate. Tropical rainforest climate It is mainly distributed in the Amazon Plain, and the tropical grassland is mainly distributed in the Brazilian Plateau.

Agricultural products

Many parts of Latin America have favorable climate. There is sufficient rainfall, fertile soil and rich agricultural products. main grain crops There are rice, wheat and corn. cash crop Sugarcane, coffee, banana and cotton are the most important. The sugar output accounts for about one quarter of the world's sugar output. The Caribbean region is known as the "World Sugar Canister". Cuba is the country that exports the most sugar in the world. The output of coffee has far exceeded that of Africa. More than 60% of the coffee in the international market comes from Latin America. The coffee produced and exported by Brazil ranks first in the world. The output of bananas is also large, accounting for about 80% of the world's total exports. Ecuador is the world's largest banana exporter, and Honduras, Panama, Guatemala and other countries also have large exports. The output of cotton is growing rapidly. Many countries export cotton, with Brazil and Mexico having the largest export volume. In addition, there are vast forests and rich coastal fishery resources. The coastal waters of Peru are world famous fishing ground one of. [4]

natural resources



The main parts of Latin America are Low latitude On both sides of the equator line, 80% of the region is located in the tropics and subtropics, with mild climate, Temperature difference Small, with abundant rainfall and relatively uniform seasonal distribution. The superior geographical location and climatic conditions provide Latin America with very rich natural resources, as well as good conditions for the growth and reproduction of animals and plants. The average altitude of Latin America is only 600m. Plateau, hills and mountains above 300m account for 40% of the total area of the region, and plains below 300m account for 60%, especially in South America Andes The vast area to the east is vast and relatively flat, which makes it possible to develop the Amazon River system and many other rivers with the longest flow, the widest drainage basin and the largest flow in the world. [5]


Amazon Rainforest
Latin America is rich in forestry resources and a continent with large forest coverage. The forest area of South America is 9.2 million square kilometers, accounting for more than 50% of the total area of the continent and about 23% of the world's forest area. The total forest area of the islands in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean is about 700000 square kilometers. The tropical rainforest in this area is the largest and best preserved in the world today, with a total area of 5.5 million square kilometers, of which 3.3 million square kilometers are in Brazil, accounting for 60% of the area of tropical rainforest, and the remaining 40% are distributed in French Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Latin America is also rich in animal and plant resources. According to statistics, Amazon Rainforest The number of animal and plant species in China is unique in the world, with 86000 to 90000 plant species alone. There are many edible, medicinal and economically valuable resources growing, such as Rosewood Sandalwood Mahogany , balsam wood Snake mulberry wood , cinnamon cinchona And various coconut tree Palm tree Etc; There are some valuable economic forests such as spruce and cedar in the Andes and Central America; There are also salt tolerant mangroves and tannin extract trees in the coastal areas; stay river flat There are waterlogging resistant trees and other plants in the zone.


Various types of climatic conditions and vegetation in Latin America have provided favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of animals, and have formed rich and independent animals Neotropical region Amazonian tropical rainforest area is the most abundant area of vertebrates in the world. Mammals, amphibians and reptiles are rich and have regional characteristics; There are more than 1600 bird species in Brazil alone.

cash crop

Latin America has great potential to develop food crops and cash crops. The area of cultivated land in the whole region reaches 160 million hectares, accounting for 7.7% of the total area; The land area suitable for cultivation is 570 million hectares. Latin America is widely planted with corn, wheat, rice, beans and other food crops, as well as sugarcane, bananas, cocoa, cotton citrus , coffee and other economic crops. Brazil's coffee, bananas cassava Its output ranks first in the world, its soybean output ranks second in the world, and its cocoa output ranks third in the world. South America has a large area of grasslands and pastures. The grassland area is about 440 million hectares, accounting for 25% of the total area of the continent and more than 14% of the total area of the world's grasslands. It is suitable for large-scale development of animal husbandry. Argentina has 140 million hectares of pastures, Pampas Grassland It is a famous natural pasture in Latin America, producing a large number of high-quality beef and mutton.


Latin America has many rivers, crisscrossing, and large rivers are mainly distributed in South America. In terms of drainage area, 84% of rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean, 11% into the Pacific Ocean, and the remaining 5% are inland rivers. Latin America is rich in precipitation, with an average annual precipitation of more than 1000 mm accounting for 70% of the mainland area; There is also snow water from the Andes, waterpower The resources are very rich. The estimated hydropower reserves are 467 million kilowatts, accounting for 16.9% of the world's hydropower reserves. Brazil alone has 213 million kilowatts of hydropower resources. The developed water resources in Latin America account for about 3.6% of the world's water resources, concentrated in some major tributaries of the Amazon River Parana River , San Francisco River Orinoco River Wait on the river.

mineral products

Latin America is rich in mineral resources. Most of the more than 20 kinds of basic mineral resources required by modern industry are available, and some mineral reserves are among the top in the world. For example, Mexico's proven oil reserves have reached 10.3 billion tons, and Venezuela's oil reserves are more than 8 billion tons, both of which are in the forefront of the world. The proven reserves of natural gas in Latin America are about 3 trillion cubic meters, mainly distributed in Mexico and Argentina. The iron ore reserves are about 100 billion tons. Brazil's iron ore reserves are among the top in the world, and its output and export volume rank second in the world. Copper reserves are more than 100 million tons, ranking first in all continents. Chile's copper reserves rank second in the world, and Peru ranks fourth in the world. The coal reserves are about 50 billion tons, mainly distributed in Colombia and Brazil. Colombia alone has 24 billion tons of coal reserves. In addition, beryllium, tantalum, niobium in Brazil, bauxite in Suriname and Jamaica, silver Sulfur Chile's saltpeter, Cuba's nickel, Colombia's emerald, etc. are among the top in the world. [2]


Latin America and the Caribbean have a long coastline, surrounded by two oceans from the east to the west, and facing the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. They are rich in fishery resources. There are many natural fishing grounds, such as the coasts of Peru, Chile, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Brazil and the South Atlantic Ocean sardine , tuna, perch, mackerel Codfish And many kinds of shrimps. The fishing volume is among the top in the world. In addition, inland rivers in Latin America are rich in freshwater fish, with more than 2500 to 3000 species.

Regional division

There are 33 countries and several dependent regions in Latin America.


Geographical genus North America , but it was Spain From the perspective of race, culture and history, the colony of. Mexico Across the Bravo River in the north U.S.A It is adjacent to Guatemala and Belize in Central America in the south, the Gulf of Mexico in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The vast majority of Mexico's territory consists of the Mexican Plateau, which is surrounded by mountains in the east, west and south. The plateau slopes from south to north, and the north is a vast inland basin; There are many volcanoes in the south, with the altitude of 2000~3000 meters; The land area is 1967183 square kilometers.

Central America

panama canal
It refers to the narrow land from the south of Mexico to the middle of the American continent in the northwest of Colombia, and its narrowest part is panama canal The width is only 48 kilometers. Central America Lake Nicaragua The boundary is divided into two sections: the north section is in east-west direction, and the south section is in northwest southeast direction. It is a land bridge connecting North and South America and a strategic place connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Central America has a land area of 540000 square kilometers. In terms of administrative division, there are seven countries, namely Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.

South America

It is located in the south of the Western Hemisphere, bordering the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Central American Isthmus in the northwest, the Caribbean Sea in the north, and Antarctica across the Drake Strait in the south. The South American continent is wide in the north and narrow in the south, slightly triangular, spanning 66~68 latitudes from north to south, with the longest distance of 7150 kilometers; The east-west widest point is from Brancou Cape in the east end of Brazil to Parrinias Cape in the northwest of Peru, that is, from 34 ° 46 ′ west longitude to 81 ° 20 ′ west longitude, with an east-west width of 5100 kilometers. To the south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the mainland contracted significantly. The land area of South America is about 17.97 million square kilometers, including 12 independent countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, and French Guyana, which is not yet independent. Among them, Brazil has the largest territorial area of 8547403 square kilometers, accounting for about half of the total area of South America, ranking fifth in the world after Russia, Canada, China and the United States.

West Indies

West Indies
From the Greater Antilles Islands Lesser Antilles It is composed of the Bahamas Islands, arranged in an arc from north to south, and forms a whole area with the northern coast of South America and the eastern coast of Central America Intercontinental sea , namely the Caribbean Sea. The Caribbean Sea is about 2800 kilometers wide from east to west, 1400 kilometers long from south to north, covering an area of 754000 square kilometers, with an average depth of 2491 meters. This region is customarily called the Caribbean. The larger islands in the West Indies are Continental island , smaller islands mostly belong to island And coral islands. The island covers an area of 240000 square kilometers. There are 13 countries and some dependent areas in the islands. There are four countries in the Greater Antilles: Dominica, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and the United States Puerto Rico And the British Cayman Islands. The Lesser Antilles includes 8 countries, namely Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago British Virgin , Montserrat, Anguilla and Turks and Caicos, US Virgin , Guadeloupe, France Martinique , Netherlands Antilles Aruba There is one country in the Bahamas.

Population Race



according to United Nations Population Fund According to the 1998 Global Population Situation, the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean in 1998 was 499.5 million, accounting for 8.4% of the world's total population. Latin America Life expectancy 65 years old for men and 71 years old for women. High proportion of urban population, 1995 Urbanization rate 73.4%, equivalent to the European level.
Among the population of Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean are 174.6 million, and South America is 324.9 million. Among the countries in Latin America, Brazil has the largest population, 165.2 million in 1998, ranking fifth in the world after China, India, the United States and Indonesia.
In 2018, the total population was 651 million. [2]
Latin America is population distribution In the extremely unbalanced continent, compared with its vast land area, the population density is small. The densely populated areas are the West Indies, eastern Brazil and the coastal areas of Argentina. The rainforest areas with poor natural conditions are sparsely populated; The population of tropical countries is distributed in plateau with mild climate; Fast urban speed; The capital and other important cities are densely populated. The distribution of population is a long historical formation process, which is the social and economic conditions of various regions Physical geographical environment And the natural growth and migration of population. The development of productive forces, the progress of human society, especially the development of science and technology, has improved the ability of human beings to resist the adverse living environment. However, due to various reasons, the reasonable spatial distribution of population is still difficult to achieve.
Latin America is one of the regions with rapid population growth in all continents of the world. [6]


The ethnic ethnic composition of the population in Latin America is extremely complex. They are derived from all three basic races of today's mankind, namely the Mongolian race Europa And Negro Australians. According to textual research, the indigenous Indians in Latin America belong to the Mongolian race; Colonists (mainly Spanish and portuguese )And European immigrants (including Italians, French, Germans ukrainian And people from Balkans) belong to Europa race; Negro Negro people who were brought in from Africa as slaves from the 17th century to the 19th century. However, there are few pure blood residents who truly belong to these three races, and more than half of them are mixed race people. In addition, there are a considerable number of Japanese, Indians, Chinese and other Asian ethnic immigrants. Overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese are mainly concentrated in Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Panama and other countries. Since the 1950s, the number of overseas Chinese in Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay and other countries has gradually increased.
Latin American countries Population composition Basically, it depends on the status of intercontinental migration, that is, the source and number of immigrants, as well as the degree of ethnic integration. In Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica and other countries with European immigrants as the main source of population in history, the current population composition is mainly white; Among them, Argentine whites accounted for 97% of the total population, and Uruguayan whites accounted for 90%; Haiti, Jamaica, Barbados dominica , Saint Lucia and other Caribbean island countries, whose residents are mainly black; Historically, Indian cultural centers, such as Peru and Bolivia, are still dominated by Indians; Mexico and Central American countries are dominated by mixed race people, whose proportion is as high as 80%~90%. [7]


Latin America
Latin American countries use Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, Dutch and many other languages Indian Etc. Spanish is the most widely used language in most Latin American countries official language Portuguese is mainly used in Brazil. French is spoken in Haiti, French Guyana and the French West Indies. Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana, Belize, Bahamas and other countries use English. Suriname and Netherlands Antilles In areas with more Dutch Indian residents, Indian languages are generally used. There are more than 1700 Indian dialects, including Nawat, Maya, Quechua Guarani , Aymara, Mapuche, etc. are widely used. [8]

custom and human feelings


common ground

Be hospitable and polite. No matter where you go in Latin America, you will be treated with courtesy and respect, especially if you are older or have a higher rank. But it should be noted that male domination is ubiquitous in this continent.
In Latin, the word "man" is different from the definition of the United States and Canada. Latin people usually think that this word represents Chivalry , chivalrous, caring and manly. stay Latin America Women, especially mothers, are praised, respected and loved. Their main task is to take care of the family, not to participate Business activities
Religion and Language
Latin America (including Central America) believes in the same religion—— Catholicism Except that Brazil speaks Portuguese, Haiti and French Guyana speak French, Suriname speaks Dutch, Belize and the Caribbean speak English, all other countries speak the same language - Spanish.
Almost every country in Latin America has been colonized by Europeans, and most of them are Spanish and Portuguese colonies. The European colonial invasion started from the east, which was brutal and bloody, ravaging and conquering the local ancient civilization: Aztec Maya and Inca Unlike in North America, most of the settlers in North America came here to seek freedom and democracy, while the invaders in Latin America established dictatorship and feudal system here.
social structure
Almost everywhere in Latin America, there is a polarized social structure, that is, there are only two stratum Composition - "property owners" and "proletarians". The middle class does exist. Maybe it is booming in some countries, but in any case, for the whole region, the middle class is still a small class. So for those who visit for the first time, they are often shocked by the huge difference in living standards between the extremely rich and the extremely poor.
Personal relationship
Business is often based on personal relationships. Latin Americans like to really get to know their business partners. For this reason, visitors, especially Americans, often lose patience with the long negotiation process, which is always circuitous. It's important to use personal relationships when doing business here. Therefore, it is important to remember that in all business activities, establishing good personal friendship and mutual trust is the basis for your success. At the same time, remember that Latin Americans are willing to do business with North Americans because they think they are rich and successful. However, sometimes they will be jealous, and even fear that North America will benefit from the power.
civil life
In social life, Latin Americans like food, music and laughter. They attach great importance to family life. Some family celebrations, such as birthdays, weddings, vacations, are full of joy.
on time
For business people in the United States and Canada, the most frustrating Latin American custom is the Latin American concept of time. North Americans are very punctual and have a strong sense of time. But the area south of the Rio Grande is totally different. The Latin American view is that "life is a cycle, and there is no beginning or end." So when you go south, you must be patient and prepared. Even if everything is normal, your journey may take longer than expected. When you have to determine the time of the meeting or when someone will pick you up at the hotel, if you are already familiar with your Latin American colleague and he says he will pick you up at 9 a.m. (in fact, it is probably between 10 and 11 o'clock), you should smile and ask la hora ingles or la hora Espa ñ ol (time in English or Spanish). Latin Americans who often deal with North Americans will often smile back at you and remember your requirements for time.
In almost every Latin American country (except Argentina), you will find the native inhabitants of this continent - the descendants and bloodlines of Indians. In Brazil, because of the slave trade The population of this country is more diversified in color.
These are some of the main common points of Latin American countries. Now let's look at the differences between them. Every Latin American country is proud of its unique historical path: its origin, its patriots, its hard work and its rich resources. Therefore, it is very important to understand their unique culture and people before visiting a country.


Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, with a population of about 150 million. It is a popular place for American and Canadian businessmen, second only to Mexico. In the business world, I often hear“ runaway inflation ”This word is the cancer of Brazil's financial industry, which has occurred continuously in the past decades inflation 500% or more per year. Although the situation has improved at the beginning of the 21st century, cash flow is still a problem that should be paid attention to when doing business in Brazil. Nevertheless, this country, which is rich in natural resources and has many people who are full of vitality and love life, has attracted many Americans and Canadians to invest a lot of time and money to find business opportunities.
When you come to Buenos Aires, you will think you are in the capital of European countries. The styles of fashion, architecture, nightlife and cooking are Paris, Naples and Madrid The legacy of. At the turn of the century, immigrants from Italy and Spain, and then from Britain and Germany have left deep marks here. The business people here are sophisticated, generous and efficient. Many North American businessmen believe that Argentina is one of the most attractive Latin American countries.
Bolivia and Argentina are as different as East and West. In Bolivia, 50% of the population is Indian, 25% is mixed race of Indian and European, and the remaining population comes from many countries. As the highest country in Latin America, it looks like a huge mountain range. Mining is Bolivia's pillar industry.
Chile is like a long, curved rope stretching on the lowlands of the west bank. The Chilean business community is composed of descendants of Britain, Germany and Spain. Visiting business women usually receive a comfortable and cordial reception, and seldom encounter the male chauvinism common in other Latin American countries. (For the definition of male chauvinism, please refer to the introduction of Mexico.)
Colombia and its business center Bogota welcome most visitors from North America. The atmosphere there is sophisticated, cautious and rich in cultural atmosphere. However, these enviable advantages have been impacted by the current notorious drug trade (which is very popular on the northern coast), the occasional revolutionary violence and the groups of homeless children in large cities. In the business world, "courteous" is often used to describe Colombian businessmen. American business women will be treated with courtesy and respect, especially if you have a certain title and professional background and are not so aggressive.
Located in the south of the United States, it is the fastest growing country in Latin America. When you first came to the crowded mexico city You may feel that all Mexicans are crowded there, and you are also crowded among them. The result is smoggy, endless vehicles, then thicker smog. In Mexico, 37% of workers are women, but only a few women hold leadership positions or work in senior management in companies. This is a country where male chauvinism prevails, and this male chauvinism, in the eyes of Americans, is just the image of a man with a pistol, a beard, and a squint to proudly display his lover. However, as explained earlier, in the eyes of Mexicans and Latin Americans as a whole, male chauvinism symbolizes strength, self-confidence, courage and boldness, which are all positive characteristics. Therefore, Mexican men generally have chivalry and love for women. Even so, when doing business with women, they will still have a sense of superiority, so you must be prepared.
When it comes to Panama, many Americans think of the Panama Canal. However, for visiting American businesses, the United States has historically intervened Canal area It's a mixed blessing. On the one hand, Panamanian business circles speak English and understand the stories of American business. But on the other hand, Panama also has anti-Americanism Another concern for visiting tourists is that Panama's major cities Panama City And Cologne have a high crime rate.
In Peru, you will be shocked by the great influence of Indians. Compared with other Latin American countries, Peruvian The proportion of Indians is higher. Lima, the commercial center of Peru, is located on the meandering west coast. It is dry and dusty, and the whole city seems to be painted brown. Visitors are generally received generously, but compared with other markets, the economy is relatively backward, and the commercial center has only basic living goods.
For most North Americans, doing business in Venezuela means going to Caracas Go. When you cross the valley from the airport to Caracas Coastal mountain range You will think you have come to a metropolis in the United States or Canada. Caracas is full of people and towering buildings, as well as continuous traffic, people, vehicles and people. Venezuela's economy ranks among the most prosperous economies in Latin America, and many North Americans come to do business. English is also widely used. Many Venezuelan businessmen have received education in North America, and they also have the tradition of Latin American hospitality. However, please remember once again that the traditional role of Latin American women is to take care of the family, and men dominate.

Code of Business Conduct

If you can speak some Spanish and Portuguese, it will certainly come in handy in daily life. But unless you are fluent in Spanish or Portuguese, it is unwise to use these languages for business discussions. Because many Spanish words and phrases have different meanings in different countries. You'd better hire a translator or find a reliable and fluent assistant.
Spanish in every Latin American country also has a slight accent. For example, the pronunciation of Spanish spoken by Cubans is somewhat vague, and many syllables have been omitted. If you have not been trained, you may feel that this is the most difficult language in the world. On the other hand, the Spanish spoken by Colombians is considered to be the purest and most accurate Spanish in Latin America. [6]

urban development



The development of Latin American cities lasted about 2000 years, which can be roughly divided into three periods.

Development period

In every major stage of the development of Indian culture, especially in Mayan Culture , printing card culture and Aztec Civilization In the heyday of the 20th century, there were precious ruins of ancient Indians. These sites record the history of urban development, the ancient Indian cultural center. The Mayans established more than 100 towns around the 8th century AD. The Toltecs built a brilliant Tula City; The Aztecs built a magnificent Tenochtitlan In the birthplace of the Inca culture, the Inca people created a large area with a population of 10 million, with Peru as the center, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and northern Chile empire Cusco is the capital of the Inca Empire.

Colonial period

After arriving in America, the Spanish and Portuguese colonists set out to establish bases for colonial conquest and domination where they were based. From the establishment of the first town on the island of Haiti Santo Domingo During the 300 years of conquest and colonization, the colonists successively established Havana, Cartagena Lima Bogota Buenos Aires , Chilean Santiago El Salvador, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro And other cities and towns, such as Quito, Cusco, Mexico City, etc. With the need of colonial economic development, the colonists built many inland mining towns in the mineral areas, such as Bolivia's Potosi , Tasco in Mexico, Pachuca, Guanajuato, Oru Preto in Brazil Cuyaba Etc. In order to facilitate colonial rule and foreign exchanges, the colonists also built some port cities and tourist cities, such as Mexico's Veracruz And Acapulco, Balboa and Cologne , Brazilian Porto Alegre Etc.

World War II

In the first half of the 19th century, after Latin American countries gained their independence in succession, with the influx of European immigrants and European and American funds, Latin America became a global producer of primary raw materials, and the pace of urban construction was gradually accelerated. Some agricultural and animal husbandry products producing areas, such as coffee producing areas in southwest Pakistan and Pampas agricultural and pastoral areas in Argentina, witnessed rapid economic development and strengthened urban status, In particular, large cities have concentrated all the institutions for managing the economy and become a powerful force to break away from the traditional control of rural areas. The urban population of Latin America has grown rapidly. From 1910 to 1960, the total population of the region increased 1.8 times, while the population of 50 major cities increased 5.6 times. After World War II, Latin American countries implemented import substitution and export substitution industrialization in succession. Urban industry developed rapidly, and a large number of rural population flowed into cities, which led to the rapid expansion of urban population and the continuous expansion of urban scale. In 1990, the urban population reached 70%. [7]



The most in the world

Peru has the largest vanadium reserves in the world;
Itaipu Dam
Chile is the country with the longest territory in the world;
Chile has the largest copper reserves in the world;
Chilean saltpeter Its reserves are the largest in the world;
Colombia has the largest reserves of emerald in the world;
The Shipakila salt rock mine in Colombia is the largest in the world;
Shared by Brazil and Paraguay Itaipu Dam Before the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, it was the first dam in the world;
The Brazilian Plateau is the largest plateau in the world;
Amazon Plain It is the world's largest alluvial plain and the largest tropical rainforest area;
Itaipu Dam It is the second largest hydropower station in the world; (Originally No. 1, now replaced by the Three Gorges)
The village of Bilkabamba in Ecuador is the first in the world Changshou Village


The majority of Latin American residents are a person of mixed blood Therefore, music also shows the life emotion naturally generated from that society. The so-called European style African Negro Style has been dyed with the color of the New World and gained new life. It's not so much the original Indian Music culture According to the ancient style, it has been passed down. On the one hand, it has absorbed various influences. On the other hand, it has added many subtle changes as an expression of people's feelings living in reality. The mixture of these three factors can be cited from the perspective of melody and rhythm《 Latin American music 》In terms of melody, "Indians provide the basic pentatonic scale mode, the influence of European colonialists is manifested in expanding the scale and adding chords, while black people add the modification of changing tones. In terms of rhythm and rhythm, Indians insist on short sentences and long rests, accompanied by monotonous drumming. The rhythm of the colonists was mainly Spanish, typically a double rhythm of 3/4 and 6/8, resulting in a characteristic staggered rhythm in the center of the bar. The black influence is to add syncopation in almost constant 2/4 beats. " As for the mixing process of these three factors, the book quoted Dagu's research achievements folk music Its development can be divided into three stages: 1. pure Indian tune, pentatonic scale; 2. The so-called "blending" of the Indian scale results in an Indo European scale similar to the European major and minor tones; 3. "Mixed and remixed" refers to the use of African black ornament and variation ornament to further complicate the scale.


Latin America
In the Peruvian Congress Initiatives From December 7 to 11, 1964, 119 parliamentarians from 13 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela (2 observers), met in Lima, Peru and decided to establish Latin American Parliament (Latin-American Parliament)。 On July 18, 1965, the Latin American Parliament was officially established in Lima. The headquarters of the Latin American Parliament was originally located in Lima and moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, in July 1993. Its purpose is to promote the unity and regional integration of Latin American and Caribbean countries. The Latin American Parliament is composed of members from 22 countries and regions in Latin America and the Caribbean. These countries and regions are: Argentina, Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. The General Assembly is Supreme power The institution held a meeting every two years before 1995, and the new articles of association revised in 1995 stipulated that it held a meeting every year; The leadership committee is responsible for the daily work during the recess of the General Assembly. It meets every six months. If necessary, it can hold special meetings, which are composed of the Speaker, alternate Speaker, deputy Speaker, Secretary General, alternate Secretary General, Secretary, former Speaker and the Consultative Council. The Speaker is held by members of the member states in turn; The General Secretariat is an office with coordination and supervision functions. It is responsible for convening meetings, assisting the Leading Committee in preparing the agenda of the Conference, drafting working papers, and distributing agreements, proposals or statements; Implement the budget and submit financial reports to the General Assembly; There are 13 standing committees responsible for analysis and research; There are also five special committees; The Consultative Council is an advisory body responsible for legislation and Political consultation Work.

Chinese Latin American culture

China is the world country with an ancient civilization Latin America has created three ancient civilizations: Maya, Aztec and Inca. The ancient civilizations of China and Latin America have written brilliant chapters for human progress and development.
1、 Comparison of Cultural Characteristics between China and Latin America
Chinese and Latin American cultures have their own characteristics and similarities. The main characteristics of Chinese culture are: First, the Chinese cultural tradition has never been cut off since its origin and development. The development of Chinese culture is continuous and uninterrupted, which is different from any other ancient civilization, including Latin American culture. Second, Chinese culture and the origin of the Chinese nation have distinctive characteristics of multiple origins and unbalanced development in multiple regions. The origin of Chinese culture has many centers, Yangtze River The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese culture. On the other hand, Chinese culture is inclusive and is a culture of "harmony", so its "cohesion" and "external integration" are unity of opposites. Chinese culture has strong compatibility. Third, Chinese culture has distinctive local characteristics. These characteristics of Chinese culture make the Chinese nation form a structure of "you have me, I have you", which makes Chinese culture rich and colorful and has long-term vitality.
The main characteristics of Latin American culture are as follows: First, unlike Chinese culture, the original tradition of indigenous culture in America was cut off by the invasion of European colonialists. Due to the European colonizers' conquest and colonization of America in the late Middle Ages, the development of Latin American Indian indigenous culture was interrupted, so that the Indian indigenous culture could not become the main body of Latin American culture, but instead took the transplanted European culture as the main body, and the American Indian indigenous culture and African African culture as the secondary components. Second, diversification and multi-source. Latin American culture is a "hybrid" or "mixed" culture. The diversity and multi origins of Latin American culture have similarities and differences with the multi origins of Chinese culture. The similarity is that its origins are diverse, but the difference is that Latin American culture is the convergence and integration of European Christian culture, American Indian indigenous culture, African black culture and other cultures from different sources. Third, openness and originality. Latin American culture is rarely conservative and exclusive. It is good at introducing and absorbing the latest achievements of other cultures. It has great affinity and strong integration, thus creating a Latin American culture with its own distinctive characteristics. Opening up and innovation are fundamental to the prosperity and development of Latin American culture.
2、 Historical connection and mutual influence of Chinese and Latin American cultures
about Ancient Chinese Culture There have always been different opinions and arguments among Chinese and foreign scholars on the issue of whether there is a connection with the ancient Latin American culture, and there is no final conclusion so far. Basically, there are two kinds of opinions, forming two major factions: the "homology school" and the "ego school". The former believes that Latin American ancient culture originated from Chinese culture, while the latter believes that Latin American ancient culture and Chinese ancient culture developed along their own unique paths. The main representative scholars and figures of the "homology school" are: French sinologist Zinni, former Mexican President Echeveria, and Mexican professor Kiki Hoff Columbia Professor Gustavo Vargas, Chinese Zhang Taiyan , Xinggong Chen Hanzhang , Chen Zhiliang Zhu Qianzhi Ma Nan Estate( Deng Tuo (pseudonym of) and others; The main representative scholars of the "Egoism" are: Western first-class sinologists Klabrot (Germany), Hiller (Netherlands), Joseph Needham (Britain), and researchers of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Xia Nai Professor of Peking University Luorong Canal Jiang Zudi, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History of Peking University, etc.
According to Chinese and foreign documents, the historical connection between China and Latin America began in the sea during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (the late 16th century)“ the Silk Road ”。 From the late 16th century to the first half of the 17th century, some Chinese businessmen, craftsmen, sailors, servants, etc. arrived in Mexico, Peru, and other Latin American countries to live and do business or work there along the Pacific trade route between China, the Philippines, and Mexico, that was the "Silk Road" on the sea. During this period, about 5000 or 6000 "Manila Chinese" migrated to Latin America. These Chinese brought Chinese silk, porcelain, handicrafts and other products as well as Chinese cultural customs to Latin American countries. At the same time“ Manila Galleon ”On the return voyage, Mexico silver dollar "Eagle Ocean", corn, potato, tomato, peanut Sweet potato The introduction of tobacco into China has promoted the development of China's financial industry and the diversification of Chinese food structure, and promoted material and cultural exchanges between China and Latin America.
Contractual Chinese workers, Chinese workers, overseas Chinese and Chinese play an important role in promoting cultural ties between China and Latin America. From the beginning of the 19th century to the 1870s, hundreds of thousands of indentured Chinese workers and the labor force of Chinese workers, together with the people of Latin America, jointly carried out agricultural, mining development and transportation construction, made important contributions to the economic development, civilization construction and social progress of the countries living abroad, and promoted the prosperity of Latin America. The digging of the Panama Canal, the development of sugar cane, coffee and cotton plantations in Central America and the Caribbean, the exploitation of saltpeter in Chile and bird droppings in Peru, and the construction of railways in Panama, Peru and Mexico all reflect the blood and sweat of Chinese workers.
In addition, early overseas Chinese and Chinese workers, as well as later overseas Chinese and Chinese, also brought the fine traditions, customs and culture of the Chinese nation (such as clothing, cooking, the Spring Festival, etc.) to Latin America, and passed on production skills (such as rice planting, tea cultivation, the use of traditional Chinese medicine, etc.) to Latin American people. The overseas Chinese in Cuba and other countries also fought side by side with the local people and sacrificed blood, playing an important role in the independence and liberation of these countries.
In November 1974, when Prime Minister Williams of Trinidad and Tobago visited China, he specifically talked about the contribution of Chinese workers in the 19th century to Latin America and the Caribbean. He said that Chinese laborers and their descendants "actively and concretely promoted our development in various fields such as law, medicine, industry and commerce, education, sports, literature and art".
3、 Cultural exchanges promote the development of China Latin America friendly relations
Cultural exchange is the link of spiritual dialogue, emotional communication and friendship. The Chinese government attaches great importance to developing cultural relations with Latin American countries. Cultural exchange and cooperation, in consolidating the traditional friendly and cooperative relationship between China and Latin America and establishing the friendly and cooperative relationship between China and Latin America in the 21st century, pay equal attention to the political and economic relations between China and Latin America, and have made great contributions to continuously deepening mutual understanding between the Chinese and Latin American governments and people, as well as enhancing mutual solidarity and cooperation.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China and many Latin American countries began with cultural exchanges, gradually increased and expanded contacts in other areas, and finally established formal diplomatic relations. Cultural exchanges have built a bridge connecting the friendship between the Chinese and Latin American people and played a pioneering role in promoting the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between China and Latin America. So far, China has established formal diplomatic relations with 21 Latin American and Caribbean countries.
In the 28 years since the reform and opening up, cultural exchanges between China and Latin American countries have gone from private to official, and then to the combination of official and private. China has signed dozens of cultural exchange and cooperation agreements or cultural, educational, scientific and technological exchange and cooperation agreements with about 20 Latin American countries. Especially since the 21st century, cultural exchanges and ties between China and Latin America have become more frequent and closer. Cultural exchanges play an important role in promoting the development of China Latin America relations. For example, in September 2000, "China in the Imperial Period: Xi'an Dynasty Cultural Relics Exhibition" was held in Mexico; In 2001, the Mexican cultural relics exhibition "Mysterious Maya" was held in Xi'an, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai, China. In May 2006, Mexico was the main guest country for the "Meet in Beijing" activity; June; "Mexican Painting: From the Three Masters of Murals to Contemporary", "Mexican Modern Architecture Exhibition" and "Mexican Contemporary Pottery Exhibition" were opened in the Chinese Art Museum; In July, "Leopard Worship - Mexico Ancient Civilization Exhibition" was opened in Beijing Capital Museum. From April to September 2006, National Museum of China The "Lost Classics - Inca and Their Ancestor Treasures Exhibition" was jointly held in the National Museum with the National Cultural Commission of Peru. On May 25, 2004, Peking University established the Brazilian Cultural Center, the President of Brazil Lula Attended the founding ceremony. In July 2005, the Ministry of Culture of Bolivia held the "Chinese Culture Week". In February 2006, University of China The headmaster delegation visited Cuba, Colombia and other countries; In May, the cultural delegation of the Chinese government paid friendly visits to Brazil, Cuba and other countries. In 2004, President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chen Kuiyuan He led a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to visit Cuba. Scholars of medieval social sciences have held two bilateral seminars. In addition, at the beginning of the 21st century, the CASS delegation also visited Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico and other Latin American countries.
China Latin America cultural exchanges are playing an increasingly important role in the development of China Latin America relations. As President Hu Jintao said in his speech to the Brazilian Congress in November 2004, China and Latin America have "maintained close cultural exchanges and become a model for active dialogue among civilizations. Through a variety of cultural exchanges, the two peoples, especially Young generation From this, we can get more spiritual communication and ideological understanding, and together add luster to the diversified development of world culture.
In recent years, cultural exchanges between China and Latin America have set off a new upsurge. A "Latin American cultural craze" has sprung up in China: in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, Latin dance (tango, cha cha, salsa, samba, etc.) has become fashionable; Chinese pop singers take pride in singing Latin American style songs; Influenced by Trinidad and Tobago, Beijing has established a steel drum orchestra; Latin American football, barbecue, corn cake, coffee, etc. have been deeply integrated into the daily life of Chinese people. Through various exchange activities, the bright culture and unique and colorful art of Latin America have opened the eyes of Chinese audiences and played a reference role in the development of Chinese modern culture. [9]
At the same time, Chinese films, paintings, arts and crafts, cooking, acupuncture, medicine and martial arts have been widely spread in many Latin American countries, and are increasingly loved by Latin American people. In many Latin American countries, a "Chinese fever" and "China fever" have sprung up. Many activities to introduce China and Chinese culture have been held locally, bringing the Chinese people closer to the people of Latin America and enhancing friendship. More and more Latin American countries attach importance to the "Belt and Road" as an international cooperation platform, and expect that the "five links" advocated by the "Belt and Road", including "people to people connectivity", will take root in Latin America and promote China Latin America relations to a higher level. [9]
On May 31, 2019, the China Latin America Cultural Exchange Center was established in Beijing. This is the first non-governmental organization committed to promoting personnel exchanges and cultural exchanges between China and Latin America. It is reported that after its establishment, the Center will closely cooperate with Latin American embassies in China, give full play to its role as a bridge, promote exchanges between education, think tanks, chambers of commerce, culture and arts and other institutions, and carry out a series of cultural exchange activities. The "2019 Pampas China Latin America Food Culture Carnival" opened in the World Rose Theme Park that night was one of its first activities. The activity will last for one month from May 31 to June 30, allowing Chinese people to experience the unique charm of Latin American culture from a distance.