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Pull oar

Technical terms of rowing
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Drive, dull Rowing Technical terms. After the paddle enters the water, the weight of the athlete is transferred to the pedal frame through the leg force, and at the same time, the athlete uses various muscles to actively pull the paddle.
Chinese name
Pull oar
Foreign name
Technical terms of rowing
Correlative motion



From the order of muscle exertion, it is generally believed that the pulling of oars mainly depends on leg strength at the beginning, then the back muscles, and finally the active exertion of shoulder and arm. When pedaling and pulling the oars, the sliding seat moves towards the bow on the slide rail. At this time, the athletes are required to make full use of their own weight, like hanging on the handle of the oars to transfer all the power to the blades. On the other hand, the smaller the movement of the blades in the water, the better the effect of the stroke. Throughout Paddling cycle In the middle, the rowing stage is the power stage to propel the rowing, which should enable the athletes to give full play to their physical strength.


Preparation before lifting the oars (the last stage of pushing the oars): push the oars to the front, extend the arms forward naturally
Pull oar
The weight center is between the sliding seat and the pedal. At this time, the muscles of the whole body naturally remain moderately tense, and concentrate on preparing to enter the water? Lift the oars into the water (start the stroke): the body naturally bunches forward and throws the body's center of gravity onto the front paws of the pedals. At the same time, the hands quickly make a forward upward arc movement
, so that the blade can quickly insert into the water, and quickly start a powerful kicking action
Pull the oar: the shoulder arm moves backward to make the oar handle move along the arc
Pull oar
Pull oar
Back movement, at the same time, push your legs, pull your arms, fall over your shoulders, and pull your oars with all your body, so that the rowing can get the maximum thrust
? Push the oar: when pulling the oar to the maximum, use the coordinated action of forearm and wrist to make the oar handle quickly move forward in an arc, and then the blade will jump out of the water. When the blade comes out of the water, the body's standing muscles will relax, and the body's center of gravity will fall completely on the sliding seat
? Pushing the oar: while pressing the oar to get out of the water (at this time, the shoulder axis is nearly perpendicular to the center of gravity of the body), the handle of the oar moves smoothly and continuously above the knee
Proper use of hands in all parts of the body: the correct way to hold the oars is not to hold the handle too tightly, but to hold and control the oars with fingers and finger roots instead of the whole palm. Use your fingers to hold and control the oars. The forearms and fingers can naturally relax, and you can feel the movement of the blades in and on the water.
? Upper body movement: When lifting the oars, the upper body should be naturally bunched, and the posture should be kept in a controlled forward tilt. Unnatural postures such as excessive forward tilt, downward pressure on the upper body, too straight upper body, and stiffness should be avoided. The upper body should also fall back moderately at the end of rowing.? Head movement: The position of the head affects all body movements during the oaring process. When rowing, the head should be kept stable and straight, especially the moment before lifting the oar into the water, the head should be natural and straight, and the forehead should be slightly raised.