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Mikhail Petrovich Razalev

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Russian naval commander, scientist and navigator
synonym Razalev (Russian admiral, navigator) generally refers to Mikhail Petrovich Lazalev
Mikhail Petrovich Lazalev (1788-1851) is not only a famous Russian naval commander, but also a scientist, navigator and Antarctic explorer.
Chinese name
Mikhail Petrovich Razalev
date of birth
Date of death
Russia's famous naval commander

Introduction to Heroes

Born in November 1788 in a noble family in Vladimir Province, Russia, brother Andrei Petrov Lazarev Later, he was also a supervisor. In 1800, he entered the Russian Naval Academy at the age of 12. In 1803, when he was only 15 years old, he was lucky to be selected into 30 places to stay in the UK, so he was sent to the British Royal Navy for probation. For five years, he has been sailing with the British Navy in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Pacific Oceans. After returning to China in 1808, he served in the Baltic Fleet in 1813. During this period, he participated in the war between Russia and Sweden from 1808 to 1809. In 1812, he joined the fleet to fight against Napoleon Human aggression. At the age of 24, he was promoted to captain and commanded the small ketch "Undead Bird" to transport landing troops to land successfully in the Danzig area of the Baltic Sea.

Three round the world voyages

Single ship voyage around the world from 1813 to 1815
The first round the world voyage : Served in 1813“ Suvorov ”Captain, the ship left on October 9, 1813 Kronstad , with the help of thick fog and strong wind, it successfully broke through the Danish Strait blocked by the French and Danish allied forces and reached Britain safely Plymouth Port. After three months' rest, on February 27, 1814, the ship headed south again, and two weeks later, it was close to the Portuguese colony off the coast of Africa Madeira Islands , crossed the equator on April 2, arrived in South America on April 21, the refuge of the Portuguese royal family, a colonial city Rio de Janeiro , left Rio de Janeiro on May 24, crossed the Atlantic again by the strong east wind, sailed across the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, kept crossing the Indian Ocean, and arrived at the British colony on August 14 Australia Of Sydney In Hong Kong, we know that Napoleon, the monster of Corsica, the sworn enemy of the Russian nation, has been defeated from the devastating artillery fire. When crossing the Pacific Ocean on September 28, we found an annular coral island covered with bushes and trees that was not marked on the map, so it was named Suvorov Island; After the expedition, continue to move north and cross the equator on October 10. Arrived in November when it was still a Russian territory Alaska , met with the head of the local Russian American company, visited the Aleutian Islands at the end of the year and purchased furs. In July 1815, Lazarev transferred the supply port from the United States San Francisco go to Peru Coastal Kayao Hong Kong, spent three months in this city, enough to make him understand the local customs. Then go south and pass cautiously Drake Strait and Cape Horn He turned to the northeast and repaired the damage caused by the storm on the outer island of Rio. On June 8, 1816, he arrived at the British coast. Five weeks later, he returned to his home port of Kronstad. After nearly three years, he completed his first single ship voyage around the world.
Explore the South Pole: In March 1819, Lazarev was appointed captain of the small cruise ship "Peace", and Belins Gogin The vice captain of Russia's first Antarctic expedition led by him personally recruited sailors and participated in the improvement of ships, which highlighted Lazarev's level as a shipbuilding expert in the storm near the Antarctic. On January 28, 1820, the expedition team saw the existence of the Antarctic ice field near the Antarctic coast at coordinates 69 ° 21'28 "2 ° 14'50". According to Russia, the Antarctic continent was first discovered by the expedition. At this time his rank was promoted to major.
Round the world voyage again: In 1822, in order to protect the interests of the Alaskan coast and prohibit American smugglers, it was decided to send warships to the Alaskan coast again. On August 17, 1822, as the captain of the cruise ship "Ocean Cruiser", Lazarev left his home port of Kalongstad again for an expedition. The violent storm forced Lazarev to stop at Portsmouth. Only in November was it possible to leave the port and sail to the Brazilian coast via the Canary Islands. The weather was still sunny when leaving Rio de Janeiro, but soon a hurricane rose in the sea, and a tropical storm began, accompanied by snow Only in mid May 1823 did the cruiser arrive Tasmania 。 . Then Lazaret led the frigate to Tahiti stay Tahiti Razalev's Cruiser Met his brother as captain Ladoga Lake But they had their own tasks. The Radoga was going to Kamchatka Peninsula, and the cruiser was going to Alaska.
It took about a year for the cruiser to protect smugglers in Russia's territorial waters off the northwest coast of the United States It withstood the hurricane in the unpredictable Pacific Ocean. On August 5, 1825, he returned to Kronstadrid. For Lazarev's outstanding performance, the Russian Navy Ministry offered commendation, but the captain insisted that the award could not be just for him, because it included all his crew members. Otherwise, he refused to accept the award.

Battle of Navarino

Lazarev has participated in sea battles for many times in his life, and his most outstanding achievements are Battle of Navarino In 1826, Russia sent Rear Admiral Hayden (Dutchman, later promoted to Russian admiral) The Russian sub fleet under his command went to the Mediterranean Sea, and Lazarev was appointed as the chief of staff of the sub fleet and the captain of the flagship Yasu to participate in the Navarino sea battle. Under his command, the Yasu has made remarkable achievements.
During the period from 1821 to 1829, Greece fought against Turkish rule and for national independence. Britain, France and Russia signed a convention in London in 1827, requiring Turkey to grant autonomy to Greece, which was rejected by Turkey. So the three countries formed an armed mediation fleet of the United Alliance, led by British Navy Lieutenant Edward Codlington. The Allied armed mediation fleet was assembled on Zachinsos Island in the Ionian Sea in October 1827, Russian calendar. Its force structure is: three British battleships, four cruise ships, five light cruise ships, three French battleships, three cruise ships, two light cruise ships, four Russian battleships, four light cruise ships. The fleet has a total of 1276 guns.
Egypt supports Turkey and forms a joint fleet with Turkey. There are 3 battleships, 23 cruise ships, nearly 40 light cruise ships, some brigades and 5 fire attack ships. There are about 2200 guns in total and 165 shore guns in the harbor.
After the ships of the two countries entered Navarino Bay in the southwest of the Peloponnese Peninsula, they were anchored in a horseshoe array, so that the gunfire on the side of each ship could block the population in the bay.
The mediation fleet of the British, French and Russian allies intended to use the method of showing strength to force the Ethiopian Turkish fleet to accept the requirements of the allied fleet. On October 20, Collingwood commanded the Allied fleet to sail into Navarino Bay. In the face of the Ethiopian Turkish fleet, the occupied positions had been deployed. At the same time, an Egyptian light cruiser also shot at the French flagship, and then the Turkish army killed the second military envoy sent to the flagship of the Egyptian Turkish fleet, which led to the naval battle between the Allied fleet that was originally to carry out mediation missions and the Egyptian Turkish fleet.
The sea battle lasted for 4 hours. Although the Ethiopian Turkish fleet had an advantage in artillery, the fighting quality of the participants was far lower than that of the Allied fleet. The whole battle was one-sided. Eventually, the Ethiopian Turkish fleet was annihilated in the bay, losing more than 60 ships and killing and injuring more than 7000 people. Many ships in the Allied fleet were also damaged but did not sink, with more than 800 casualties.
In the battle, the Russian sub fleet fought bravely and tactfully. The "Yasu", commanded by Colonel Lazalev, the pioneer ship, sank five enemy ships surrounding itself, including the warship of the enemy fleet commander. In order to commend the achievements of "Yasu", the ship became the first ship in the Russian navy to obtain the glorious "George's Tail Flag" and "Long Diao". The czar also specially ordered that the Black Sea Fleet must always maintain a ship called "Memorial Yasu", which was the most brilliant naval battle in which Lazarev participated. Under his command, those who participated in the war on the Yasu Pavel Stepanovich Nashimov Lieutenant Vladimir Alexeyevich Kornilov Second Lieutenant and Probationary Officer Istomine Later, they became famous Russian naval generals.
1828-1829 Russo-Turkish wars He served as the chief of staff of the Russian sub fleet and participated in the Dardanelles Strait Blocking of. After the conclusion of the Treaty of Adrianburg, he led a sub fleet of 10 warships to sail around Europe for one week and returned in the spring of 1830 Kronstad From 1830 to 1831, he served as the commander of the Baltic Fleet. In 1832, he served as the Chief of Staff of the Black Sea Fleet. From February to June 1833, he led a sub fleet to carry out the Russian fleet's expedition to the Bosporus Strait (1833), which led to the conclusion of the Treaty of Wenkar Iskellesi (1833).

Military modernization

From 1833 to 1851, he served as the commander in chief of the Black Sea fleet and ports on the Black Sea Sevastopol And Nikolayev Of the army. Commanding the Black Sea fleet was a real big change for him. He introduced a new training mechanism. He was recruited into the Russian Geographical Society and the Maritime Geographical Society for the establishment of a new school for young sailors, the reconstruction of the marine library, the collection of hydrological and technical information from various countries, and the regular evaluation. During the 18 years of commanding the Black Sea fleet, the shipyards of the Black Sea have built 10 battleships and 150 other ships, built the first batch of iron clad warships, and put steam cruise ships into service in the Russian navy fleet. Some warships are equipped with explosives. Sevastopol built docks, repair shops, coastal forts, and set up a military ship repair factory. As an outstanding expert of the navy, Lazarev knew that steam engines and the construction of iron hulled warships were becoming more and more important to the navy under the conditions at that time, so he tried to create a strong steam fleet. However, due to the backward economy and technology of serfdom Russia, this task could not be fully realized. Lazarev was awarded the rank of admiral in 1843, and died in Vienna in 1851, buried in Sevastopol. Those buried around his grave are his disciples Nasimov Alexander Kornilov Istomine Wait for the elite of the entire generation of Black Sea fleet.


Lazarev is a naval commander with excellent military ability and organizational ability. He holds a progressive view on the development of the navy; He has made great contributions to the theory and practice of naval learning and the construction of the Russian navy. He used advanced methods to train naval officers and men, and advocated that the fleet should always be prepared and actively fight; The subordinates are required to serve the motherland selflessly and be proficient in naval business. He set an example in performing his military duties and set an example for his subordinates in all aspects. He trained a large number of talented naval commanders and commanders. Nashimov, Kornilov, Istomin, Butakov and others have all been taught by Lazarev, and they have played an active role in the development of the Russian navy and its academic research.
The geographical exploration carried out by Lazarev, especially the discovery of the Antarctic continent together with Belinskogin, is of historical significance and a contribution to world science. A ring-shaped coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean Rosiyan Islands, a cape in the Amur estuary, a cape in the north of Unimark Island, an island in the Aral Sea, a bay and port in the Sea of Japan, etc., are named after them. A light cruiser of the old Russian Empire in 1914, a Sverdlov class cruiser in the 1950s, and a cruiser in 1990 Kirov class nuclear powered battle cruiser There are warships named after them. Especially Soviet astronomers Nicolas Stepan Chernik Discovered in 1978 asteroid 3660 was also named after him.