La Paz

Capital of Southern Baja California, Mexico
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La Paz yes Southern Baja California, Mexico The capital of Mexico, the fourth largest autonomous region of Mexico. The city has a total area of 20275 km2 (7828 sq mi) and a population of 219596 (2005). The food industry Fisheries Etc.
Chinese name
La Paz
Foreign name
La Paz [1]
Administrative Region Category
Southern Baja California, Mexico capital
20275 km²
climatic conditions
The climate of La Paz is dry, sunny, and the temperature is suitable. The annual average temperature is 23C-25C.
population size
219500 (2005)
Famous scenic spot
Colts Coast [1]

essential information

La Paz is a very beautiful city, which is located in Baja California Peninsula (Also called California Peninsula) Southern California was established as a quasi state in 1888 and became a state on September 24, 1974. La Paz, Mexico, is the capital city of Baja California. It can be inferred from the Neolithic frescoes found in the area that there were human beings living there as early as 10000 years ago. The Holy Spirit Island, located in the southeast of La Paz Bay, is very suitable for underwater activities such as diving and snorkeling, and is the most popular tourist area in this area. [1]

local customs and practices

Southern California
The beauty of Mount La Paz, the beauty of water, and the beauty of people "may be the most appropriate words to describe the beautiful scenery and folk customs of this city. La Paz, which means "the city of peace" in Spanish, is true, because the crime rate in this city is almost zero. La Paz is also known as the "friendly city" of Mexico, which is used to describe the honest, heroic, warm and hospitable locals. Walking on the streets, you will find that it is a common thing for strangers to greet each other. Even with the barrier of language, a friendly smile will become the most tacit dialogue. People here drive politely and let passers-by go first is an unwritten rule. When taking a taxi, as long as the tourists are interested, the driver must be "full of words". The irresistible residential charm released by La Paz has attracted many foreigners to choose to buy houses and live for the elderly here. The diversified cultural characteristics have also cast La Paz's open and tolerant urban character.

Practice environmental protection

The meticulous people of La Paz also inject the beautiful "notes" into the conscious environmental protection concept. In La Paz, no one spits everywhere, and no one litters the wide sea. Two seals and turtles can be seen less than 100 meters apart Classified trash can , marked with the words of organic and inorganic recycling, the local people know how to take the initiative to classify garbage and domestic waste, so that the environmental protection department can turn waste into treasure and recycle after recycling. Faced with the unlimited expansion of desertification, smart Rabas are also changing their ideas from "conquering nature" to "fearing nature". While reducing excessive demands on nature, they are actively exploring the development of desert water-saving planting industry, focusing on expanding vegetation coverage, and putting more "green clothes" on barren sandy land.
When night falls, the moon is in the sky, and the sea breeze is blowing gently. Walking along the Palm Avenue on the Bund of La Paz, I saw the lights of all the houses in the city flickering faintly, the air was filled with romantic Latin music, and from time to time there were bursts of happy songs and laughter. At this time, I closed my eyes, and the somewhat reckless and impulsive heart was becoming calm and stable, as if a feeling of first love that I had known before... (selected from People's Daily, Southern California, Mexico)

geographical position

To the south of La Paz, the altitude drops to 250 meters. The east slope of the mountain is steep. Narrow coastal plain; The west slope is gentle and the plain is wide. The coast is winding and there are many islands. Most of them are 500~1500m above sea level, and the terrain is high in the north and low in the south Subtropical climate The annual precipitation is less than 250 mm, and even less than 100 mm on the east bank, making it one of the driest and hottest areas in China. The climate is pleasant, the whole year is sunny, and the annual average temperature is 23 ° C-25 ° C, which is suitable for tourism. [1]