Counter-Japanese National United Front

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All anti Japanese political forces except the capitulators after the Xi'an Incident
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The Anti Japanese National United Front is the line and strategy formulated by the Communist Party of China to unite all anti Japanese forces of all ethnic groups in the country and defeat the Japanese aggressors.
The Anti Japanese National United Front was initially formed in 1936 through the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party after the Double Twelfth Incident (Xi'an Incident) when Japan launched the war of aggression against China in 1931, which resulted in the loss of a large area of Chinese land, the crisis in North China and the crisis of the Chinese nation.
After the "Lugouqiao Incident" in 1937, the national war of resistance against Japan finally broke out. Not only farmers, workers Revolutionary intellectuals [3] The urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie also include all political forces except the traitors, big landlords and big bourgeoisie capitulators. In 1937, the Anti Japanese National United Front was formally formed when the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.
On September 22, 1937, the Kuomintang Central News Agency issued the "Declaration of the CPC Central Committee on the Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China". On the 23rd, Chiang Kai shek issued a talk about actually recognizing the legitimate status of the Communist Party, marking the formal formation of the anti Japanese national united front based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. [1]
Chinese name
Counter-Japanese National United Front
Initial formation stage
Formal formation time
A Reliable Guarantee for the Victory of China's Anti Japanese War



External causes

The barbaric aggression of Japanese imperialism has put the Chinese nation at a critical juncture of life and death, National contradiction It is the main contradiction. Under these circumstances, the key to defeating Japanese imperialism is whether we can unite the people of all ethnic groups, classes and strata to form a broad anti Japanese national united front and achieve national resistance. [4]

Internal causes

The Communist Party of China took the overall situation into consideration, put national interests first, and ignored past grievances. It advocated and promoted the second Kuomintang Communist cooperation, which ultimately led to the establishment of the anti Japanese national united front and laid a solid political foundation for the victory of the anti Japanese war.

historical background

After the September 18th Incident in 1931, when Japan invaded and occupied Northeast China, the Communist Party of China made long-term and unremitting efforts to establish an anti Japanese national united front based on Kuomintang Communist cooperation. In January 1933, the Communist Party of China issued a declaration, putting forward for the first time that the Red Army was ready to conclude an agreement with any armed forces to fight against Japan under three conditions. The three conditions are:
(1) Immediately stop attacking the Soviet area;
2) Immediately ensure the democratic rights of the people;
(3) Armed people immediately created armed volunteers
Anti Japanese National United Front (march)
On August 1, 1935, the Communist Party of China also issued the Letter of Appeal to All Compatriots for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation (that is August 1 Declaration ), once again made it clear that as long as the Kuomintang army stopped attacking the Soviet area and carried out war against Japan, the Red Army was willing to work with it immediately to save the country together. The declaration recommends that all parties, organizations, celebrities, scholars, politicians and local military and political organs willing to participate in the cause of resistance to Japan and national salvation negotiate to jointly prepare the national defense government and the anti Japanese coalition army, and calls on all parties and armies to first stop the civil war so as to concentrate all national strength to fight for the sacred cause of resistance to Japan and national salvation. In December 1935, the CPC Central Committee Wayao Castle convene the Political Bureau Expanded meetings. The meeting formally established the general line of the CPC on the strategy of establishing an anti Japanese national united front in theory and policy, and proposed that "the task of the Party is to combine the activities of the Red Army with all the activities of the workers, farmers, students, urban petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie in the country to become a unified national revolutionary front".
Anti Japanese National United Front (precious group photo of Kuomintang and Communist Party)
Wayaobao Conference Later, the Communist Party actively promoted one two nine After the student movement, the rising tide of the anti Japanese and national salvation movement among the people of the country, on the other hand, try to publicize the Communist Party's anti Japanese ideas to the top leaders of the Kuomintang and military generals. On May 5, 1936, the Communist Party of China issued a letter to the Kuomintang government Armistice, Peace and Solidarity Against Japan To turn the "anti Japanese and anti Chiang" policy into“ Force Chiang Kai shek to resist Japan ”Policy. On August 25, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China publicly released the Letter of the Communist Party of China to the Kuomintang, in which it once again called for the cessation of the civil war and the establishment of the anti Japanese national united front. On December 12, 1936, Xi'an Incident After the outbreak, the Communist Party of China quickly determined the policy of peaceful settlement, and should placed under house arrest Yang Hucheng 's invitation, send Zhou Enlai Ye Jianying They went to Xi'an to negotiate, forcing Chiang Kai shek to accept six conditions, including stopping the civil war and joining the Communist Party to resist Japan. In order to promote the realization of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called again on February 10, 1937 The Third Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang , put forward five requirements: stop the civil war and unite with the outside world; Guarantee freedom of speech, assembly and association, and release all political prisoners; Convene a conference of representatives of all parties, factions, walks of life and armies to gather talents from all over the country and jointly save the country; Quickly complete all preparations for the war against Japan; Improve people's lives. At the same time, four guarantees are put forward: if the Kuomintang makes the above five requirements a national policy, the Communist Party is willing to guarantee to stop the policy of overthrowing the Kuomintang government by force; The government of workers and peasants was renamed as the Special Zone Government of the Republic of China, and the Red Army was renamed as the National Revolutionary Army The SEZ implements a thorough democratic system; Stop the policy of confiscating land from landlords. Representative of the Communist Party of China from mid February to mid July 1937 Zhou Enlai Qin Bangxian (Bogu) Ye Jianying Linbo Canal And Chiang Kai shek, the representative of the Kuomintang better known as TV Soong Gu Zhutong held many negotiations on Kuomintang Communist cooperation against Japan in Xi'an, Hangzhou and Lushan. However, because the Kuomintang insisted on canceling the independence of the Communist Party, the Red Army and the revolutionary base areas, the two sides did not reach an agreement. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese invaders moved to the southwest of Peiping Lugou Bridge Launched an attack that shocked the Chinese and foreign July 7th Incident On the second day of the July 7th Incident, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a telegram calling on all Chinese soldiers and civilians to unite and resist Japanese aggression.
Establish the Anti Japanese National United Front with Yan Xishan
On July 15, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Chiang Kai shek The Declaration puts forward three basic requirements, namely, launching the national war of resistance, implementing democratic politics and improving people's lives, and reaffirms the four guarantees of the Communist Party of China for realizing Kuomintang Communist cooperation. On the 17th, representatives of the Communist Party of China Zhou Enlai They continued negotiations with Chiang Kai shek in Lushan. On the same day, Chiang Kai shek made a speech about preparing for the war of resistance. On August 13, 1937, the Japanese army attacked Shanghai on a large scale (August 13 Incident), threatening to destroy China in three months. As the center of Kuomintang rule was directly threatened, the National Government issued Declaration of Self Defense and Anti Japanese War In mid August, Zhou Enlai, representative of the CPC Zhu De Ye Jianying The fifth negotiation was held in Nanjing with Chiang Kai shek and others on the issue of the Communist Party declaration and the reorganization of the Red Army. Chiang Kai shek was forced to agree to transform the Central Red Army in northern Shaanxi into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army (the Eighth Route Army for short).
In August 1937, the CPC Central Committee was in northern Shaanxi Luochuan convene the Political Bureau The enlarged meeting was adopted《 Ten major programs for resisting Japan and saving the nation 》And put forward the idea of winning the War of Resistance total resistance Route. On August 25, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China issued an order to reorganize the Central Red Army into the Eighth Route Army, and appointed Zhu De outstanding Communist military leader As the chief commander and deputy commander in chief, he went to the anti Japanese front line in North China. In October, the Red Army guerrillas in 13 southern regions were reorganized into the new Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army The New Fourth Army ), Appointment Ye Ting As the military commander, Xiang Ying Zhang Yunyi, deputy military commander and chief of staff, went to Central China to fight the Japanese front line. At the urging of the Communist Party, on September 22, the Kuomintang Central News Agency Published《 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the declaration of Kuomintang Communist cooperation 》。 On the 23rd, Chiang Kai shek made a speech, actually recognizing the legitimate status of the Communist Party. So far, the Anti Japanese National United Front has been formally formed, The Second KMT CPC Cooperation Start.



General policy

The general policy of the CPC's strategy for the anti Japanese national united front is to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the stubborn forces. Mao Zedong Regard the united front as equal to the Party and the army and achieve revolutionary victory Three magic weapons He said: "It should be noted that Chinese society is a society with two small ends and a large middle class. If the Communist Party cannot win over the masses of the middle class and make them fit for their own needs, it will not solve China's problems." He also said: "In China, this kind of middle force has great power, and can often become our partner Die hards The factors that determine the outcome of the struggle, so we must take a very cautious attitude towards them. "

progressive forces

Progressive forces refer to workers, peasants Revolutionary intellectuals [3] And the urban petty bourgeoisie. They are the foundation of the united front, and the resistance to Japan mainly depends on strength. In order to develop the progressive forces, the Communist Party of China broke through the restrictions of the Kuomintang, widely mobilized the people, mainly the peasants, to develop revolutionary armed forces and open up and expand anti Japanese base areas. This has created conditions for preventing the reversal of the situation, capitulation and division, and laid the foundation for persevering in the War of Resistance and striving for victory in the War of Resistance.

Middle forces

The middle forces mainly refer to the national bourgeoisie Democratic parties, some local power groups and other patriotic elements [3] In order to win over the middle forces, Mao Zedong pointed out that we need three conditions: first, "we have sufficient strength"; Second, "respect their interests"; Third, "we will fight resolutely against the die hards and win step by step". With the efforts of the Communist Party of China, during the Anti Japanese War Democratic parties Among people without party affiliation and other middle forces, more and more people have relatively close ties with the Communist Party of China and are increasingly closer to the Party politically.
The role of the middle forces The First Revolutionary Civil War After the defeat, one of the left leaders of the Chinese Kuomintang Deng Yanda Take for example. On the one hand, he opposed Chiang Kai shek intimate of Sun Yat-sen The dictatorship of the big landlord and big bourgeoisie established in Nanjing; On the other hand, they also disapprove of the leadership of the Communist Party of China soviet Sports; The proposition of establishing a bourgeois republic in China is the most obvious manifestation of the view of the middle line in China. Deng Yanda organized the Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, which is composed of middle and senior intellectuals in the fields of medicine, health, science and technology, culture and education in China and has the characteristics of political alliance Provisional Action Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang It evolved in 1947. In the struggle against civil war, hunger and persecution, China Democratic Alliance (It is also a representative political organization of the middle forces) Li Gongpu Wen Yiduo Du Bincheng Yang Bokai He and Yu Bangqi were killed by Chiang Kai shek's agents; Those who served as the chairman of the Central Committee of the NLD are all very prestigious figures in the intellectual world, including Huang Yanpei, Zhang Lan Shen Junru Shi Liang Hu Yuzhi Chutunan Fei Xiaotong
Why did the 1927 Revolution fail all of a sudden? It is because the majority of the middle forces favor the Kuomintang. Only after the rise of resistance against Japan did fundamental changes take place. The characteristics of the middle forces are vacillation and constant differentiation. As a result, most of them sided with the Communist Party and the Kuomintang, but few of them did.

die-hard force

The obstinate forces are those represented by Chiang Kai shek The British and American big landlords and big bourgeoisie in the Kuomintang [3] They adopted a two-sided policy, advocating unity against Japan, limiting, dissolving and opposing the Communist Party, and destroying the progressive forces. Accordingly, the Communist Party of China treats it with a policy of both union and struggle. The Party put forward the slogan of "persisting in the war of resistance, opposing capitulation, persisting in unity, opposing division, persisting in progress, and opposing retrogression". In the struggle against the die hards, the Party adhered to the principles of justice, advantage, and discipline, which not only effectively beat back the three anti Communist upsurges launched by the Kuomintang, but also continued to maintain the situation of Kuomintang Communist cooperation and joint resistance to Japan.

Adhere to principles

critical factor
The key to China's complete victory in the War of Resistance against Japan lies in the formation and basic adherence to the anti Japanese national united front with Kuomintang Communist cooperation as its main content. To sum up the experience of the united front in this period, we have mainly adhered to four principles:
seek common ground while reserving differences
Anti Japanese National United Front (call meeting)
be in Semi colonial and semi feudal society If China wants to defeat Japan at the imperialist stage with its weak comprehensive national strength, it must practice great national unity and unity and establish a united front dominated by the two major military and political forces of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang are completely different in class basis and nature, especially The first KMT Communist cooperation After the breakdown, the Kuomintang, under the guidance of its counter revolutionary massacre policy of "killing a thousand by mistake, not letting one go", killed countless Communists. The two parties are in a state of abhorrent hatred. But when difficulties are at the head and the nation is in danger, the Communist Party of China, with a broad mind, abandons past grievances, and proceeding from the overall situation of the country and the nation, proposes to cooperate with the Kuomintang for the second time and establish an anti Japanese national united front. In order to win over the Chiang Kai shek government's resistance to Japan and seek common ground in the fight against Japan, the Communist Party of China, adhering to the principle of independence, made concessions on many non principle issues. Experience tells us that the united front must persist in seeking common ground while reserving minor differences; As long as the interests of the country and the nation are the priority of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, no matter how deep the past grievances, they can be united under the big goal.
Both unified and independent
In order to resist Japan, the Communist Party of China must establish a united front with the Kuomintang; The bloody lesson of the first Kuomintang Communist cooperation and the revolutionary program of the Communists require that we adhere to the principle of independence in the united front. The Kuomintang is the ruling party, and its established policy towards the Communist Party is to limit it so as to eliminate it. If we want to unite with the Kuomintang in everything and obtain its consent, we can only tie our hands and feet and surrender to the Kuomintang in an all-round way. Under the correct leadership of Mao Zedong, the Communist Party of China not only formulated the correct line and guidelines for the second Kuomintang Communist cooperation, but also put forward many policies and strategies to deal with problems arising from cooperation in a timely manner, so that the united front can be maintained, the victory of the Anti Japanese War can be won, and the revolutionary and advanced nature of the Communist Party of China can be maintained, "Opened a new era in the history of Chinese revolution".
United and struggling
Headed by Chiang Kai shek Anglo American school The big bourgeoisie is a power and influence faction in the Kuomintang government, but it is also an anti Communist die hard. To establish an anti Japanese united front, we must unite with them; In order to maintain the independence of the Communist Party, we must resolutely fight against their stubborn anti Communist acts, and in the struggle we must not forget the grand goal of united resistance against Japan. To this end, the Communist Party of China has adopted the principles of justice, advantage and discipline in the struggle of the die hards. Because the Communist Party of China has adopted the strategy of combining and fighting against the die hards, although the Chiang Kai shek government has engaged in many frictions and set off three anti Communist upsurges in eight years, it has not launched a comprehensive civil war and has not withdrawn from the anti Japanese united front.
Adhere to the combination of relying on our own strength and striving for foreign aid
Since the outbreak of the Japanese war of aggression against China, the Communist Party of China has repeatedly made it clear that defeating Japanese imperialism in China mainly depends on China's anti Japanese united front, on the strength of the people of the whole country, but also seeks the assistance of international anti fascist countries and people.
Influence of principle establishment
It is precisely because the Chinese people's war of resistance is based on their own strength that they can persist under the crazy attack of the powerful Japanese imperialism Fourteen Years of Anti Japanese War [2] China has not been subjugated, which is the result of the Chinese people's self-reliance and hard struggle. Of course, we have also received international assistance. Sino-Japanese hostilities Shortly after the outbreak, the Communist International issued the Declaration on the International Proletariat, calling on all means to assist the Chinese people in the war of resistance. The Soviet government gave China a large number of arms loans to support more than 1000 Chinese aircraft, Aviation personnel More than 2000 people. The Communist Party of Japan has repeatedly called on the Japanese people to "not send a single soldier to China!" The leader of the Communist Party of Japan, Okano Jin, came to China in person to organize the international anti fascist united front and anti war propaganda with the Communist Party of China. Dr. Bethune of Canada, Dr. Kelihua of India, and the American writer Smedley came to China voluntarily to participate in the War of Resistance. Even the United Kingdom, the United States, France and other countries, because of their opposition to Japan's monopoly of China, also hope that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperate to resist Japan. When China's Anti Japanese War reached the stage of counter offensive, the Soviet Union sent millions of troops to the Northeast, thus accelerating the process of Japan's failure and making China win the War of Resistance against Japan completely. This is the result of the combination of the Chinese Anti Japanese National United Front and the International Anti Fascist United Front. It is also a great victory for the Communist Party of China to adhere to the principle of relying on its own strength and striving for foreign aid.

historical significance

Inscription of Chairman Mao
On July 7, 1937, Lugouqiao Incident The Japanese invaders launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. On July 8, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) electrified the whole country, calling for Kuomintang Communist cooperation and national unity to establish National united front To resist Japanese aggression. Under the promotion of the Communist Party of China, the anti Japanese national united front based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was formally formed. In August and October of the same year, the main forces of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi and the Red Army and guerrillas in the south were reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army (referred to as the Eighth Route Army for short) and The New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army (New Fourth Army for short). During the 14 year War of Resistance Against Japan, the Communist Party of China has adhered to the Principle of independence And relying on the overall anti Japanese line of the broad masses of the people, we have implemented the strategic policy of a protracted war and opened up a broad range of Battlefield behind enemy lines , established the enemy rear Anti Japanese Democratic Base Area , have been beaten back Kuomintang diehards Three anti Communist upsurges launched. The Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and other people's anti Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the Party carried out the arduous anti Japanese guerrilla war behind the enemy lines and carried out the famous Battle of Ping Xingguan and Hundred Regiments Battle And waited more than 125000 times to fight against the enemy. Under the banner of the Anti Japanese National United Front, the Communist Party of China has become the mainstay of resistance against Japanese imperialist aggression. The people's revolutionary force led by the Party has grown unprecedentedly in the Anti Japanese War and has become the fundamental force determining China's political future. In August 1945, Japanese imperialism announced its unconditional surrender, and the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan won a great victory.
In the anti Japanese national united front, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the principle of independence and autonomy, ensured the proletariat's political leadership in the united front, and insisted on unleashing the masses, launching guerrilla warfare behind the enemy, expanding the anti Japanese people's armed forces and anti Japanese base areas, and establishing them in the base areas“ Three three system ”Political power, that is, in terms of the distribution of political power personnel, the Communist Party members (representing the working class and poor peasants) Leftist progressives( On behalf of the petty bourgeoisie) Intermediate molecule And other elements (representing the middle class and enlightened gentry) account for roughly one third each. In response to the Kuomintang's negative anti Japanese and active anti Communist policies, the Communist Party of China has adopted the general policy of "developing the progressive forces, striving for the middle forces, and isolating the stubborn forces", and implemented the policy of "unity and struggle, and unity through struggle" Die hards In the struggle, we adhered to the principle of "being reasonable, beneficial and prudent", thus overcoming the anti Communist friction created by the Kuomintang authorities, developing and expanding the people's anti Japanese forces, consolidating and expanding the anti Japanese national united front, and ensuring the victory of the war of resistance against Japan.