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Anti interference capability

Psychological terminology
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Capacity of resisting disturbance refers to the level of attention self-control of individuals. The important factors of individual psychological activities directly determine the effect of individual control behavior. It belongs to the category of intentional attention, which can only be realized through individual self-control, and is not spontaneous or hereditary. It is proportional to the concentration level of attention. It includes internal resistance and external resistance. Most of the interference factors of the former come from within, and most introverts have this ability; Most of the latter interference factors come from external stimuli, and most extroverts have this ability. Excellent athletes have both of these abilities, but they also focus on different sports. It can be assessed by measuring the concentration, stability, tension and depth of attention. [1]
Chinese name
Anti interference capability
Foreign name
capacity of resisting disturbarice
Interference refers to internal or external factors that adversely affect the normal operation of the system. In a broad sense, the interference factors of electromechanical integration system include electromagnetic interference, temperature interference, humidity interference, acoustic interference, vibration interference, etc. Among many interferences, electromagnetic interference is the most common and has the greatest impact on the control system, while other interference factors can be easily solved by some physical methods. This section focuses on electromagnetic interference.