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Jan Ullrich

German former professional cyclist
Jan Ullrich (December 2, 1973 ---) is a retired German career Bicycle exercise Member. Born in Democratic Germany Rostock , a landmark figure in the bicycle industry. In July 1997, he obtained Tour de France He became the "first person" in Germany to win this honor and was elected as the German sports teacher in that year. 2000 Sydney Olympic Games On, he got a man again Road Cycling Race The champion of. In addition, he won the second place, the third place and the fourth place in the Tour de France five times. He also got Cycling Road Amateur world champion, twice Time trial World champions and. In 2002, due to the use of prohibited drugs cover International Cycling Union Suspended for 6 months, involved again in 2006 analeptic Scandal, announced retirement on February 26, 2007.
Chinese name
Jan Ullrich
Foreign name
Jan Ullrich
one's native heath
Stoke, Germany
date of birth
December 2, 1973
sport event
Professional cyclist
Sports team
major awards
Tour de France Cycling Champion, Sydney Cycling Champion
Important events
Banned for 6 months in 2002, doping scandal in 2006

Early experience

As early as in his childhood, Jan Ulrich had contacted Bicycle exercise At the age of nine, he won his first school competition championship. In 1983, he used a borrowed car to wear Running shoes , won his first championship for his club Rostock Dynamo. In 1985, he won the championship again in a competition in Varneminde. He received training in sports cultivation in Democratic Germany. In 1986, when he was 13 years old, he received training in Democratic Germany Youth Games Champion, enter Berlin alternator sports club Youth Sports School.
In 1987, Ulrich won the student champion of Democratic Germany, and in 1988, the youth of Democratic Germany Road Cycling Race , 1990 Democratic Germany Youth Champion. After the merger of Germany and Germany, he moved to Hamburg with his coach. In 1993, 19 year old Ulrich Oslo Win the amateur road championship. A year later, for the first time, he Amateur athlete Third place in the Open Time World Championships. After this competition, he signed a contract with Team High Road and moved to South Baden with his girlfriend.

Sports career

In 1996, Ulrich participated for the first time Tour de France He won the first place in the last time trial Denmark The team member Biani Rees won the second place in the competition. In May 2007, Reese admitted that he won the championship of the competition "by using banned drugs in 1996". Jan Ulrich was also blamed for using illegal drugs, but he denied it. His critics believe that his denial is not credible because he has actually been confirmed to use illegal drugs in the drug scandal of Fuentes, but still denies it.
In 1997, Ulrich took part in the Tour de France as the assistant of the captain Rhys. stay Pyrenees He won the first place in the mountain road stage once Andorra Wearing the first yellow Athletic Wear The first lift in Germany caused a "Tour de France Crazy", France Sports magazine L'Equipe 》He published the headline "Voil à le Patron" and listed him in the first column of cycling, Italian newspapers Gazzetta dello Sport 》The next day, it was called "Ullrich il Kaiser" on the first edition. So far, Ullrich has this nickname in Italy. Then he won another stage. Finally, he became the first German to win the Tour de France. At the age of 23, he was also the youngest person to win the Tour de France.
His achievements made him the most popular athlete in Germany in a very short time. In 1997, he was elected the German sports teacher. But the next year he failed to meet the hopes placed on him.
In the spring of 1998, Ulrich was quite weak, weak, overweight, sick and injured. But in the 1998 Tour de France, he won the second place, Marco Pantani won the first place, and Ulrich won three stage races. A year later, he failed to participate in the Tour de France due to a fall in the Tour de Germany. But at the end of the year he won Tour of Spain And time trial world champion.
In 2000, Ulrich first met with Lance Armstrong The result of the fight was defeated by Armstrong and won the second place. A few weeks after the Tour de France, he Sydney Of Summer Olympic Games He won the championship of road race and runner up of time trial, both ahead of Armstrong. After these achievements, Ulrich became the first German to rank first in the world bicycle ranking.
In 2001, Ulrich was defeated by Armstrong again in the Tour de France and won the runner up. In the autumn of the same year, he won the time trial world championship again.
In the spring of 2002, Ulrich Freiburg Drunken Driving led to an accident. A few weeks later, he was confirmed to have used stimulants in a recovery hospital. Ulrich explained that it was because he took an unknown "pill" in disco. He was banned from the competition for six months.
He moved in the same year Boden Lake Switzerland on the other side. He transferred to the German team Team Coast with his coach Rudy Pevnach. However, in the spring of 2003, the team suffered from economic difficulties and was twice International Cycling Federation Cancel. Finally, Pavnacci persuaded the Italian bicycle manufacturer Bianchi Accept this team.
Ulrich saluted the audience before the 2003 Tour de France [1]
Around Desai and Tour of Switzerland Good results were achieved in Upper Ulrich. Then he took part in the Tour de France for the sixth time. At first he was food poisoning Poor performance, but can catch up gradually in the mountainous stage. On July 18, 2003, he won the first place in the 12th stage, more than a minute and a half faster than Armstrong. This was the first time since 1998 that he won the first place again in the Tour de France. Until the end, he was always hopeful of winning the first place, but finally Armstrong won and became the champion for the fifth time. Although Ulrich fell in the time trial, he finally won the runner up for the fifth time, 1 minute and 1 second slower than Armstrong.
In the Tour de France, Armstrong once fell off his car. Ulrich did not take advantage of this opportunity, but slowed down his speed and waited until Armstrong caught up. Therefore, he was awarded the medal of fair competition by the German Olympic Association.
In December 2003, Ulrich was again elected as the German sports teacher by German sports journalists.
In 2004, Ulrich signed a contract with Team High Road. He won the second place in the first stage of the Tour de Germany, and ranked first in the mountain section. In June, he took part in the Tour de Switzerland for the eighth time and won the first time. In this competition, he also won the first place in the first and last time trial.
Ulrich from Belgium List I started to participate in the Tour de France, but I was 15 seconds behind Armstrong in the first stage. Two sections of Ulrich in the Pyrenees because cold We were five minutes behind, so we lost all hope of winning the championship. Although in the last week he The Alps In the remaining two time trials, he only lost to Armstrong, but in the end he only won the fourth place. This was his lowest result in the Tour de France so far.
He failed to maintain his championship position at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens. Paul Bettini won the championship. In time trial Jan Ullrich Only seventh place.
2005 Tour de France Ulrich (left) and Armstrong [2]
In the spring of 2005, Ulrich broke up with his girlfriend. He won the third place in the Tour of Switzerland. At the beginning of the Tour de France, Armstrong announced that he would retire afterwards, so this was Ulrich's last chance to catch up with Armstrong, but in the end he only won the third place. Armstrong and Ivan Basso They won the first and second place respectively. Ulrich was only 23 seconds slower than Armstrong in the last 55km time trial. So in the end, he thought the game was very successful for him.
On November 1, 2005, Ulrich began to prepare for the 2006 season. His goal was to win the Tour de France again. The first race he took part in in 2006 was the Tour de Romance due to another knee problem.
Since then, Ulrich has participated in the Tour de Italy. In the 11th stage, he won a time trial of more than 50 kilometers. In the 19th stage, he won a time trial of more than 50 kilometers because backache Give up. Then he took part in the Tour of Switzerland and won the first place in the final stage of going to Bern, which also won the whole race.
On June 26, 2006, five days before the Tour de France, there was another incident of doping abuse. The Spanish newspaper La Fatherland said that Ulrich was also involved. After meeting with Team High Road to discuss the accusation, the event organization announced that there was no basis for the accusation. But on the morning of June 30, Ulrich saw the police literature and the leader of the team decided not to let him participate in the Tour de France.
In 2007, Ulrich announced his retirement in Hamburg
On February 26, 2007, Jan Ulrich press conference He announced his retirement and denied taking stimulants: "I will end my career as a professional cyclist from now on. During my career as a cyclist, I have never cheated anyone. I was treated as a stubborn criminal, which made me discouraged." After that, he intended to act as a Austria Consultants, representatives and advertisers of the team. However, the team decided not to hire Ulrich for the time being due to the growing signs that Ulrich was involved in doping.

Career data

2006 Huanyi Sai Ulrich [3]
Champion of the 2006 Tour of Italy Time Section; Champion of the 2006 Tour of Switzerland, champion of 5 stages;
Champion of the 2004 Tour of Switzerland, champion of 5 stages;
Time trial champion of the 2001 World Championships;
Champion of German Road Race in 2001;
Gold medal in road race and silver medal in time trial of 2000 Olympic Games;
Third place in the time trial of the 1999 World Championships;
Champion of the 1999 Tour of Spain, champion of two stages;
1997 German road race champion;
1995 German Time Trial Champion;
Third place in the time trial of the 1994 World Championships;
The champion of the 1997 Tour de France, the runner up of the 1996, 1998, 2000-03 Tour de France, the third in 2005, and the fourth in 2004; Won 7 stage championships in total, and wore them in 18 stages yellow jersey

Technical characteristics

Ulrich in the game
Ulrich is one of the best long-distance cyclists of his generation. One of his characteristics is his persistent high efficiency during the long distance race. His specialty is time trial, in which he can often maintain his performance. He is the representative of powerful athletes, especially other powerful feet. He can maintain stable strength for a long time. Although his strong body makes him unfit for the mountain road, he can still compare with the strongest athletes on the mountain road.
The opportunity, ability and Training level Always very concerned. Many people criticized him for not being as strong and careful as Armstrong when preparing for the season.

Suspected of scandal

Before the 2006 Tour de France, Ulrich was suspected of involvement in Operaci ó n Puerto, and was dismissed by his employer Team High Road on July 20, 2006, and was disqualified from participating in the race. Ulrich's role in the doping scandal is still under investigation. Ulrich publicly denied using illegal drugs and means to improve his achievements. As evidence, he pointed out that his only positive test occurred in 2002. The positive test at that time is said to be because he took a tablet of leopard gall in a disco( ecstasy )Caused by. He was sealed for six months. But through DNA test, it can be doubtless confirmed that Ulrich's blood was found in the laboratory of Spanish stimulant doctor Ofemiano Fuentes.
Ulrich has always denied any involvement in the doping scandal. However, the documents proposed by the Spanish judiciary make Team High Road Leading organization I have to doubt whether his denial is credible. But so far there is no sign that Ulrich has met Fuentes. In addition, the Spanish judiciary said there was illegal use growth hormone Signs. But all these accusations have not been published or complained so far.
On July 20, 2006, the host company of Team High Road announced to terminate Ulrich's treaty because Ulrich failed to prove his innocence. Ulrich's lawyer said that Ulrich had no such obligation according to the contract. At that time, Ulrich announced on his website that he would continue his career and participate in the 2007 Tour de France. He said he would retire if he won. The decision of the Tour de Spain did not allow Ulrich to participate in the 2006 race.
At the end of August, Ulrich accepted the dismissal of the team because of a word from his manager. His manager said that even if his team took back the dismissal, Ulrich would not ride for his team again. But according to the contract, if he doesn't ride a bike, he has no reason to ask for salary. Ulrich withdrew from the Swiss Bicycle Association in October 2006, but this did not prevent him from legal consequence Ulrich asked whether they could join the Austrian Bicycle Association, but the Austrian Association said at its press conference that they "do not need other challenges and tasks in Ulrich". In addition, "the Austrian Bicycle Association did not make any invitation or request to Ulrich, and obtained permission or address in Austria."
On April 3, 2007, it was proved that the stored blood found in the laboratory of Fuentes passed Gene analysis It must be Ulrich's. The prosecutor's office in Bonn continues to investigate whether Ulrich "lied and caused losses to his former employer". Because there were many Team High Roads in the past Professional athlete Acknowledging the use of stimulants, international olympic committee In May 2007, it was decided to establish a punishment committee. The commission's mission is to investigate the past Olympic Games Doping use on. So it is possible that Ulrich will lose the gold medal he won in Sydney in 2000.

Character Gags

Exclusive interview contract
Ulrich and German Public Broadcasting Union An exclusive interview contract has been signed since 1999. Ulrich participated in the programs and interviews of the German Public Broadcasting Union, for which Ulrich received 195000 yuan every year euro , plus other bonuses, etc. For example, he can get 20000 euros at the first stage of each competition, and even 65000 euros at the first stage of the competition. In 2002, Ulrich analeptic The German Public Broadcasting Union rescinded the contract after it was banned due to its legitimacy. However, a new contract was reached on January 1, 2003. In 2006, due to Ulrich's involvement in the Fuentes doping scandal rescission of a contract
family life
Ulrich has a daughter with his ex girlfriend, who was born in 2003. He married in September 2006, had a son with his wife, and was born in August 2007.