Broom star

[sào zhǒu xīng]
Star official names in Chinese folklore
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The broom star is a Chinese folk legend that the star sweeper sweeps away. When he sees it, there will be war disaster or natural disaster. In modern times, people who will bring disasters or bad luck are slanders, mainly for women. Help King Wen Xingzhou Ginger Teeth Ma's wife (Ma asked Jiang Ziya to divorce herself, but Jiang Ziya hanged herself after he developed. So she can only be regarded as an ex-wife) Ma was named a "comet".
Chinese name
Broom star
Reason for its name
Drag later Long tail Named after
A person who will bring disaster or misfortune

content validity

Jiang Ziya on the Goddess Sealing Platform named Ma as a "broom star", and later generations all regarded Ma as a symbol of unlucky women.
2. Ancient numerologists believed that the iron broom was a bad star. It was most unlucky for a woman to commit an iron broom. The Kefu remarried and broke his family. According to the oral tradition of the old man, men's lives are the same as women's lives, and the iron broom is also unlucky.

Basic Zodiac

Men and women with the following zodiac signs commit iron brooms:
Shen (monkey) Zi (mouse) Chen (dragon): male born in the first month and female born in December
Hai (pig) Mao (rabbit) Wei (sheep): male born in February and female born in August
Yin (tiger) Wu (horse) Xu (dog): male born in April and female born in July
Si (snake) You (chicken) Ugly (cow): male born in June female born in September
Iron brooms also have good or bad news. Those who were born in the morning and committed crimes with the iron broom are sweeping out their wealth. The more they sweep out, the poorer they become. It is really unlucky; People born in the afternoon and evening, who commit an iron broom, sweep their external wealth at home, and become richer as they sweep away.
For women, committing an iron broom is a taboo of the husband's family. The old man said: When the woman gets married, she will gather enough "grain" at her parents' home, let the accompanying escort take it to her husband's gate and throw it on the ground. The groom will give the bride a new broom, let the bride sweep the "grain" into the courtyard, and then wrap it in red cloth and put it in her husband's cabinet to show the prosperity of the family.
Five grains, five different kinds of grains. For example: millet, rice, corn, wheat, sorghum, beans, etc.


Except when comets are far away from the sun, their long, bright and sparse tails give people the impression that comets are close to the earth, even within our atmosphere. In 1577, Tycho pointed out that comets did not show different directions when viewed from different places on the earth, so he correctly concluded that they must be far away. Whenever comets approach the sun, their brightness increases rapidly. Observation of comets far away from the sun shows that they move along a highly elongated ellipse, and the sun is at a focus of the ellipse, consistent with Kepler's first law. Most of the time comets travel far away from the sun, where they are invisible. They can only be seen when they are close to the sun. About 40 comets have a very short revolution period (less than 100 years), so they appear one after another as the same celestial body.


In 1066 AD, the eve of the Norman invasion of England coincided with the return of Halley's Comet. At that time, people looked at this strange celestial body with a long tail in the night sky with complex feelings, thinking it was a war warning and prediction given by God. Later, the Normans conquered England. The wife of Norman commander embroidered the scene of Halley's Comet's return on a tapestry to commemorate it. Chinese people refer to comets as "broomsticks" and "disaster stars". There are many things in Chinese and foreign history that link the appearance of comets with human wars, famines, floods, plagues and other disasters.
A typical comet consists of a nucleus, a coma and a tail. The nucleus of a comet is composed of relatively dense solid particles, and the cloud like brightness around it is the comet. The nucleus and hair of the comet are called the head of the comet, and the long tail behind it is called the tail of the comet. This broom shaped tail is not born, but is formed by the pressure of sunlight when approaching the sun, so it often extends away from the sun. The size of the comet, any planet in the solar system, can not be compared with the big comet. The famous Halley's comet has a diameter of 570000 kilometers. The largest comet on record has a diameter of 1.85 million kilometers. As for its length, the largest comet is hundreds of millions of kilometers from head to tail. Of course, there are many comets in space, but most of them are small comets.

Historical records

When introducing the modern solar system theory of western science in the book A Brief Introduction to Astronomy, the book wrote: "The science of astronomy has a long history, but the ancients all called the sky round and the place round." This "ancients" should include the Chinese, and "the sky round and the place" is obviously the traditional concept of China. When introducing comets, the book wrote that comets are strange stars, with a head and a tail. They are popularly called "broom stars" because of their shape. At the same time, words similar to "broom stars" include "broom men", "broom eyebrows", "broom heads", etc.

Related reports

Broom star
European Space Agency The successful launch of the Rosetta comet detector has attracted widespread attention. Comet is also called "broom star". Where is the "charm" that attracts people? What kind of comet does Rosetta want to observe? The comet to be detected by Rosetta is named Chuliumov Glasimenko, after the two former Soviet astronomers who discovered it in 1969. It is a comet orbiting the sun. The diameter of the comet nucleus is about 3 to 5 kilometers. It takes about 6 years and 6 months to fly around the sun.
It is estimated that after the comet reaches the nearest point about 500 million kilometers away from the sun, its frozen surface begins to evaporate, and the gas and dust diffused will form a long tail, which can extend tens of thousands of kilometers. When the comet is illuminated by the sun, the "broom" visible to the naked eye on the earth will appear.
Astronomers believe that comets are made up of materials in the early days of the solar system. Because of its extremely low temperature and in the extremely cold space of the universe, comets have almost always maintained their initial state of formation since the birth of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. The study of comets will help mankind to uncover the mystery of the formation of the solar system. Some comets may have foreign organic components, and millions of organic molecules together form polymers, which may form proteins necessary for life Deoxyribonucleic acid And RNA molecules. Therefore, as experts from the European Space Agency said, detecting comets can help to explain the origin of life on Earth.
In addition, Comet strikes the earth It will cause disasters, and the water on the earth may also come from comets. Therefore, the study of comets will also help reveal these mysteries that have puzzled mankind for a long time. By detecting the nature and composition of comets, we can also understand the physical properties and chemical composition of the sun.